
주석을 옮길 수 없음

문서를 편집하다 보면 주석을 옮겨야 하는 경우가 있는데 주석을 옮길 수 없습니다. 콩가루 (토론) 2013년 8월 18일 (일) 20:42 (KST)[답변]

Hi 콩가루 , editing/creating/moving hidden comments is now possible in VE. Please check and let us know? -- (토론) 2014년 12월 23일 (화) 06:05 (KST)[답변]


한글을 쓸려고 하면 아주 다른 칸으로 이동하고 기분을 입력할려고 해도 기깁분 등으로 이상하게 나옵니다. 그래서 조금 개선됬으면 합니다. dhnam0502 입니다. (토론) 2014년 3월 26일 (수) 00:05 (KST)

Hi dhnam0502 입니다. , not sure what your message is about. If this is a problem you still have, please describe it in English if you can? Thanks a lot, -- (토론) 2014년 12월 23일 (화) 06:05 (KST)[답변]

Translating and more explanation for Engligh, Text Above.
I have trouble writing Hangeul(한글). Letter does not written the way what I meant. For instance, '기분' types '기깁분'. This happens by Editor writing letter repeated. This mostly happen with Internet Explorer, and even Evernote Web have a similar problem with this.(For Evernote Web, problem is some different and is not a very big problem.)
If you know how Hangeul is made of, you would understand easily. But, I think most of Users of Other languages don't know. We write Hangeul one Letter with three components.
Three components makes different sound and meaning of the letter. Letter '한' is made of 'ㅎ','ㅏ',and 'ㄴ' There is also '하' made of 'ㅎ', and 'ㅏ'. We can also write just 'ㅎ', but it doesn't have any sounds or meaning. However, we write this for abbreviation or emoticon.
Therefore, you guys developing VIsual Editor for Hangeul should consider Three circumstances. One letter with three components, one letter with two components, and one letter with one component.
The problem of writing letter repeated is happen because of block of a letter. We write one letter in up to three components, so there made block and finishes writing.
There is vowel in the letter. we put vowel the second component of the letter. Computer recognizes every vowels.

Umm... give up explaining Hangeul. If you want to try to understand the Hangeul letter, try above deleted paragraphs. If you don't want to, just think a block is made with writing Hangeul and written repeatedly.
Maybe you can't solve this problem because it could be a problem of Internet Explorer. But I hope you can~!

Add Comment : I have problem only on Internet Explorer 11 and lastest Chrome and Firefox doesn't matter! --Alex00728 (토론기여총편집횟수기록이메일) 2015년 6월 18일 (목) 18:09 (KST)[답변]
Thank you for this translation Alex00728.
Concerning how hangeul is built, I know it: I've lived in Korea during 4 months and, after some people explained it to me I was quite able to read (phonetically) sign in the metro. :)
Typing hangeul in VisualEditor currently bugs, due to a IME issue. Internet Explorer is not the only one to have problems. And sometimes, some letters are "eaten". All this will be solved in the next months. There is also particular warnings concerning IE 10 and 11.
Is is possible for you to add a section on 위키백과:시각편집기 page in order to inform people about these known bugs?
And feel free to report any other bugs than these already known!
Many thanks, Trizek (WMF) (토론) 2015년 6월 18일 (목) 18:36 (KST), edited 2015년 6월 18일 (목) 18:50 (KST) :)[답변]
Most important part,IME Problem, had written. Other known issues are inserted as a link to English Wikipedia you've informed. --Alex00728 (토론기여총편집횟수기록이메일) 2015년 6월 18일 (목) 19:37 (KST)[답변]
Thank you! :)
Concerning IME, it will not be fixed in July but later. There is no schedule for the moment, but you can have information by subscribing Tech News newsletter. And we will sent you information when we will know more!
Trizek (WMF) (토론) 2015년 6월 18일 (목) 22:23 (KST)[답변]

Template variable name problem

@Trizek (WMF): Many templates in Korean Wikipedia, like 틀:본문, 틀:인용문, or 틀:다른 뜻 넘어온다, do not have variable names. But because of VE needs variable name, We could not edit this templates in VE (see history in 인천광역시).

And morely, I think that subpages of template (like 틀:본문/설명문서 / 틀:인용문/설명문서 should not emerge into template search windows in VE. - Ellif (토론) 2015년 7월 7일 (화) 12:43 (KST)[답변]

Hi Ellif, sorry for the delay in responding. I'm not sure what you mean by "variable names". All the templates need to be updated to include information called TemplateData, so that they can be used easily in VisualEditor. All the templates you mention do have TemplateData information on the English Wikipedia (1, 2, 3), so it is definitely possible to update them here as well, and I linked the related guide for your convenience. For your other request, I think that's what this task is about. Hope this helps, --Elitre (WMF) (토론) 2015년 8월 5일 (수) 22:03 (KST)[답변]
@Trizek (WMF): To make TemplateData into all template (including someone who will use VE in other wikies) will be make burdens for users, and makes people out of Mediawiki. This is not simple & effective & Good way, and this way should be WITHDRAWN. - Ellif (토론) 2015년 8월 8일 (토) 22:15 (KST)[답변]
Sorry Ellif, but I didn't get a notification when you pinged me. :/
Create templatedata for all templates is a long long process. I know, I've created many on French Wikipedia. But remember you just need to do it once, and 10% of templates are used 90% of time. It is possible to create a list of most used templates.
If I can help you in any way to create some templatedata, please contact me ! :) Trizek (WMF) (토론) 2015년 8월 28일 (금) 19:09 (KST)[답변]

문서 저장 문제

Internet Explorer 11에서 시각편집기로 편집한 문서가 저장되지 않는 문제가 있습니다. I can't save the document on Internet Explorer 11. Int hi kms42 (토론) 2015년 11월 14일 (토) 12:24 (KST)[답변]

Hey Int hi kms42, sorry for the delayed answer. Is this still happening? If so, can you link an article where this happens, and provide details about your operating system and Wikipedia skin? Thanks a lot, --Elitre (WMF) (토론) 2015년 12월 22일 (화) 04:30 (KST)[답변]

2 little demos today

As some of you may know, there has been a monthly showcase called "CREDIT" for some time now, on the first Wednesday of the month. So later today, among other things, you will be able to see demos of 2 interesting projects: multi-user editing in VisualEditor and the new VisualEditor source mode. You can learn more about the event here. best, Elitre (WMF) (토론) 2016년 12월 8일 (목) 01:35 (KST)[답변]

수정한 글자가 깨짐

사용자 에이전트: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; rv:11.0) like Gecko

URL: https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EC%95%84%EB%B2%A0_%EC%8B%A0%EC%A1%B0?action=edit (토론) 2016년 12월 23일 (금) 09:51 (KST)[답변]

Ctrl+V is not working

사용자 에이전트: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.88 Safari/537.36

URL: https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EC%9C%A4%EB%AF%BC%EC%84%9D?veaction=editsource

Ellif (토론) 2017년 3월 11일 (토) 21:34 (KST)

수정해서 넣었더니 자꾸 이상하게 한글 문장이 변질됩니다.

사용자 에이전트: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; InfoPath.2; MARKANYWEBDRM#25117; .NET4.0C; rv:11.0) like Gecko

URL: https://ko.wikipedia.org/w/undefined?action=edit (토론) 2017년 9월 19일 (화) 16:35 (KST)[답변]

Feedback centralisation heads-up


안녕하세요. 당신의 언어로 번역해 주세요. 감사합니다!

Over two years ago I contacted several wikis as part of the plan to progressively centralise user feedback about the visual editor at mediawiki.org. Among the other advantages it offers, the centralised board is the only one that Community Liaisons at the Wikimedia Foundation commit to check at least once a week.

If you are reading this message, it means that this local feedback page wasn't suppressed then, but it's still a low traffic page, with low or no maintenance, mainly or only featuring off-topic content, or all of these alternatives.

We are working at the second phase of feedback centralisation. This will also affect this page for the reasons explained above: you don't need to do anything. We will redirect both the existing feedback page and the feedback tool, accessible from within the editor, to the centralised page on mediawiki.org. Please note, we will still need your help at mediawiki.org! In case feedback is posted there in your language, we may need someone who is proficient in it to take a look. So please do let us know who we could ping to get some support. Thanks!

(Still want to keep the local feedback page? Please let me know as soon as possible that this is your intention. The page will need a visible notice on top, in your language. It must either flag the name of at least one volunteer who agrees to monitor and take action on the page from now on, or it needs to say that the page is not actively monitored by WMF staff. I will also contact volunteers who had previously given their availability to act as local liaisons, if any, to see if they'll renew their intentions. In any case, even after the transition is complete, you can get our attention at any time by simply pinging us.)

Unless I hear from you before, we will proceed with the plan above in 2 weeks, on 2017-10-24. I appreciate your attention and all your support! Elitre (WMF) (토론) 2017년 10월 11일 (수) 00:20 (KST)[답변]

PS: Obviously forgot a ping. User:-revi. --Elitre (WMF) (토론) 2017년 10월 11일 (수) 00:22 (KST)[답변]
Elitre: I think this page is no longer active as it was - I'm fine it being migrated. Also almost no staff have been around here for while, so I think better staff visibility is good. (I am also busy with other stuff, so not interested in keeping local version.) I would like to propose we keep this page as is, and just put the warning "GO TO MW.org if you need real help". (I'm still willing to translate if they come up @ mw.org.) — regards, Revi 2017년 10월 11일 (수) 00:40 (KST)[답변]