위험한 질주 (1984년 영화)

위험한 질주》(Trial Run)는 뉴질랜드에서 제작된 멜라니 리드 감독의 1984년 스릴러 영화이다. 애니 위틀 등이 주연으로 출연하였고 돈 레이놀즈 등이 제작에 참여하였다. 이 영화는 스릴러 장르의 페미니스트 판이다.[1][2][3][4]

위험한 질주
Trial Run
감독멜라니 리드
각본멜라니 리드
제작돈 레이놀즈
출연애니 위틀, 주디스 깁슨, 크리스 브런
촬영앨런 가일포드
편집피놀라 드위어
음악잔 프레스턴








  1. Steven Jay Schneider, Tony Williams - Horror International - Page 116 08143310172005 In Read's film Trial Run, Rosemary Edmonds (Annie Whittle), a mother with an assignment to photograph a group of rare penguins, relocates to a remote coastal cottage to gain proximity to the bird's breeding ground. The cottage soon becomes a threatening habitat, however, one that appears to be haunted
  2. Screen International Film and TV Year Book -1990 Page 40 He produced his first film Trial Run in 1984.
  3. Jocelyn Robson Girls' Own Stories: Australian and New Zealand Women's Films 1997 ... and we are not given the images of vicious bloody attack or of unrestrained violence against the female body. Our 'victim' is a strong woman who despite intimidation, violence and threats survives a life-endangering situation and stands firm and physically undamaged finally to confront her tormentor. There is therefore a deliberate mismatch between certain aspects of the Hollywood psychological thriller and the film Trial Run. In making the strong woman both victim and protagonist, ...
  4. Jonathan Dennis, Jan Bieringa - Film in Aotearoa New Zealand 1992 Read's feature film Trial Run (1984), a feminist revision of the thriller genre, included vivid and somewhat enigmatic dream scenes. .