
크세니스트미스과(Xenisthmidae)는 망둑어목에 속하는 조기어류과의 하나이다.[1] 7속 10종으로 이루어져 있다. 인도양태평양에서 발견되며, 주로 암초 속에서 서식한다.


생물 분류ℹ️
계: 동물계
문: 척삭동물문
강: 조기어강
목: 망둑어목
과: 크세니스트미스과
  • 본문 참조

하위 분류


크세니스트미스과는 다음과 같이 분류한다.[1]

  • Allomicrodesmus Schultz, 1966
    • Allomicrodesmus dorotheae Schultz, 1966[2]
  • Gymnoxenisthmus Gill, Bogorodsky & Mal, 2014[3]
    • Gymnoxenisthmus tigrellus Gill, Bogorodsky & Mal, 2014[3]
  • Kraemericus
    • Kraemericus smithi Menon & Talwar, 1972
  • Paraxenisthmus Gill & Hoese, 1993
    • Paraxenisthmus springeri Gill & Hoese, 1993[4]
  • Rotuma Springer, 1988
    • Rotuma lewisi Springer, 1988[5]
  • Tyson Springer, 1983
    • Tyson belos Springer, 1983[6]
  • Xenisthmus Snyder, 1908
    • Xenisthmus africanus Smith, 1958[7]
    • Xenisthmus balius Gill & Randall, 1994[8]
    • Xenisthmus chi Gill & Hoese, 2004[9]
    • Xenisthmus clarus (Jordan & Seale, 1906)[10]
    • Xenisthmus eirospilus Gill & Hoese, 2004[9]
    • Xenisthmus polyzonatus (Klunzinger, 1871)
    • Xenisthmus semicinctus Gill & Hoese, 2004[9]

계통 분류


다음은 베탕쿠르(Betancur) 등의 연구에 기초한 계통 분류이다.[11][12]








구굴무치과, 크세니스트미스과



망둑어과, 등설망둑과, 크라이메리아과, 쉰들러과


  1. Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel, 편집. (2015년 1월). “Search FishBase”. 《Fishbase》. 
  2. Schultz, L.P. (1966). Schultz, L.P.; Woods, L.P.; Lachner, E.A., 편집. 《Order Percomorphida. Suborder Gobiina. Superfamily Gobioidea.》 (Print). In Fishes of the Marshall and Marianas Islands. 3. Families Kraemeridae through Antennariidae. United States: United States National Museum Bulletin. 1–176쪽. 
  3. Gill, A.C., Bogorodsky, S.V. & Mal, A.O. (2014). Gymnoxenisthmus tigrellus, new genus and species of gobioid fish from the Red Sea (Gobioidei: Xenisthmidae)” (PDF). 《Zootaxa,》 3755 (5): 491–495. 
  4. Gill, Anthony C.; Hoese, Douglass F. (1993). “Paraxenisthmus springeri, New Genus and Species of Gobioid Fish from the West Pacific, and Its Phylogenetic Position within the Xenisthmidae”. 《Copeia》 1993 (4): 1049–1057. doi:10.2307/1447083. 
  5. Springer, V.G. (1988). “Rotuma lewisi, new genus and species of fish from the southwest Pacific (Gobioidei, Xenisthmidae)”. 《Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington》 (Biological Society of Washington) 101 (3): 530–539. 
  6. Springer, V.G. (1983). Tyson Belos, New Genus and Species of Western Pacific Fish (Gobiidae, Xenisthminae) : With Discussions of Gobioid Osteology and Classification” (PDF). 《Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology》 (Smithsonian Institution Press) 390: 1–40. doi:10.5479/si.00810282.390. 2012년 10월 26일에 확인함. 
  7. Smith, J.L.B. (1958). “The fishes of the family Eleotridae in the western Indian Ocean”. 《Ichthyological Bulletin of the J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology》 (J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology) 11: 137–163. 
  8. Gill, Anthony C.; Randall, J.E. (1994). “Xenisthmus balius, a new species of fish from the Persian Gulf (Gobioidei: Xenisthmidae)”. 《Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington》 (Biological Society of Washington) 107 (3): 445–450. 
  9. Gill, Anthony C.; Hoese, Douglass F. (2004). “Three New Australian Species of the Fish Genus Xenisthmus (Gobioidei: Xenisthmidae)” (PDF). 《Records of the Australian Museum》 (The Australian Museum) 56: 241–246. doi:10.3853/j.0067-1975.56.2004.1428. ISSN 0067-1975. 2014년 4월 17일에 원본 문서 (PDF)에서 보존된 문서. 2012년 10월 26일에 확인함. 
  10. Jordan, D.S.; Seale, A. (1994). “he fishes of Samoa. Description of the species found in the archipelago, with a provisional check-list of the fishes of Oceania”. 《Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries》 25. 
  11. Ricardo Betancur-R., Richard E. Broughton, Edward O. Wiley, Kent Carpenter, J. Andrés López, Chenhong Li, Nancy I. Holcroft, Dahiana Arcila, Millicent Sanciangco, James C Cureton II, Feifei Zhang, Thaddaeus Buser, Matthew A. Campbell, Jesus A Ballesteros, Adela Roa-Varon, Stuart Willis, W. Calvin Borden, Thaine Rowley, Paulette C. Reneau, Daniel J. Hough, Guoqing Lu, Terry Grande, Gloria Arratia, Guillermo Ortí: The Tree of Life and a New Classification of Bony Fishes. PLoS Currents Tree of Life. 2013 Apr 18, Edition 1. doi:10.1371/currents.tol.53ba26640df0ccaee75bb165c8c26288, PDF
  12. Betancur-R, R., E. Wiley, N. Bailly, M. Miya, G. Lecointre & G. Ortí. 2014. Phylogenetic Classification of Bony Fishes --Version 3.