마사타라 타라 싱(펀자브어: ਮਾਸਟਰ ਤਾਰਾ ਸਿੰਘ: 1885년 6월 24일 - 1967년 11월 22일)은 20세기 초반에 활동한 시크교 지도자다. 시로마니 구루드와라 경영위원회의 조직에 중요한 역할을 했으며, 인도 분할에 강하게 반대했다.[1] 분할 이후에는 동펀자브 지방에 시크인들의 자치주를 세워달라는 펀자비 수바 운동을 이끌었다.

그의 딸 라진데르 카우르는 시크인의 완전독립을 추구하는 할리스탄 운동 강경파들에게 암살당했다.[2][3]


  1. Kudaisya, Gyanesh; Yong, Tan Tai (2004). 《The Aftermath of Partition in South Asia》 (영어). Routledge. 100쪽. ISBN 978-1-134-44048-1. No sooner was it made public than the Sikhs launched a virulent campaign against the Lahore Resolution. Pakistan was portrayed as a possible return to an unhappy past when Sikhs were persecuted and Muslims the persecutor. Public speeches by various Sikh political leaders on the subject of Pakistan invariably raised images of atrocities committed by Muslims on Sikhs and of the martyrdom of their gurus and heroes. Reactions to the Lahore Resolution were uniformly negative and Sikh leaders of all political persuasions made it clear that Pakistan would be 'wholeheartedly resisted'. The Shiromani Akali Dal, the party with a substantial following amongst the rural Sikhs, organized several well-attended conferences in Lahore to condemn the Muslim League. Singh, leader of the Akali Dal, declared that his party would fight Pakistan 'tooth and nail'. Not be outdone, other Sikh political organizations, rival to the Akali Dal, namely the Central Khalsa Young Men Union and the moderate and loyalist Chief Khalsa Dewan, declared in equally strong language their unequivocal opposition to the Pakistan scheme. 
  2. Rajinder Kaur, Dr. (Shrimati). Rajya Sabha Council of States
  3. “Dr Rajinder Kaur (1931–1989)”. Sikh history. 2013년 9월 27일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2014년 5월 7일에 확인함.