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Introduction of Military Evangelical Association of Korea(MEAK)

I. Introduction

 Republic of Korea's military mission began on the day of September 15th 1948 by Reverend  Dalbin Jung at ROK Navy. Chaplain system was not in the Korean military yet, but during the Korean War, the first and foremost chaplain came into Korean Military Mission fields. 
With the Korean War fiercely under way, an anonymous Korean soldier from Korea Augmentation to the United States Army appealed to the President Syngman Rhee by writing, "a clergymen must come into the military to equip the hearts of the servicemen going into the battle with the armor plate of faith and take away the fear of death through prayer." With God's providence, this letter was able to be handed to the President at that time and on December 1951 the military chaplain system was approved. 
In early 1951, what began with just 32 chaplains appointed without pay, on the present day, as large as about 260 chaplains serve in the entire ROK military. Military Evangelical Association of Korea(MEAK) slowly started to form to support military chaplain system as the it was applied in the ROK military. The official supporting organization for Military Evangelization was established in 1972 as an inter-denomination organization. 
In 1976, it became the Military Evangelization Supporting Organization, and in 1999, it changed its name to current one. The MEAK is a official corporate body and the official organization for military mission. They operate the general planning and implementation of military ministry. MEAK, especially, plays the pivotal role in bringing together the cooperation of its 10 overseas branches and 16 domestic branches, which are the member churches and individuals of military ministry.
This ministry operates with the core value of Jesus's commandment from Matthew 28:19-20 which says, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you." This presentation consists of 3 parts according to this message from the Bible, which are baptism, teaching, and acting out.

II. In-Camp Baptism

With the establishment of a system for military ministries and a place of worship, a military wide movement to make every soldier a believer arose in the early 1970's under the military tension arising in the Korean peninsula. This movement which made every soldier to have a religion allowed the leaders of the Christian churches to set up a support system to make every soldier a believer and aggressively support the activities of military chaplains. As a result, in September 1971, the very first joint baptism was performed at the frontline Division of the Army with 154 soldiers including regimental commander. 
By the November of 1971, 1,460 people from the military were baptized. In 1972, the pastors of civilian churches including Reverend Kyung Jik Han joined mass service to perform the baptism with the military chaplains in 20th Infantry Division, 3,478 servicemen were baptized and set the record, praising this event as apostle Peter's historical miracle. This movement was called 1st in-camp baptism movement.
News coverage soon followed even the reporters covered the event. As joint baptism rose the wave of mass communications and became know throughout the military and the church world, joint baptism became the boom in each unit and countless servicemen were baptized since. Although this movement was very popular, until 1990, in-camp baptism was discontinued due to internal military problem.
Then the 2nd in-camp baptism movement began, and from 1992 to now 3,872,154(as of March 2015) servicemen were baptized. In May 19th 2012, recording 9,519 servicemen were baptized at Nonsan Army Training Center. This event set a Guinness World Record for most number of baptism participation. Military Evangelical Association of Korea held the 40th anniversary at Yeonmudae church and a soldier and an army training camp who co-hosted in order to hold the baptism ceremony. As the soldiers wait to be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, they all were excited to be the part of world record breaking event.

III. Sanctuary Construction

The Military Evangelical Association of Korea was established to be a channel to bridge the military and civilians. When various supports are requested by military for their activities, the association secures support once again from the Korean churches and believers, and sees to it that needs in the military are met effectively and appropriately.
The MEAK is involved with chapel construction(new, renovation, and repairs) which is the base for the military evangelization, various educational programs such as the spiritual training for military chaplains and servicemen, theological seminars, discipleship training, pilgrimages, supplies sacred articles and equipment as well as the provision of transportation for the military chaplain ministerial works. 
They focus their efforts on encouraging the soldiers through sympathy visits, providing Christian literature and recorded sermon materials, and audio-visual material and documental mission ministries.
MEAK's current and largest sanctuary construction is Yunmoodae Church. In Nonsan city where one third of bootcamp trainees come through throughout the year, current sanctuary is old and small. We set this project worth to be 12 billion won which is worth almost 12 million dollars.

IV. Vision 2020 Movement

The Vision-2020 Movement is a specific and distinct mission strategy to make 75% of the Korean population, about 37 million people, into believers by the year 2020. This movement is a Christian movement of the 21st century for the revival of the Korean Church aimed at national and world evangelization as well as contributing to unification of the country through the Gospel. 
Every year about 200,000 soldiers are baptized in the military fields. We connect them with membership churches of the military evangelical association of Korea. The membership churches care them with love during their military service. This will be able to make Korea a nation of 37 millions of Christians, or 75% of Korea's total population by 2020 to contribute to the evangelization of military, Korea and the whole world.
When Korea become the nation of 37 million of Christians, 75% Christians of total population, God's people and Christian members to be selected and well trained will lead our political, social, economical, educational, press, cultural and other area. This country will be healthier than ever before, bright and shiny, and with vitality. Also all of the churches will be the light and salt in the world and be the solid foundation in the society.

V. Sunshine Campaign

1. What is the sunshine campaign?
This is abbreviation of the Good Samaritan. Healthy Christian soldiers in 1004 Korea chapels become a Sunshine (good Samaritan), who comes to the distressing soldiers with several kinds of problems, and share with their agonies and help them. It is special campaign to improve the wrong military customs (malpractice) and bad habits. That is to say, Christian soldiers become to the better good warrior and they will be key role to make a healthy barracks, healthy society, and the healthier Korea.
2. 5 practical mission and 5 detailed contents are as follow (Luke10:25~37) being a good samaritan
 a. Good heart(Luke10:33)- Greeting: Smile greeting/ eye to eye greeting/ handshaking greeting/ calling to name greeting.
 b. Accurate diagnosis (Luke10:34)- listening carefully: Listening closely with sympathy/ listening closely with opening ear/ listening closely with echoing agreement/ listening closely with observing behavior by eye
 c. Emergent action(Luke10:34)- accompany: company with worship service/company with prayer/company with sports/company with joy
 d. Continuous treatment(Luke10:34)- praise: Praise the process better than the result/ Concretely praise/ publically praise/ adequately praise
 e. Management after the fact(Luke10:35)- Good conduct: Kindly teach troop activity/ help hard work/ discriminate the in-accommodated soldiers and to report command channel/ Remove articles that have the free use of the suicide

VI. Military Ministry Today

1. Purpose
 Military ministry is fulfilling God's will according to the book of Revelations 21:3 "they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God." 

The main focus of this ministry is to equip soldiers faith through various programs and campaigns such as the Sunshine campaign.

2. Obeying Jesus
 1) Evangelizing/baptizing
  "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you." (Matthew 28:19-20)
 2) Discipleship
  "You are the salt and the light of the world" (Matthews 5:13-16)
 3) Action
  Pleasing God (2 Timothy 2:3-4)
3. Witnessing through the Holy Spirit
 "Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groaning too deep for words." (Romans 8:26)
4. 5 Vision and Value of Military Ministry
 1) we produce valuable citizens through our work for the country
 2) our goal is national evangelization
 3) Military Ministry: enhancing force piety
 4) National management development for our society
 5) Creating happy family
5. Pivotal role of coalition between all denominations
 a. Charateristics of Korean Churches
  - strong church-centered mind
  - strong denomination-centered mind
  - coalition is a selective specification
 b. Charateristics of Korean Churches Military Ministry
  - 1,004 military churches transcend denominations and doctrines(Chaplains go around different churches)
  - Christian inter-denominational ministry
   * providing coalition between military and civil groups, churches, denominations, communities, organizations.
  - competing other religious groups
  - sending chaplains from 11 different denominations after understanding MEAK's ministry
   * Role of denomination: managing dispatching chaplain and military missionary, and various donations
   * Role of Christian body: MEAK is a representative organization of all Christianity and works as a control tower
6. The Common Prayer of VISION2020 Movement

Our living God the Father! We thank you for giving us a vision in mission work, helping us to love our country and nation, giving us a power to make, 600,000 soldiers army of faith, and giving us an insight to launch the 21st century Christian movement to build and evangelized reunified country of Korea.

Oh, Lord, who loves this nation! Through the military chapels God has built, young soldiers believe Jesus, they be transformed into the soldiers of the cross, they pray and make contributions for God's church and people, they be brought up in love. God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Oh, Lord, who leads this nation! Through th VISION2020 movement, this nation and world be evangelized, God's glory be praised, all the Christians be filled with your grace and love. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

VII. Conclusion

1. Enlarging the Holy Kingdom of God
 a. Fulfilling Great Commission
 b. evangelization: national and world-wide evangelization
2. Making the Healthy Nation
 a. Providing good faith through the gospel to the young people so that they will have a Biblical world view
 b. Producing good citizen, good family, good Christian to spread Christian culture
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