티그리냐어: 두 판 사이의 차이

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편집 요약 없음
태그: 인터위키 추가
편집 요약 없음
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[[에리트레아]]에는 다양한 인종이 살고 있다. 남부 고원지대에 티그리냐어를 쓰는 그리스도교도가 살고 있으며 북부 고원지대와 동부·서부 구릉지대에는 [[티그레어]]를 쓰는 이슬람 교도가 있다.
== 문자 ==
티그리냐는 [[그으즈 문자]]로 기록된다. 원래 그으즈를 위해 개발되었으며 에티오피아어로 알려져 있다. 그으즈 문자는 아부기다이다. : 각각의 심볼은 자음과 모음 음절을 나타낸다. <!--each symbol represents a consonant+vowel syllable, and the symbols are organized in groups of similar symbols on the basis of both the consonant and the vowel.<ref name="ReferenceA"/> In the table below the columns are assigned to the seven vowels of Tigrinya (and Ge'ez); they appear in the traditional order. The rows are assigned to the consonants, again in the traditional order.
For each consonant in an abugida, there is an unmarked symbol representing that consonant followed by a canonical or [[inherent vowel]]. For the Ge'ez abugida, this canonical vowel is ''ä,'' the first column in the table. However, since the pharyngeal and glottal consonants of Tigrinya (and other Ethiopian Semitic languages) cannot be followed by this vowel, the symbols in the first column in the rows for those consonants are pronounced with the vowel ''a,'' exactly as in the fourth row. These redundant symbols are falling into disuse in Tigrinya and are shown with a dark gray background in the table. When it is necessary to represent a consonant with no following vowel, the ''consonant''+''{{unicode|ə}}'' form is used (the symbol in the sixth column). For example, the word ''{{unicode|’ǝntay}}'' 'what?' is written {{script|Ethi|እንታይ}}, literally {{unicode|’ǝ-nǝ-ta-yǝ}}.
Since some of the distinctions that were apparently made in Ge'ez have been lost in Tigrinya, there are two rows of symbols each for the consonants {{IPA|/ħ/}}, {{IPA|/s/}}, and {{IPA|/sʼ/}}. In Eritrea, for {{IPA|/s/}} and {{IPA|/sʼ/}}, at least, one of these has fallen into disuse in Tigrinya and is now considered old-fashioned. These less-used series are shown with a dark gray background in the chart.
The orthography does not mark gemination, so the pair of words ''{{unicode|k'ärräbä}}'' 'he approached', ''{{unicode|k'äräbä}}'' 'he was near' are both written {{script|Ethi|ቀረበ}}. Since such [[minimal pairs]] are very rare, this presents no problem to readers of the language.
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|+'''티그리냐 문자 시스템'''
|style="background:gray"|ሀ||ሁ||ሂ||ሃ||ሄ||ህ||ሆ||colspan="6" style="background:#cccccc"|&nbsp;
|ለ||ሉ||ሊ||ላ||ሌ||ል||ሎ||colspan="6" style="background:#cccccc"|&nbsp;
|style="background:gray"|ሐ||ሑ||ሒ||ሓ||ሔ||ሕ||ሖ||colspan="6" style="background:#cccccc"|&nbsp;
|መ||ሙ||ሚ||ማ||ሜ||ም||ሞ||colspan="6" style="background:#cccccc"|&nbsp;
|style="background:gray"|ሠ||style="background:gray"|ሡ||style="background:gray"|ሢ||style="background:gray"|ሣ||style="background:gray"|ሤ||style="background:gray"|ሥ||style="background:gray"|ሦ||colspan="6" style="background:#cccccc"|&nbsp;
|ረ||ሩ||ሪ||ራ||ሬ||ር||ሮ||colspan="6" style="background:#cccccc"|&nbsp;
|ሰ||ሱ||ሲ||ሳ||ሴ||ስ||ሶ||colspan="6" style="background:#cccccc"|&nbsp;
|ሸ||ሹ||ሺ||ሻ||ሼ||ሽ||ሾ||colspan="6" style="background:#cccccc"|&nbsp;
|በ||ቡ||ቢ||ባ||ቤ||ብ||ቦ||colspan="6" style="background:#cccccc"|&nbsp;
|ቨ||ቩ||ቪ||ቫ||ቬ||ቭ||ቮ||colspan="6" style="background:#cccccc"|&nbsp;
|ተ||ቱ||ቲ||ታ||ቴ||ት||ቶ||colspan="6" style="background:#cccccc"|&nbsp;
|ቸ||ቹ||ቺ||ቻ||ቼ||ች||ቾ||colspan="6" style="background:#cccccc"|&nbsp;
|ነ||ኑ||ኒ||ና||ኔ||ን||ኖ||colspan="6" style="background:#cccccc"|&nbsp;
|ኘ||ኙ||ኚ||ኛ||ኜ||ኝ||ኞ||colspan="6" style="background:#cccccc"|&nbsp;
|style="background:gray"|አ||ኡ||ኢ||ኣ||ኤ||እ||ኦ||colspan="6" style="background:#cccccc"|&nbsp;
|ወ||ዉ||ዊ||ዋ||ዌ||ው||ዎ||colspan="6" style="background:#cccccc"|&nbsp;
|style="background:gray"|ዐ||ዑ||ዒ||ዓ||ዔ||ዕ||ዖ||colspan="6" style="background:#cccccc"|&nbsp;
|ዘ||ዙ||ዚ||ዛ||ዜ||ዝ||ዞ||colspan="6" style="background:#cccccc"|&nbsp;
|ዠ||ዡ||ዢ||ዣ||ዤ||ዥ||ዦ||colspan="6" style="background:#cccccc"|&nbsp;
|የ||ዩ||ዪ||ያ||ዬ||ይ||ዮ||colspan="6" style="background:#cccccc"|&nbsp;
|ደ||ዱ||ዲ||ዳ||ዴ||ድ||ዶ||colspan="6" style="background:#cccccc"|&nbsp;
|ጀ||ጁ||ጂ||ጃ||ጄ||ጅ||ጆ||colspan="6" style="background:#cccccc"|&nbsp;
|ጠ||ጡ||ጢ||ጣ||ጤ||ጥ||ጦ||colspan="6" style="background:#cccccc"|&nbsp;
|ጨ||ጩ||ጪ||ጫ||ጬ||ጭ||ጮ||colspan="6" style="background:#cccccc"|&nbsp;
|ጰ||ጱ||ጲ||ጳ||ጴ||ጵ||ጶ||colspan="6" style="background:#cccccc"|&nbsp;
|ጸ||ጹ||ጺ||ጻ||ጼ||ጽ||ጾ||colspan="6" style="background:#cccccc"|&nbsp;
|style="background:gray"|ፀ||style="background:gray"|ፁ||style="background:gray"|ፂ||style="background:gray"|ፃ||style="background:gray"|ፄ||style="background:gray"|ፅ||style="background:gray"|ፆ||colspan="6" style="background:#cccccc"|&nbsp;
|ፈ||ፉ||ፊ||ፋ||ፌ||ፍ||ፎ||colspan="6" style="background:#cccccc"|&nbsp;
|ፐ||ፑ||ፒ||ፓ||ፔ||ፕ||ፖ||colspan="6" style="background:#cccccc"|&nbsp;
== 바깥고리 ==