인체 골격근 목록: 두 판 사이의 차이

내용 삭제됨 내용 추가됨
Osteology (토론 | 기여)
잔글편집 요약 없음
Osteology (토론 | 기여)
40번째 줄:
! width="12%" | 근육 !! width="16%" | 이는곳(Origin) !! width="16%" | Insertion !! width="12%" | Artery !! width="12%" | Nerve !! width="20%" | Action !! width="12%" | 대항근
| [[눈꺼풀올림근]](Levator palpebrae superioris muscle) || [[나비뼈]](sphenoid bone) || [[눈꺼풀판]](tarsus, tarsal plate), [[위눈꺼풀]](upper eyelid) || rowspan="2" | [[ophthalmic artery]] || [[oculomotor nerve]] || 눈꺼풀의 [[retracts]]/[[Elevation (kinesiology)|elevates들임]] [[eyelid올림]] || [[눈둘레근]](orbicularis oculi muscle)
| [[위눈꺼풀판근]](superior tarsal muscle) || [[눈꺼풀올림근]](levator palpebrae superioris muscle)의 아랫면 || [[superior tarsal plate]] of the eyelid || [[sympathetic nervous system]] || raise the [[upper eyelid눈꺼풀]] 들기 ||
| [[눈둘레근]](orbicularis oculi muscle) || [[이마뼈]], [[안쪽눈꺼풀인대]](medial palpebral ligament), 그리고 [[눈물뼈]](lacrimal bone) || [[lateral palpebral raphe]] || [[ophthalmic artery]], [[zygomatico-orbital artery]], [[angular artery]] || [[facial nerve]] || closes눈꺼풀 the eyelids닫기 || [[눈꺼풀올림근]](levator palpebrae superioris muscle)
|colspan="7" | ''곧은근(Rectus muscles)''
| {{spaces|5}}[[위곧은근]](Superior rectus muscle) || rowspan="4" | 눈확끝(orbital apex)의 [[온힘줄고리]](Common tendinous ring) || 7.5 mm superior to the [[corneal limbus]] || || [[oculomotor nerve]] || [[elevates]],(eye)의 [[adduct들기]]s, and [[rotates medially모음]], the eye[[안쪽돌림]] ||
| {{spaces|5}}[[아래곧은근]](Inferior rectus muscle) || 6.5 mm inferior to the [[corneal limbus]] || || [[inferior branch of oculomotor nerve]] || [[depression (kinesiology)|depression내림]] and [[adduction모음]] ||
| {{spaces|5}}[[안쪽곧은근]](Medial rectus muscle) || 5.5 mm medial to the [[corneal limbus]] || || inferior division of the [[oculomotor nerve]] || [[adduct안구]]s the (eyeball)의 [[모음]] ||
| {{spaces|5}}[[가쪽곧은근]](Lateral rectus muscle) || 7 mm temporal to the [[corneal limbus]] || || [[abducens nerve]] || [[Abduction 안구]](kinesiologyeyeball)|abducts]] the [[Human eyeball|eyeball벌림]] ||
| colspan="7" | ''빗근(Oblique muscles)''
| {{spaces|5}}[[위빗근]](Superior oblique muscle) || 눈확끝(orbital apex)과 시각신경관(optic canal) 안쪽(medial)의 [[온힘줄고리]](Common tendinous ring) || outer posterior quadrant of the [[Human eyeball|eyeball]] || lateral muscular branch of the [[ophthalmic artery]] || [[trochlear nerve]] || primary: [[intorsion안쪽돌림]](intorsion). secondary: [[Abduction (kinesiology)|abduct안구]] (laterally rotateeyeball) and [[Depression 벌림]](kinesiology)|depress[[가쪽돌림]] the)과 [[Human eyeball|eyeball내림]] ||
| {{spaces|5}}[[아래빗근]](Inferior oblique muscle) || [[위턱뼈]](maxilla)의 눈확(orbital) 표면, [[눈물고랑]]([[누구]], lacrimal groove)의 가쪽(lateral) || laterally onto the [[Human eyeball|eyeball]], deep to the [[lateral rectus]], by a short flat tendon || || [[oculomotor nerve]] || [[두눈바깥회선(extorsion]]), [[Elevation (kinesiology)|elevation올림]], [[Abduction (kinesiology)|abduction벌림]] ||