신의 저항군 반란: 두 판 사이의 차이

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TedBot (토론 | 기여)
잔글 봇: 틀 이름 및 스타일 정리
Choboty (토론 | 기여)
잔글 영어판 분류 정보를 이용.+분류:중앙아프리카 공화국의 전쟁; 예쁘게 바꿈
49번째 줄:
== 참고 문헌 ==
* Allen, Tim."Trial Justice: The International Criminal Court and the Lord's Resistance Army", African Arguments Series, Zed Books, London, 2006. ISBN 1-84277-737-8
* Behrend, H. (M. Cohen, trans.) ''Alice Lakwena and the Holy Spirits: War in Northern Uganda, 1985–97'', [[James Currey]], 2000. ISBN 0-8214-1311-2. (Originally published as Behrend, H. 1993. ''Alice und die Geister: Krieg in Norden Uganda''. Trickster, Munich.)
** "War in Northern Uganda: The Holy Spirit Movements of Alice Lakwena, Severino Lukoya and Joseph Kony (1986–1997)", in Clapham, C. ed. ''African Guerrillas''. [[James Currey]], Oxford, 1998.
* [[Els de Temmerman|De Temmerman, E.]] ''Aboke Girls: Children Abducted in Northern Uganda'', Fountain, 2001. ISBN 9970-02-256-3. (Originally published as De Temmerman, E. ''De meisjes van Aboke: Kindsoldaten in Noord-Oeganda''. De Kern, 2000. ISBN 90-5312-146-3.)
* Doom, R. and K. Vlassenroot. "Kony's message: a new ''koine''? The Lord's Resistance Army in Northern Uganda," ''African Affairs'' 98 (390) 1999: 5 to 36
* Eichstaedt, Peter. ''First Kill Your Family: Child Soldiers of Uganda and the Lord's Resistance Army''. Lawrence Hill Books. 2008. ISBN 978-1-55652-799-9
* Gingyera-Pincywa, A.G. "Is there a Northern Question?" in K. Rupesinghe, ed. ''Conflict Resolution in Uganda'', International Peace Research Institute, Oslo, 1989.
* Jackson, P. "The March of the Lord's Resistance Army: Greed or Grievance in Northern Uganda?" ''Small Wars and Insurgencies'' 13, no. 3 (Autumn 2002): 29 to 52.
* Ofcansky, T. "Warfare and Instability Along the Sudan-Uganda Border: A Look at the Twentieth Century" in Spaulding, J. and S. Beswick, eds. ''White Nile, Black Blood: War, Leadership, and Ethnicity from Khartoum to Kampala''. Red Sea Press, Lawrenceville, NJ: 195–210, 2000.
* Pham PN, Vinck P, Stover E. "The Lord’s Resistance Army and Forced Conscription in Northern Uganda.", ''Human Rights Quarterly'' 30:404–411, 2008
* Vinck P, Pham PN, Weinstein HM, Stover E. Exposure to War Crimes and its Implications for Peace Building in Northern Uganda. ''Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)'' 298 (5): 543–554, 2007
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== 바깥 고리 ==
{{위키공용분류|Lord's Resistance Army}}
* [http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/para/lra.htm Lord's Resistance Army], GlobalSecurity.org
* [http://www.invisiblechildren.com/ Invisible Children], advocacy group and documentary about LRA's child soldiers
* [http://www.irinnews.org/frontpage.asp?SelectRegion=East_Africa&SelectCountry=Uganda News about Uganda] from the UN [[Integrated Regional Information Networks]]
* [http://allafrica.com/uganda/ Compiled recent news articles about Uganda], AllAfrica.com
* [http://www.internal-displacement.org/8025708F004CE90B/(httpCountries)/04678346A648C087802570A7004B9719?opendocument&count=10000 Uganda page], Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
* [http://www.up.ligi.ubc.ca/index.html Human Security in Northern Uganda project], [[University of British Columbia]] (extensive links from before mid-2004)
* [http://www.sway-uganda.org/ Survey of War Affected Youth (SWAY): Research & Programs for Youth in Armed Conflict in Uganda]
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[[분류:아프리카의 내전]]
[[분류:중앙아프리카 공화국의 전쟁]]