가르드 에코세즈: 두 판 사이의 차이

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태그: m 모바일 웹
태그: m 모바일 웹
33번째 줄:
=== 대표적 근위대원 ===
[[File:Monsieur Bergier, garde de la Manche.jpg|thumb|upright|스코틀랜드 근위대 장교 무슈 베르지에 (18세기)]]
*''오비니, 콘크레솔 영주, [[단리의 존 스튜어트|단리 백작 장 스튜어트]]'' - 1429년 [[헤링스 전투|오를레앙]]에서 전사
*''Robert or Robin PetitLoch, sénéchal des Lannes (1419–1461)
*''Christin Chamber'' knight (1425–1447)
*''Patris Folcart''(1449–1461)
*''패트릭 니븐 (Patrick Neiven) - '1429년 [[헤링스 전투|오를레앙]]에서 전사''
*''토머스 핼리데이'' (Thomas Haliday, 1449년–1461년)
*''Patrick de Spens, Lord of [[Boquhapple|Bohapple]] and Estignols, écuyer des écuries du roi (1450–1485)
*''Guillaume Stuyers, Lord of Maulleon,écuyer des écuries du roi (1461–1464)
*''Thomas Stuyers (1465–1472)
*''Robert Coningham (1475–1478), Lord of [[Cherveux]] and Villeneuve.
*''Jean de Coningham, bailly de Chartres, conseiller et chambellan du roi (1479–1492)
*[[Bernard Stewart, Lord of Aubigny|Berault Stewart or Stuart, Lord of Aubigny]], conseiller et chambellan du roi, knight of the order of Saint-Michel (1492–1508)
*''Godebert (Cordebert Chandeber(t)) Carre (Carr)'', lord of St Quentin and Perrigny, brother in law of B. Stuart, captain of Amboise (he sold this charge to Pierre de Rohan, Marechal de Gie in 1497) and participated in the wars in Italy (captain of la Rocca of Milan)
*[[Robert Stewart, Lord of Aubigny|Robert Stewart or Robert Stuart, Lord of Aubigny]], maréchal de France in 1515, knight of the order of the King (1470–1543)
*로르주 영주이자 왕의 시종 및 조언자 ''자크 드 몽고메리'' (Jacques de Motgommery, 1543년–1556년)
*[[Gabriel, comte de Montgomery]], lord of Lorges (1530–1574) Who mortally injured King Henry II in a jousting accident.
*''[[Jacques de Montgomery, Sieur de Lorges|Jacques de Montgommery]]'', lord of Lorges, knight of the order of the King (1555–1561)
*[[존 헵번 경]]
*[[로버트 머리|로버트 머리 경]]
*[[Charles de La Vieuville]], Captain of the Guards, later [[Superintendent of Finances]]
*''[[Antoine de Lhoyer|Antoine de l'Hoyer]]'', a Knight of the Order of St John and a Knight of the Order of St Louis, also a notable guitarist and composer (1768–1852)
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