자유 시리아군: 두 판 사이의 차이

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|적대단체=[[시리아군|시리아 정부군]]<br />[[시리아 국민방위군]]<br />[[알누스라 전선]]<ref>{{뉴스 인용| url= http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2015/Apr-15/294547-syria-rebels-in-south-reject-cooperation-with-nusra.ashx |title= Syria rebels in south reject cooperation with Nusra | publisher= The Daily Star |agency=AFP |last= |first= |date= 15 April 2015 |accessdate= 17 April 2015 |quote= Rebels fighting in southern Syria will not cooperate militarily with Al-Qaeda's Syrian affiliate, Al-Nusra Front, a spokesman said Wednesday [...] "We reject all forms of cooperation with Nusra Front because keeping silent on its excesses, its statements and its violations will only allow them to continue," Rayes told AFP.}}</ref><ref>{{뉴스 인용|url= http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN0N511N20150414?irpc=932 |title= Southern Syria rebels set collision course with al Qaeda |last1=Perry |first1=Tom |publisher= Reuters |date= 14 April 2015 |accessdate= 14 April 2015 |quote=We must announce our clear position: neither the Nusra Front or anything else with this ideology represents us," said Bashar al-Zoubi, head of a rebel group called the Yarmouk Army, who sent the statement to Reuters.}}</ref><ref>{{웹 인용|url=http://www.latimes.com/world/middleeast/la-fg-syria-nusra-front-20141128-story.html#page=1|title=Islamic State, rival Al Nusra Front each strengthen grip on Syria|author=Los Angeles Times|date=28 November 2014|work=latimes.com|accessdate=6 December 2014}}</ref><ref name="al-Nusra hounds Free Syrian Army">{{뉴스 인용|url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/us-backed-syria-rebels-routed-by-fighters-linked-to-al-qaeda/2014/11/02/7a8b1351-8fb7-4f7e-a477-66ec0a0aaf34_story.html|title=U.S.-backed Syria rebels routed by fighters linked to al-Qaeda|date=1 November 2014|work=The Washington Post|accessdate=8 December 2014}}</ref><br />[[준드 알아크사]]<ref name=huffpo>{{웹 인용|url=http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/tam-hussein/nusra-front_b_6112790.html?utm_hp_ref=uk-news|title=Why Did Jund Al-Aqsa Join Nusra Front in Taking Out 'Moderate' Rebels in Idlib?|publisher=Huffington Post|date=6 November 2014|accessdate=10 November 2014}}</ref><br />[[이슬람 국가 (단체)|이슬람 국가]]<ref>{{웹 인용|url=http://www.aawsat.net/2014/01/article55327081|title=Syrian opposition and ISIS continue Idlib battle|publisher=Asharq Al-Awsat|date=12 January 2014|accessdate=12 January 2014}}</ref><br />[[시리아 민주군]]