위키백과:문서 등재 기준 (영화): 두 판 사이의 차이

내용 삭제됨 내용 추가됨
편집 요약 없음
편집 요약 없음
6번째 줄:
== 일반 원칙 ==
{{본문|위키백과:문서 등재 기준}}
일반적인 문서 등재 기준에는 다음과 같이 명시되어 있습니다. "주제가 [[위키백과:신뢰할 수 있는 출처|신뢰할수 있는 출처]]에서 많은 영향을 받은 경우, [[위키백과:독립 출처|독립형]] 문서 또는 독립형 목록의 기준을 충족하는 것으로 여겨집니다." The주요 link문서의 to링크는 the main등재 article기준을 explains설명합니다. each해당 criterion.주제가 For일부 topics등재 related기준만 to충족한다고 film해도, some주목할 may만한 not주제로 readily여겨질수 meet all the criteria있습니다. Other반대로 topics해당 may주제가 be''모든'' presumed등재 to기준을 satisfy충족한다고 all가정하더라도, the criteria but still may not qualify as a stand-alone article based on그룹 [[Wikipedia위키백과:Consensus총의|consensus총의]]. Additional여전히 criteria독립적인 to문서로서의 evaluate자격이 these없다고 topics판단할수 are있습니다. outlined in the sections below.
영화를 평가하기 위한 추가 등재 기준은 아래 문단에 요약되어 있습니다.
== 신뢰할수 있는 출처 ==
줄 13 ⟶ 15:
문서 등재 기준 중 하나는 적용 범위가 독립 피사체에서 신뢰할수 있는 출처에서 비롯되어야한다는 것입니다. 이 문단에서는 출처의 독립성과 신뢰성에 대해 설명합니다.
*'''Independence독립성:''' The source needs to be independent of the topic, meaning that the author and the publisher are not directly associated with the topic. Authors should not include members of the production, and publishers should not include the studio or companies working with it on the production and release. The kinds of sources that are considered independent are those that have covered topics unrelated to the one at hand, such as periodicals. Books that discuss a film in a larger context or among other films are also potential sources; see this section's last paragraph regarding the amount of coverage in a source. Press releases, even if they are reprinted by sources unrelated to the production, are not considered independent.
*'''Reliability신뢰성:''' The content guideline to identify reliable sources says, "Reliable sources may be published materials with a reliable publication process, authors who are regarded as authoritative in relation to the subject, or both." Sources that have published materials in print (such as newspapers and other periodicals) are reliable if their publication process is considered reliable. If이러한 these출처에서 sources온라인으로 also자료를 publish materials게시하는 online경우에도, then일반적으로 it이러한 is자료에 usually유사한 fair게시물 to프로세스가 assume있다고 that가정하는 these것이 materials have a similar publication process타당합니다 (see [[WP위키백과:NEWSBLOG확인 가능]] 참조). If출처가 sources온라인으로만 publish materials자료를 only출판하는 online경우, then출판 their publication process and과정/or또는 the저자의 authority of the author should be권한을 scrutinized면밀히 carefully조사해야합니다.
저명성을 추정하기 위해, 신뢰할수 있는 출처에는 상당한 범위가 있어야합니다. Examples of coverage insufficient to fully establish notability include newspaper listings of screening times and venues, "[[capsule review]]s", plot summaries without critical commentary, or listings in comprehensive film guides such as ''[[Leonard Maltin's Movie Guide]]'', ''[[Time Out Film Guide]]'', or the [[Internet Movie Database]].<ref>Many of these sources can provide valuable information, and point to other sources, but in themselves do not indicate a notable subject. Similar cases of publications where mention does not establish notability may include: reviews that are part of a comprehensive review of ALL films in a particular festival, that don't assert anything regarding the notability of individual entries; other forms of comprehensive, non-selective coverage; and some web based reviews by amateur critics who have not established their own notability as critics.</ref>
줄 23 ⟶ 25:
# 이 영화는 널리 배포되었으며 2곳 이상의 지역에서 전국적으로 알려진 비평가의 전체 길이 평가를 받았습니다.
# 이 영화는 역사적으로 널리 주목할만한 것으로, 다음 중 하나 이상이 입증했습니다:
# The film is historically notable, as evidenced by one or more of the following:
#*Publication of at least two non-trivial articles, at least five years after the film's initial release.
#*The film was deemed notable by a broad survey of film critics, academics, or movie professionals, when such a poll was conducted at least five years after the film's release.<ref>Examples would include the [http://www.bfi.org.uk/sightandsound/topten/ Sight and Sound Poll], [[AFI's 100 Years…100 Movies]], [http://www.filmsite.org/timeout.html Time Out Centenary of Cinema], [http://www.combustiblecelluloid.com/Lists/villvoice.shtml 1999 Village Voice Critics Poll], Positif's poll, etc.</ref>
줄 42 ⟶ 44:
== 개봉을 앞둔 영화, 제작중인 영화 및 배포중인 영화 ==
{{Further|Wikipedia:WikiProject Film/Future films|Wikipedia:Planned films|WP:FUTURE}}
Films that have not been confirmed by [[WP:RS|reliable sources]] to have commenced [[principal photography]] should '''not''' have their own articles, as budget issues, scripting issues and casting issues can interfere with a project well ahead of its intended filming date. The assumption should also not be made that because a film is likely to be a high-profile release it will be immune to setbacks—there is no "sure thing" production. Until the start of principal photography, information on the film might be included in articles about its subject material, if available. Sources must be used to confirm the start of principal photography '''after''' shooting has begun.
줄 50 ⟶ 51:
Additionally, films that have already begun shooting, but have not yet been publicly released (theatres or video), should generally not have their own articles unless [[MOS:FILM#Production|the production itself]] is notable per the [[WP:N|notability guidelines]]. Similarly, films produced in the past which were either not completed or not distributed should not have their own articles, unless their failure was notable per the guidelines.
== Resources리소스 ==
{{본문|위키백과:위키프로젝트 영화}}
{{main|Wikipedia:WikiProject Films/Resources}}
When seeking out references to establish the notability of a film, and to provide the necessary information for a thorough article of high quality, consider some of these resources:
#A film's entry in the [http://www.imdb.com The Internet Movie Database], or similar databases, can provide valuable information including links to reviews, articles, and media references. A page in the database does not by itself establish the film's notability, however.
#영화 및 엔터테인먼트의 정기 간행물이 풍부합니다. [[:분류:영화 잡지]]에서의 많은 영화 잡지는 뛰어난 참고 자료와 등재 기준의 지표를 제공할수 있습니다.
#Film and entertainment periodicals abound. Many magazines in [[:Category:Film magazines]] can provide good references and indicators of notability.
==같이 보기==
줄 65 ⟶ 66:
==Relevant관련 debates토론==
*[[Wikipedia위키백과:Village_pump사랑방 (policy정책)#Film Notability, and Notability in general]] (user archived [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Zadignose/Archived_Notability_Discussion here])
*[[Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Films#Please lend your voice to notability guideline discussions.21]]
*[[Wikipedia:WikiProject Deletion sorting/Film]]
[[분류:위키백과 문서 등재 기준|영화]]