사회민주주의: 두 판 사이의 차이

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태그: m 모바일 앱
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태그: m 모바일 앱
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'''사회민주주의''' (社會民主主義) 또는 '''사민주의''' (社民主義)는 [[자본주의]] 경제 체제를 혁명으로 급격하여 무너뜨리지 않고않고도 [[사회주의]]로 점진하도록 경제 체제를 혁신하는 과정에서 [[사회 정의]]를 추구하며, [[대의민주주의]]를 위한 정책과 [[소득 재분배]] 정책, 그리고 사회 전반의 이익과 복지 정책을 포함하는 '정치•사회•경제 이념'이며 '개량 사회주의 이념'이다.{{sfn|Heywood|2012|p=128|ps=: "Social democracy is an ideological stance that supports a broad balance between market capitalism, on the one hand, and state intervention, on the other hand. Being based on a compromise between the market and the state, social democracy lacks a systematic underlying theory and is, arguably, inherently vague. It is nevertheless associated with the following views: (1) capitalism is the only reliable means of generating wealth, but it is a morally defective means of distributing wealth because of its tendency towards poverty and inequality; (2) the defects of the capitalist system can be rectified through economic and social intervention, the state being the custodian of the public interest […]"}}<ref>{{harvnb|Miller|1998|p=827}}: "The idea of social democracy is now used to describe a society the economy of which is predominantly capitalist, but where the state acts to regulate the economy in the general interest, provides welfare services outside of it and attempts to alter the distribution of income and wealth in the name of social justice."</ref>{{sfn|Badie|Berg-Schlosser|Morlino|2011|p=2423|ps=: "Social democracy refers to a political tendency resting on three fundamental features: (1) democracy (e.g., equal rights to vote and form parties), (2) an economy partly regulated by the state (e.g., through Keynesianism), and (3) a welfare state offering social support to those in need (e.g., equal rights to education, health service, employment and pensions)."}} 따라서 사회민주주의는 자본주의를 더 뛰어난 [[민주주의]]적, [[평등주의]]적, 연대주의적 결과로 이끌어 내는 것을 목표로 한다(이것이 사회민주주의자들이 말하는 사회주의이다). 그리고 사회민주주의는 북유럽과 서유럽, 특히 북유럽 국가의 [[노르딕 모델]]에서 20세기 후반에 두드러진 사회 경제 정책과 관련되어있다.{{sfn|Weisskopf|1992|p=10|ps=: "Thus social democrats do not try to do away with either the market or private property ownership; instead, they attempt to create conditions in which the operation of a capitalist market economy will lead to more egalitarian
outcomes and encourage more democratic and more solidaristic practices than would a more conventional capitalist system."}}{{sfnm|1a1=Gombert|1a2=Bläsius|1a3=Krell|1a4=Timpe|1y=2009|1p=8|2a1=Sejersted|2y=2011}}