아난케군: 두 판 사이의 차이

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잔글 토막글 틀 추가
Metrobot (토론 | 기여)
잔글 ISBN 매직 링크 제거
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주요 위성들을 크기순으로 나열하면 다음과 같다.<ref name="SheppardJewittPorco2004">[[Scott S. Sheppard]], [[David C. Jewitt]], [[Carolyn Porco]] ''Jupiter's outer satellites and Trojans'', In: ''Jupiter. The planet, satellites and magnetosphere.'' Edited by Fran Bagenal, Timothy E. Dowling, William B. McKinnon. Cambridge planetary science, Vol. 1, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, {{ISBN |0-521-81808-7}}, 2004, p. 263 - 280 [http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/~jewitt/papers/JUPITER/JSP.2003.pdf Full text(pdf).]</ref><ref name="Nesvorny2004">David Nesvorný, Cristian Beaugé, and Luke Dones ''Collisional Origin of Families of Irregular Satellites'', The Astronomical Journal, '''127''' (2004), pp. 1768–1783 [http://www.boulder.swri.edu/~davidn/papers/irrbig.pdf Full text.]</ref>
* [[아난케 (위성)|아난케]]
* [[프락시데케 (위성)|프락시데케]]