정통장로교회: 두 판 사이의 차이

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종교단체명으로서 '정통장로교회' 직역을 하되 국가명이나 지역명을 표가하는 것이 통례입니다.
태그: 새 넘겨주기 일반 문서의 넘겨주기화
1번째 줄:
#넘겨주기 [[미국정통장로교회]]
'''정통장로교회''' (Orthodox Presbyterian Church, OPC)는 미국 북부지역에 기반을 둔 신앙적 [[장로교]]교단이다.  미국 [[북장로교]](United States of America in the United States of America, PCUSA)소속되었는데 1930년대 [[근본주의]]와 현대주의 논쟁 시기에 현대신학을 강하게 반대한[[ 웨스트민스터 신학교]]의  [[존 그레섬 메이천]]과 같은 회원들에 의해 1936년 창립되었다. 1929년 자유주의 신학에 대해 관대한 [[프린스턴 신학교]]에서 나온 웨스트민스턴 신학교가 설립되고 1933년 장로교해외독립선교부(Independent Board for Presbyterian Foreign Missions)가 만들어지면서 정통장로교회가 세워지게 되었다.<ref name="fgf1">{{웹 인용|url=http://www.opc.org/books/fighting/pt1.html|제목=Fighting the Good Fight|출판사=Orthodox Presbyterian Church|확인날짜=20 February 2014}}</ref> 규모에 비해 [[복음주의]]에서 영향력이 크다.<ref>{{서적 인용|url=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=nVfdAzBOUSIC&pg=PA7|제목=Pocket History of Evangelical Theology|성=Olson|이름=Roger E.|저자링크=Roger E. Olson|날짜=2007|출판사=[[InterVarsity Press]]|쪽=70|확인날짜=25 February 2015}}</ref><ref name="fgf1">{{웹 인용|url=http://www.opc.org/books/fighting/pt1.html|제목=Fighting the Good Fight|출판사=Orthodox Presbyterian Church|확인날짜=20 February 2014}}</ref>
[[파일:J.G.Machen.jpg|왼쪽|섬네일|249x249픽셀|정통장로교회의 창설에 주된 역할을 한 [[존 그레섬 메이천]]]]
[[파일:John_Calvin_by_Holbein.png|섬네일|장로교회의 신학자 [[장 칼뱅]]]]
== 연합단체 == 
* North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council (NAPARC).<ref>"The Constituting Meeting of the North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council(NAPARC)" accessed July 4th, 2013, http://www.naparc.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Minutes-of-the-1st-1975-Meeting-of-NAPARC.pdf</ref>
* Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America,
* Reformed Church in the United States
* Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
* Reformed Churches in North America 
* American Reformed Churches<ref>"Member Churches" accessed July 4th, 2013 http://www.naparc.org/member-churches</ref>
* International Conference of Reformed Churches
* Africa Evangelical Presbyterian Church,
* Reformed Church in Japan
* Presbyterian Church in Japan Presbyterian Church of Brazil<ref>"The OPC's Ecclesiastical Relations" retrieved September 14th, 2013, http://www.opc.org/relations/links.html</ref>
* [[웨스트민스터 신학교]]
* [[북장로교회]]
== 각주 ==
== 추가 읽기 ==
* Gatiss, Lee. ''Christianity and the Tolerance of Liberalism: J.Gresham Machen and the Presbyterian Controversy of 1922-1937''. London: Latimer Trust, 2008 {{ISBN|978-0-946307-63-0}}
* Churchill, Robert King. ''Lest We Forget : a Personal Reflection on the Formation of The Orthodox Presbyterian Church.'' Philadelphia : The Committee for the Historian of The Orthodox Presbyterian Church, 1987. {{ISBN|0-934688-34-6}}
* Longfield, Bradley J. ''The Presbyterian Controversy: Fundamentalists, Modernists, and Moderates.'' New York: Oxford University Press, 1991. {{ISBN|0-19-508674-0}}
* Hart, D.G. ''Defending the Faith: J. Gresham Machen and the Crisis of Conservative Protestantism in Modern America''. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994. {{ISBN|0-8010-2023-9}}
* Hart, D.G., and John Muether. ''Fighting the Good Fight of Faith: A Brief History of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.'' Philadelphia: The Committee on Christian Education and the Committee for the Historian of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, 1995. {{ISBN|0-934688-81-8}}
* North, Gary. ''Crossed Fingers: How the Liberals Captured the Presbyterian Church.'' Tyler, TX: Institute for Christian Economics. 1996. {{ISBN|0-930464-74-5}}
* Calhoun, David B., ''Princeton Seminary: The Majestic Testimony, 1869-1929.'' Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 1996.
* Rian, Edwin H. ''The Presbyterian Conflict.'' Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. 1940. {{ISBN|0-934688-67-2}}
* Loetscher, Lefferts A., ''The Broadening Church: A Study of Theological Issues in the Presbyterian Church Since 1869.'' Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press
* Elliot, Paul M., ''Christianity and Neo-Liberalism: The Spiritual Crisis in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and Beyond'', 2005, Trinity Foundation, {{ISBN|978-0-940931-68-8}}
== 외부 링크 ==
* [http://www.opc.org/ The Orthodox Presbyterian Church: official website]
* [http://www.gcp.org/ Great Commission Publications]
[[분류:기독교 단체]]