룩소르: 두 판 사이의 차이

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편집 요약 없음
19번째 줄:
'''룩소르'''({{llang|en|Luxor}}, {{llang|ar|<big>الأقصر</big> al-Uqṣur}})는 [[이집트]]의 남부에 있는 도시이다. [[고대 이집트]] 시대부터 존재해 왔으며 인구는 376,022명(1999년)이고, 도시의 면적은 416km²이다. 룩소르신전, 카르낙신전, 멤논의 거상 등을 포함한 유적들이 위치해 있고 서안지역에는 [[왕가의 계곡]]과 왕비의 계곡이 있다. 매년 수천명의 관광객들이 찾으며, [[룩소르 국제 공항]]이 위치해 있다. 시민들은 주로 [[사탕수수]] 농사에 종사하며, 경제는 관광업에 의존하고 있다.
== 기후 ==
{{Weather box
|location = Luxor
|metric first = yes
|single line = yes
|Jan record high C = 32.9
|Feb record high C = 38.5
|Mar record high C = 42.2
|Apr record high C = 46.2
|May record high C = 50.0
|Jun record high C = 48.5
|Jul record high C = 47.8
|Aug record high C = 47.0
|Sep record high C = 46.0
|Oct record high C = 43.0
|Nov record high C = 38.2
|Dec record high C = 34.8
|year record high C = 50.0
|Jan high C = 23.0
|Feb high C = 25.4
|Mar high C = 27.4
|Apr high C = 35.0
|May high C = 39.2
|Jun high C = 41.4
|Jul high C = 41.1
|Aug high C = 40.4
|Sep high C = 38.8
|Oct high C = 35.3
|Nov high C = 28.9
|Dec high C = 24.4
|year high C = 33.4
|Jan mean C = 13.8
|Feb mean C = 15.9
|Mar mean C = 20.2
|Apr mean C = 25.6
|May mean C = 29.6
|Jun mean C = 32.2
|Jul mean C = 32.3
|Aug mean C = 31.8
|Sep mean C = 29.7
|Oct mean C = 25.9
|Nov mean C = 20.0
|Dec mean C = 15.1
|year mean C = 24.3
|Jan low C = 5.4
|Feb low C = 7.1
|Mar low C = 10.4
|Apr low C = 16.0
|May low C = 20.2
|Jun low C = 22.6
|Jul low C = 23.6
|Aug low C = 23.2
|Sep low C = 21.3
|Oct low C = 17.3
|Nov low C = 11.6
|Dec low C = 7.1
|year low C = 15.5
|Jan record low C = -0.3
|Feb record low C = -1.0
|Mar record low C = 0.0
|Apr record low C = 6.5
|May record low C = 12.5
|Jun record low C = 16.0
|Jul record low C = 19.2
|Aug record low C = 19.2
|Sep record low C = 15.8
|Oct record low C = 9.8
|Nov record low C = 3.7
|Dec record low C = 0.7
|year record low C = -1.0
|Jan precipitation mm = 0
|Feb precipitation mm = 0
|Mar precipitation mm = 0
|Apr precipitation mm = 0
|May precipitation mm = 0
|Jun precipitation mm = 0
|Jul precipitation mm = 0
|Aug precipitation mm = 0
|Sep precipitation mm = 0
|Oct precipitation mm = 1
|Nov precipitation mm = 0
|Dec precipitation mm = 0
|year precipitation mm = 1
|Jan humidity = 55
|Feb humidity = 47
|Mar humidity = 39
|Apr humidity = 31
|May humidity = 29
|Jun humidity = 27
|Jul humidity = 30
|Aug humidity = 33
|Sep humidity = 37
|Oct humidity = 43
|Nov humidity = 51
|Dec humidity = 57
|year humidity = 39.9
|Jan precipitation days = 0.2
|Feb precipitation days = 0.1
|Mar precipitation days = 0.1
|Apr precipitation days = 0.1
|May precipitation days = 0.1
|Jun precipitation days = 0.0
|Jul precipitation days = 0.0
|Aug precipitation days = 0.0
|Sep precipitation days = 0.0
|Oct precipitation days = 0.3
|Nov precipitation days = 0.0
|Dec precipitation days = 1.0
|year precipitation days = 1.9
|Jand sun=9
|Febd sun=10
|Mard sun=10
|Aprd sun=10
|Mayd sun=11
|Jund sun=12
|Juld sun=12
|Augd sun=12
|Sepd sun=11
|Octd sun=10
|Novd sun=10
|Decd sun=9
|source 1 = NOAA<ref name= NOAA>{{cite web
| url = ftp://ftp.atdd.noaa.gov/pub/GCOS/WMO-Normals/TABLES/REG__I/UB/62405.TXT
| title = Luxor Climate Normals 1961–1990
| publisher = [[National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration]]
| accessdate = January 25, 2015}}</ref>
|source 2 = ''Weather2Travel'' for sunshine<ref>{{cite web|title=Luxor Climate and Weather Averages, Egypt|url=http://www.weather2travel.com/climate-guides/egypt/luxor.php|publisher=Weather2Travel|accessdate=15 August 2013}}</ref>
|date=January 2015}}
== 자매도시 ==
* {{국기나라|불가리아}} [[카잔러크]]
* {{국기나라|미국}} [[볼티모어]]
== 각주 ==
{{이집트 신들}}