칼리 (콜롬비아): 두 판 사이의 차이

내용 삭제됨 내용 추가됨
Metrobot (토론 | 기여)
잔글 위키데이터와 로컬이 같은 위키공용분류 링크 조정
편집 요약 없음
21번째 줄:
시는 [[1536년]] [[7월 25일]]에 창립되었다. 7월 25일은 [[제베대오의 아들 야고보|성 야고보]]의 축일로, '''산티아고데칼리'''({{llang|es|Santiago de Cali}}, "산티아고"는 성 야고보의 스페인어 이름)라는 정식명칭이 붙어 있다. 산간 분지의 고립된 위치에 있어 발전이 다소 늦어졌으나, [[20세기]] 중반 카우카 강 유역 개발사업이 진행되면서 크게 발전하게 되어 [[보고타]]와 [[메데인]] 다음가는 콜롬비아 제3의 도시가 되었다. 카우카 강 유역 개발사업으로 여러 [[댐]]이 건설되었고, 칼리는 그 수력발전을 이용한 다양한 공업이 발달하게 되었다. 주변에서 재배되는 [[사탕수수]], [[커피]], [[목화]] 등도 거래된다.
== 기후 ==
{{Weather box
|location = Santiago de Cali ([[Alfonso Bonilla Aragón International Airport]]) 1981–2010
|metric first = Yes
|single line = yes
|Jan record high C = 36.3
|Feb record high C = 36.5
|Mar record high C = 36.4
|Apr record high C = 34.5
|May record high C = 33.2
|Jun record high C = 35.3
|Jul record high C = 36.6
|Aug record high C = 35.7
|Sep record high C = 35.0
|Oct record high C = 34.4
|Nov record high C = 32.8
|Dec record high C = 34.5
|year record high C =
|Jan high C = 29.9
|Feb high C = 30.2
|Mar high C = 30.1
|Apr high C = 29.5
|May high C = 29.3
|Jun high C = 29.5
|Jul high C = 30.1
|Aug high C = 30.7
|Sep high C = 30.2
|Oct high C = 29.2
|Nov high C = 28.9
|Dec high C = 29.2
|year high C = 29.7
|Jan mean C = 24.0
|Feb mean C = 24.2
|Mar mean C = 24.2
|Apr mean C = 23.9
|May mean C = 23.9
|Jun mean C = 23.9
|Jul mean C = 24.1
|Aug mean C = 24.3
|Sep mean C = 24.1
|Oct mean C = 23.5
|Nov mean C = 23.4
|Dec mean C = 23.6
|year mean C = 23.9
|Jan low C = 18.9
|Feb low C = 19.0
|Mar low C = 19.2
|Apr low C = 19.2
|May low C = 19.2
|Jun low C = 18.9
|Jul low C = 18.4
|Aug low C = 18.5
|Sep low C = 18.7
|Oct low C = 18.8
|Nov low C = 18.8
|Dec low C = 18.9
|year low C = 18.9
|Jan record low C = 14.4
|Feb record low C = 15.2
|Mar record low C = 14.0
|Apr record low C = 14.6
|May record low C = 16.0
|Jun record low C = 15.1
|Jul record low C = 13.6
|Aug record low C = 13.4
|Sep record low C = 14.2
|Oct record low C = 15.0
|Nov record low C = 15.0
|Dec record low C = 15.0
|year record low C =
|precipitation colour=green
|Jan precipitation mm = 51.3
|Feb precipitation mm = 56.0
|Mar precipitation mm = 92.0
|Apr precipitation mm = 129.3
|May precipitation mm = 96.5
|Jun precipitation mm = 55.1
|Jul precipitation mm = 31.7
|Aug precipitation mm = 35.3
|Sep precipitation mm = 70.1
|Oct precipitation mm = 101.8
|Nov precipitation mm = 101.2
|Dec precipitation mm = 67.9
|year precipitation mm = 888.2
|unit precipitation days =
|Jan precipitation days = 10
|Feb precipitation days = 9
|Mar precipitation days = 14
|Apr precipitation days = 17
|May precipitation days = 15
|Jun precipitation days = 10
|Jul precipitation days = 8
|Aug precipitation days = 8
|Sep precipitation days = 12
|Oct precipitation days = 16
|Nov precipitation days = 15
|Dec precipitation days = 12
|year precipitation days = 144
|Jan humidity = 73
|Feb humidity = 72
|Mar humidity = 73
|Apr humidity = 76
|May humidity = 76
|Jun humidity = 75
|Jul humidity = 73
|Aug humidity = 71
|Sep humidity = 72
|Oct humidity = 75
|Nov humidity = 76
|Dec humidity = 75
|year humidity = 74
|Jan sun = 179.8
|Feb sun = 158.2
|Mar sun = 161.2
|Apr sun = 141.0
|May sun = 142.6
|Jun sun = 150.0
|Jul sun = 182.9
|Aug sun = 189.1
|Sep sun = 159.0
|Oct sun = 155.0
|Nov sun = 153.0
|Dec sun = 164.3
|year sun =
|Jand sun = 5.8
|Febd sun = 5.6
|Mard sun = 5.2
|Aprd sun = 4.7
|Mayd sun = 4.6
|Jund sun = 5.0
|Juld sun = 5.9
|Augd sun = 6.1
|Sepd sun = 5.3
|Octd sun = 5.0
|Novd sun = 5.1
|Decd sun = 5.3
|yeard sun = 5.3
|source 1 = [[Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (Colombia)|Instituto de Hidrologia Meteorologia y Estudios Ambientales]]<ref name=IDEAM1>{{cite web
| url = http://www.ideam.gov.co/documents/21021/553571/Promedios+Climatol%C3%B3gicos++1981+-+2010.xlsx/f28d0b07-1208-4a46-8ccf-bddd70fb4128
| archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20160815025712/http://www.ideam.gov.co/documents/21021/553571/Promedios%2BClimatol%C3%B3gicos%2B%2B1981%2B-%2B2010.xlsx/f28d0b07-1208-4a46-8ccf-bddd70fb4128
| archivedate = 15 August 2016
| title = Promedios Climatológicos 1981–2010
| publisher = Instituto de Hidrologia Meteorologia y Estudios Ambientales
| language = Spanish
| accessdate = 15 August 2016
| deadurl = yes
| df = dmy-all
}}</ref><ref name=IDEAM2>{{cite web
| url = http://www.ideam.gov.co/documents/21021/553571/Promedios+Climatol%C3%B3gicos++1971+-+2000.xlsx/7358269a-2856-442c-8d41-fe076f0361af
| archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20160815030409/http://www.ideam.gov.co/documents/21021/553571/Promedios%2BClimatol%C3%B3gicos%2B%2B1971%2B-%2B2000.xlsx/7358269a-2856-442c-8d41-fe076f0361af
| archivedate = 15 August 2016
| title = Promedios Climatológicos 1971–2000
| publisher = Instituto de Hidrologia Meteorologia y Estudios Ambientales
| language = Spanish
| accessdate = 15 August 2016
| deadurl = yes
| df = dmy-all
}}</ref><ref>{{cite web
| url = http://www.ideam.gov.co/web/tiempo-y-clima/clima
| archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20160815030620/http://www.ideam.gov.co/web/tiempo-y-clima/clima
| archivedate=15 August 2016| title = Tiempo y Clima
| publisher = Instituto de Hidrologia Meteorologia y Estudios Ambientales
| language = Spanish
| accessdate = 15 August 2016}}</ref>
|date=August 2010
== 자매 도시 ==
* {{국기나라|스페인}} [[팔로스데라프론테라]] (Palos de la Frontera)
== 각주 ==
== 외부 링크 ==