랭커스터 (펜실베이니아주): 두 판 사이의 차이

내용 삭제됨 내용 추가됨
Choboty (토론 | 기여)
잔글 띄어쓰기 수정
편집 요약 없음
1번째 줄:
[[파일:Lancaster Pennsylvania downtown.jpg|섬네일|랭커스터 시내의 모습]]
'''랭커스터''' (Lancaster)는 [[미국]], [[펜실베이니아주]]의 도시이다. 인구는 55,351명이며<ref>{{웹 인용|제목=Lancaster (city) QuickFacts|웹사이트=Census Bureau|url=http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/42/4241216.html|확인날짜=2006-06-30|보존url=https://web.archive.org/web/20071210191154/http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/42/4241216.html|보존날짜=2007-12-10|깨진링크=예}}</ref> 면적은 19&nbsp;km<sup>2</sup>이다. 인구순으로 [[필라델피아]], [[피츠버그]], [[앨런타운 (펜실베이니아주)|앨런타운]], [[이리 (펜실베이니아주)|이리]], [[레딩 (펜실베이니아주)|레딩]], [[베슬리헴 (펜실베이니아주)|베슬리헴]], [[스크랜턴 (펜실베이니아주)|스크랜턴]] 다음으로 주에서 8번째 크기이다.
== 기후 ==
{{Weather box |location = Lancaster, Pennsylvania (1981–2010 normals, extremes 1949–present)
|single line = Y
|Jan high F = 38.1
|Feb high F = 41.4
|Mar high F = 51.0
|Apr high F = 62.9
|May high F = 72.6
|Jun high F = 81.0
|Jul high F = 85.2
|Aug high F = 83.5
|Sep high F = 76.0
|Oct high F = 64.9
|Nov high F = 53.8
|Dec high F = 42.1
|year high F =62.8
|Jan low F = 22.0
|Feb low F = 23.8
|Mar low F = 31.1
|Apr low F = 40.5
|May low F = 50.0
|Jun low F = 59.7
|Jul low F = 64.3
|Aug low F = 62.6
|Sep low F = 54.8
|Oct low F = 43.2
|Nov low F = 34.6
|Dec low F = 26.3
|year low F =42.8
|Jan record high F = 70
|Feb record high F = 76
|Mar record high F = 88
|Apr record high F = 93
|May record high F = 99
|Jun record high F = 97
|Jul record high F = 103
|Aug record high F = 101
|Sep record high F = 99
|Oct record high F = 91
|Nov record high F = 86
|Dec record high F = 76
|Jan record low F = −16
|Feb record low F = −9
|Mar record low F = −2
|Apr record low F = 16
|May record low F = 28
|Jun record low F = 36
|Jul record low F = 46
|Aug record low F = 37
|Sep record low F = 34
|Oct record low F = 23
|Nov record low F = 12
|Dec record low F = −3
|precipitation colour = green
|Jan precipitation inch = 2.88
|Feb precipitation inch = 2.47
|Mar precipitation inch = 3.27
|Apr precipitation inch = 3.38
|May precipitation inch = 3.89
|Jun precipitation inch = 3.94
|Jul precipitation inch = 4.50
|Aug precipitation inch = 3.20
|Sep precipitation inch = 4.56
|Oct precipitation inch = 3.85
|Nov precipitation inch = 3.60
|Dec precipitation inch = 3.27
|year precipitation inch=42.81
|Jul snow inch = 0
|Aug snow inch = 0
|Sep snow inch = 0
|Oct snow inch = 0
|Nov snow inch = 0.4
|Dec snow inch = 3.3
|Jan snow inch = 5.5
|Feb snow inch = 7.5
|Mar snow inch = 1.4
|Apr snow inch = 0.2
|May snow inch = 0
|Jun snow inch = 0
|year snow inch=18.3
|unit precipitation days = 0.01 in
|Jan precipitation days = 9.8
|Feb precipitation days = 8.5
|Mar precipitation days = 9.9
|Apr precipitation days = 11.3
|May precipitation days = 12.7
|Jun precipitation days = 10.7
|Jul precipitation days = 10.3
|Aug precipitation days = 9.2
|Sep precipitation days = 9.1
|Oct precipitation days = 9.3
|Nov precipitation days = 10.4
|Dec precipitation days = 10.2
|year precipitation days=121.4
|unit snow days = 0.1 in
|Jul snow days = 0
|Aug snow days = 0
|Sep snow days = 0
|Oct snow days = 0
|Nov snow days = 0.2
|Dec snow days = 1.3
|Jan snow days = 3.0
|Feb snow days = 2.1
|Mar snow days = 0.8
|Apr snow days = 0.1
|May snow days = 0
|Jun snow days = 0
|year snow days =7.5
|source 1 = NOAA <ref name = NOAA >
{{cite web
|url = http://www.nws.noaa.gov/climate/xmacis.php?wfo=ctp
|title = NowData - NOAA Online Weather Data
|publisher = [[National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration]]
|accessdate = 2015-07-27}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url=ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/normals/1981-2010/products/station/USC00364763.normals.txt |publisher=National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |title=Station Name: PA LANCASTER 2NE FLTR PLT |accessdate=2015-07-27}}</ref>
== 자매 도시 ==