조선: 두 판 사이의 차이

내용 삭제됨 내용 추가됨
편집 요약 없음
편집 요약 없음
1번째 줄:
{{출처 필요|날짜=2013-4-5}}
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{{다른 뜻|고조선|1392년에 [[조선 태조|이성계]]가 건국한 조선|기원전에 [[단군]]이 건국한 조선}}
줄 337 ⟶ 336:
== 참고 자료 ==
*『조선초기 정치지배세력연구』(정두희, 일조각, 1983)
*『조선전기사회사상연구』(한영우, 지식산업사, 1983)
*『조선전기 토지제도사연구』(김태영, 지식산업사, 1983)
*『조선전기사회경제연구』(한영우, 을유문화사, 1983)
*『근대한중관계사연구』(송병기, 단국대출판부, 1983)
*『조선후기사회변동연구』(정석종, 일조각, 1983)
*『袁世凱與朝鮮』(林明德, 臺北, 中央硏究院 近代史硏究所, 1970)
*『朝鮮開國外交史』(渡邊勝美, 東光堂書店, 1943)
*『朝鮮中世社會史の硏究』(旗田巍, 法政大出版局, 1972) 『韓國의 經濟組織と經濟單位』(福田德三, 經濟學硏究, 1907)
*『李朝人口に關する硏究』(四方博, 朝鮮社會法制史硏究, 1937)
*「朝鮮後期の田畓文記に關する硏究」(周藤吉之, 『歷史學硏究』 7―7·8·9, 1937)
*「李朝人口に關する身分階級別的觀察」(四方博, 『朝鮮經濟の硏究』 3, 1938)
*「高麗末期より李朝初期に至る奴婢の硏究」(周藤吉之, 『歷史學硏究』 9―1∼4, 1939)
*「敎祖崔濟愚における東學思想の歷史的展開」(石井壽夫, 『歷史學硏究』 11―1, 1941)
*「李朝時代の都市と農村とに關する試論」(四方博, 『京城大學法學會論集』 12―3·4, 1941)
*「朝鮮初について京在所と留鄕所について」(周藤吉之, 『加藤紀念東洋史集說』, 1941)
* 「近代朝鮮における政治的改革」(田保橋潔, 『 近代朝鮮史硏究』, 1944)
* 「李朝初期の徭役」(有井智德, 『朝鮮學報』 30·31, 1961)
* 「李氏朝鮮開港直後における朝日貿易の展開」(姜德相, 『歷史學硏究』 265, 1962)
* 「近代における朝鮮人と日本觀」(旗田巍, 『思想』 520, 1967)
* 「李朝の鄕規について 1·2·3」(田川孝三, 『朝鮮學報』 76·78·81, 1975·1976)
* 「朝鮮後期農業の硏究」(宮嶋博史, 『人文學報』 43, 1977)
*God, Mam-mon and the Japanese;Dr.Horace Allen and Korean―American Relations 1884∼1905(F.H.Harrington, University of Wisconsin Press, 1944)
*Russian Far Eastern Policy, 1881∼1904(Andrew, Malozemoff, University of California Press, 1958)
*The Japanese Seizure of Korea 1868∼1910(Hilary Conroy, 1960)
*Korea and the Politics of Imperialism 1876∼1910(C.I.Eugene·Han Kyo Kim, University of California Press, 1967)
*Korea’s 1884 Incident(Harold, F.Cook, Seoul, Tae won publishing Co., 1972)
Confucian Gentleman and Barbarian Envoys(Martina Deuchler, University of Washington Press, 1977)
*The Last Phase of the East Asian World Order; Korea, Japan and Chinese Empire 1860∼1882(Key―Hiuk Kim, 1980)
*The Abacus and the Sword - The Japanese Penetration of Korea, 1895-1910-(Peter Duus, Berkeley, Los Angeles and London , University of California Press, 1995)
*Kim Ok―kyun and the Korean Progressive Movement, 1882∼1884(Andrew C.Nahm, Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University, 1961)
*The Russo―Japanese Struggle for Control of Korea, 1894∼1904(Seung Kwon Synn, Ph.D. dissertation, Havard University, 1967)
*Korea’s Quest for Reform and Diplomacy in the 1880’s(Kim Dalchoong, Ph.D.dissertation, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, 1972)
*Confucian Behavior toward Modernization of Korea, 1864∼1910(Kang, Thomas Hosuck, Korea Jour-nal 13(7), 1973)
*The Kabo Reform Movement;Korean―Japanese Reform Efforts in Korea 1894(Y.I.Lew, Ph.D.dissertation, Havard University, 1973)
*Commoners in Early Yi Dynasty Civil Examinations(Choe Yong―ho, The Journal of Asian Studies 33―4, 1974)
The Reform Efforts and Ideas of Pak Yong―hyo, 1894∼1895(Lew Young―Ick)
*Korean pation in Government in Late 19th Century Korea; The Contribution of the Independence Club, 1896∼1898(Vipan Chandra, Ph.D.dissertation, Havard University, 1977)
*Fukuzawa Yukichi on Korea(Pak SeongRae, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 45, 1977)
Korean―Japanese Politics behind the Kobo―Ulmi Reform Movement, 1894∼1896(Y.I. Lew, The Journal of Korean Studies, 1981)
*The Abacus and the Sword-The Japanese Penetration of Korea, 1895∼1910-(Berkerley, Los Angeles and London : University of California Press, 1995)
* {{위키인용 |ref="태조실록 1413"| reference ={{서적 인용 |저자=춘추관 관원들 |연도=1413 |제목=[[태조실록]]}} }}
* {{글로벌세계대백과|제목=조선 양반사회의 성립, 경제체제의 해이}}
== 외부 링크 ==