마리우스 군제개혁: 두 판 사이의 차이

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새 문서: thumb|right|150px|가이우스 마리우스 '''마리우스 군제개혁'''은 기원전 107년에 로마의 정치가...
태그: 인터위키 추가
7번째 줄:
* 3,500 [[세스테르티우스]] 만큼의 자산을 보유해야 했다.
* 장비를 직접 조달해야 했다.
특히나 로마의 센서스 계급(일반적인 [[플레브스]]/[[파트리키]] 구분과는 구별)들에 네 개의 표준화된 단위 유형(병사들이 자신의 군사 장비에 얼마나 돈을 쓸 수 있는지를 기반으로 함)이 군단을 구성했다:
* '''''[[벨리테스]]''''' - <!--The poorest (5th class ''[[proletarii]]'') and often the youngest citizens, who could not afford a shield, a helmet or armor, and sometimes even a [[gladius]]. They were unarmored [[javelin]]-throwing [[skirmishers]], who ran forward at the head of the Roman line of battle, expended their missiles to distract the enemy while the ''hastati'' advanced and then quickly retreated through the lines to the rear. They were not expected or equipped to hold any portion of the battle line.
* '''''[[하스타티]]''''' - <!--4th class citizens who could afford basic armor, a small shield and a ''gladius''. The first rank of heavy (technically medium) infantry in the pre-Marian legion, the ''hastati'' were expected to hold the front of the line in the center of the battle and were usually young and aggressive men of middle to lower-middle class. Their lighter armour and position in the front ranks inevitably caused them to suffer the highest casualties in any battle, but good performance (and survival) meant promotion to the ''principes'' and upward social mobility in peace.-->
* '''''[[프린키페스]]''''' - <!--3rd class citizens, who could afford a full set of high-quality armor, a large shield and a bronze helmet in addition to their sword. Considered the core of the pre-Marian legion, the ''principes'' were the pre-Marian unit that most closely resembled the standardized [[legionary]] that the Marian reforms would eventually produce. They stood directly behind the ''hastati'' and relieved them in the front line if they were unable to break the enemy formation by themselves, which was common. Allowing the enemy to wear themselves out on the lighter ''hastati'' before facing the ''principes'' usually proved to be a decisively successful strategy.-->
* '''''[[트리아리이]]''''' - The final infantry unit, the ''[[triarii]]'', was restricted to experienced veterans of the ''principes'' and anchored the entire Roman battle line. Fighting in the manner of hoplites at the rear of the formation, the ''triarii'' were considered the elite infantry of the pre-Marian legion and were not usually needed, instead used as a last resort if the ''hastati'' and ''principes'' could not break the enemy line and were forced to retreat. The Roman [[idiom]] ''ad triarios redisse'' ("to fall back on the triarii") was used to refer to a final, mighty attempt to salvage a desperate situation.-->
* '''''[[에퀴테스]]''''' - <!--rich citizens of the [[equestrian order]] who could afford a horse, the ''equites'' were [[light cavalry]] who carried a one-handed light spear. They usually advanced along the flanks of the infantry line and were intended to break up enemy skirmisher and missile units and pursue forces that had been routed by the infantry. They were also the legion's primary [[reconnaissance]] force.<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/e/roman/texts/polybius/6*.html|title=Polybius • Histories — Book 6|website=penelope.uchicago.edu|access-date=2016-10-26}}</ref>-->
== 각주 ==
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