사용자:선의의 바람/연습장: 두 판 사이의 차이

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61번째 줄:
===은둔자로서의 삶===
[[그림:St Julian's Church Norwich.jpg|섬네일|노리치의 세인트 줄리안 교회 (제임스 실레트 작, 1828). 은둔자의 방은 이 삽화가 제작되기 몇 세기 전 이미 교회 내에서 철거되었고 그 자리에 부속 예배실이 지어졌다고 알려져 있으므로, 줄리안의 방은 이 교회의 다른 쪽에 위치해 있었을 것으로 여겨진다.]]
은둔자로서 줄리안은 지역사회 내에서 중요한 역할을 담당했을 것으로 보인다. 주민들의 영혼을 수호하는 노리치의 성직자들을 보조하기 위해서 그녀는 자신을 기도자로 봉헌했을 것이다.{{sfn|Ramirez|2016|p=9}} 정교한 절차를 거쳐 세인트 줄리안 교회의 은둔자로 그녀가 선정되었을 때{{sfn|Leyser|2002|p=206}} 노리치 [[주교]]의 참석 하에 교회에서는 중요한 [[가톨릭 교회]]의 의식이 시행되었을 것이다.{{sfn|Rolf|2018|p=50}} 의식이 거행되는 동안 '[[성무일도]]'의 [[시편]]이 마치 그녀의 장례식을 치르는 듯한 느낌으로 읊어졌을 것이다. 어느 시점, 줄리안은 은둔자의 방으로 인도되고, 그녀가 방안으로 들어가면 문이 봉인되고, 남은 평생 그녀는 그 방에서 나오지 못했을 것이다.{{sfn|Ramirez|2016|p=13}}
As an anchoress, Julian would have played an important part within her community, devoting herself to a life of prayer to complement the clergy in their primary function as protectors of people's souls.[42] Her solitary life would have begun upon the completion of an elaborate selection process.[43] An important church ceremony would have taken place at St. Julian's Church, in the presence of the Bishop of Norwich.[44] During the ceremony, psalms from the Office of the Dead would have been sung for her, as if it were her own funeral, and at some point Julian would have been led to her cell door and into the room beyond.[45] The door would afterwards have been sealed up, and she would have remained in her cell for the rest of her life.[46]
Once her life of seclusion had begun, Julian would have had to follow the strict rules for anchoresses. Two important sources of information about the life led by an anchoress have survived. De institutione inclusarum was written in Latin by Ælred of Rieveaulx in c. 1162, and the Ancrene Riwle was written in Middle English in c. 1200.[47][note 5] Although originally made for three religious sisters to follow, The Ancrene Riwle became in time a manual for all female recluses.[48] The work regained its former popularity during the mystical movement of the fourteenth century and may have been available to Julian in a version she could read and become familiar with.[49] It stipulated that anchoresses lived a life of confined isolation, poverty, and chastity.[50] However, some anchoresses are known to have lived comfortably, and there are instances in which they shared their accommodations with fellow recluses.[51]