사용자:Jjw/연습장: 두 판 사이의 차이

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편집 요약 없음
편집 요약 없음
1번째 줄:
* [[:zhen:金庸RNA vaccine]]
* [[김용RNA (1924년)백신]]
An '''RNA vaccine''' or '''mRNA (messenger RNA) vaccine''' is a type of [[vaccine]] that uses a man-made copy of a natural chemical called [[messenger RNA]] (mRNA) to produce an immune response. The vaccine [[RNA transfection|transfects]] molecules of [[Nucleoside-modified messenger RNA|synthetic RNA]] into human cells. Once inside the cells, the vaccine's RNA functions as mRNA, causing the cells to build the foreign [[protein]] that would normally be produced by a [[pathogen]] (such as a virus) or by a cancer cell. These protein molecules stimulate an [[adaptive immune response]] which teaches the body how to identify and destroy the corresponding pathogen or cancer cells, without harming the host cell.<ref name=STAT1/> The mRNA molecule is coated with a [[drug delivery]] vehicle, usually [[PEGylation|PEGylated]] [[solid lipid nanoparticles|lipid nanoparticles]],<ref name=Stat4/> to protect the fragile mRNA strands and aid their absorption into the human cells.<ref name="Verbeke_2019">{{cite journal | vauthors = Verbeke R, Lentacker I, De Smedt SC, Dewitte H |title=Three decades of messenger RNA vaccine development |journal=Nano Today |date=October 2019 |volume=28 |pages=100766 |doi=10.1016/j.nantod.2019.100766 |url=https://biblio.ugent.be/publication/8628303 }}</ref><ref name=Horizon/>
[[Reactogenicity]], the property of a vaccine of being able to produce common, "expected" adverse reactions, is similar to that of conventional, non-RNA, vaccines.<ref name=NAT1/> People susceptible to an [[autoimmunity|autoimmune response]] may have an adverse reaction to RNA vaccines.<ref name=NAT1/> The advantages of RNA vaccines over traditional protein vaccines are superior design and production speed, lower cost of production,<ref name=PHG1/><ref name="NAT1">{{cite journal|vauthors=Pardi N, Hogan MJ, Porter FW, Weissman D|date=April 2018|title=mRNA vaccines – a new era in vaccinology|journal=Nature Reviews. Drug Discovery|volume=17|issue=4|pages=261–279|doi=10.1038/nrd.2017.243|pmc=5906799|pmid=29326426}}</ref> and the induction of both [[cellular immunity|cellular]] as well as [[humoral immunity]].<ref name="bk1">{{cite book|url=https://link.springer.com/protocol/10.1007%2F978-1-4939-6481-9_1|title=RNA Vaccines: Methods and Protocols|vauthors=Kramps T, Elders K|date=2017|isbn=978-1-4939-6479-6|series=Methods in Molecular Biology|volume=1499|pages=1–11|chapter=Introduction to RNA Vaccines|doi=10.1007/978-1-4939-6481-9_1|pmid=27987140|access-date=18 November 2020}}</ref> A disadvantage is that the fragility of the mRNA molecule requires [[cold chain]] distribution and storage, which may impair [[efficacy|effective efficacy]] due to inadequate dosage when the molecule degrades before injection as the cold chain fails.<ref name="STAT1" /><ref name="PHG1" /><ref name="NAT1" />
'''김용'''({{zh-stp|s=金庸|t=金庸|p=Jīn Yōng|h=진융}}, 영어명: Louis Cha Leung-yung<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.protocol.gov.hk/images/chi/precedence/Precedence_List_20181002.pdf#page=16|title=香港特別行政區排名名單|website=政府總部禮賓處|access-date=2018-10-17|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20181004104129/https://www.protocol.gov.hk/images/chi/precedence/Precedence_List_20181002.pdf#page=16|archive-date=2018-10-04|dead-url=yes}}</ref>, [[1924년]] [[3월 10일]] ~ [[2018년]] [[10월 30일]]<ref>{{cite news |title=金庸下午病逝於香港 享耆壽94歲 |url=https://udn.com/news/story/7314/3451370 |work=聯合新聞網 |date=2018-10-30 |accessdate=2018-10-30 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20181030170645/https://udn.com/news/story/7314/3451370 |archive-date=2018-10-30 |dead-url=no }}</ref>)은 [[홍콩]]의 [[무협]] [[소설]] [[작가]], [[언론인]]이다. 본명은 '''자량융'''({{zh|s=查良镛|t=查良鏞|p=Zhā Liángyōng|hanja=사량용}})이다. '''진융'''(金庸)이라는 필명은 자량융(査良鏞)의 "융(鏞)"을 파자(破字)한 것이다.
mRNA vaccines have attracted considerable interest as vaccines against [[COVID-19]]. By early December 2020, there were two novel mRNA vaccines for COVID-19 that had completed the required eight-week period post-final human trials and were awaiting [[emergency use authorization]] as [[COVID-19 vaccine]]s: [[mRNA-1273]] from [[Moderna]] and [[Tozinameran]] from a [[BioNTech]]/[[Pfizer]] partnership.<ref name=STAT1/><ref name=JP1/> On 2 December 2020, the United Kingdom's [[Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency]] (MHRA) became the first [[Regulation of therapeutic goods|medicines regulator]] [[Timeline of human vaccines|in history]] to approve an mRNA vaccine, authorizing BioNTech/Pfizer's [[Tozinameran]] vaccine for widespread use against COVID-19.<ref name=guar2/><ref name=mhra-auth>{{cite web |publisher=Medicines &amp; Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency |url=https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/regulatory-approval-of-pfizer-biontech-vaccine-for-covid-19/conditions-of-authorisation-for-pfizerbiontech-covid-19-vaccine |type=Decision |date=8 December 2020 |title=Conditions of Authorisation for Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine}}</ref>
[[저장성]] [[하이닝시]] 출신으로 가장 유명한 중국 [[무협 소설]] 작가 가운데 한 명이다. 중국출판과학연구소가 발표한 전국민 열독 조사에서 [[루쉰]] 등의 문학가를 제치고 가장 많은 독자를 지닌 작가로 조사되었다. 중화권을 넘어 전 세계에 독자층이 있으며 전체 독자 수는 3억명이 넘을 것으로 추산된다.<ref>[http://www.hani.co.kr/arti/international/china/868077.html#csidxcc50e70bbab735b9e48db7c9a4ffeb6 ‘영웅문’ 김용 타계…무협소설 대가 쓰러지다], 한겨레, 2018년 10월 30일</ref> 《[[사조영웅전]]》, 《[[신조협려]]》, 《[[의천도룡기]]》, 《[[천룡팔부]]》, 《[[소오강호]]》, 《[[녹정기]]》 등의 작품을 발표하였다. 김용의 많은 작품들이 영화로 각색되어 제작되었다. 김용은 1948년부터 [[홍콩]]에서 거주하였고 1959년 일간지 《[[명보]]》를 창간하였고 여기에 자신의 소설을 싣기도 하였다.
The use of RNA in a vaccine has been the basis of substantial [[Misinformation related to the COVID-19 pandemic|misinformation]] circulated via social media, wrongly claiming that the use of RNA somehow alters a person's DNA, or emphasizing the technology's previously unknown safety record, while ignoring the more recent accumulation of evidence from trials involving tens of thousands of people.<ref name=bunk/>
1984년 [[홍콩득별행정구 기본법 기초위원회]]에 참여하였다.<ref>{{Cite web |url=https://hk.chiculture.net/20404/html/c08/20404c08.html |title=為國是辛勞 - 金庸的小說世界 |website=hk.chiculture.net |access-date=2018-10-31 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20181031133114/https://hk.chiculture.net/20404/html/c08/20404c08.html |archive-date=2018-10-31 |dead-url=no }}</ref><ref>{{Cite news |url=http://hk.crntt.com/doc/1003/9/0/0/100390003.html?coluid=81&kindid=2298&docid=100390003&mdate=0911123624 |title=金庸:《基本法》讓港人“不怕政府,怕老婆” |date=2007-06-16 |work=中國評論新聞網 - 香港回歸10周年 - 人物、專訪 |access-date=2018-10-31 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20181101111644/http://hk.crntt.com/doc/1003/9/0/0/100390003.html?coluid=81&kindid=2298&docid=100390003&mdate=0911123624 |archive-date=2018-11-01 |dead-url=no }}</ref>
2018년10월 30일 향년 94세로 별세하였다.<ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.cna.com.tw/news/firstnews/201810305004.aspx|title=金庸在親友陪伴下去世 享耆壽94歲|work=中央通訊社|date=2018-10-30|access-date=2018-10-30|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20181030140946/https://www.cna.com.tw/news/firstnews/201810305004.aspx|archive-date=2018-10-30|dead-url=no}}</ref>。
== 생애 Mechanism==
{{further|Immune system}}
=== 출생과 성장 ===
[[File:RNA_vaccine-en.svg|thumb|upright=1.6|An illustration of the [[mechanism of action]] of the RNA vaccine]]
[[파일:Sculpture of Jin Yong.JPG|섬네일|[[타오화섬]]에 있는 김용의 동상]]
mRNA vaccines operate in a very different manner from a traditional [[vaccine]]. Traditional vaccines stimulate an [[antibody]] response by injecting a human with [[antigens]] (proteins or peptides), an [[attenuated virus]], or a recombinant antigen-encoding [[viral vector]]. These ingredients are prepared and grown outside of the human body.
[[파일:The-Book-and-the-Sword at SCU History Room 20131014.jpg|섬네일|[[둥우 대학]]에 전시된 김용 사인이 들어있는 《서검은구록》]]
[[파일:The Eagle-shooting Heroes Decorative screen 2017.jpg|섬네일|《사조영웅전》의 등장인물을 소재로한 병풍. 1980년대 제작 ]]
김용의 본명은 자량융(查良镛, 사량용)으로 1924년 3월 10일(음력 갑자년 3월 6일) [[저강성]] [[하이닝시]]에서 태어났다. 해령 사씨의 32대손이다. 해령 사씨는 절서(浙西, 절강성 서부) 지역에서 많은 문인과 관리를 배출한 가문으로 명성이 자자하였다. [[명나라]]와 [[청나라]]를 걸쳐 배출한 [[진사 (칭호)|진사]]가 22 명이었고 [[강희제]] 연간에는 진사 10 명 [[한림원|한림학사]] 5 명을 배출하여 "일문십진사 숙질오한림"(一門十進士,叔侄五翰林)이라 불렸다. 조상 중에 사승(查昇), 사규(查揆) 등이 학자로서 명성이 높았다.<ref>洪水铿等著 《海宁查氏家族文化研究》ISBN 7308049655</ref> 아버지 자슈칭(查樞卿, 사추경)은 많은 땅을 소유한 대지주였으며 어려서 서양식 교육을 받아 상하이에 있던 저단대학(震旦大学, 지단대학)을 졸업하였다.<ref>查氏藏书在浙西一带很有名声,查家珍藏著900卷之多的《海宁查氏诗钞》雕版,是查文清生前编写。</ref> 어머니 수루(徐祿, 서록)는 부부 슬하에 아들 다섯을 낳았는데 량융은 그 중 차남이었다. 부부 사이엔 딸 둘도 있었다. 1937년 일본이 화남 지방을 침략해 오자 당시 13세로 한창 공부 중이던 김용의 집안은 폭격으로 풍비박산이 났고 그 와중에 어머니가 목숨을 잃었다. 훗날 아버지는 구슈잉(顧秀英, 고수영)과 재혼하여 둘 사이에 4남2녀를 두었다.
In contrast, mRNA vaccines insert a [[Oligonucleotide synthesis|synthetically created fragment of the RNA sequence]] of a virus directly into the human cells (known as [[RNA transfection|transfection]]).<ref name="NAT1" /> The cell uses its own internal machinery to produce the specific proteins (viral antigens) encoded by the mRNA strand.<ref name="NAT1" /> These antigens produced by the human cells stimulate an [[adaptive immune response]] in an equivalent manner to how direct injection of the antigen protein/peptide would have; that is, via production of new antibodies which bind to the antigen and activate [[T cell|T-cells]] that recognize specific [[peptide]]s presented on [[Major histocompatibility complex|MHC molecules]].<ref name="WEL1" /> The original cells simply [[Antigen presentation|present the antigen]], and are not targeted by antibodies.
=== 학업 ===
1929년 5월 고향인 하이닝현 위안화진 소학교(海寧縣袁花鎮小學)에 입학하였고,1936년 지아싱이중(嘉興一中, 가흥일중)에 입학하였다. 이듬해인 1937년 [[중일전쟁]]이 일어나 일본이 침략해 오자 [[위항구]], [[린안구]], [[리수이시]] 등지를 전전하며 피난 생활을 하였다. 1938년 성립 연합 고등중학교 초중부에 들어갔다.<ref name=jyz>傅国涌. 金庸传. 中国旅游出版社,2003年</ref>。이후 몇 차례 학교를 옮겨 1943년 절강성 추저우 제일중학을 졸업하였다.
The benefit of using mRNA to have human cells produce the antigen is that mRNA is far easier for vaccine creators to produce than antigen proteins or attenuated virus.<ref name="WEL1">{{cite website | url=https://wellcome.org/news/seven-vital-questions-about-rna-covid-19-vaccines-pfizer-biontech-moderna | title=Seven vital questions about the RNA Covid-19 vaccines emerging from clinical trials | date=19 November 2020 | access-date=26 November 2020 | website=[[Wellcome Trust]]}}</ref><ref name="Horizon" /><ref name="NAT1" /> Another benefit is speed of design and production. Moderna designed their [[MRNA-1273]] vaccine for COVID-19 in 2 days.<ref>{{cite website|date=26 November 2020|title=Moderna's groundbreaking coronavirus vaccine was designed in just 2 days|url=https://www.businessinsider.com/moderna-designed-coronavirus-vaccine-in-2-days-2020-11?r=US&IR=T|access-date=28 November 2020|website=[[Business Insider]]|vauthors=Neilson S, Dunn A, Bendix A}}</ref> Another advantage of RNA vaccines is that since the antigens are produced inside the cell, they stimulate [[cellular immunity]], as well as [[humoral immunity]].<ref name="bk1" /><ref name="nature1" />
1944년 [[충칭시|충칭]]의 중앙정치대학 외교과에 입학하였고 그해 [[중국국민당]]의 학생 당원이 되었다. 그러나 국민당의 학생통제에 불만을 품고 항의하다 퇴학당하였다.<ref>[http://www.panews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=20484 중국, 중국인의 지혜 400 - 다시보는 중국 역사 (55) 김용의 영웅문], 평안신문, 2020년 7월 15일</ref> 1945년 전쟁이 끝나자 항저우의 《동남일보》 기자로 취업하였다. 1946년 상하이의 [[둥우 대학]] 대학원에 국제법 전공으로 입학하였고<ref>[http://www.rxgl.net/zt/jyzt/wen/02.htm 金庸生平大事年表] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20090830032549/http://www.rxgl.net/zt/jyzt/wen/02.htm |date=2009-08-30 }}</ref>,1948년 졸업하였다.
mRNA vaccines do not affect or reprogram DNA inside the cell. The synthetic mRNA fragment is a copy of the specific part of the viral RNA that carries the instructions to build the antigen of the virus (a protein spike, in the case of the main coronavirus mRNA vaccines), and is not related to DNA. This misconception was circulated as the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines came to public prominence, and is a debunked [[conspiracy theory]].<ref name=BBC>{{cite website | website=[[BBC News]] | url=https://www.bbc.com/news/54893437 | title=Vaccine rumours debunked: Microchips, 'altered DNA' and more | vauthors = Carmichael F | date=15 November 2020 | access-date=17 November 2020}}</ref><ref>{{cite website | website=[[Full Fact]] | url=https://fullfact.org/online/rna-vaccine-covid/ | title=RNA Covid-19 vaccines will not change your DNA | date=30 November 2020 | access-date=1 December 2020 | vauthors = Rahman G }}</ref>
2005년 81세의 나이로 영국의 케임브리지 대학교에서 〈당나라 초기 황위 계승 제도〉로 역사학 석사 학위를 얻었고, 2010년에는 같은 대학에서 〈당나라 성세기의 황위 제도〉로 박사가 되었다.<ref>{{Cite web |url=https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/252203 |title=The imperial succession in Tang China, 618-762 唐代政權更易 |access-date=2018-10-30 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20181030170514/https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/252203 |archive-date=2018-10-30 |dead-url=no }}</ref><ref>[http://news.xinhuanet.com/school/2006-01/04/content_4007035.htm 金庸:81岁骑着单车穿行在剑桥大学小路上] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20100921215843/http://news.xinhuanet.com/school/2006-01/04/content_4007035.htm |date=2010-09-21 }}来源:北京青年报 2006年01月04日 </ref>。
The mRNA should [[Messenger_RNA#Degradation|degrade]] in the cells after producing the foreign protein. However, because the specific formulation (including the exact composition of the lipid nanoparticle drug delivery coating) is kept confidential by the manufacturers of the candidate mRNA vaccines, details and timings have not been researched yet by third parties.<ref>{{cite newspaper | newspaper=[[The Independent]] | date=18 November 2020 | access-date=3 December 2020 | url=https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/covid-vaccine-ingredients-pfizer-moderna-fda-b1729324.html | title='What is Covid vaccine made of?' trends on Google as Pfizer and Moderna seek FDA approval | vauthors = Vallejo J }}</ref>
=== 작품 활동 ===
1946년 가을 상하이로 간 자량융은 《대공보》(大公報)에서 국제 전보 번역 일을 하였다. 1948년 홍콩 지사로 옮겼고 1950년 베이징으로 가서 [[중화인민공화국 외교부]]에 취직하였으나 외교정책에 불만이 있어 다시 《대공보》로 돌아갔다. 1952년 《신만보》(新晚報)에 들어가 부편집장이 되었고 같은 해 《절대가인》, 《난화화》 등의 영화 각본을 썼다. 이시기 [[량위성]]을 만나 친구가 되었다.
== Delivery ==
1954년 [[오씨태극권]]의 우공위(吳公儀, 오공의)와 백학권의 쩐커푸(陳克夫, 진극부)가 [[마카오]]에서 대련을 벌였다. 이 일은 당시 중화권에서 크게 관심을 받았고 소문이 끊이질 않았다. 《대공보》의 편집장 루오푸(羅孚, 라부)는 이 사건을 계기로 새로 무협 소설을 연재하기로 마음 먹고 량위성의 《용호투경화》(龍虎鬥京華)를 연재하기 시작하였고, 자량융에게도 김용이라는 필명으로 《서검은구록》(書劍恩仇錄)을 연재하도록 하였다. 둘의 연재는 모두 호평을 얻었고 [[무협 소설]]에 대한 관심이 고조되었다. 1956년 무협 소설의 인기가 더욱 높아지자 량위성과 김용은 백검당주로 알려진 쩐판(陳凡, 진범)과 함께 《삼검루수필》(三剑楼随笔)을 발표하고 실제 역사적 배경을 가미한 새로운 무협을 선보였다. 김용은 같은해 《홍콩상보》에 《벽혈검》을 연재하였다.<ref>[http://www.hkedcity.net/article/reading_focus/jinyong/p3.phtml 閱讀焦點 | 郭靖不笨──金庸小說趣談 | 新舊對照(1)] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20090818144453/http://www.hkedcity.net/article/reading_focus/jinyong/p3.phtml |date=2009-08-18 }}</ref> 1959년 스스로 《명보》를 창간한 김용은 이곳에 《[[신조협려]]》를 연재하였다. 1953년부터 1958년 사이 다른 필명으로 작업한 장성전영공사의 영화 대본들 가운데 《절대가인》이 [[중화인민공화국 문화부]]의 금상을 수상하였다. 이 시기 김용은 《유녀회춘》(有女懷春), 《왕노호창친》(王老虎搶親)과 같은 대본 작업을 하였다.<ref name=zhuanji8>{{cite web |url=http://www.zhuanji8.com/chapter/chapter32766.htm |title=第二章 少年金庸(4) |publisher=传记吧 |date=2008-11-09 |accessdate=2009-07-28 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20090829173923/http://www.zhuanji8.com/chapter/chapter32766.htm |archivedate=2009-08-29 }}</ref>。
The methods of [[drug delivery]] can be broadly classified by whether the RNA transfer to cells happens within (''[[in vivo]]'') or outside (''[[ex vivo]]'') the organism.<ref name="Verbeke_2019"/>
=== 명보''Ex vivo'' ===
[[Dendritic cell]]s are a type of immune cells that display antigens on their [[Cell surface|surfaces]], leading to interactions with [[T cell]]s to initiate an immune response. Dendritic cells can be collected from patients and be programmed with mRNA. Then, they can be re-administered back into patients to create an immune response.<ref>{{cite journal | vauthors = Benteyn D, Heirman C, Bonehill A, Thielemans K, Breckpot K | title = mRNA-based dendritic cell vaccines | journal = Expert Review of Vaccines | volume = 14 | issue = 2 | pages = 161–76 | date = February 2015 | pmid = 25196947 | doi = 10.1586/14760584.2014.957684 | s2cid = 38292712 }}</ref>
1959년 김용은 홍콩에서 《명보》를 창간하였고 뒤이어 《명보만보》(석간), 《명보월간》, 《명보주간》을 창간하였다. 아울러 명보출간사 등의 출판사도 운영하였다. 1991년 1월 주식회사로 전환하여 명보기업유한공사가 되었고 그해 3월 [[홍콩교역소|홍콩 증권시장]]에 상장하였다. 명보 그룹의 1991년 이익은 일억 위안에 달했다.<ref>[http://www.people.com.cn/GB/14677/22114/26470/26501/1751602.html 金庸和他的《明报》] {{Wayback|url=http://www.people.com.cn/GB/14677/22114/26470/26501/1751602.html |date=20100710140235 }}人民网>>传媒>传媒专题与特别策划>百年报人传奇历史>学者文人 2003年03月17日</ref>。
=== ''In vivo'' ===
김용은 20여년간 《명보》의 사설도 집필하여 "왼손엔 사설 오른손엔 소설" 생활을 하였다. 1960년대 [[중소 분쟁]]이 일어나자 중국이 안전 보장을 위해 핵무장을 해야 한다는 사설을 내보냈고 중국공산당의 핵무장 정책에 반대하는 《대공보》 등을 영국, 미국을 숭상하고 중국에 반한다고 몰아세웠다.<ref name=jyz /> 그러나 [[문화대혁명]]에 대해서는 반대의 입장을 분명히 했고 그 때문에 김용의 책들은 중국 본토 내에서 금서로 지정되기도 하였다.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://book.ifeng.com/psl/dzsp/200810/1024_3553_845207.shtml |title=40年《明报月刊》:文革间的独立声音_读书_凤凰网 |publisher=Book.ifeng.com |date= |accessdate=2018-10-30 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160304123612/http://book.ifeng.com/psl/dzsp/200810/1024_3553_845207.shtml |archive-date=2016-03-04 |dead-url=no }}</ref>
Since the discovery of ''[[in vitro]]'' transcribed mRNA expression ''in vivo'' following direct administration, ''in vivo'' approaches have become more and more attractive.<ref>{{cite journal | vauthors = Wolff JA, Malone RW, Williams P, Chong W, Acsadi G, Jani A, Felgner PL | title = Direct gene transfer into mouse muscle in vivo | journal = Science | volume = 247 | issue = 4949 Pt 1 | pages = 1465–8 | date = March 1990 | pmid = 1690918 | doi = 10.1126/science.1690918 | bibcode = 1990Sci...247.1465W }}</ref> They offer some advantages over ''ex vivo'' methods, particularly by avoiding the cost of harvesting and adapting dendritic cells from patients and by imitating a regular infection. There are still obstacles for these methods to be overcome for RNA vaccination to be a potent procedure. [[Evolution|Evolutionary mechanisms]] that prevent the infiltration of unknown [[Nucleic acid|nucleic material]] and promote degradation by [[RNase]]s need to be circumvented in order to initiate translation. In addition, the mobility of RNA on its own is dependent on regular cell processes because it is too heavy to [[Diffusion|diffuse]], which is likely to be eliminated, halting translation.
==== Naked mRNA injection ====
21세기의 《명보》는 [[민주파]] 지지 성향의 언론 매체로 자리매김 하고 있다. 2014년 [[우산혁명]] 당시 전 편집장이 괴한의 습격을 받기도 하였다.<ref>[https://www.yna.co.kr/view/AKR20140312196200074 홍콩 명보 前편집장 피습사건 용의자 9명 체포돼], 연합뉴스, 2014년 3월 12일</ref>
This mode of mRNA uptake has been known for over two decades and the worldwide first clinical studies (Tuebingen, Germany) using direct injections of mRNA for vaccination consisted in injections of naked mRNA in the dermis,<ref>{{cite journal | vauthors = Probst J, Weide B, Scheel B, Pichler BJ, Hoerr I, Rammensee HG, Pascolo S | title = Spontaneous cellular uptake of exogenous messenger RNA in vivo is nucleic acid-specific, saturable and ion dependent | journal = Gene Therapy | volume = 14 | issue = 15 | pages = 1175–80 | date = August 2007 | pmid = 17476302 | doi = 10.1038/sj.gt.3302964 | doi-access = free }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal | vauthors = Lorenz C, Fotin-Mleczek M, Roth G, Becker C, Dam TC, Verdurmen WP, Brock R, Probst J, Schlake T | display-authors = 6 | title = Protein expression from exogenous mRNA: uptake by receptor-mediated endocytosis and trafficking via the lysosomal pathway | journal = RNA Biology | volume = 8 | issue = 4 | pages = 627–36 | date = July 2011 | pmid = 21654214 | doi = 10.4161/rna.8.4.15394 | doi-access = free }}</ref> and the use of RNA as a vaccine tool was discovered in the 1990s in the form of self-amplifying mRNA.<ref>{{cite journal | vauthors = Zhou X, Berglund P, Rhodes G, Parker SE, Jondal M, Liljeström P | title = Self-replicating Semliki Forest virus RNA as recombinant vaccine | journal = Vaccine | volume = 12 | issue = 16 | pages = 1510–4 | date = December 1994 | pmid = 7879415 | doi = 10.1016/0264-410x(94)90074-4 }}</ref><ref name = "Berglund_1998">{{cite journal | vauthors = Berglund P, Smerdou C, Fleeton MN, Tubulekas I, Liljeström P | title = Enhancing immune responses using suicidal DNA vaccines | journal = Nature Biotechnology | volume = 16 | issue = 6 | pages = 562–5 | date = June 1998 | pmid = 9624688 | doi = 10.1038/nbt0698-562 | s2cid = 38532700 }}</ref> It has also emerged that the different routes of [[Injection (medicine)|injection]], such as into the [[skin]], [[blood]] or to [[muscle]]s, resulted in varying levels of mRNA uptake, making the choice of administration route a critical aspect of delivery. Kreiter et al. demonstrated, in comparing different routes, that [[lymph node]] injection leads to the largest T cell response.<ref>{{cite journal | vauthors = Kreiter S, Selmi A, Diken M, Koslowski M, Britten CM, Huber C, Türeci O, Sahin U | display-authors = 6 | title = Intranodal vaccination with naked antigen-encoding RNA elicits potent prophylactic and therapeutic antitumoral immunity | journal = Cancer Research | volume = 70 | issue = 22 | pages = 9031–40 | date = November 2010 | pmid = 21045153 | doi = 10.1158/0008-5472.can-10-0699 | doi-access = free }}</ref> The mechanisms and consequently the evaluation of self-amplifying mRNA could be different, as they are fundamentally different by being a much bigger molecule in size.<ref name="Verbeke_2019" />
==== 정치 활동Polyplexes ====
[[Cationic polymerization|Cationic polymer]]s can be mixed with mRNA to generate [[Vectors in gene therapy#Polyplexes|polyplexes]] that protect the recombinant mRNA from [[ribonuclease]]s and assist its penetration in cells. [[Protamine]] is a natural cationic peptide and has been used to complex mRNA for vaccination.{{primary-source inline|date=December 2020}}<ref>{{primary-source inline|date=December 2020}}{{cite journal |vauthors=Weide B, Pascolo S, Scheel B, Derhovanessian E, Pflugfelder A, Eigentler TK, Pawelec G, Hoerr I, Rammensee HG, Garbe C |title=Direct injection of protamine-protected mRNA: results of a phase 1/2 vaccination trial in metastatic melanoma patients |journal=J Immunother |volume=32 |issue=5 |pages=498–507 |date=June 2009 |pmid=19609242 |doi=10.1097/CJI.0b013e3181a00068 |url=}}</ref>
1973년 봄 김용은 [[중화민국]] 정부로부터 초정을 받아 [[타이완]]을 방문하였고 [[중화민국 행정원|행정원]] 원장 [[장징궈]](蔣經國, 장경국)과 회담하였다. 중화인민공화국이 문화대혁명을 그만둔 뒤인 1981년에서 1984년 사이에는 베이징을 방문하여 [[덩샤오핑]]과 [[후야오방]]을 만났다.<ref name=gcd>{{cite web |author=1033 |url=http://cpc.people.com.cn/GB/68742/69118/69658/5441526.html |title=金庸与中共领导人的交往-中国共产党新闻-人民网 |publisher=Cpc.people.com.cn |date=2007-03-06 |accessdate=2018-10-30 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20181030170451/http://cpc.people.com.cn/GB/68742/69118/69658/5441526.html |archive-date=2018-10-30 |dead-url=no }}</ref> 이로서 김용은 덩샤오핑과 단독으로 회담한 최초의 홍콩인이 되었다.<ref>{{Cite journal |url=http://www.people.com.cn/GB/paper2086/14051/1253489.html |title=邓小平会见金庸的台前幕后 |author=吴跃农 |journal=《人民文摘》 《党史纵横》 |year=2005年 第二期 |editor=郭士荧 |access-date=2018-10-31 |archive-date=2018-10-31 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20181031133007/http://www.people.com.cn/GB/paper2086/14051/1253489.html |dead-url=no }}</ref> 이를 계기로 김용은 [[홍콩 특별행정구 기본법 기초위원회]]에서 활동하게 된다. 그는 경제제도 소위에서 활동하였다.<ref>{{cite news|title=中共喉舌1980年代揭基本法草委已主張 查良鏞:不受鄧小平言論影響|url=https://hk.appledaily.com/local/20200903/6FRMJV7P6VAVBH4P7T55SHGLAA/|accessdate=2020-09-04|work=蘋果日報|date=2020-09-03|archive-date=2020-09-03|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20200903033915/https://hk.appledaily.com/local/20200903/6FRMJV7P6VAVBH4P7T55SHGLAA/|dead-url=no}}</ref> 1988년 김용과 자지밍(查濟民, 사제민)은 예비적인 "정치제도 협조방안"을 제안하였다. 이 방안은 당시 각계의 입장과 비교하여 보수적인 내용을 담고 있었고 민주와 진보를 원하는 홍콩인들의 지지를 받지 못하였다. 홍콩인들은 타협적인 김용의 안 보다는 [[민주파]]인 [[민주당 (홍콩)|민주당]]의 리추밍(李柱銘)과 같은 정치인이 제시한 방안을 지지하였다. 당시 중화인민공화국 중앙인민정부는 홍콩과 세계의 여론을 의식하여 [[일국양제]]와 높은 자치권 보장과 같은 정치 제도 방안을 확정하였다.
==== Lipid nanoparticles ====
[[1989년 톈안먼 사건]]이 발생하자 김용은 인민해방군이 무력으로 시위를 진압하여 학생들이 희생된 것에 깊은 상심을 나타내고<ref>{{cite web |author=Published on Aug 31, 2007 |url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66435MxmwJA |title=台视新闻 1989/06/20 金庸对六四镇压表示伤心 |publisher=YouTube.com |date=2007-08-31 |accessdate=2018-10-30 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131031151538/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66435MxmwJA |archive-date=2013-10-31 |dead-url=no }}</ref> 기본법 기초위 위원직을 사퇴하여 정치 활동에서 은퇴하였다.<ref>[https://hjclub.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?t=4758&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=desc&highlight=&sid=a2c68fa468505bf454ed4666165d29bb 金庸和《基本法》] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20090830051646/https://hjclub.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?t=4758&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=desc&highlight=&sid=a2c68fa468505bf454ed4666165d29bb |date=2009-08-30 }}</ref> 같은 해 김용은 《명보》 창립 30주년 기념식에서 사장직 사퇴를 발표하였다.
The first time the FDA approved the use of [[solid lipid nanoparticles|lipid nanoparticles]] as a drug delivery system was in 2018, when the agency approved the first [[Small interfering RNA|siRNA]] drug, [[Onpattro]].<ref name=Stat4>{{cite website | website=[[Stat (website)|Stat]] | date=1 December 2020 | access-date=3 December 2020 | url=https://www.statnews.com/2020/12/01/how-nanotechnology-helps-mrna-covid19-vaccines-work/ | title=How nanotechnology helps mRNA Covid-19 vaccines work | vauthors = Cooney E }}</ref> Encapsulating the mRNA molecule in lipid nanoparticles was a critical breakthrough for producing viable mRNA vaccines, solving a number of key technical barriers in delivering the mRNA molecule into the human cell.<ref name=Stat4/><ref>{{cite journal | vauthors = Reichmuth AM, Oberli MA, Jaklenec A, Langer R, Blankschtein D | title = mRNA vaccine delivery using lipid nanoparticles | journal = Therapeutic Delivery | volume = 7 | issue = 5 | pages = 319–34 | date = May 2016 | pmid = 27075952 | pmc = 5439223 | doi = 10.4155/tde-2016-0006 }}</ref> Principally, the [[Lipid bilayer|lipid]] provides a layer of protection against degradation, allowing more robust translational output. In addition, the customization of the lipid outer layer allows the targeting of desired cell types through [[ligand]] interactions. However, many studies have also highlighted the difficulty of studying this type of delivery, demonstrating that there is an inconsistency between ''in vivo'' and ''in vitro'' applications of nanoparticles in terms of cellular intake.<ref>{{cite journal | vauthors = Paunovska K, Sago CD, Monaco CM, Hudson WH, Castro MG, Rudoltz TG, Kalathoor S, Vanover DA, Santangelo PJ, Ahmed R, Bryksin AV, Dahlman JE | display-authors = 6 | title = A Direct Comparison of in Vitro and in Vivo Nucleic Acid Delivery Mediated by Hundreds of Nanoparticles Reveals a Weak Correlation | journal = Nano Letters | volume = 18 | issue = 3 | pages = 2148–2157 | date = March 2018 | pmid = 29489381 | pmc = 6054134 | doi = 10.1021/acs.nanolett.8b00432 | bibcode = 2018NanoL..18.2148P }}</ref> The nanoparticles can be administered to the body and transported via multiple routes, such as [[Intravenous therapy|intravenously]] or through the [[lymphatic system]].<ref name=Stat4/>
=== 은퇴Viral vectors ===
{{further|Viral vector}}
1991년 명보기업유한공사가 주식시장에 상장되었고 김용은 회장으로 등록하였다. 1993년 당시 [[홍콩의 총독]]이었던 [[크리스 패튼]]과 회담하여 "정치 개혁 방안"을 논의하였고 같은 해 [[전국인민대표대회]]와 [[중국인민정치협상회의 전국위원회]]가 함께 열리는 [[양회]] 기간 중 베이징을 방문하여 중국공산당 총서기 [[장저민]]을 접견하였다.<ref name=gcd /> 이 해 4월 명보기업 이사회에서 이사장으로 선임되었지만 전면적인 은퇴를 선언하였다.<ref>[http://news.jjoobb.cn/ArticleShow.aspx?ArticleID=6628 于品海:连环记|河南九博人才网] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20090829173418/http://news.jjoobb.cn/ArticleShow.aspx?ArticleID=6628 |date=2009-08-29 }}</ref>
In addition to non-viral delivery methods, [[RNA virus]]es have been [[Biological engineering|engineered]] to achieve similar immunological responses. Typical RNA viruses used as vectors include [[retrovirus]]es, [[lentivirus]]es, [[alphavirus]]es and [[Rhabdoviridae|rhabdoviruses]], each of which can differ in structure and function.<ref>{{cite journal | vauthors = Lundstrom K | title = RNA Viruses as Tools in Gene Therapy and Vaccine Development | journal = Genes | volume = 10 | issue = 3 | pages = 189 | date = March 2019 | pmid = 30832256 | pmc = 6471356 | doi = 10.3390/genes10030189 }}</ref> Clinical studies have utilized such viruses on a range of diseases in [[Model organism|model animals]] such as [[Mouse|mice]], [[chicken]] and [[primate]]s.<ref>{{cite journal | vauthors = Huang TT, Parab S, Burnett R, Diago O, Ostertag D, Hofman FM, Espinoza FL, Martin B, Ibañez CE, Kasahara N, Gruber HE, Pertschuk D, Jolly DJ, Robbins JM | display-authors = 6 | title = Intravenous administration of retroviral replicating vector, Toca 511, demonstrates therapeutic efficacy in orthotopic immune-competent mouse glioma model | journal = Human Gene Therapy | volume = 26 | issue = 2 | pages = 82–93 | date = February 2015 | pmid = 25419577 | pmc = 4326030 | doi = 10.1089/hum.2014.100 }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal | vauthors = Schultz-Cherry S, Dybing JK, Davis NL, Williamson C, Suarez DL, Johnston R, Perdue ML | title = Influenza virus (A/HK/156/97) hemagglutinin expressed by an alphavirus replicon system protects chickens against lethal infection with Hong Kong-origin H5N1 viruses | journal = Virology | volume = 278 | issue = 1 | pages = 55–9 | date = December 2000 | pmid = 11112481 | doi = 10.1006/viro.2000.0635 }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal | vauthors = Geisbert TW, Feldmann H | title = Recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus-based vaccines against Ebola and Marburg virus infections | journal = The Journal of Infectious Diseases | volume = 204 Suppl 3 | issue = suppl_3 | pages = S1075-81 | date = November 2011 | pmid = 21987744 | pmc = 3218670 | doi = 10.1093/infdis/jir349 }}</ref>
==Efficacy of mRNA vaccines for COVID-19==
1994년 [[자싱시]]의 자싱이중 개교 90주년에 참가하여 김용도서관을 기증하였다.<ref name=zt>[http://www.taiwan-zhejiang.com/pages/megazine-011/37.html 金庸与嘉兴的深厚渊源—浙江省旅台灣同鄉聯誼總會] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20090830011439/http://www.taiwan-zhejiang.com/pages/megazine-011/37.html |date=2009-08-30 }}</ref> 이후에도 [[서호]]에 운송서사(雲松書舍)를 세워 1996년 완공하였다.
It is unclear why the novel mRNA COVID-19 vaccines from Moderna and BioNTect/Pfizer have shown potential efficacy rates of 90 to 95 percent, when the prior mRNA drug trials on pathogens other than COVID-19 were not so promising and had to be abandoned in the early phases of trials.<ref name=NS1/> [[Physician-scientist]] [[Margaret A. Liu|Margaret Liu]] stated that it could be due to the "sheer volume of resources" that went into development, or that the vaccines might be "triggering a nonspecific inflammatory response to the mRNA that could be heightening its specific immune response, given that the [[Nucleoside-modified messenger RNA|modified nucleoside technique]] reduced inflammation but hasn't eliminated it completely", and that "this may also explain the intense reactions such as aches and fevers reported in some recipients of the mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccines" (these fevers were believed to be reactogenic effects from the lipid drug delivery molecules).<ref name=NS1>{{cite magazine | url=https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/the-promise-of-mrna-vaccines-68202 | title=The Promise of mRNA Vaccines | date=25 November 2020 | access-date=27 November 2020 | vauthors = Kwon D | magazine=[[The Scientist (magazine)|The Scientist]]}}</ref>
=== 별세 ===
[[파일:Hong Kong Heritage Museum Jin Yong Gallery 2017.jpg|섬네일|홍콩 문화박물관의 김용관]]
2018년 10월 30일 오후 5시 반 무렵 김용은 홍콩의 양화의원에서 별세하였다. 향년 94세였다.<ref>{{Cite news|url=https://tw.appledaily.com/new/realtime/20181030/1457202/|title=【不斷更新】武俠小說泰斗金庸逝世 享壽94歲 {{!}} 蘋果日報|newspaper=蘋果日報|accessdate=2018-10-30|language=zh-TW|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20181030140031/https://tw.appledaily.com/new/realtime/20181030/1457202/|archive-date=2018-10-30|dead-url=no}}</ref> 유족은 김용이 "오후가 되니 매우 편안하다"는 말을 남겼다고 언론에 전했고<ref>{{Cite news|url=http://std.stheadline.com/instant/articles/detail/852790/|title=大批記者包圍醫院 兒子查傳倜:下午走了很安詳|newspaper=星島日報|date=2018-10-30|accessdate=2018-10-31|language=zh-HK|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20181101111645/http://std.stheadline.com/instant/articles/detail/852790/|archive-date=2018-11-01|dead-url=no}}</ref> 이후 "풍모는 바로 대협객의 정을 품었고, 욕심 없이 정계를 단호히 논평하였으며, 오온이 모두 공임을 깨달아, 웃으며 학수레를 타고 하늘로 오르네"(有容乃大俠客情,無慾則剛論政壇,看破放下五蘊空,含笑駕鶴倚天飛)라는 생전에 남긴 시를 발표하였다.<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://news.mingpao.com/ins/instantnews/web_tc/article/20181031/s00001/1540951683568?fbclid=IwAR3VVaF56Y5hhirzDMjgnvNOCiPIltMvAHDRgW5nFnEcxP4AuZGY1iWJ_Rg|title=【金庸逝世】查傳倜微信悼父親:有容乃大俠客情 含笑駕鶴倚天飛 (10:08) - 20181031 - 港聞|accessdate=2018-10-31|work=明報新聞網 - 即時新聞 instant news|language=zh-hant|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20181031133019/https://news.mingpao.com/ins/instantnews/web_tc/article/20181031/s00001/1540951683568?fbclid=IwAR3VVaF56Y5hhirzDMjgnvNOCiPIltMvAHDRgW5nFnEcxP4AuZGY1iWJ_Rg|archive-date=2018-10-31|dead-url=no}}</ref> 장례는 11월 13일 치러졌다. 생전에 가까웠던 벗이자 동료 작가였던 주아람(蔡瀾), 토우짓(陶傑) 리춘언(李純恩) 등과 각계 인사가 장례에 참여하였고, 화장하여 해영탑에 봉안되었다.<ref>{{cite news |author1=林社炳、謝明明 |title=高僧點木柴 駕鶴倚天飛 大俠長眠寶蓮寺 |url=https://hk.news.appledaily.com/local/daily/article/20181114/20545639 |accessdate=2018-11-14 |work=蘋果日報 |date=2018-11-14 |archive-date=2018-11-14 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20181114141423/https://hk.news.appledaily.com/local/daily/article/20181114/20545639 |dead-url=no }}</ref>
In addition to the efficacy of potential mRNA vaccines under clinical trial conditions, the ''effective efficacy'' of distributed mRNA vaccines could also be hard to sustain at high levels.<ref name=NS1/> Unlike DNA molecules, the mRNA molecule is a very fragile molecule that degrades within minutes in an exposed environment, and thus mRNA vaccines need to be transported and stored at very low temperatures.<ref name=JP1>{{cite newspaper | url=https://www.jpost.com/health-science/could-an-mrna-vaccine-be-dangerous-in-the-long-term-649253 | title=Could mRNA COVID-19 vaccines be dangerous in the long-term? | vauthors = Jaffe-Hoffman M | newspaper=[[The Jerusalem Post]] | date=17 November 2020 | access-date=17 November 2020 }}</ref> Outside of the human cell, or its drug delivery system, the mRNA molecule is also quickly broken down by the human body.<ref name=PHG1/> This fragility of the mRNA molecule is a hurdle to the ''effective efficacy'' of any mRNA vaccine due to bulk disintegration before it enters the cells, that could lead people to believe, and act, as if they are immune when they are not.<ref name=JP1/><ref name=PHG1/>
세계 각국의 화인(華人)이 김용을 추모하였다.
* 세계 각지의 정치인들이 조의를 표하였다.
* {{HKG}}:홍콩문화박물관에 김용관 설립이 추진되었다.<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://news.mingpao.com/ins/instantnews/web_tc/article/20181031/s00001/1540999497387|title=【金庸逝世】金庸喪禮以私人形式舉行 「金庸館」11月12日至30日設公眾弔唁冊 (23:27) - 20181031 - 港聞|accessdate=2018-11-01|work=明報新聞網 - 即時新聞 instant news|language=zh-hant|archive-date=2018-11-03|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20181103004946/https://news.mingpao.com/ins/instantnews/web_tc/article/20181031/s00001/1540999497387|dead-url=no}}</ref>
* [[파일:Danghui.svg|20px]] [[중국공산당]]: 중국공산당 중앙총서기 [[시진핑]]과 국무원 총리 [[리커창]] 등 현직 당과 국가 지도층이 애도를 표하였다.<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://news.wenweipo.com/2018/11/02/IN1811020053.htm|title=習近平總書記對查良鏞(金庸)先生逝世表示哀悼|accessdate=2018-11-02|work=[[文匯報]]|language=zh-hant|archive-date=2018-11-03|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20181103093107/http://news.wenweipo.com/2018/11/02/IN1811020053.htm|dead-url=no}}</ref> 전 총리 [[주룽지]], [[원자바오]], 전 국가부주석 [[리위안차오]] 등도 조의를 표했다.<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.takungpao.com.hk/hongkong/text/2018/1102/198604.html|title=習近平總書記對查良鏞(金庸)先生逝世表示哀悼|accessdate=2018-11-02|work=[[大公報]]|language=zh-hant|archive-date=2018-11-03|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20181103092129/http://www.takungpao.com.hk/hongkong/text/2018/1102/198604.html|dead-url=no}}</ref>
* {{CHN}}:[[샹양시]]에서는 많은 사람이 모여 촛불을 켜고 김용의 별세를 애도하였다. [[항저우시]] [[서호]]의 도서관인 운송서사는 분향소를 마련하였다.<ref>{{Cite news|url=https://news.tvbs.com.tw/world/1020838|title=郭靖黃蓉堅守 襄陽城點燭光悼念金庸|accessdate=2018-11-01|language=zh-TW|archive-date=2019-08-25|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20190825184535/https://news.tvbs.com.tw/world/1020838|dead-url=no}}</ref>
* [[타이완]]과 [[싱가폴]]에서도 추모 행사가 있었다.
== Side effects and risks ==
=== 공직 ===
김용이 생전에 맡았던 공직은 다음과 같다.
* [[염정공서]] 시민자문위원회 소집인, 홍콩법률개혁위원회 위원(1970년대 - 1980년대)
* [[홍콩 특별행정구 기본법 기초위원회]] 위원, 정치체제소위원회 위원, 중화인민공화국 홍콩 특별행정구 기본법 자문위원회의 집행위원(1985년 - 1989년)
* [[전국인민대표대회]] 상무위원회 홍콩 특별자치구위원회 위원 (1996년 - 1997년)
* [[중국작가협회]] 제7차 전국위원회 명예 부주석 (2009년 9월 - 2018년 8월)
[[Reactogenicity]] is similar to that of conventional, non-RNA vaccines. However, those susceptible to an [[autoimmunity|autoimmune response]] may have an adverse reaction to RNA vaccines.<ref name=NAT1/> The mRNA strands in the vaccine may elicit an unintended immune reaction. To minimize this, mRNA sequences in mRNA vaccines are designed to mimic those produced by human cells.<ref name=PHG1>{{cite web |title=RNA vaccines: an introduction | url=https://www.phgfoundation.org/briefing/rna-vaccines | website=[[University of Cambridge]] | author=PHG Foundation | access-date=18 November 2020 | date=2019}}</ref>
== 서훈 ==
김용이 받은 서훈은 다움과 같다.
* 1981년 [[대영제국의 훈장|영국 연방 훈장]] 사관급
* 1992년 [[레지옹 도뇌르 훈장]]
* 2000년 홍콩 [[대자형훈장]]<ref name="gbm2000">關於香港政府為2000年被嘉許者撰寫的嘉許語,詳見當年由香港政府新聞處發出的[http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/200007/01/0630260.htm 授勳名單] {{Wayback|url=http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/200007/01/0630260.htm |date=20120907150323 }}</ref>
* 2004년 프랑스 문예훈장<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.china.org.cn/english/culture/109375.htm |title=Louis Cha Awarded French Honor of Arts |publisher=China.org.cn |date=2004-10-14 |accessdate=2018-10-30 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160303195221/http://www.china.org.cn/english/culture/109375.htm |archive-date=2016-03-03 |dead-url=no }}</ref>
The drug delivery system holding the mRNA molecule and protecting the fragile mRNA strands from being broken down before they enter the human cell are [[PEGylation|PEGylated]] [[solid lipid nanoparticles|lipid nanoparticles]] that can be trigger their own immune reactions, and cause damage to the liver at higher doses.<ref>{{cite journal | url=https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/12/can-multibillion-dollar-biotech-prove-its-rna-drugs-are-safe-rare-disease | title=Can a multibillion-dollar biotech prove its RNA drugs are safe for a rare disease? | vauthors = Servick K | date=27 December 2018 | access-date=19 November 2020 | journal=[[Science (journal)]] | doi=10.1126/science.aar8088 }}</ref> Strong reactogenic effects were reported in trials of novel COVID-19 RNA vaccines.<ref>{{cite journal | vauthors = Wadman M | title = Public needs to prep for vaccine side effects | journal = Science | volume = 370 | issue = 6520 | pages = 1022 | date = November 2020 | pmid = 33243869 | doi = 10.1126/science.370.6520.1022 }}</ref>{{Example needed|date=December 2020}}
== 기념 ==
* 2001년 발견된 [[소행성]]에 김용성(金庸星)이라는 이름이 붙여졌다.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.wangchao.net.cn/bbsdetail_860227.html |title=国际小行星以“金庸”命名- 王朝网络 |publisher=Wangchao.net.cn |date=2007-03-22 |accessdate=2018-10-30 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20181030170631/http://www.wangchao.net.cn/bbsdetail_860227.html |archive-date=2018-10-30 |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
* 2003년 3월 마카오에 김용도서관이 세워졌다.
* 2017년 2월 [[홍콩 문화박물관]]에 김용관이 상설되었다.<ref>{{Cite news |url=https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/201702/28/P2017022700963.htm |title=「金庸館」今日揭幕 展示金庸小說創作歷程與貢獻 |date=2017-02-28 |work=香港政府新聞公報 |access-date=2018-10-31 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180614213934/http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/201702/28/P2017022700963.htm |archive-date=2018-06-14 |dead-url=no }}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |url=https://www.heritagemuseum.gov.hk/zh_TW/web/hm/exhibitions/permanent_exhibitions/permanent_jin-yong-gallery.html |title=金庸館 走進金庸館 探索金庸筆下的武俠世界 |work=常設展覽 - [[香港文化博物館]] |access-date=2018-10-31 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180612235222/http://www.heritagemuseum.gov.hk/zh_TW/web/hm/exhibitions/permanent_exhibitions/permanent_jin-yong-gallery.html |archive-date=2018-06-12 |dead-url=no }}</ref>
* 《[[영웅문]]》의 배경이 된 [[타오화섬]]에 김용문화원이 세워졌다.
== 작품 =General===
김용은 주로 [[소설]] 작품을 남겼고 그 외에 시사평론, 산문 등이 있다. 1955년 《서검은구록》을 시작으로 1972년 《녹정기》까지 약 50여편의 소설을 집필하였다.
Before 2020, no mRNA technology platform (drug or vaccine) had been authorized for use in humans, so there was a risk of unknown effects,<ref name=nature1/> both short- and longer-term (such as autoimmune responses or diseases).{{better source|date=December 2020}}<ref name=Horizon>{{cite magazine | url=https://horizon-magazine.eu/article/five-things-you-need-know-about-mrna-vaccines.html | title=Five things you need to know about: mRNA vaccines | magazine=[[Horizon (online magazine)|Horizon]] | date=1 June 2020 | access-date=16 November 2020 | vauthors = Roberts J }}</ref><ref name=JP1/><ref name=IND1>{{cite newspaper | url=https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/coronavirus-vaccine-covid-19-cure-doctor-moderna-novavax-oxford-a9523091.html | newspaper=[[The Independent]] | title=This is the hard-to-swallow truth about a future coronavirus vaccine (and yes, I'm a doctor) | vauthors = Gu E | author-link1 = Eugene Gu | date=21 May 2020 | access-date=23 November 2020}}</ref> The 2020 coronavirus pandemic required faster production capability of mRNA vaccines, made them attractive to national health organisations, and led to debate about the type of initial authorization mRNA vaccines should get (including [[emergency use authorization]] or [[expanded access |expanded access authorization]]) after the eight-week period of post-final human trials.<ref name=nyt9>{{cite newspaper | newspaper =[[New York Times]] | url=https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/22/health/covid-vaccine-fda-advisory-committee.html | title=Experts Tell F.D.A. It Should Gather More Safety Data on Covid-19 Vaccines | vauthors = Thomas K | date=22 October 2020 | access-date=21 November 2020}}</ref><ref name=ft8>{{cite newspaper | newspaper=[[Financial Times]] | url=https://www.ft.com/content/1a91c897-66d5-4bd5-ae9b-0b3be185dac8 | title=Pfizer boss warns on risk of fast-tracking vaccines | vauthors = Kuchler H | date=30 September 2020 | access-date=21 November 2020}}</ref>
=== 소설 ===
김용의 소설은 대부분 일간지나 월간지 등에 연재된 것이다. 연재가 종료되면 단행본을 출간하였는데 홍콩뿐만 아니라 마카오, 타이완, 싱가폴과 같은 중화권 독자들에게도 큰 인기를 얻었다. 이러한 인기를 바탕으로 많은 작품이 영화와 드라마로 각색되었다.<ref>{{Cite web |url=http://www.xiaker.com/book/jinyong/tianlongbabu/2387.html |title=陈世骧先生书函{{!}}新侠网 |accessdate=2009-07-30 |archive-date=2018-11-06 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20181106171532/http://www.xiaker.com/book/jinyong/tianlongbabu/2387.html |dead-url=yes }}</ref> 김용의 무협 소설은 기존의 무협 소설이 소재로 삼았던 "강호" 세계의 무술, 은원, 사랑과 같은 내용에 실제 벌어졌던 역사적 사실을 가미하여 흥미를 높였다.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! scope="col" | 제목
! scope="col" | 연재 시기<ref name=xiaoyaotan>{{cite book|author1=陳鎮輝|title=武俠小說逍遙談|date=2000|publisher=匯智出版有限公司|pages=56-58}}</ref>
! scope="col" class="unsortable" | 연재처<ref name=xiaoyaotan />
! scope="col" | 글자 수 (만자)</small>
|data-sort-value="9"| [[서검은구록]] || 1955년 2월 8일 - 1956년 9월 5일 || 신만보 || 51.3
|data-sort-value="13"| [[벽혈검]] || 1956년 1월 1일 - 1956년 12월 31일 || 홍콩상보 || 48.8
|data-sort-value="5"| [[사조영웅전]] || 1957년 1월 1일 - 1959년 5월 19일 || 홍콩상보 || 91.8
|data-sort-value="2"| [[설산비호]] || 1959년 2월 9일 - 1959년 6월 18일 || 신만보 || 13
|data-sort-value="10"| [[신조협려]] || 1959년 5월 20일 - 1961년 7월 8일 || 명보 || 97.9
|data-sort-value="1"| [[비호외전]] || 1960년 1월 11일 - 1962년 4월 6일 || 무협과 역사 제1호 - 74호 || 43.9
|data-sort-value="6"| [[백마소서풍]] || 1961년 10월 14일 - 1962년 1월 15일 || 명보 || 6.7
|data-sort-value="14"| [[원앙도]] || 1961년 3월 - 1961년 6월 || 무협과 역사 제37호 - 40호 || 3.4
|data-sort-value="12"| [[의천도룡기]] || 1961년 7월 6일 – 1963년 9월 2일 || 명보 || 95.6
|data-sort-value="3"| [[연성결]](원명 소심검) || 1964년 1월 12일 - 1965년 3월 7일 || 동남아주간 제1호 - 60호 || 22.9
|data-sort-value="4"| [[천룡팔부]] || 1963년 9월 3일 - 1966년 5월 27일 || 명보 || 121.1
|data-sort-value="11"| [[협객행]] || 1966년 6월 11일 - 1967년 4월 19일 || 명보 || 36.4
|data-sort-value="8"| [[소오강호]] || 1967년 3월 18일, 4월 20일 - 1969년 10월 12일 || 신명일보<ref>[http://std.stheadline.com/daily/news-content.php?id=1557387&target=2 金庸館今開幕 展《笑傲江湖》手稿] {{Wayback|url=http://std.stheadline.com/daily/news-content.php?id=1557387&target=2 |date=20170315175844 }},星島日報,2017-03-01</ref><br/> 명보 || 97.9
|data-sort-value="7"| [[녹정기]] || 1969년 10월 24일 - 1972년 9월 23일 || 명보 || 123
|data-sort-value="15"| [[월녀검]] || 1969년 12월 1일 - 1969년 12월 31일 || 명보만보 || 1.6
Because mRNA is fragile, the vaccine must be kept at very low temperatures to avoid degrading and thus giving little effective immunity to the recipient. The [[BNT162b2]] mRNA vaccine has to be kept at {{convert|-70|C|F}}.<ref name = "Simmons-Duffin_2020">{{cite web | vauthors = Simmons-Duffin S |title=Why Does Pfizer's COVID-19 Vaccine Need To Be Kept Colder Than Antarctica? |url=https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/11/17/935563377/why-does-pfizers-covid-19-vaccine-need-to-be-kept-colder-than-antarctica |website=NPR.org |access-date=18 November 2020 |language=en}}</ref> Moderna say their [[MRNA-1273]] vaccine can be stored at {{convert|-20|C|F}}, which is comparable to a home freezer,<ref name = "Simmons-Duffin_2020" /> and that it remains stable between {{convert|2|and|8|C}}.<ref>{{cite web |title=Moderna Announces Longer Shelf Life for its COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate at Refrigerated Temperatures |url=https://investors.modernatx.com/news-releases/news-release-details/moderna-announces-longer-shelf-life-its-covid-19-vaccine |website=NPR.org |language=en}}</ref> In November 2020, ''[[Nature (journal)|Nature]]'' reported, "While it’s possible that differences in LNP formulations or mRNA secondary structures could account for the thermostability differences [between Moderna and BioNtech], many experts suspect both vaccine products will ultimately prove to have similar storage requirements and shelf lives under various temperature conditions."<ref name=nature1>{{cite journal | vauthors = Dolgin E | title = COVID-19 vaccines poised for launch, but impact on pandemic unclear | journal = Nature Biotechnology | date = November 2020 | pmid = 33239758 | doi = 10.1038/d41587-020-00022-y | url = https://www.nature.com/articles/d41587-020-00022-y | s2cid = 227176634 }}</ref>
김용의 무협 소설은 크게 보아 세개의 판본이 있다. 신문 연재 당시의 판본은 흔히 구판으로 불리고, 이후 단행본으로 모아 출판하면서 다시 손본 것은 신판으로 불린다. 이후 세계적인 유명세를 타면서 1999년 무렵 기존의 원고를 다시 모으고 다듬어 명하사에서 《김용작품집》을 내었는데 이는 신수판(新修版, 개정증보판)으로 부른다.<ref>[http://xk.cn.yahoo.com/articles/071115/1/5i42.html 金庸作品集介绍] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20100831073116/http://xk.cn.yahoo.com/articles/071115/1/5i42.html |date=2010-08-31 }}</ref>。
=== 기타작품Advantages ===
* 삼검루수필:량위성, 백검당주와 함께 《대공보》에 연재한 작품.
* 원종환평전: 《벽혈검》에 함께 수록된 비평문
=== Traditional vaccines ===
* 김용산문집: 《명보월간》에 실었던 산문을 모은 책
RNA vaccines offer specific advantages over traditional [[Vaccine|protein vaccines]].<ref name=PHG1/><ref name=NAT1/> Because RNA vaccines are not constructed from an active pathogen (or even an inactivated pathogen), they are non-infectious. In contrast, traditional vaccines require the production of pathogens, which, if done at high volumes, could increase the risks of localized outbreaks of the virus at the production facility.<ref name=PHG1/> RNA vaccines can be produced faster, more cheaply, and in a more standardized fashion (with fewer error rates in production), which can improve responsiveness to serious outbreaks.<ref name=NAT1/><ref name=PHG1/>
* 이 외에 다수의 산문과 수필이 있으며 20년 간 《명보》의 사설을 집필하였다.
=== 김용학DNA vaccines ===
In addition to sharing the advantages of theoretical [[DNA vaccine]]s over established traditional [[Vaccine|protein vaccines]], RNA vaccination offers other benefits. The [[Messenger RNA|mRNA]] is [[Translation (biology)|translated]] in the [[cytosol]], so there is no need for the RNA to enter the [[cell nucleus]], and the risk of being integrated to the host [[genome]] is averted.<ref name="Verbeke_2019" /> [[Nucleoside analogue|Modified nucleosides]] (for example, [[pseudouridine]]s, 2'-O-methylated nucleosides) can be incorporated to mRNA to suppress [[immune response]] stimulation to avoid immediate degradation and produce a more persistent effect through enhanced translation capacity.<ref>{{cite journal | vauthors = Karikó K, Buckstein M, Ni H, Weissman D | title = Suppression of RNA recognition by Toll-like receptors: the impact of nucleoside modification and the evolutionary origin of RNA | journal = Immunity | volume = 23 | issue = 2 | pages = 165–75 | date = August 2005 | pmid = 16111635 | doi = 10.1016/j.immuni.2005.06.008 }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal | vauthors = Karikó K, Muramatsu H, Ludwig J, Weissman D | title = Generating the optimal mRNA for therapy: HPLC purification eliminates immune activation and improves translation of nucleoside-modified, protein-encoding mRNA | journal = Nucleic Acids Research | volume = 39 | issue = 21 | pages = e142 | date = November 2011 | pmid = 21890902 | pmc = 3241667 | doi = 10.1093/nar/gkr695 }}</ref><ref>{{cite book | vauthors = Pardi N, Weissman D | title = RNA Vaccines | chapter = Nucleoside Modified mRNA Vaccines for Infectious Diseases | series = Methods in Molecular Biology | volume = 1499 | pages = 109–121 | date = 17 December 2016 | pmid = 27987145 | doi = 10.1007/978-1-4939-6481-9_6 | publisher = Springer New York | isbn = 978-1-4939-6479-6 }}</ref> The [[Open reading frame|open reading frame (ORF)]] and [[Untranslated region|untranslated regions (UTR)]] of mRNA can be optimized for different purposes (a process called sequence engineering of mRNA), for example through enriching the [[GC-content|guanine-cytosine content]] or choosing specific UTRs known to increase translation.<ref>{{cite journal | vauthors = Schlake T, Thess A, Fotin-Mleczek M, Kallen KJ | title = Developing mRNA-vaccine technologies | journal = RNA Biology | volume = 9 | issue = 11 | pages = 1319–30 | date = November 2012 | pmid = 23064118 | pmc = 3597572 | doi = 10.4161/rna.22269 }}</ref>
중화 문학계에서는 《[[홍루몽]]》을 연구하는 [[홍학]]이 만들어 진 것과 같이 김용의 문학을 연구하는 "김용학"이만들어졌다.<ref>{{Cite news| title=时代周报专访金庸:办报纸是拼命,写小说是玩玩| author=李怀宇| url=http://www.time-weekly.com/html/20090727/3932_1.html| format=再版| date=2009-03-09| newspaper=时代周报| language=zh-cn| archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20150903033158/http://www.time-weekly.com/html/20090727/3932_1.html| archivedate=2015-09-03| quote=金庸:我不赞成有“金学”!| deadurl=yes}}</ref> 주로 김용의 소설을 연구 대상으로 한다.
An additional ORF coding for a [[RNA replication|replication]] mechanism can be added to amplify antigen translation and therefore immune response, decreasing the amount of starting material needed.<ref name = "Berglund_1998" /><ref>{{cite journal | vauthors = Vogel AB, Lambert L, Kinnear E, Busse D, Erbar S, Reuter KC, Wicke L, Perkovic M, Beissert T, Haas H, Reece ST, Sahin U, Tregoning JS | display-authors = 6 | title = Self-Amplifying RNA Vaccines Give Equivalent Protection against Influenza to mRNA Vaccines but at Much Lower Doses | journal = Molecular Therapy | volume = 26 | issue = 2 | pages = 446–455 | date = February 2018 | pmid = 29275847 | pmc = 5835025 | doi = 10.1016/j.ymthe.2017.11.017 }}</ref>
[[타이완성 계엄령]]이 끝난 뒤 타이완의 원류출판사는 그 동안 금서였던 김용 소설의 판권을 얻고 작품들을 잇달아 출판하였다. 원류출판사는 이를 계기로 김용 작품의 해제인 《김학연구총서》를 펴냈다.<ref>[http://www.lifeall.com/mem/5593/person-detail.ahtml 沈登恩纪念馆—同怀网] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20090830033427/http://www.lifeall.com/mem/5593/person-detail.ahtml |date=2009-08-30 }}</ref>。
홍콩의 전익출판그룹과 명보 그룹의 자회사인 명창출판사는 당시 《명보》의 편집인이자 전 [[홍콩 입법회]] 의원이었던 [[마거릿 응]](吳靄儀 응오이이)의 《김용 소설의 남자》, 《김용 소설이 보여주는 인생》, 《김용 소설의 여자》, 《김용 소설의 정서》 등을 출간하였고, 홍콩 작가 양싱안(楊興安)의 《김용의 붓으로 펼친 세계》(金庸筆下世界)도 출간하였다.
Researchers at the [[Salk Institute for Biological Studies|Salk Institute]], [[University of California, San Diego|University of California-San Diego]], and a US-based biotech company, Vical Incorporated, published work in 1989 demonstrating that mRNA, using a liposomal nanoparticle for drug delivery, could [[RNA transfection|transfect]] mRNA into a variety of [[eukaryotic cell]]s.<ref>{{cite journal | vauthors = Malone RW, Felgner PL, Verma IM | title = Cationic liposome-mediated RNA transfection | journal = Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | volume = 86 | issue = 16 | pages = 6077–81 | date = August 1989 | pmid = 2762315 | pmc = 297778 | doi = 10.1073/pnas.86.16.6077 }}</ref> In 1990, [[Jon A. Wolff]] et al. at the [[University of Wisconsin]], reported positive results where "naked" (or unprotected) mRNA was injected into the muscle of mice.<ref name="Verbeke_2019"/> These studies were the first evidence that in vitro transcribed (IVT) mRNA could deliver the genetic information to produce proteins within living cell tissue.<ref name="Verbeke_2019"/>
중국 본토에서 김용 소설의 정식 출판이 이루어진 후 김용 소설 연구는 열기를 더했다. 소설의 내용, 인물, 역사적 배경, 무공의 초식은 물론 등장하는 음식에 이르기까지 많은 분야에 대한 분석과 비평이 이어졌다.
The use of RNA vaccines goes back to the early 1990s. The ''in vitro'' demonstration of mRNA in animals was first reported in 1990,<ref name=Pardi2018>Pardi, N., Hogan, M., Porter, F. ''et al.'' (2018). "[https://doi.org/10.1038/nrd.2017.243https://www.nature.com/articles/nrd.2017.243 mRNA vaccines — a new era in vaccinology"], ''Nature Rev. Drug Discov., 17'', pp. 261–279</ref> and use as immunization proposed shortly thereafter.<ref name="pmid25233993">{{cite journal | vauthors = Sahin U, Karikó K, Türeci Ö | title = mRNA-based therapeutics--developing a new class of drugs | journal = Nature Reviews. Drug Discovery | volume = 13 | issue = 10 | pages = 759–80 | date = October 2014 | pmid = 25233993 | doi = 10.1038/nrd4278 }}</ref><ref name="pmid25359562">{{cite journal | vauthors = Weissman D | title = mRNA transcript therapy | journal = Expert Review of Vaccines | volume = 14 | issue = 2 | pages = 265–81 | date = February 2015 | pmid = 25359562 | doi = 10.1586/14760584.2015.973859 }}</ref> In 1993, Martinon demonstrated that lipsome-encapsulated RNA could stimulate T-cells in vivo, and in 1994, Zhou & Berglund published the first evidence that RNA could be used as a vaccine to elicit both humoral and cellular immune response against a pathogen.<ref name="Verbeke_2019" /><ref>{{cite journal | vauthors = Pascolo S | title = Messenger RNA-based vaccines | journal = Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy | volume = 4 | issue = 8 | pages = 1285–94 | date = August 2004 | pmid = 15268662 | doi = 10.1517/14712598.4.8.1285 | s2cid = 19350848 }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal | vauthors = Kallen KJ, Theß A | title = A development that may evolve into a revolution in medicine: mRNA as the basis for novel, nucleotide-based vaccines and drugs | journal = Therapeutic Advances in Vaccines | volume = 2 | issue = 1 | pages = 10–31 | date = January 2014 | pmid = 24757523 | pmc = 3991152 | doi = 10.1177/2051013613508729 }}</ref>
2003년 [[산시성]]의 방송국은 [[화산]]에서 [[화산논검]]을 소재로한 다큐멘터리를 제작하였다.<ref>[http://book.sina.com.cn/news/a/2003-10-09/3/19836.shtml 金庸华山论剑] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20060207121431/http://book.sina.com.cn/news/a/2003-10-09/3/19836.shtml |date=2006-02-07 }}</ref>
[[Hungarians|Hungarian]] [[biochemist]] [[Katalin Kariko]] attempted to solve some of the main technical barriers to introducing mRNA into human cells in the 1990s.<ref name=STAT1>{{cite website | website=[[Stat (website)|Stat]] | date=10 November 2020 | access-date=16 November 2020 | vauthors = Garade D | url=https://www.statnews.com/2020/11/10/the-story-of-mrna-how-a-once-dismissed-idea-became-a-leading-technology-in-the-covid-vaccine-race/ | title=The story of mRNA: How a once-dismissed idea became a leading technology in the Covid vaccine race}}</ref> Kariko partnered with [[Drew Weissman]], and by 2005 they published a joint paper that solved one of the key technical barriers by using [[Nucleoside analogue|modified nucleosides]] to get mRNA inside human cells without setting off the body's defense system.<ref name="Verbeke_2019"/><ref name=STAT1/> In 2005, [[Harvard]] [[stem cell]] biologist [[Derrick Rossi]] stated that their paper was "groundbreaking" and that they deserved the [[Nobel Prize in Chemistry]].<ref name=STAT1/> In 2010, Rossi founded the mRNA-focused biotech [[Moderna]], along with [[Robert S. Langer|Robert Langer]], who saw its potential in vaccine development.<ref name=STAT1/><ref name="Verbeke_2019"/> Other mRNA-focused biotechs were formed or re-focused, including [[CureVac]] and [[BioNTech]], which licensed Kariko and Weissman's work.<ref name=STAT1/>
== 가족 ==
Up until 2020, these mRNA biotech companies had poor results testing mRNA drugs for cardiovascular, metabolic and renal diseases; selected targets for cancer; and [[rare diseases]] like [[Crigler–Najjar syndrome]], with most finding that the side-effects of mRNA insertion were too serious.<ref name=ST1/><ref name=ST>{{cite website | url=https://www.statnews.com/2016/09/13/moderna-therapeutics-biotech-mrna/ | title=Ego, ambition, and turmoil: Inside one of biotech's most secretive startups | vauthors = Garade D | date=13 September 2016 | access-date=18 May 2020 | website=[[Stat (website)|Stat]] | archive-date=16 November 2020 | archive-url= https://web.archive.org/web/20201116154313/https://www.statnews.com/2016/09/13/moderna-therapeutics-biotech-mrna/ | url-status=live }}</ref> mRNA vaccines for human use have been developed and tested for the diseases [[rabies]], [[Zika]], [[cytomegalovirus]], and [[influenza]], although none of these had previously been adopted for widespread use.<ref>{{cite web | vauthors = Fiore K | date = 3 December 2020 | title = Want to Know More About mRNA Before Your COVID Jab? — A primer on the history, scope, and safety of mRNA vaccines and therapeutics | url = https://www.medpagetoday.com/infectiousdisease/covid19/89998 | work = Medpagetoday.com }}</ref> Many large pharmaceutical companies abandoned the technology,<ref name=ST1/> while some biotechs re-focused on the less profitable area of vaccines, where the doses would be at lower levels and side-effects reduced.<ref name=ST1>{{cite website | url=https://www.statnews.com/2017/01/10/moderna-trouble-mrna/ | title=Lavishly funded Moderna hits safety problems in bold bid to revolutionize medicine | vauthors = Garde D | website=[[Stat (website)|Stat]] | date=10 January 2017 | access-date=19 May 2020 | archive-date=16 November 2020 | archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20201116154151/https://www.statnews.com/2017/01/10/moderna-trouble-mrna/ | url-status=live }}</ref><ref name=CNN>{{cite web | vauthors = Kuznia R, Polglase K, Mezzofiore G |title=In quest for vaccine, US makes 'big bet' on company with unproven technology |url=https://edition.cnn.com/2020/05/01/us/coronavirus-moderna-vaccine-invs/index.html |access-date=1 May 2020 |website=CNN Investigates |date=1 May 2020 |archive-date=16 November 2020 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20201116154315/https://edition.cnn.com/2020/05/01/us/coronavirus-moderna-vaccine-invs/index.html |url-status=live }}</ref>
1948년 두예펀(杜冶芬)과 결혼하였고 1953년 이혼하였다. 1956년 기자 생활을 하던 주메이(朱玫)와 결혼하였고 주메이는 신문사 경영 경험을 살려 김용이 《명보》를 창간하는 것을 도왔다. 김용과 주메이 사이에 2남2녀가 있다.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://big5.huaxia.com/zhwh/whrw/rd/2013/07/3402230.html |title=金庸回憶第一段婚姻含淚:是她背叛了我 |publisher=Big5.huaxia.com |date=2013-07-01 |accessdate=2018-10-30 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20181030170801/http://big5.huaxia.com/zhwh/whrw/rd/2013/07/3402230.html |archive-date=2018-10-30 |dead-url=no }}</ref>
Before December 2020, no mRNA drug or vaccine had been licensed for use in humans, but both Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech were close to securing emergency use authorization for their mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines, which had been funded by [[Operation Warp Speed]] (directly in the case of Moderna and indirectly for Pfizer/BioNTech).<ref name=STAT1/> On 2 December 2020, seven days after its final eight-week trial, the UK's [[Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency|MHRA]], became the first global medicines regulator [[Timeline of human vaccines|in history]] to approve an mRNA vaccine, granting "emergency authorization" for BioNTech/Pfizer's B"Verbeke_2019"62b2 COVID-19 vaccine for widespread use.<ref name=guar2>{{cite newspaper | newspaper=[[The Guardian]] | url=https://www.theguardian.com/society/2020/dec/02/pfizer-biontech-covid-vaccine-wins-licence-for-use-in-the-uk | title=UK approves Pfizer/BioNTech Covid vaccine for rollout next week | vauthors = Boseley S, Halliday J | date=2 December 2020 | access-date=2 December 2020}}</ref><ref name=BBC7>{{Cite news|date=2 December 2020|title=Covid Pfizer vaccine approved for use next week in UK|language=en-GB|work=BBC News|url= https://www.bbc.com/news/health-55145696|access-date=2 December 2020 | vauthors = Roberts M }}</ref> MHRA CEO [[June Raine]] said "no corners have been cut in approving it",<ref>{{cite website| website=[[Reuters]] | url=https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-health-coronavirus-britain-vaccine-re/uk-regulator-says-it-did-not-cut-any-corners-to-approve-pfizer-vaccine-idUSKBN28C1AB | title=UK regulator says it did not cut any corners to approve Pfizer vaccine | date=2 December 2020 | access-date=2 December 2020}}</ref> and that, "the benefits outweigh any risk".<ref name=BBC8>{{cite website| website=BBC News Twittter| url=https://twitter.com/BBCNews/status/1334084332500226049 | title=The benefits of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine "far outweigh any risk", says Dr June Raine from UK regulator MHRA | date=2 December 2020 | access-date=2 December 2020}}</ref><ref name=Reuters>{{cite website | website=[[Reuters]] | url=https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-health-coronavirus-britain-eu/eu-lawmaker-warns-of-risks-from-uk-hasty-approval-of-pfizer-covid-vaccine-idUKKBN28C12X | title=EU criticises 'hasty' UK approval of COVID-19 vaccine | vauthors = Guarascio F | date=2 December 2020 | access-date=2 December 2020}}</ref>
1970년대 림러이(林樂怡)와 내연 관계를 맺었다. 이 일은 결국 주메이와의 이혼으로 이어져 림러이는 김용의 세번째 처가 되었다.<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.chinapress.com.my/20181102/大侠封剑-怀念金庸系列(4)-感情多舛有过三段婚/?variant=zh-hans|title=大侠封剑-怀念金庸系列(4)-感情多舛有过三段婚|accessdate=2018-11-03|author=|date=2018-11-03|publisher=《中国报》|archive-date=2018-11-06|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20181106132636/https://www.chinapress.com.my/20181102/%E5%A4%A7%E4%BE%A0%E5%B0%81%E5%89%91-%E6%80%80%E5%BF%B5%E9%87%91%E5%BA%B8%E7%B3%BB%E5%88%97%EF%BC%884%EF%BC%89-%E6%84%9F%E6%83%85%E5%A4%9A%E8%88%9B%E6%9C%89%E8%BF%87%E4%B8%89%E6%AE%B5%E5%A9%9A/?variant=zh-hans|dead-url=no}}</ref>
== 각주Culture and society ==
{{Further|Misinformation related to the COVID-19 pandemic|vaccine hesitancy}}
The use of RNA-based vaccines has been the basis of substantial [[misinformation]] circulated in social media, wrongly claiming that the use of RNA somehow alters a person's DNA, or emphasizing the technology's previously unknown safety record, while ignoring the accumulation of recent evidence from trials involving tens of thousands of people.<ref name=bunk>{{cite news |publisher=BBC |type=Reality Check |title=Vaccine rumours debunked: Microchips, 'altered DNA' and more |vauthors=Carmichael F, Goodman J |url=https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/54893437 |date=2 December 2020}}</ref> In November 2020, ''[[The Washington Post]]'' reported on novel mRNA vaccine hesitancy amongst healthcare professionals in the United States, citing surveys that "some did not want to be in the first round, so they could wait and see if there are potential side effects".<ref name=WP4>{{cite newspaper | newspaper=[[Washington Post]] | url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/11/21/vaccines-advocates-nurses-doctors-coronavirus/ | title=Doctors and nurses want more data before championing vaccines to end the pandemic | vauthors = Rowland C | date=21 November 2020 | access-date=22 November 2020}}</ref>
== 외부See 링크also ==
*[[Arcturus Therapeutics#LUNAR-COV19|LUNAR-COV19]], mRNA vaccine from [[Arcturus Therapeutics]]
*[[CureVac|CVnCoV]], mRNA vaccine from [[CureVac]]
*[[Timeline of human vaccines]]
{{김용의 무협 소설}}
{{전거 통제}}
== References ==
== External links ==
* {{cite web | vauthors = Roberts J | url = https://horizon-magazine.eu/article/five-things-you-need-know-about-mrna-vaccines.html | title = Five things you need to know about: mRNA vaccines | work = [[Horizon (online magazine)|Horizon]] | date = June 2020 }}
* {{cite web | url = https://www.phgfoundation.org/briefing/rna-vaccines | title = RNA vaccines: an introduction | work = PHG Foundation | publisher = [[University of Cambridge]] | date = October 2020 |vauthors= Blackburn L |ref=Blackburn }}
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* {{cite web | url = https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-authorises-pfizer-biontech-covid-19-vaccine | title = UK authorises Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine | publisher = [[Department of Health and Social Care]] | date = 2 December 2020 }}