사용자:Jjw/작업장2: 두 판 사이의 차이

내용 삭제됨 내용 추가됨
편집 요약 없음
편집 요약 없음
태그: 동음이의 링크
1번째 줄:
* [[:en:TonPound (mass)]]
* [[파운드 (단위)]]
{{Infobox unit
[[파일:One-ton weight.svg|섬네일]]
| bgcolor =
| name = 파운드
| standard = [[야드파운드법]], [[미국단위계]]
| quantity = 질량
| symbol = lb
| units1 = [[국제단위계|SI 단위]]
| inunits1 = 0.45359237 kg
| units2 = [[상형계]]
| inunits2 = 16 [[온스]]
'''파운드'''({{lang|en|pound}})는 [[야드파운드법]]과 [[미국 단위계]]의 질량 단위이다. 1 파운드는 453.59237 [[그램]]이고 16 [[온스]]이다. 1 [[톤|미국 톤]]의 1/2,000이고 1 [[톤|영국 톤]]의 1/2,240이다.<ref>IEEE Std 260.1-2004, IEEE Standard Letter Symbols for Units of Measurement (SI Units, Customary Inch-Pound Units, and Certain Other Units)</ref> 기호는 [[라틴어]] 리브라(libra, 의 약자인 '''lb'''를 사용하고 [[화폐]]인 [[파운드 스털링]]과 구분하기 위해 '''lb<sub>m'''으로 표기하기도 한다.</sub><ref name="isbn_978-0135018583">{{Citation |last1=Fletcher |first1=Leroy S. |last2=Shoup |first2=Terry E. |year=1978 |title=Introduction to Engineering |publisher=Prentice-Hall |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=tyohAQAAIAAJ |isbn=978-0135018583 |lccn=77024142 |postscript=.}}{{rp|257}}</ref> 미국에서는 종종 [[해시 기호|'''#''']]로 표기하기도 하고<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/pound_sign|title=pound sign|website=[[Oxford English Dictionary]]}}</ref> 바를 추가한 '''℔'''<ref>{{cite web|title=unicode chart 2100-214F|url=http://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U2100.pdf|work=character 2114 of the Unicode 6.0 and 5.0 standards|publisher=[[Unicode Consortium]]|access-date=28 April 2011}}</ref>도 쓰인다. [[약재]]를 다루는 [[약용 형량법]]에서는 '''″̶'''가 쓰이기도 한다.<ref>{{cite web|title=The Dictionary of Medical and Surgical Knowledge|year = 1864|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=SIVZAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA62|access-date=22 September 2016}}</ref>
파운드의 기원은 [[고대 로마 도량형]]의 무게 단위인 리브라까지 거슬러 올라간다. 영어의 파운드는 [[독일어]] 푼트(Pfund), [[네덜란드어]] 폰드(pond), [[스웨덴어]]의 푼트(pund) 등과 [[동계어]] 관계에 있다. 영미권을 제외한 유럽에선 [[미터법]]이 도입되어 파운드는 더 이상 공식적인 [[측정 단위]]로 쓰이지 않지만, 일상 생활에서 마치 대한민국에서 600 [[그램|g]]을 어림잡아 한 [[근 (단위)|근]]으로 다루는 것 처럼, 유럽에서는 500 g을 어림잡아 1 파운드로 다루어 사용한다.
'''톤'''(ton)은 오랜 역사를 지닌 [[무게]]의 [[측정 단위]]로 시간이 지남에 따라 그 의미가 달라져 왔다. 원래의 의미는 [[화물선]]의 적재 용량을 뜻하였고 "적재 톤"과 같은 용어가 사용되었다. 이런 식의 구분은 오늘날에도 영미권의 [[트럭 등급]]과 같은 곳에 사용된다. 그러다가 구어체 영어에서 재질을 가리지 않고 총 중량을 뜻하는 말로 사용된 것이 무게를 나타내는 말로 굳어지게 되었다.
파운드는 전통적으로 [[질량]]과 [[무게]] 모두에 사용된 단위지만, 근대 물리학이 둘의 차이를 명확히 하면서 파운드 역시 무게를 나타내는 [[파운드힘]] 단위가 분리되었다.
[[영국]]의 [[야드파운드법]]은 1 [[영국톤]]을 2,240 [[파운드 (단위)|파운드]]로 규정하고 있다. 이를 [[미터톤]]으로 환산하면 대략 1.016 톤이 된다.<ref>{{cite web| url = http://www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts1985/pdf/ukpga_19850072_en.pdf| title = Weights and Measures Act 1985| access-date = 2010-02-03| date = 1985-10-30| publisher = Her Majesty's Stationery Office| url-status = live| archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20091208083258/http://www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts1985/pdf/ukpga_19850072_en.pdf| archive-date = 2009-12-08}}</ref>
== 어원 ==
[[미국]]과 [[캐나다]]에서는 {{convert|2000|lb|kg|5}}가 1 [[미국톤]]이다.<ref name=Canada>{{cite web|url=http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/W-6/page-10.html#docCont|title=Weights and Measures Act: Canadian units of measure, Schedule II (Section 4)|publisher=Department of Justice|access-date=2011-07-06|url-status=live|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110811094412/http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/W-6/page-10.html#docCont|archive-date=2011-08-11}}</ref> 이 때문에 영국톤은 롱 톤(Long ton), 미국톤은 숏 톤(shot ton) 이라고 부른다.
파운드는 [[게르만어군]]에서 그저 "무게"를 뜻하는 말이었다. 이것이 [[고대 로마의 측정 단위|고대 로마의 무게 단위]]인 리브라를 가리키는 말이 되면서 무게 단위로서 자리잡게 되었다.<ref>''[[옥스포드 영어사전|Oxford English Dictionary]]'', ''s.v.'' 'pound'</ref> 원래 균형을 의미하였던 라틴어 리브라는 저울의 수평을 맞춘다는 의미에서 무게 단위로 도입되었는데 [[고대 로마]]의 1 리브라는 오늘날 1 파운드보다 가벼워서 0.725 파운드에 해당하였다.<ref>"libra, n.", Oxford English Dictionary, 1st ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1902.</ref>
== 현행 기준 ==
한편 [[미터톤]]은 [[미터법]]에 의한 [[질량]] 단위로 1,000 [[킬로그램]]이 1 미터톤이 된다. 미터톤은 tonne 으로 표기하여 철자가 다르지만 발음은 모두 톤이어서 [[무역]]에선 언급하는 화물의 무게 단위가 롱 톤인지, 숏 톤인지, 미터톤인지를 분명히 기재하여 오해를 막는다.<ref name="oedtonne">{{cite OED|tonne}}</ref> 영미권을 제외한 미터법을 사용하는 대부분의 나라에서 [[톤]]은 일반적으로 미터톤을 말한다. 그리고 롱 톤과 미터톤의 차이는 16 kg 이기 때문에 아주 정확한 양을 따져야 하는 경우가 아니라면 크게 구분을 짓지 않아도 이해에 어려움을 주지는 않는다.
1 파운드의 양은 시간과 장소에 따라 조금씩 다르게 정의되어 왔다. 현재 사용되는 양은 [[야드파운드법]]과 [[미국 단위계]]의 통일을 위해 [[미국]]과 [[영연방]] 국가들이 1959년 협의한 기준에 따른 것이다. 이 기준은 0.45359237 [[킬로그램|Kg]]을 1 파운로 정의하였다.<ref name="Standards1959">{{cite book|author=United States. National Bureau of Standards|author-link=National Institute of Standards and Technology|title=Research Highlights of the National Bureau of Standards|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=4aWN-VRV1AoC&pg=PA13|access-date=12 July 2012|year=1959|publisher=U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards|page=13}}</ref><ref>National Bureau of Standards, [http://physics.nist.gov/Pubs/SP447/app8.pdf Appendix 8] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20090118111241/http://www.physics.nist.gov/Pubs/SP447/app8.pdf |date=18 January 2009 }}; National Physical Laboratory, P{{nbsp}}H Bigg ''et al.'' : ''[http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/0508-3443/13/9/305 Re-determination of the values of the imperial standard pound and of its parliamentary copies in terms of the international kilogramme during the years 1960 and 1961]''; Sizes.com: ''[http://www.sizes.com/units/pound_avoirdupois.htm pound avoirdupois].''</ref> [[영국]]은 1963년 법률을 통해 [[미터법]]과 [[야드파운드법]] 모두를 공식적 측정 단위로 인정하면서 파운드에 대한 1959년 협정 정의를 공식 확정하였다.<ref>Quoted by Laws LJ in {{cite web|url=http://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/Admin/2002/195.html|title=<nowiki>[2002] EWHC 195 (Admin)</nowiki>|access-date=12 August 2006}}</ref>
{{인용문|영국 내에서 사용되는 측정 단위로서 [[길이]]는 [[야드]]와 [[미터]]를 그리고 [[질량]]은 [[킬로그램]]과 [[파운드]]를 사용하며<br /> (a) 1 야드는 정확히 0.9144 미터이어야 한다. <br /> (b) 1 파운드는 정확히 {{gaps|0.453|592|37}} 킬로그램이어야 한다.| 1963년 영국 도량형법 제1장의 1<ref name="vlex 1963">{{cite web |url=https://vlex.co.uk/vid/weights-and-measures-act-808389885 |title=Weights and Measures Act 1963 |publisher=vLex United Kingdom |access-date=17 April 2021 | date=31 July 1963}}</ref>}}
영미권에서는 톤이 여전히 [[부피]]의 단위로도 쓰인다. 예를 들면 목재의 부피를 나타내는 입방톤과 같은 단위가 있다. 미국에선 냉방 장치의 성능을 표시하는 에너지 단위로도 사용된다. 1 냉각 톤은 1 미국톤의 얼음을 녹는점/어는점인 32 °[[화씨|F]] (0 °[[섭씨|C]])의 상태로 24시간 유지하는 데 드는 [[전력]]을 의미한다. 미터법 단위로 환산하면 약 3.5 [[킬로와트|Kw]] 이다.<ref>Marks' Standard handbook for Mechanical Engineers, 8th Ed., McGraw Hill, p. 19–3</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://physics.nist.gov/Pubs/SP811/appenB9.html|title=NIST Guide to the SI|accessdate=2007-05-18|publisher=[[National Institute of Standards and Technology]]}}</ref>
An [[avoirdupois]] pound is equal to 16 avoirdupois [[ounce]]s and to exactly 7,000 [[Grain (unit)|grain]]s. The conversion factor between the kilogram and the international pound was therefore chosen to be divisible by 7, and an (international) grain is thus equal to exactly {{val|64.79891|ul=milligrams}}.
== 역사 ==
톤은 부피 단위인 툰(tun)에서 유래하였다. 배에 선적할 수 있는 가장 큰 통이었던 툰은 일반적으로 사용되던 [[배럴]] 통의 8배 크기였다. 배럴 역시 역사적, 지역적으로 용량 값이 달랐기 때문에 이를 오늘날 [[갤런]]으로 환산하면 대략 175에서 213 영국갤런 사이의 부피가 된다. 미국 갤런으로는 210에서 256 미국 갤런이 되는데, 여기에 물을 채우면 어림잡아 2,000 파운드였기 때문에 이것을 1 미국톤으로 정의하였다. 부피 단위 툰이 차지하는 공간은 {{convert|60|cuft|m3|lk=on}} 정도였다.<ref name=BTS.GOV>{{cite web |url=http://ntl.bts.gov/DOCS/narmain/narmain.html |title=Naval Architecture for All |publisher=United States Bureau of Transportation Statistics |access-date=October 13, 2008 |url-status=live |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20081010071508/http://ntl.bts.gov/DOCS/narmain/narmain.html |archive-date=October 10, 2008 }}. "Historically, a very important and standard cargo for European sailing vessels was wine, stored and shipped in casks called tuns. These tuns of wine, because of their uniform size and their universal demand, became a standard by which a ship's capacity could be measured. A tun of wine weighed approximately 2,240 pounds, and occupied nearly 60 cubic feet." ([[Thomas C. Gillmer|Gillmer, Thomas]] (1975). ''Modern Ship Design''. United States Naval Institute.) "Today the ship designers standard of weight is the long ton which is equal to 2,240 pounds." This is the weight of 35 cubic feet of Sea Water at a specific gravity of 1.025, compared to Fresh Water, specific gravity of 1.000 usually measured at 60 degrees F. Handy numbers: 35, 36, 37, number of Cubic Feet per Salt Water, Fresh Water and Lube Oil.</ref>
In the UK, the process of [[metrication in the United Kingdom|metrication]] and [[European units of measurement directives]] were expected to eliminate the use of the pound and ounce, but in 2007 the European Commission abandoned the requirement for metric-only labelling on packaged goods there, and allowed for dual metric–imperial marking to continue indefinitely.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6988521.stm |title=EU gives up on 'metric Britain |work=BBC News |access-date=4 May 2015 |date=11 September 2007}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|title=Will British people ever think in metric?|url=https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-16245391|publisher=BBC|access-date=4 May 2015|date=21 December 2011|first1=Jon|last1=Kelly}}</ref> When used as a measurement of body weight the UK practice remains to use the [[stone (unit)|stone]] of 14 pounds as the primary measure e.g. "11 stone 4 pounds", rather than "158 pounds" (as done in the US),<ref>Christine Hopkins, Ann Pope, Sandy Pepperell (2013). "Understanding Primary Mathematics". p. 195. Routledge.</ref> or "72 kilograms" as used elsewhere.
== 질량/무게 단위 ==
'''톤'''으로 표기되는 [[질량]] 단위에는 다음과 같은 것이 있다.
The US has not adopted the metric system<ref name="World Factbook">{{Cite book
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; width:100%;"
| url = https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/appendix/appendix-g.html
| title = The World Factbook
| date = 17 January 2007
| publisher = [[Central Intelligence Agency]]
| chapter = Appendix G – Weights and Measures
| access-date = 4 February 2007
}}</ref> despite [[metrication in the United States|many efforts to do so]], and the pound remains widely used as one of the key [[United States customary units]].<ref>{{cite web | title=US 1988 law on metrification |url=https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/48/611.002-70 |access-date=21 September 2019}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|title=Countries not using SI |date=22 March 2011 |url=https://www.zmescience.com/other/map-of-countries-officially-not-using-the-metric-system/ |access-date=21 September 2019 }}</ref>
==Historic use==
[[File:comparison of pounds.svg|thumb|400px|Comparison of the relative sizes of avoirdupois, troy, Tower, merchant and London pounds.]]
Historically, in different parts of the world, at different points in time, and for different applications, the pound (or its translation) has referred to broadly similar but not identical standards of mass or force.<ref>The pound is often described as a unit of "weight", and the word "weight" can refer to either mass or force depending on context. Historically and in common parlance, "weight" refers to mass, but [[weight]] as used in modern physics is a force.</ref>
===Roman ''libra''===
[[File:Gewichtmaße1.jpg|thumb|250px|Various historic pounds from a German textbook dated 1848]]
The libra (Latin for "scales / balance") is an [[Ancient Roman units of measurement|ancient Roman unit]] of mass that was equivalent to approximately 328.9 grams.<ref name="Zupko1977">{{cite book |last=Zupko |first=Ronald Edward |author-link=Ronald Edward Zupko |title=British weights & measures: a history from antiquity to the seventeenth century |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=pWUgAQAAIAAJ&q=5076 |access-date=27 November 2011 |year=1977 |publisher=University of Wisconsin Press |page=7|isbn=9780299073404 }}</ref><ref name="Skinner1967">{{cite book |author=Frederick George Skinner |title=Weights and measures: their ancient origins and their development in Great Britain up to A.D. 1855 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=bDcLAQAAIAAJ&q=roman+libra+328 |access-date=27 November 2011 |year=1967 |publisher=H.M.S.O. |page=65}}</ref><ref name="Chambers's encyclopaedia">{{cite book |title=Chambers's encyclopaedia |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=Z2fQAAAAMAAJ&q=roman+libra+328 |access-date=27 November 2011 |volume=14 |year=1967 |publisher=Pergamon Press |page=476}}</ref> It was divided into 12 ''unciae'' (singular: ''uncia''), or ounces. The ''libra'' is the origin of the abbreviation for pound, "lb".
===In Britain===
A number of different definitions of the pound have historically been used in Britain. Amongst these were the [[#Avoirdupois pound|avoirdupois pound]] and the obsolete [[#Tower pound|Tower]], [[#Merchants' pound|merchant's]] and [[#London pound|London]] pounds.<ref>[http://home.clara.net/brianp/weights.html Grains and drams, ounces and pounds, stones and tons. Personal notes.]</ref> [[#Troy pound|Troy pounds and ounces]] remain in use only for the weight of certain precious metals, especially in the trade; these are normally quoted just in ounces (e.g. "500 ounces") and, when the type of ounce is not explicitly stated, the troy system is assumed.
Historically, the [[pound sterling]] was a [[#Tower pound|Tower pound]] of silver.{{cn|date=April 2021}} In 1528, the standard was changed to the [[#Troy pound|Troy pound]].{{cn|date=April 2021}}
{{English pounds}}
{{See also|English units}}
====Avoirdupois pound====
{{broader|Avoirdupois system}}
The [[avoirdupois]] pound, also known as the wool pound, first came into general use c. 1300. It was initially equal to 6992 troy grains. The pound avoirdupois was divided into 16 ounces. During the reign of [[Elizabeth I of England|Queen Elizabeth]], the avoirdupois pound was redefined as 7,000 troy grains. Since then, the [[Grain (measure)|grain]] has often been an integral part of the avoirdupois system. By 1758, two Elizabethan Exchequer standard weights for the avoirdupois pound existed, and when measured in troy grains they were found to be of 7,002 grains and 6,999 grains.<ref>{{cite journal| last=Skinner | first=F.G. | journal=Bulletin of the British Society for the History of Science | title=The English Yard and Pound Weight | year=1952 | doi=10.1017/S0950563600000646 | volume=1 | pages=184–6| issue=7 }}</ref><ref name="Standards">{{cite book|author=United States. National Bureau of Standards|author-link=National Institute of Standards and Technology|title=weights and measures|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=ycgOAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA22|access-date=26 December 2011|year=1962|publisher=Taylor & Francis|pages=22–24|id=GGKEY:4KXNZ63BNUF}}</ref>{{efn|A difference of just 194.39673 milligrams.}}
=====Imperial Standard Pound=====
In the United Kingdom, weights and measures have been defined by a long series of Acts of Parliament, the intention of which has been to regulate the sale of commodities. Materials traded in the marketplace are quantified according to accepted units and standards in order to avoid fraud. The standards themselves are legally defined so as to facilitate the resolution of disputes brought to the courts; only legally defined measures will be recognised by the courts. Quantifying devices used by traders (weights, weighing machines, containers of volumes, measures of length) are subject to official inspection, and penalties apply if they are fraudulent.
The [[Weights and Measures Act 1878]] marked a major overhaul of the British system of weights and measures, and the definition of the pound given there remained in force until the 1960s. The pound was defined thus (Section 4) "The ... platinum weight ... deposited in the Standards department of the Board of Trade ... shall continue to be the imperial standard of ... weight ... and the said platinum weight shall continue to be the Imperial Standard for determining the Imperial Standard Pound for the United Kingdom". Paragraph 13 states that the weight ''in vacuo'' of this standard shall be called the Imperial Standard Pound, and that all other weights mentioned in the act and permissible for commerce shall be ascertained from it alone. The First Schedule of the Act gave more details of the standard pound: it is a platinum cylinder nearly {{convert|1.35|in|mm}} high, and {{convert|1.15|in|mm}} diameter, and the edges are carefully rounded off. It has a groove about {{convert|0.34|in|mm}} from the top, to allow the cylinder to be lifted using an ivory fork. It was constructed following the destruction of the Houses of Parliament by fire in 1834, and is stamped P.S. 1844, 1&nbsp;lb (P.S. stands for "Parliamentary Standard").
The pound was redefined in the United Kingdom by the Weights and Measures Act 1963 as a fraction of the standard kilogram: "the pound shall be 0.453 592 37 kilogramme exactly".<ref name="vlex 1963" />
=====Relationship to the kilogram=====
The 1878 Act said that contracts worded in terms of metric units would be deemed by the courts to be made according to the Imperial units defined in the Act, and a table of metric equivalents was supplied so that the Imperial equivalents could be legally calculated. This defined, in UK law, metric units in terms of Imperial ones. The equivalence for the pound was given as 1&nbsp;lb = {{val|453.59265|u=g}} or 0.45359&nbsp;kg, which made the kilogram equivalent to about {{val|2.2046213|u=lb}}. In 1883, it was determined jointly by the Standards Department of the Board of Trade and the Bureau International that {{val|0.4535924277|u=kg}} was a better approximation, and this figure, rounded to {{val|0.45359243|u=kg}} was given legal status by an [[Order in Council]] in May 1898.<ref name=nbs447>{{cite book | title=Weights and measures standards of the United States&nbsp;– A brief history | year=1976 | url=http://physics.nist.gov/Pubs/SP447/contents.html | first=L.E. | last=Barbrow | author2=Judson, L.V. | url-status=dead | archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20080511153143/http://physics.nist.gov/Pubs/SP447/contents.html | archive-date=11 May 2008 | df=dmy-all }}</ref>
However, in 1963, a new [[Weights and Measures Act]] reversed this relationship and the pound was defined for the first time as a mass equal to {{val|0.45359237|u=kg}} to match the definition of the international pound agreed in 1959.<ref name="vlex 1963" />
====Troy pound====
{{main|Troy weight}}
A troy pound (abbreviated lb t<ref>Capotosto, R. (1983). 200 Original Shop Aids and Jigs for Woodworkers. Sterling Publishing Company, Inc..</ref>) is equal to 12 [[troy ounce]]s and to 5,760 [[Grain (unit)|grains]], that is exactly {{val|373.2417216}} grams.<ref>{{cite web| url=https://www.nist.gov/pml/wmd/pubs/upload/AppC-12-hb44-final.pdf| author=United States National Bureau of Standards | title=Appendix C of NIST Handbook 44, Specifications, Tolerances, and Other Technical Requirements for Weighing and Measuring Devices, General Tables of Units of Measurement| page=C-14}}</ref><!--Source uses U+002D Hyphen-Minus in page number and it should not be changed to n-dash. --> Troy weights were used in England by jewellers. Apothecaries also used the troy pound and ounce, but added the drachms and scruples unit in the [[Apothecaries' system]] of weights.
[[Troy weight]] may take its name from the French market town of [[Troyes]] in France where English merchants traded at least as early as the early 9th century.<ref name="zupko" />
The troy pound is no longer in general use or a legal unit for trade (it was abolished in the United Kingdom on 6 January 1879 by the Weights and Measures Act of 1878), but the [[troy ounce]], {{frac|1|12}} of a troy pound, is still used for measurements of gems such as opals, and precious metals such as silver, platinum and particularly gold.<ref>[https://www.fiscal.treasury.gov/fsreports/rpt/goldRpt/current_report.htm "Status Report of U.S. Government Gold Reserve"], Bureau of the Fiscal Service</ref>
====Tower pound====
[[File:The Pound.jpg|thumb|The Tower pound]]
The system called Tower weight was the more general name for King Offa's pound. This dates to 757 AD and was based on the [[silver penny]].{{cn|date=July 2021}}<!-- when a citation is found, please add something to [[Anglo-Saxon pound]] -->
The Tower pound was also called the '''Moneyers' Pound''' (referring to the Saxon moneyers before the Conquest),<ref>{{cite web|title=Tower pound |url=https://sizes.com/units/pound_tower.htm|access-date=17 September 2016 |website=Sizes.com}}</ref> the '''easterling pound''', which may refer to traders of eastern Germany, or to traders on the shore of the eastern Baltic sea, or dealers of Asiatic goods who settled at the Steelyard wharf;<ref>{{cite book|title=Facsimile of First Volume of Ms. Archives of the Worshipful Company of Grocers of the City of London A.D. 1345-1463. |date=1886|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=uQI_AQAAMAAJ&pg=PP33 }}</ref> and the '''Rochelle Pound''' by French writers, because it was also in use at Rochelle.<ref>{{cite book|title=The English manual of banking |year=1877 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=2oUBAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA191 |access-date=17 September 2016}}</ref> An almost identical weight was employed by the Germans for weighing gold and silver.
The mercantile pound (1304) of 6750 troy grains, or 9600 Tower grains, derives from this pound, as 25 [[shilling]]-weights or 15 Tower ounces, for general commercial use. Multiple pounds based on the same ounce were quite common. In much of Europe, the apothecaries' and commercial pounds were different numbers of the same ounce.{{Citation needed|date=February 2013}} <!-- McGreevy notes 6750 troy ounces in the Mercantile pound, but makes no mention of tower grains. -->
The Tower system was referenced to a standard prototype found in the [[Tower of London]] and ran concurrently with the avoirdupois and troy systems until the reign of Henry VIII, when a royal proclamation dated 1526 required that the troy pound to be used for mint purposes instead of the Tower pound.<ref>A proclamation of Henry VIII, 5 November 1526. Proclamation 112 in Paul L. Hughes and James F. Larkin, editors. ''Tudor Royal Proclamations''. Volume 1. New Haven: Yale University Press,1964.[http://www.sizes.com/units/pound_tower.htm]</ref> No standards of the Tower pound are known to have survived.<ref>R. D. Connor and A. D. C. Simpson.''Weights and Measures in Scotland. A European Perspective''.National Museums of Scotland and Tuckwell Press, 2004, page 116, quoting from H. W. Chisholm, Seventh Annual Report of the Warden for the Standards..for 1872-73 (London, 1873), quoting from 1864 House of Commons Paper.[http://www.sizes.com/units/pound_tower.htm]</ref>
The Tower pound was equivalent to about 350 grams.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.taxfreegold.co.uk/weights.html |title=Weights used for gold |publisher=Tax Free Gold |access-date=14 January 2011}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.dozenalsociety.org.uk/history/poundhist.html |title=A brief history of the pound |publisher=The Dozenal Society of Great Britain |access-date=14 January 2011}}</ref>
|1 mercantile pound (15&nbsp;oz)
! | 정식명
! | 일반명
|align=right|9,600 Tower grains
! | 정의된 양
! | 비고
|align=right|6,750 troy grains
|1 Tower pound (12&nbsp;oz)
|롱 톤<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.msc.navy.mil/msfsc/glossary.htm |title=Archived copy |access-date=2012-12-12 |url-status=live |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20130516154654/http://www.msc.navy.mil/msfsc/glossary.htm |archive-date=2013-05-16 }}</ref>
|영국톤{{refn|영국에서는 영국톤과 미터톤이 발음도 같고 무게도 비슷하기 때문에 혼동되는 상황이 많다. 보다 정확히 하고자 할 때 영국톤은 "롱 톤"이라고 말하고, 미터톤은 마지막 e에 강세를 두어 "토니"{{IPAc-en|ˈ|t|ʌ|n|i}}라고 말한다.<ref name="oedtonne"/>|name=uktonne|group=lower-alpha}}
|align=right|7,680 Tower grains
|[[야드파운드법]]를 적용하는 [[영연방]] 나라들에서 사용한다.
|align=right|5,400 troy grains
|1 Tower ounce (20 dwt)
|숏 톤<ref>{{cite web|url=http://ts.nist.gov/WeightsAndMeasures/Publications/appxc.cfm |title=Archived copy |access-date=2013-07-01 |url-status=dead |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20111210164956/http://ts.nist.gov/weightsandmeasures/publications/appxc.cfm |archive-date=2011-12-10 }}</ref>
|align=right|640 Tower grains
|미국, 캐나다{{refn|캐나다는 1975년 공식 단위계를 [[미터법]]으로 변경하였지만, 일상 생활에선 여전히 야드파운드법이 쓰인다.|group=lower-alpha}}
|align=right|450 troy grains
|1 Tower pennyweight (dwt)
|[[톤]]<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.bipm.org/utils/common/pdf/si_brochure_8_en.pdf |title=Archived copy |access-date=2012-10-17 |url-status=live |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131105051930/http://www.bipm.org/utils/common/pdf/si_brochure_8_en.pdf |archive-date=2013-11-05 }}</ref>
|미터톤, 메가그램
|align=right|32 Tower grains
| [[국제단위계]]로서 전세계에서 사용
|align=right|{{frac|22|1|2}} troy grains
====Merchants' pound====
The merchants' pound (''mercantile pound'', ''libra mercantoria'', or ''commercial pound'') was considered to be composed of 25 rather than 20 [[Tower pound|Tower]] [[shilling]]s of 12 [[pennyweight|pence]].<ref name=tract>{{Citation |editor-last=Ruffhead |editor-first=Owen |editor-link=Owen Ruffhead |title=The Statutes at Large |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=tKZFAAAAcAAJ |volume=Vol.&nbsp;I: From Magna Charta<!--sic--> to the End of the Reign of King Henry the Sixth. To which is prefixed, A Table of the Titles of all the Publick and Private Statutes during that Time |location=London |publisher=Mark Basket for the Crown |date=1763a |pages=[https://books.google.com/books?id=tKZFAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA148 148–149] }}. {{in lang|en}}&nbsp;& {{in lang|la}}&nbsp;& {{in lang|nrf}}</ref> It was equal to 9,600 wheat grains (15 tower ounces or 6,750 grains)<ref name="zupko">{{cite book|last=Zupko|first=Ronald Edward|author-link=Ronald Edward Zupko|title=Dictionary of Weights and Measures for the British Isles: The Middle Ages to the 20th Century|publisher=DIANE Publishing|isbn=0-87169-168-X|date=1 December 1985}}</ref> and was used in England until the 14th century<ref name="zupko"/> for goods other than [[#Tower pound|money]] and [[#Apothecary's pound|medicine]] ("[[electuaries]]").<ref name=tract/>
====London pound====
{{disputed section|London pound|date=January 2021}}
The London pound is that of the [[Hanseatic League|Hansa]], as used in their various trading places. The London pound is based on 16 ounces, each ounce divided as the tower ounce. It never became a legal standard in England; the use of this pound waxed and waned with the influence of the Hansa itself.
A London pound was equal to 7,200 troy grains (16 troy ounces) or, equivalently, 10,240 tower grains (16 tower ounces).
|1 London pound (16&nbsp;oz)
|톤 숏웨이트
|align=right|{{frac|1|1|3}} tower pounds (1.25 Troy pounds)
|주로 17-18세기 무렵 유럽의 제철산업에서 쓰이던 단위<ref>Chris Evans, Göran Rydén, ''Baltic iron in the Atlantic world in the eighteenth century'', p.257, Brill 2007 {{ISBN|90-04-16153-8}}</ref>
|align=right|10,240 tower grains
|align=right|7,200 troy grains
|1 London ounce (20 dwt)
|톤 롱웨이트
|align=right|1 tower (or troy) ounce
|2400&nbsp;lb{{refn|제철산업에서 롱웨이트와 숏웨이트를 구분한 것은 제철 과정에서 부산물 손실이 발생하기 때문이다.<ref>"Report of the select committee on mines", ''Reports from Committees 1866'', '''vol.9''', pp.134-136, London: House of Commons, 23 July 1866</ref>|name=altlongweight|group=lower-alpha}}
|주로 17-18세기 무렵 유럽의 제철산업에서 쓰이던 단위
|align=right|640 tower grains
|align=right|450 troy grains
|1 London pennyweight
|align=right|1 tower (or troy) pennyweight
|align=right|32 tower grains
|align=right|{{frac|22|1|2}} troy grains
===In the United States===
In the United States, the avoirdupois pound as a unit of mass has been officially defined in terms of the kilogram since the [[Mendenhall Order|Mendenhall Order of 1893]]. That Order defined the pound to be {{val|2.20462}} pounds to a kilogram. The following year, this relationship was refined as {{val|2.20462234}} pounds to a kilogram, following a determination of the British pound.<ref name=nbs447 />
In 1959, the United States National Bureau of Standards redefined the pound (avoirdupois) to be exactly equal to 0.453&nbsp;592&nbsp;37&nbsp;kilograms, as had been declared by the [[International yard and pound|International Yard and Pound Agreement]] of that year. According to a 1959 [[National Institute of Standards and Technology|NIST]] publication, the United States 1894 pound differed from the international pound by approximately one part in 10 million.<ref name=NGS>{{cite web|url=http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/PUBS_LIB/FedRegister/FRdoc59-5442.pdf|author=United States National Bureau of Standards|title=Notices "Refinement of values for the yard and the pound"|date=25 June 1959|access-date=12 August 2006}}</ref> The difference is so insignificant that it can be ignored for almost all practical purposes.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://ts.nist.gov/WeightsAndMeasures/Publications/upload/h4402_appenc.pdf |author=United States National Bureau of Standards |title=Appendix C of NIST Handbook 44, Specifications, Tolerances, and Other Technical Requirements for Weighing and Measuring Devices, General Tables of Units of Measurement |url-status=dead |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20061126120208/http://ts.nist.gov/WeightsAndMeasures/Publications/upload/h4402_appenc.pdf |archive-date=26 November 2006 }} "In Great Britain, the Yard, the Avoirdupois Pound, the troy pound, and the Apothecaries pound are identical with the units of the same names used in the United States." (The introduction to this appendix makes it clear that the appendix is only for convenience and has no normative value: "In most of the other tables, only a limited number of decimal places are given, therefore making the tables better adopted to the average user.")</ref>
===Byzantine litra===
{{main|Byzantine units of measurement#Weight}}
The Byzantines used a series of measurements known as pounds ({{lang-la|libra}}, {{lang-grc|λίτρα|litra}}). The most common was the {{transl|grc|logarikē litra}} ({{lang|grc|λογαρική λίτρα}}, "pound of account"), established by [[Constantine the Great]] in 309/310. It formed the basis of the Byzantine [[Byzantine coinage|monetary system]], with one {{transl|grc|litra}} of gold equivalent to 72 {{transl|grc|[[solidus (coin)|solidi]]}}. A hundred {{transl|grc|litrai}} were known as a {{transl|grc|kentēnarion}} ({{lang|grc|κεντηνάριον}}, "hundredweight"). Its weight seems to have decreased gradually from the original 324 grams to 319. Due to its association with gold, it was also known as the {{transl|grc|chrysaphikē litra}} ({{lang|grc|χρυσαφική λίτρα}}, "gold pound") or {{transl|grc|thalassia litra}} ({{lang|grc|θαλάσσια λίτρα}}, "maritime pound"), but it could also be used as a measure of land, equalling a fortieth of the {{transl|grc|thalassios [[modios]]}}.<ref name="ODB">{{cite book | title = Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium'' | chapter = Litra | page = 1238 | last = Schilbach | first = Erich | title-link = Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium | editor-first = Alexander P. | editor-last = Kazhdan | editor-link = Alexander Kazhdan | year = 1991 | publisher = Oxford University Press | isbn = 0-19-504652-8}}</ref>
The {{transl|grc|soualia litra}} was specifically used for weighing olive oil or wood, and corresponded to 4/5 of the {{transl|grc|logarikē}}, i.e. 256 g. Some outlying regions, especially in later times, adopted various local measures, based on Italian, Arab or Turkish measures. The most important of these was the {{transl|grc|argyrikē litra}} ({{lang|grc|αργυρική λίτρα}}, "silver pound") of 333 g, found in [[Trabzon|Trebizond]] and [[Cyprus]], and probably of Arab origin.<ref name="ODB"/>
===French livre===
{{See also|Units of measurement in France before the French Revolution#Mass|Units of measurement in France}}
Since the Middle Ages, various pounds (''livre'') have been used in France. Since the 19th century, a ''livre'' has referred to the ''[[#Metric pounds|metric pound]]'', 500g.
The ''livre esterlin'' was equivalent to about {{convert|367.1|g|gr}} and was used between the late 9th century and the mid-14th century.<ref name="size.com-Francemass">{{cite web|url=http://www.sizes.com/units/charts/UTBLFrancemass.htm|access-date=12 August 2006|title=Pre-metric French units of mass livre and smaller|date=16 March 2001|author=Sizes, Inc.}}</ref>
The ''livre poids de marc'' or ''livre de Paris'' was equivalent to about {{convert|489.5|g|gr}} and was used between the 1350s and the late 18th century.<ref name="size.com-Francemass" /> It was introduced by the government of [[John II of France|John II]].
The ''livre métrique'' was set equal to the kilogram by the decree of ''13 Brumaire an IX'' between 1800 and 1812. This was a form of official metric pound.<ref name="size.com-Francemass" />
The ''livre [[Mesures usuelles|usuelle]]'' (customary unit) was defined as 500 grams by the decree of 28 March 1812. It was abolished as a unit of mass effective 1 January 1840 by a decree of 4 July 1837,<ref name="size.com-Francemass" /> but is still used informally.
===German and Austrian Pfund===
Originally derived from the Roman libra, the definition varied throughout the [[Holy Roman Empire]] in the Middle Ages and onward. For example, the measures and weights of the [[Habsburg monarchy]] were reformed in 1761 by Empress [[Maria Theresia of Austria]].<ref name=hille>{{cite journal | last=Hille | first=K.C. | title=Medicinal-Gewicht |page=268 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=BfI3AAAAMAAJ&pg=RA2-PA268 | journal=Magazin für Pharmacie und die dahin einschlagenden Wissenschaften | year=1831 | location=Heidelberg }}</ref> The unusually heavy Habsburg (civil) pound of 16 ounces was later defined in terms of 560.012 grams. [[Bavaria]]n reforms in 1809 and 1811 adopted essentially the same standard as the Austrian pound. In [[Prussia]], a reform in 1816 defined a uniform civil pound in terms of the Prussian foot and distilled water, resulting in a Prussian pound of 467.711 grams.
Between 1803 and 1815, all German regions west of the [[River Rhine]] were under French control, organised in the [[Departments of France|departement]]s: [[Roer (department)|Roer]], [[Sarre (department)|Sarre]], [[Rhin-et-Moselle]], and [[Mont-Tonnerre]]. As a result of the [[Congress of Vienna]], these regions again became part of various German states. However, many of these regions retained the metric system and adopted a metric pound of precisely 500 grams. In 1854, the pound of 500 grams also became the official mass standard of the [[Zollverein|German Customs Union]], but local pounds continued to co-exist with the Zollverein pound for some time in some German states. Nowadays, the term {{lang|de|Pfund}} is sometimes still in use and universally refers to a pound of 500 grams.
===Russian funt===
The Russian pound (Фунт, funt) is an [[obsolete Russian unit of measurement]] of mass. It is equal to 409.51718 grams.<ref>{{cite book |author=Cardarelli, F. |year=2004 |title=Encyclopaedia of Scientific Units, Weights and Measures: Their SI Equivalences and Origins |publisher=Springer |edition=2nd |page=[https://archive.org/details/encyclopaediaofs0000card/page/122 122] |isbn=1-85233-682-X |url=https://archive.org/details/encyclopaediaofs0000card |url-access=registration }}</ref> In 1899, the funt was the basic unit of weight, and all other units of weight were formed from it; in particular, a [[zolotnik]] was 1/96 of a funt, and a [[pood]] was 40 funts.
The Skålpund was a Scandinavian measurement that varied in weight between regions. From the 17th century onward, it was equal to 425.076 grams in Sweden but was abandoned in 1889 when Sweden switched to the metric system.
In Norway, the same name was used for a weight of 498.1 grams. In Denmark, it equalled 471 grams.
In the 19th century, Denmark followed Germany's lead and redefined the pound as 500 grams.
===Portuguese libra and arrátel===
The Portuguese unit that corresponds to the pounds of different nations is the ''arratel'', equivalent to 16 ounces of ''Colonha'', a variant of the Cologne standard. This arratel was introduced in 1499 by Manuel I, king of Portugal. Based on an evaluation of bronze nesting weight piles distributed by Manuel I to different towns, the arrátel of Manuel I has been estimated to be of 457.8 g. In the early 19th century, the arratel was evaluated at 459 g.<ref>Luís Seabra Lopes, "As Pilhas de Pesos de Dom Manuel I: Contributo para a sua Caracterização, Inventariação e Avaliação", ''Portugalia: Nova Série'', vol. 39, Universidade do Porto, 2018, p. 217-251.</ref>
In the 15th century, the arratel was of 14 ounces of ''Colonha'' or 400.6 g. The Portuguese ''libra'' was the same as 2 arrátels. There were also arratels of 12.5 and 13 ounces and libras of 15 and 16 ounces. The Troyes or Tria standard was also used.<ref>Luís Seabra Lopes, "Sistemas Legais de Medidas de Peso e Capacidade, do Condado Portucalense ao Século XVI", ''Portugalia: Nova Série'', vol. 24, 2003, p. 113-164.</ref>
===Jersey pound===
A Jersey pound is an obsolete unit of mass used on the island of [[Jersey]] from the 14th century to the 19th century. It was equivalent to about 7,561 grains (490 grams). It may have been derived from the [[#French livre|French livre poids de marc]].<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.sizes.com/units/pound_jersey.htm|title=Jersey pound|author=Sizes, Inc. |access-date=12 August 2006 |date=28 July 2003}}</ref>
===기타Trone 용례pound===
The trone pound is one of a number of [[obsolete Scottish units of measurement]]. It was equivalent to between 21 and 28 avoirdupois ounces (about 600-800 grams).
===Metric pounds===
* [[총 톤수]](gross tonnage, 그로스 토네이지): 선박의 크기를 나타내는 단위. 선박의 내부 공간에서 항해에 필요한 추진, 항해, 안전, 위생 등의 공간을 제외한 공간을 모두 적재하였을 때의 무게를 톤으로 환산하여 표시한다. 선박의 용적을 표시하기 위한 단위로 실제 재화의 무게와는 관계 없다.<ref>[http://www.cargonews.co.kr/tmdict/adminKeyView.php?P_URI=idxno%3D1817%26pagecnt%3D0%26letter_no%3D265%26start_num%3D0%26search%3D%26keyword%3D%EC%B4%9D%ED%86%A4%EC%88%98%26Lang%3DKor%26StartTm%3D%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%26EndTm%3D%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD 총톤수], 카고뉴스</ref>
In many countries, upon the introduction of a [[metric system]], the pound (or its translation) became an informal term for 500 grams. In [[German language|German]], the term is ''Pfund'', in [[French language|French]] ''livre'', in Dutch ''pond'', in [[Spanish language|Spanish]] and [[Portuguese language|Portuguese]] ''libra'', in [[Italian language|Italian]] ''libbra'', and in [[Danish (language)|Danish]] and [[Swedish language|Swedish]] ''pund''.
* 재화중량톤수(Deadweight tonnage, 데드웨이트 토네이지): 선박의 운항에 필요한 연료, 음료, 기타 비품의 무게를 제외한 실제 운송 가능한 화물 적재 중량. 먼저 화물을 제외한 여러 물품을 실었을 때의 흘수선에서 최대 흘수선까지 화물을 적재하였을 때의 화물 중량이다. 이 보다 더 실으면 운항 안전에 문제가 생기기 때문에 해운 산업에서 중요하게 다루어 진다.<ref>[http://www.cargonews.co.kr/tmdict/adminKeyView.php?P_URI=idxno%3D1103%26pagecnt%3D0%26letter_no%3D265%26start_num%3D80%26search%3D%26keyword%3D%26Lang%3DKor%26StartTm%3D%C0%DA%26EndTm%3D%C2%F7 재화중량톤수], 카고뉴스</ref>
*항구 톤: 남아프리카에서 20세기에 사용한 단위로 미국톤과 같았다.
Though not from the same linguistic origin, the Chinese ''jīn'' ({{lang|zh|斤}}, also known as "[[catty]]") has a modern definition of exactly 500 grams, divided into 10 ''liǎng'' ({{lang|zh|两}}). Traditionally about 605 grams, the ''jin'' has been in use for more than two thousand years, serving the same purpose as "pound" for the common-use measure of weight.
이 외에도 특히 해운 산업에서 각각의 경우에 필요한 톤수를 정하여 사용하고 있다.
Hundreds of older pounds were replaced in this way. Examples of the older pounds are one of around 459 to 460 grams in Spain, Portugal, and Latin America; one of 498.1 grams in Norway; and several different ones in what is now Germany.
== 부피 단위 ==
선박의 [[배수량]]은 통상 [[영국톤]]으로 표기한다.<ref>{{Cite web|last=DesVergers|first=Jake|title=Rules of the Road: Tricky tonnage measurement not about weight|url=https://www.the-triton.com/2017/10/rules-of-the-road-tricky-tonnage-measurement-not-about-weight/|access-date=2021-04-23|website=The Triton|language=en-US}}</ref> 배수량은 배의 무게 보다는 용적이 더 관계되는 단위이다. 선박이 물 위에 떠 있을 때 밀어내는 물의 양을 뜻하기 때문이다. 배의 무게와 상관없이 물에 잠긴 부분의 부피가 배수량을 결정한다.<ref>[https://books.google.com/books?id=vylCkqTg7H0C&pg=PA249 Displacement ton] Dictionary of international trade retrieved 22July2010</ref> 그러나 배수량은 통상 톤으로 표기하는데, 이는 배가 밀어낸 물 20 입방피트를 1 영국톤으로 환산하여 계산한다.<ref>[http://www.cargonews.co.kr/tmdict/adminKeyView.php?P_URI=idxno%3D1248%26pagecnt%3D0%26letter_no%3D265%26start_num%3D0%26search%3D%26keyword%3D%EB%B0%B0%EC%88%98%EB%9F%89%26Lang%3DKor%26StartTm%3D%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%26EndTm%3D%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD 배수량], 카고뉴스</ref>
Although the use of the pound as an informal term persists in these countries to a varying degree, scales and measuring devices are denominated only in grams and kilograms. A pound of product must be determined by weighing the product in grams as the use of the ''pound'' is not [[European units of measurement directives|sanctioned]] for trade within the [[European Union]].<ref>{{cite web | url = http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CONSLEG:1980L0181:20090527:EN:PDF| author = The Council of the European Communities | title = Council Directive 80/181/EEC of 20 December 1979 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to Unit of measurement and on the repeal of Directive 71/354/EEC | date=27 May 2009 | access-date=14 September 2009
이러한 계산은 해운 운임을 어떻게 계산할 것인 지와 관련이 있다. 화물선 운용사는 무게를 따지는 중량톤과 부피를 따지는 용적톤 가운데 큰 쪽을 운임계산톤으로 정하여 화물 운임을 청구한다.<ref>[http://www.cargonews.co.kr/tmdict/adminKeyView.php?P_URI=idxno%3D1653%26pagecnt%3D0%26letter_no%3D265%26start_num%3D0%26search%3D%26keyword%3Dfreight+ton%26Lang%3DKor%26StartTm%3D%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%26EndTm%3D%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD 화물운임톤], 카고뉴스</ref>
==Use in weaponry==<!--NOTE TO EDITORS: This section is externally linked to from [[Carronade]]. Please do not delete or rename without fixing the referring link(s).
== 에너지 단위 ==
Smoothbore cannon and carronades are designated by the weight in imperial pounds of round solid iron shot of diameter to fit the barrel. A cannon that fires a six-pound ball, for example, is called a ''six-pounder''. Standard sizes are 6, 12, 18, 24, 32 and 42 pounds; 68-pounders also exist, and other nonstandard weapons use the same scheme. See [[Carronade#Ordnance|carronade]].
A similar definition, using [[lead]] balls, exists for determining the [[gauge (bore diameter)|gauge]] of [[shotgun]]s.
===TNT 톤 ===
{{본문|TNT 환산}}
==See also==
1 TNT 톤은 [[TNT]] 1톤이 폭발하였을 때 발생하는 [[에너지]]를 뜻한다. 약 10<sup>9</sup> [[칼로리]]를 방출한다. 주로 막대한 폭발을 일으키는 에너지의 측정량으로 사용한다. 예를 들어 [[히로시마·나가사키 원자폭탄 투하]]에 사용된 [[리틀보이]]의 폭발력은 15 TNT 킬로톤이었다.<ref>[https://www.kado.net/news/articleView.html?idxno=813260 원폭 흔적·전쟁의 참혹함… 평화의 소중함 일깨우다], 강원도민일보, 2016년 11월 25일</ref>
*[[Pound (force)|Pound-force]]
=== 연료 등가 톤 ===
1 톤의 석유를 태웠을 때 발생하는 에너지를 "석유등가톤"(tonne of oil equivalent, toe), 석탄의 경우 "석탄등가톤"(tonne of coal equivalent, tce)로 부른다. 1 석탄등가톤은 0.697 석유등가톤과 같다.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.worldcoal.org/resources/coal-statistics/coal-conversion-statistics/ |title=Coal Conversion Statistics |publisher=World Coal Association |access-date=5 May 2015 |url-status=live |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20150516125830/http://www.worldcoal.org/resources/coal-statistics/coal-conversion-statistics/ |archive-date=16 May 2015 }}</ref>
=== 냉각 전력 ===
<!-- ----------------------------------------------------------
"냉각톤"은 1톤의 얼음을 어는점(32 °F 또는 0 °C) 상태에서 24시간 유지할 수 있는 전력을 뜻한다. 주로 북아메리카의 냉방기구의 성능을 표시할 때 사용한다.<ref>{{cite web | title =ton (of refrigeration) | url =http://www.sizes.com/units/ton.htm | work =[http://www.sizes.com/ Sizes.com] | access-date =2006-09-01 | url-status =live | archive-url =https://web.archive.org/web/20061020203121/http://www.sizes.com/units/ton.htm | archive-date =2006-10-20 }}</ref><ref>{{cite web | title=Measurements and Units | url=http://www.numericana.com/answer/units.htm#othertons | author=Gérard P. Michon | access-date=2006-09-01 | url-status=live | archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20100328085946/http://www.numericana.com/answer/units.htm#othertons | archive-date=2010-03-28 }}</ref>
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==External links==
== 같이 보기 ==
* [[배럴]]
* [[갤런]]
===Conversion between units===
== 각주 ==
* [https://www.nist.gov/pml/nist-guide-si-appendix-b9-factors-units-listed-kind-quantity-or-field-science U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 811]
* [https://www.nist.gov/pml/weights-and-measures/publications/nist-handbooks/handbook-130 National Institute of Standards and Technology Handbook 130]