과테말라의 국가: 두 판 사이의 차이

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1번째 줄:
'''과테말라 펠리즈'''({{llang|es|Guatemala feliz}})는 [[과테말라]]의 [[국가 (노래)|국가]]이다.
==Spanish lyrics ==
== 에스파냐어 ==
:!Guatemala feliz..! que tus aras
:no profane jamás el verdugo;
줄 11 ⟶ 12:
:a vencer o a morir llamará.
:Libre al viento tu hermosa bandera
:a vencer o a morir llamará;
줄 27 ⟶ 28:
:colocarte en un trono de amor.
:Y lograron sin choque sangriento
줄 44 ⟶ 45:
:si defienden su tierra y su hogar.
:Nunca esquivan la ruda pelea
줄 61 ⟶ 62:
:más que el cóndor y el águila real!
:!Ojalá que remonte su vuelo,
줄 68 ⟶ 69:
:Guatemala, tu nombre inmortal!
== 한국어 음역본 ==
==English translation==
''(Only first stanza)''
:Blessed Guatemala, may your altar
:Never be trampled by the executioner
:Nor slaves that lick the yoke
:Nor tyrants that spit in your face
:If tomorrow your sacred soil
:Is threatened by foreign invasion
:Freely against the wind
:To victory or death it will call
:Freely against the wind
:To victory or death it will call
:Since your people, with fiery courage
:Will die before becoming slave
== 한국어 번역본 ==
Guatemala Lives Forever
== 바깥 고리 ==
==External link==
*[http://www.copsrus.com/anthems/guatemala.mid MIDI File]