발트 독일인: 두 판 사이의 차이

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잔글 robot Adding: ja:バルト・ドイツ人
Chobot (토론 | 기여)
잔글 robot Adding: fr:Germano-Baltes; cosmetic changes
1번째 줄:
발트 독일인([[독일어]]; ''Deutsch-Balten, Deutschbalten'')들은 발트해 연안에 거주하는 [[독일인]]들을 말한다.
== 현황 ==
발트독일인들은 [[에스토니아]]([[탈린]](독일명 'Raval(라발)'), [[타르투]](독일명 'Dorpat(도르파트)'), [[리보니아]], [[사레마 섬]](독일명 'Ösel(외셀)'), [[히우마 섬]](독일명 'Dagö(다괴)')), [[라트비아]]([[리가]], 리보니아, [[쿠를란트]]), [[리투아니아]]에 거주한다. 1945년에는 대부분이 [[독일]]이나 [[시베리아]], [[중앙아시아]]로 추방되었다.
8번째 줄:
문화적으로 보면 발트독일인들은 대부분이 [[독일어]]를 쓰고 있으나, 19세기 제정[[러시아]]의 영향과 1945년 [[소련]]의 영향으로 이들도 대부분 [[러시아어]]를 할줄안다. 대부분이 [[개신교]]를 믿고 일부는 [[러시아 정교회]]를 믿는다.
== 역사 ==
발트독일인들의 역사는 12세기때 발트지방으로 선교사를 활동하던 시절로 거슬러 올라갈수있다. 발트독일인들은 인도유럽어족이나 핀우그리아어족과 구별되었고 거주준비가 되었다. [[1199년]] 독일인들이 [[발트 지방]]에 규칙적으로 정착할시점 [[알베르트 폰 북소에베덴]]때 [[비숍]]의 [[리보니아]]가 선택되었다. 2년뒤 [[형제의 칼의 정리]]에 [[리가]]시가 기초가 되었다. a German Knights' order to protect the mission against the local "[[heathen]]" and to administer the territory. The Sword Brothers, in [[1236]], became part of the [[Teutonic Order]]. For 200 years, the Order State in the Baltics had a support from the [[Holy Roman Empire]].
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In course of the war, the state was divided between Denmark, which took the islands, Sweden, which took [[Estonia]], Poland that took [[Livland]] and protestant state of [[Kurland]], a Polish fief.
=== Reformation ===
Kurland became [[Protestant]] during the [[Protestant Reformation|Reformation]], and the land was split up among the knights. These form part of the German [[aristocracy]].
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Kurland existed as German-speaking country for over 200 years, while Livland was once again split. Sweden controlled Estland between [[1561]] and [[1710]] and Livland between [[1621]] and [[1710]], having signed an agreement to not undermine German Baltic autonomy. The German-language [[University of Tartu]] (then ''University of Dorpat''), the foundation of which was supported by King [[Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden]], remained the only one in the Baltic region for centuries and became the intellectual focus of the Baltic Germans, both nobility and literati.
=== Russian control ===
Between [[1710]] and [[1795]], following Russia's success in the [[Great Northern War]], all Baltic areas became [[province]]s of [[Russia]].
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German cultural autonomy ceased in the [[1880s]], when [[Russification]] precluded much schooling in German, German-language university instruction, etc. The [[Revolution of 1905]] led to attacks against the Germans, burning of manors, and killing and torturing of members of the [[nobility]], if usually not by the local inhabitants but by outside revolutionary bands. During [[World War I]], Baltic Germans as ethnic Germans were seen as the enemy by Russians (and as traitors by Germans). As a result of the [[Russian Revolution]] and the subsequent [[Russian Civil War]], many of the Baltic Germans fled to Germany.
=== Post WWI ===
When the Republics of [[Estonia]] and [[Latvia]] were founded in 1918/1919, the Baltic German estate owners were largely expropriated in a [[land reform]], though they eventually regained some cultural autonomy. However, they were quite poor by then and had lost their influence, and even more emigrated. Finally, in [[1939]], the pact between [[Germany]] and [[Russia]], the [[Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact]], which "returned" Estonia and Latvia to Russia (the [[Soviet Union]]), the remaining Baltic Germans were evacuated and resettled by force - for some part, into the ''[[Warthegau]]'' and other areas that are parts of [[Poland]] today. The invasion of Russian armies into Poland and Prussia in 1945 resulted in their having to trek to the West.
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When Estonia declared its independence of the [[Soviet Union]] on August 24, 1991, the exiled association of the German Baltic nobility sent an official message to president-to-be [[Lennart Meri]] that no member of the association would claim proprietary rights to their former Estonian lands. This, and the fact that the first German ambassadors to [[Estonia]] and [[Latvia]] were both Baltic Germans, helped reconcile the peoples.
== 유명한 발트독일인들 ==
A number of Baltic Germans, such as [[Karl Ernst von Baer]], [[Johann Friedrich von Eschscholtz]], [[Alexander von Oettingen]], and [[Adam Johann von Krusenstern]] became famous as explorers or scientists. A number of Baltic Germans, most notably [[Michael Andreas Barclay de Tolly]], served as ranking generals in the Russian army.
48번째 줄:
[[en:Baltic German]]