:개의 품종 정보/설명문서


{{개의 품종 정보
|이름 = 
|사진 = 
|사진크기 = 
|대체텍스트 = 
|사진설명 = 
|다른 이름 = 
|별명 = 
|원산지 = {{국기나라|나라 이름}}
|후원 = 
|몸무게 = 
|수컷몸무게 = 
|암컷몸무게 = 
|키 = 
|수컷키 = 
|암컷키 = 
|털 = 
|털빛 = 
|새끼수 = 
|수명 = 
<!-----애견단체에 의한 분류와 표준----->
|fcigroup = 
|fcisection = 
|fcinum = 
|fcistd = 
|kkfstd = 
|akcgroup = 
|akcstd = 
|akcfss = 
|akcmisc = 
|kkcstd = 
|ankcgroup = 
|ankcstd = 
|ckcgroup = 
|ckcstd = 
|ckcmisc = 
|kcukgroup = 
|kcukstd = 
|nzkcgroup = 
|nzkcstd = 
|ukcgroup = 
|ukcstd = 
|notrecognized = 
|멸종 = 
|참고 = 


  • 이름: 개의 품종(견종)
  • 사진: 개의 사진 ('파일:' 없이 파일 이름만)
  • 대체텍스트: 대체텍스트는 이미지를 볼 수 없는 경우에 이미지를 설명해줍니다.
  • 사진이 있으면 대체텍스트를 적어야 합니다. 대체텍스트는 사진설명을 반복해서는 안 됩니다. 대신에, 사진을 못보는 사람도 문서를 이해하기 쉽게 사진을 설명합니다. 예를 들어 진돗개 사진이라면 "진돗개의 사진"으로 적어도 좋습니다. (en:WP:ALT 참조).
  • 사진설명: 사진을 설명합니다.
  • 털빛이나, 꼬리, 귀 등 개가 어떤지 설명합니다.
  • 다른 이름: 품종에 대한 다른 이름
  • The list of names for the breed in the FCI standards is a good starting point; also can include common breed names from other English-speaking countries and kennel clubs. en:User:Sannse initially created a useful spreadsheet listing these known about for new articles (can also use Google search for English web sites for the possible breed names).
  • To specify more than one name, you must specify them all on one line separated by <br>
  • 별명: Common nicknames
  • These are shortened names that aren't an official breed name but that are in common use by owners or breeders of these dogs (e.g., "Doxie" for en:Dachshund; "GSD" for en:German Shepherd Dog).
  • As above, to specify more than one name, you must specify them all on one line separated by <br>
  • 원산지: Country of origin, preferably at time of origin to avoid squabbling over current political boundaries.
  • Also available on the spreadsheet (or see breed's FCI listing - but be aware that the country listed may be the country responsible for the standard and not the true country of origin).
  • 후원: Country of patronage, according to the Article 2 Objectives, Section II, Paragraph g) of the Statutes of the en:Fédération Cynologique Internationale, used when no country of origin is responsible for the breed and in some other cases.
  • 특성
  • 몸무게: 몸무게 범위
  • 수컷몸무게: 수컷의 몸무게 범위
  • 암컷몸무게: 암컷의 몸무게 범위
  • : 키 범위
  • 수컷키: 수컷의 키 범위
  • 암컷키: 암컷의 키 범위
  • : 털의 종류
  • 털빛: 털의 색깔
  • 새끼수: 한배 새끼 수; 한번에 낳는 새끼 수
  • 수명: 수명의 범위
  • 애견단체에 의한 분류와 표준
  • FCI standards; all four options are required.
  • fcigroup: The name of the group to which the dog belongs. (Hound, Working, etc..)
  • fcisection: The section number of the above group.
  • fcinum: The number of the dog breed.
  • fcistd: The URL to the FCI breed standard. There are several different ways to link to this; start looking here: http://www.fci.be/nomenclature.aspx
  • 한국애견연맹;
  • kkfstd:
  • AKC standards; both options are required
An example for the en:Alaskan Malamute is: http://www.akc.org/breeds/alaskan_malamute/index.cfm
If the group is FSS, see preceding akcfss instructions.
  • 한국애견협회;
  • kkcstd:
  • ANKC standards; both options are required
  • ankcgroup: The number and name of the group to which the dog belongs. (Referring to the hound, etc. group)
Please put this in the format: Group NUMBER - (NAME)
  • CKC standards; both options are required
  • ckcgroup: The name of the group to which the dog belongs. (Hound, Working, etc..)
Please put this in the format: Group NUMBER - (NAME)
Note: This list may not be up-to-date.
  • ckcmisc: Add this if the breed is a part of the CKC's Miscellaneous List
  • KC (UK) standards; both options are required
  • NZKC standards; both options are required
  • UKC standards; both options are required
  • notrecognized: Add this if the breed is not recognized by any major kennel club.
  • 멸종: Add this if the breed is now extinct.
  • 참고: Notes about the breed recognition or standards.
  • Comments such as: "This breed is recognized by the American Rare Breed Association", etc..

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