
이 틀은 범례에서 두 색으로 구분된 사선을 가진 하나의 박스를 만듭니다.


{{범례사선|윗 색|아래 색|라벨|outline=외부색|border=css border}}
  • top color and bottom color are passed to the css background-color property of the color box. These fields are required.
  • label is optional, and adds text to the right of the box. Text may be '''bold''' or ''italic'' also.
  • The optional outline parameter is the color of the outline around the box.
  • If you need to customize the border further, you can use the border argument, which overrides the outline argument and sets the css description (e.g., 1px solid #aaa) of the border that will be drawn around the box.

Additionally, editors can specify several other optional fields:

  • size: sizes should be in terms of em, px, or pt. 1.5em is the default.
  • up: will make the diagonal line go from bottom left to top right. The default is top left to bottom right.
  • text: will put one or two characters of text inside the box. If using one character, a non-breaking space ( ) will help center it. The color of this text may also be specified with the field textcolor. Will not work with up field.



기본 예제

{{범례사선|#c80815|#e6be8a|'''49ers'''|border=2px solid black}}

응용 예제

{{범례사선|#0c2340|#a2aaad|size=2em|border=3px solid #78be20|시애틀}}
{{범례사선|white|gold|border=3px solid maroon|text= '''R'''|textcolor=maroon|워싱턴}}
  R 워싱턴



Current compatibility issues are based on different browsers implementation of CSS protocol. These boxes, for example, may look too tall on mobile browsers. Please let the developers know on the talk page if there are issues.

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