WHO 당뇨병 진단 기준[1][2]  편집
상태 식후 2시간 포도당 금식 포도당 HbA1c
단위 mmol/L mg/dL mmol/L mg/dL mmol/mol DCCT %
정상 < 7.8 < 140 < 6.1 < 110 < 42 < 6.0
공복혈당장애 < 7.8 < 140 6.1–7.0 110–125 42–46 6.0–6.4
내당능장애 ≥ 7.8 ≥ 140 < 7.0 < 126 42–46 6.0–6.4
당뇨병 ≥ 11.1 ≥ 200 ≥ 7.0 ≥ 126 ≥ 48 ≥ 6.5

참고 문헌

  1. 《Definition and diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and intermediate hyperglycemia: Report of a WHO/IDF consultation》 (PDF). Geneva: World Health Organization. 2006. 21쪽. ISBN 978-92-4-159493-6. 
  2. Vijan S (March 2010). “In the clinic. Type 2 diabetes”. 《Annals of Internal Medicine》 152 (5): ITC31–15; quiz ITC316. doi:10.7326/0003-4819-152-5-201003020-01003. PMID 20194231.