플리커에 게시된 이 그림은 2008년 4월 2일에 관리자 혹은 신뢰된 사용자Seidenstud에 의해 검토되어, 이 날짜를 기준으로 위의 라이선스로 사용 가능함이 확인되었습니다.
Argentina has no "freedom of panorama" provision in its copyright law. At least some think there is de facto freedom of panorama in Argentina regarding buildings:
It is uncontroversially accepted that buildings can be reproduced by paintings or photographs, without this reproduction infringing copyright.
Se ha admitido pacificamente que los edificios puedan ser reproducidos mediante pinturas o fotografías, sin estimarse que esta reproducción lesione los derechos de autor.
— Dr. Emery, Miguel Angel (professor of intellectual property law in Argentina), Propiedad Intelectual, Astrea Editors 4th. edition ISBN9789505085231. p.40 op cit
{{flickr| |title= Engineering School |description={{es|Fachada de la sede ''Paseo Colón'' de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Buenos Aires}} |photographer= blmurch |photographer_location= http://www.flickr.com/photos/blmurch/369450004/ |p