LPC (프로그래밍 언어)

LPC(Lars Pensjö C)는 C에서 파생된 객체 지향 프로그래밍 언어[1]이며 LPMud 상에서 MUD의 빌드를 용이케 하기 위해 Lars Pensjö가 처음 개발하였다.[2][3] 게임 개발용으로 설계되었으나 언어의 유연성으로 말미암아 다양한 목적으로 쓰일 수 있게 되었고 파이크라는 언어로 발전하였다.[3]

LPC 문법은 C/C++의 영향을 받은 C 계열 언어에서 볼 수 있다.


  1. Shah, Rawn; Romine, James (1995). 《Playing MUDs on the Internet》. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 159쪽. ISBN 0-471-11633-5. LPC is very much like another common programming language known as C [...] 
  2. Bartle, Richard (2003). 《Designing Virtual Worlds》. New Riders. 10쪽. ISBN 0-13-101816-7. LPMUD was named after its author, Lars Pensjö of the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. [...] To this end, he developed an in-game programming language called LPC that allowed players of sufficient experience to add not only objects, but also powerful functionality to the game as it ran. 
  3. “The History of Pike”. 《Pike》. 2010년 2월 4일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2009년 9월 9일에 확인함. In the beginning, there was Adventure. Then a bunch of people decided to make multi-player adventure games. One of those people was Lars Pensjö at the Chalmers university in Gothenburg, Sweden. For his game he needed a simple, memory-efficient language, and thus LPC (Lars Pensjö C) was born. About a year later Fredrik Hübinette started playing one of these games and found that the language was the most easy-to-use language he had ever encountered. [...] Fredrik started writing µLPC. It was a new but similar LPC interpreter which was released under GNU GPL. [...] To get a more pronouncable and commercially viable name the language was renamed from µLPC to Pike. 

외부 링크
