가지아과(--亞科, 학명: Solanoideae 솔라노이데아이[*])는 가지과아과이다.[1]

까마중(Solanum nigrum)
까마중(Solanum nigrum)
생물 분류ℹ️
계: 식물계
(미분류): 속씨식물군
(미분류): 진정쌍떡잎식물군
(미분류): 국화군
목: 가지목
과: 가지과
아과: 가지아과
Kostel., 1789
가지속(Solanum L.)
[출처 필요]

하위 분류

  • 꽈리족(Physaleae Miers)[5]
    • 가시꽈리속(Withania Pauquy)
    • 꽈리속(Physalis L.)
    • 알꽈리속(Tubocapsicum Makino)
    • Alkekengi Mill.
    • Aureliana Sendtn.
    • Brachistus Miers
    • Calliphysalis Whitson
    • Capsicophysalis (Bitter) Averett & M.Martínez
    • Chamaesaracha (A.Gray) Benth.
    • Cuatresia Hunz.
    • Darcyanthus Hunz. ex N.A.Harriman
    • Deprea Raf.
    • Dunalia Kunth
    • Eriolarynx (Hunz.) Hunz.
    • Iochroma Benth.
    • Leucophysalis Rydb.
    • Nectouxia Kunth
    • Oryctes S.Watson
    • Quincula Raf.
    • Salpichroa Miers
    • Saracha Ruiz & Pav.
    • Schraderanthus Averett
    • Trozelia Raf.
    • Tzeltalia E.Estrada & M.Martínez
    • Vassobia Rusby
    • Witheringia L'Hér.
  • 벤타미엘라족(Benthamielleae Hunz.)[9]
    • 벤타미엘라속 (Benthamiella) Speg.
    • Combera Sandwith
    • Pantacantha Speg.
    • Reyesia Clos
  • 솔란드라족(Solandreae Miers)[11]
    • Dyssochroma Miers
    • Hawkesiophyton Hunz.
    • Juanulloa Ruiz & Pav.
    • Markea Rich.
    • Merinthopodium Donn.Sm.
    • Poortmannia Drake
    • Schultesianthus Hunz.
    • 솔란드라속 (Solandra) Sw.
    • Trianaea Planch. & Linden
  • 분류 불확실(incertae sedis)
    • Latua Phil.
    • Nothocestrum A.Gray
    • Pauia Deb & Ratna Dutta
    • Protoschwenkia Soler.
    • Sclerophylax Miers


  1. Kosteletzky, Vincenz Franz. Allgemeine Medizinisch-Pharmazeutische Flora 3: 939. 1834.
  2. Dumortier, Barthélemy Charles Joseph. Analyse des Familles des Plantes 24. 1829.
  3. D'Arcy, William Gerald. Phytologia 80: 273. 1996.
  4. Hunziker, Armando Theodoro. Kurtziana 10: 28. 1977.
  5. Miers, John. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, ser. 2 3: 179. 1849.
  6. Reichenbach, Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig. Handbuch des Naturlichen Pflanzensystems 200. 1837.
  7. Dumortier, Barthélemy Charles Joseph. Analyse des Familles des Plantes 24. 1829.
  8. Hunziker, Armando Theodoro & Barboza, Gloria E.. Lorentzia 8: 5. 1995.
  9. Hunziker, Armando Theodoro. Kurtziana 28(1): 61. 2000.
  10. Endlicher, Stephan Friedrich Ladislaus. Genera Plantarum (Endlicher) 664. 1839.
  11. Miers, John. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, ser. 2 3: 166. 1849.
  12. Miers, John. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, ser. 2 3: 178. 1849.
  13. Lowe, Richard Thomas. A Manual Flora of Madeira 2: 98. 1872.