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  1. Data from History Database of the Global Environment. Archived 2018년 2월 27일 - 웨이백 머신 K. Klein Goldewijk, A. Beusen and P. Janssen, "HYDE 3.1: Long-term dynamic modeling of global population and built-up area in a spatially explicit way" in the Abstract (With a total global population increase from 2 to 6145 million people over that time span [10,000BC to 2,000AD]), Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (MNP), Bilthoven, The Netherlands.
  2. Ojakangas, Richard W. (1982). 《Minnesota's geology》. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. ISBN 978-0-8166-8167-9. 
  3. 《Life in Neolithic farming communities : social organization, identity, and differentiation》. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. 2000. ISBN 0-306-46122-6. 
  4. Nicky Milner, Chantal Conneller and Barry Taylor (2018). 《Star Carr. Volume 1, Persistent Place in a Changing World》. York: White Rose University Press. ISBN 978-1-912482-04-7. 
  5. “Clovis complex | ancient North American culture | Britannica” (영어). 2023년 1월 7일에 확인함.