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I'm sorry for my late reply. I found '숙의 김씨(淑義金氏)' and '숙원 정씨(淑媛鄭氏)' in the book called '전주이씨대관(全州李氏大觀)' which is kind of a '족보' of royal family. I thought it was a reliable source because a book 'Dictionary of Korean Royal Women' published by '한국학중앙연구원(The Academy of Korean Studies)' has some contents written based on '전주이씨대관'. But I think it will be hard for you to access '전주이씨대관' on the internet. I checked that book at 'The National Library of Korea' because I couldn't find it on the internet. But fortunately I have a copy of the page where '숙의 김씨' and '숙원 정씨' appear in the book. So if you want it I can scan the page and send it to you. BUT you have to notice that it's all written by Korean + Chinese letter. Antigone6574 (토론) 2016년 2월 5일 (금) 23:36 (KST)답변