On this day, 9-11, WiJ hereby retires. Goodbye!

2006년 9월 12일 (화)에 가입함
마지막 댓글: On this day, 9-11, WiJ hereby retires. Goodbye!님 (17년 전)

September 11 could not have been a more appropriate day to end the reign of terror on the Korean Wikipedia. I am going to defect, run north into China, and seek asylum in a foreign embassy. I am hereby betraying the DPRK and turning capitalist! I read about the United States and its hardships, including the events that occurred five years ago today. As soon as I finished and thought it over, I could not hold back my tears! MY STONE HEART HAS BROKEN!!!! Therefore, I will never rain vandalism on Wikibaekgwa again! Good luck to me! --WiJ 2006년 9월 12일 (화) 05:26 (KST)답변