사용자:배우는사람/틀:지역 둘러보기/유럽 이미지맵

Europe and Sea




Clickable map of Europe, showing one of the most commonly used geographical boundaries (as used by 내셔널 지오그래픽 and 브리태니커 백과사전, for example. Whether countries are considered in Europe or Asia can vary in sources, for example in the classification of the 월드 팩트북 or that of the BBC).

Legend: blue = 두 대륙에 걸친 나라; green = historically European but geographically outside Europe's boundaries. ko:틀:유럽의 나라들 위치지도



Clickable map of Europe, showing one of the most commonly used geographical boundaries (as used by 내셔널 지오그래픽(National Geographic) and 브리태니커 백과사전(Encyclopedia Britannica), for example. Whether countries are considered in Europe or Asia can vary in sources, for example in the classification of the 월드 팩트북(CIA World Factbook) or that of the BBC(BBC)).

Legend: blue = 두 대륙에 걸친 나라(transcontinental states); green = historically European but geographically outside Europe's boundaries. ko:틀:유럽의 나라들 위치지도



Clickable map of Europe, showing one of the most commonly used geographical boundaries (as used by National Geographic(내셔널 지오그래픽) and Encyclopedia Britannica(브리태니커 백과사전), for example. Whether countries are considered in Europe or Asia can vary in sources, for example in the classification of the CIA World Factbook(월드 팩트북) or that of the BBC(BBC)).

Legend: blue = transcontinental states(두 대륙에 걸친 나라); green = historically European but geographically outside Europe's boundaries. ko:틀:유럽의 나라들 위치지도

영문 위키 링크판


Clickable map of Europe, showing one of the most commonly used geographical boundaries (as used by National Geographic and Encyclopedia Britannica, for example. Whether countries are considered in Europe or Asia can vary in sources, for example in the classification of the CIA World Factbook or that of the BBC).

Legend: blue = transcontinental states; green = historically European but geographically outside Europe's boundaries. ko:틀:유럽의 나라들 위치지도



Clickable map of Europe, showing one of the most commonly used geographical boundaries (as used by National Geographic and Encyclopedia Britannica, for example. Whether countries are considered in Europe or Asia can vary in sources, for example in the classification of the CIA World Factbook or that of the BBC).

Legend: blue = transcontinental states; green = historically European but geographically outside Europe's boundaries. ko:틀:유럽의 나라들 위치지도