사용자:Ha98574/1900년 하계 올림픽

{{{연도}}}년 {{{종류}}} 올림픽
대회 포스터
개최국프랑스 프랑스
개최 도시파리
주경기장뱅센 벨로드롬

1900년 하계 올림픽(프랑스어: Jeux olympiques d'été de 1900, 영어: 1900 Summer Olympics, Games of the II Olympiad)은 1896년 하계 올림픽에 이어 두번째로 개최된 하계 올림픽이다. 5월 14일부터 10월 28일까지 개최되었으며 개회식과 폐회식은 개최되지 않았다. 이 대회는 프랑스 파리에서 개최된 1900년 만국 박람회의 일부로 개최되었고, 19개 경기 종목으로 진행되었다. 이 대회는 여자 선수가 처음 참가한 대회이고, 샬럿 쿠퍼올림픽에서 여성으로는 처음으로 금메달을 차지했다. 미국 선수는 종교적인 이유로 일요일에는 참가를 꺼리기 때문에 일요일에도 경기를 진행된 대회에 대해 많은 미국 선수은 반발하였다.

피에르 드 쿠베르탱1985년에 파리에 있는 소르본에서 만국 박람회에 맞춰 첫 하계 올림픽을 1900년에 파리에서 개최하는 것을 제안했다. 하지만 올림픽 경기 대회 구성을 위한 회의에서는 1900년까지 5년을 기다려야하기 때문에 1년 뒤인 1896년그리스 아테네에서 1896년 하계 올림픽을 개최할 것을 결정하여, 1900년 하계 올림픽은 제2회 하계 올림픽이 되었다.

대부분의 각 종목 우승자는 메달을 수여하지 않고 대신 트로피와 컵을 수여하였다. 펜싱 종목에서는 프로 선수들도 참가하여 경기가 개최되었고, 프랑스의 알베르 로베르 아야아마추어 마스터 에페 종목에서 우승하여 3000프랑을 수여하였다.

이 대회에서는 모터사이클자동차 경주[1], 기구[2], 크리켓[3], 크로케[4], 펠로타[5], 200m 장애물 수영 및 잠영[6] 종목과 같은 이색적인 종목도 개최되었다.



1900년 하계 올림픽은 1900년 만국 박람회의 일부로 개최되었다. 피에르 드 쿠베르탱은 만국 박람회의 일부로 개최하는 것은 대중들에게 올림픽을 알리는데 도움이 될 것이라고 생각하였다. 만국 박람회의 책임자인 알프레드 피커드는 만국 박람회에서 고대 스포츠 대회를 개최하는 것은 터무니 없는 시대착오적인 발상(absurd anachronism)이라고 생각하였다.[7] After thanking de Coubertin for his plans, Picard filed them away and nothing more came of it.

국제 올림픽 위원회는 대회를 위한 조직을 구성하고 A committee was formed for the organization of the Games, consisiting of some of the more able sports administrators of the day and a provisional program was drawn up. Sports to be included at the games were track and field athletics, swimming, wrestling, gymnastics, fencing, French and British boxing, river and ocean yacht racing, cycling, golf, lifesaving, archery, weightlifting, rowing, diving and water polo.

British and Irish sports associations announced a desire to compete, as did a number of powerful American universities and sports clubs. Competitors from Russia and Australia also confirmed their intentions to travel to Paris.

뱅센 벨로드롬

On November 9, 1898 the Union des Sociétés Françaises de Sports Athlétiques ("Union of the French Societies for Athletic Sports" or USFSA) put out an announcement that it would have sole right to any organised sport held during the World's Fair. It was an empty threat but Viscount Charles de La Rochefoucauld, the nominated head of the organizing committee, stepped down rather than be embroiled in the political battle. The Baron de Coubertin, who was also secretary-general of the USFSA, was urged to withdraw from active involvement in the running of the Games and did so, only to comment later, "I surrendered - and was incorrect in doing so."

The IOC ceded control of the Games to a new committee which was to oversee every sporting activity connected to the 1900 Exposition Universelle. Alfred Picard appointed Daniel Mérillon, the head of the French Shooting Association as president of this organization in February 1899. Mérillon proceeded to publish an entirely different schedule of events, with the result that many of those that had made plans to compete in concordance with the original program withdrew, and refused to deal with the new committee.

Between May and October 1900, the new organizing committee held an enormous number of sporting activities alongside the Paris Exposition. The sporting events rarely used the term of "Olympic". Indeed the term "Olympic Games" was replaced by "Concours internationaux d'exercices physiques et de sport" ("International physical exercises and sports" in English) in the official report of the sporting events of the 1900 Exposition Universelle. The press reported competitions variously as "International Championships", "International Games", "Paris Championships", "World Championships" and "Grand Prix of the Paris Exposition".

De Coubertin commented later to friends: "It's a miracle that the Olympic Movement survived that celebration".

Alvin Kraenzlein
Winner of the 60m, the 110m hurdles, the 200m hurdles, and the long jump.


  • Alvin Kraenzlein (United States) won the 60 metres (he was one of two people to ever win this event at the Olympic Games as it was withdrawn from Olympic competition after the 1904 Olympics), the 110 metre hurdles, the 200 metre hurdles and the long jump events; as of 2005, these four individual gold medals are still a record for a track and field athlete. For his victory in the long jump, he was allegedly punched in the face by his rival Meyer Prinstein, who was prevented from competing in the final by officials of Syracuse University because it was scheduled for a Sunday.
  • Charlotte Cooper was the first woman to become Olympic champion after winning the women's singles tennis competition. She later went on to win the mixed doubles tournament.
  • Three marathon runners from the United States contested the result saying the French runners who got first and second places took a short cut, and the proof was they were the only contestants not spattered with mud.
  • In the coxed pairs and eights events in rowing, crews replaced adult coxswain with children. The identities and ages of these boys were not recorded but they are believed to have been amongst the youngest of all Olympic competitors.



20 disciplines, comprising 19 sports, were part of the Olympic program in Paris. Weightlifting and wrestling had been dropped since the 1896 Summer Olympics, while 13 new sports were added. Swimming and water polo were considered to be two disciplines within a single sport of aquatics in the Olympic context.



Sport-by-sport overview


The standard of competition at the Games was variable. Despite a poor quality track, a strong contingent of top-class American collegiate athletes ensured the track and field competitions were of the highest quality. The tennis gold medalists were all former Wimbledon champions, swimming and fencing events were of a good standard and even polo, a minority sport for the social elite, was well represented by some of the best players in the game. Other sports were noticeably weak in both quality and depth. Only athletics, swimming and fencing had competitors from more than ten nations.



The history of the archery competition at the 1900 Olympics is extremely confusing. The International Olympic Committee currently list six events as having full Olympic status but a case could be made that as many as eight other events as equally as deserving to be considered as part of official Olympic history. About 150 archers competed in these six official events but as many as 5,000 were involved in archery competition in conjunction with 1900 World's Fair. Belgian Hubert Van Innis took two gold medals and one silver and would add to his tally twenty years later in Antwerp.

Ray Ewry
The winner of the standing high jump and standing long jump.



The track and field events were held at the home of the Racing Club de France at the Croix-Catelan stadium in Bois de Boulogne. No track was laid and races took place on an uneven field of grass littered with trees. Additional events were held for professionals and a series of handicap races also took place. These are not considered official Olympic events.

The sprints


In the seven events contested over 400 metres or less, the United States took 13 out of a possible 21 medals. Athletes from Columbia University, Princeton University and the University of Pennsylvania all won gold medals. Indeed, two would-be dentists from the University of Pennsylvania were amongst the stars of the Games. Alvin Kraenzlein won 4 individual gold medals, a feat that has never repeated, while John Tewksbury took five medals including two golds. The hurdles in the 400 m hurdle race were 30-피트 (9.1 m)-long telegraph poles arranged on the track and the race, uniquely in Olympic competition, had a water jump on the final straight.

Middle and long distance races


United States dominance in sprinting was matched in the longer track races by United Kingdom. Only George Orton, who won Canada's first Olympic title in the shorter of the two steeplechases, ruined a perfect record for the British. Orton won his title less than an hour after placing third in the 400 metre hurdles.

Michel Théato
Winner of the Marathon

The Marathon


The most contentious of all the events in these Games began and ended in the Bois de Boulogne. Intended to follow the track of the old city wall, the course was poorly marked out and runners often got lost and had to double back on themselves before continuing. On some parts of the course, runners had to contend with distractions from cars, bicycles pedestrians and animals. Arthur Newton of the United States finished fifth but stated he had not been passed by any other runner during the race. Another American, Richard Grant, claimed he was run down by a cyclist as he made ground on the leaders. French honour seemed to have been satisfied when Michel Théato crossed the finish line and a military band struck up La Marseillaise. However, modern research has revealed that Théato was born in Luxembourg and maintained Luxembourgian citizenship throughout his life.

Rudolf Bauer of Hungary won the discus

Field events


The Hungarian discus thrower Rudolf Bauer was only non-American crowned as Olympic Champion. American domination was even greater in the field events than the track events with outstanding performances coming from Ray Ewry and Irving Baxter. Ewry started his Olympic career with a sweep of the three standing jumps whilst Baxter finished second to Ewry three times and won both the regular high jump and pole vault.

A competitor at the Pelota tournament

Basque pelota


The chistera form of the game was played at this, the sport's only appearance at full Olympic level. Two pairs entered and the Spanish partnerships of Amezola and Villota became their nations' first Olympic champions. The mano form of the game and a chistera tournament for professional players were contested unofficially.


Poster of the only Olympic cricket match

After the withdrawal of teams from the Netherlands and Belgium, only two teams played in the cricket tournament. A team made up of players from the Albion Cricket Club and the Standard Athletic Club, two Paris clubs consisting almost exclusively of British expatriates, played a touring team from the southwest of England. The Devon and Somerset Wanderers were no more than a team of competent club cricketers (made up from Blundells School old boys and members of Castle Cary Cricket Club), and only Montagu Toller and Alfred Bowerman were deemed good enough to play at county level for Somerset. The game was played before a small crowd at the Vélodrome de Vincennes. An emphatic second innings bowling performance from Toller captured victory for the visitors as time appeared to be running out for them. If the French had held out for five more minutes the game would have declared a draw. Knowledge of the game would have been lost but for the forethought of John Symes, a member of the victorious team, who kept a scorecard in his own writing.



The croquet tournament was notable as it marked the first appearance of women at Olympic level. Madame Després, Madame Filleaul Brohy and Mademoiselle Ohnier were eliminated in the first round of competition along with Marcel Haentjens of Belgium, the only entrant from outside France. A single paying spectator attended the tournament, an elderly English gentleman who travelled from Nice for the early stages. An unofficial two-ball handicap competition was also held.



The home nation won five out of the six medals available. A number of unofficial events were held for both amateurs and professionals.



Equestrian sport made its debut at the Olympic Games with three events being held. The Italian rider Giovanni Giorgio Trissino won a gold and a silver. He narrowly missed making Olympic history by winning two medals in the same event. Competing with two different horses in the high jump, he jointly won the gold medal and finished in 4th place on his second horse.

Italo Santelli (left) and Jean-Baptiste Mimiague competing in the masters foil event. Mimiague won both bouts between the two.



Nineteen nations were represented in the fencing competition, which was held in a field near the cutlery exhibit at the 1900 World's Fair. French fencers dominated the proceedings but both Cuba and Italy also took titles. The early rounds of the foil competitions were judged on style rather than the actual result of the contest. This meant that some fencers were eliminated without losing a contest whilst others were defeated and still progressed to the next rounds.



The first football (soccer) champions at the Olympics were the London amateurs of Upton Park F.C. A crowd of around 500 spectators saw them defeat their French rivals.

Margaret Ives Abbott , a student of art from Chicago, played in and won a nine hole golf tournament on an October Tuesday in Paris. She died in 1955 without being aware that the tournament was part of the Olympic Games and she had become America's first ever female Olympic champion.



135 gymnasts took part in a competition that involved elements from track and field and weightlifting as well as gymnastic disciplines

Eight separate tournaments were held in 1900 as part of the 1900 World's Fair. Only the Grand Prix Internationale de l'Exposition is counted as an official medal event. Entries were from clubs rather than countries and the winning Foxhunters club comprised English, Irish and American players.

Mexico won its first medal in this sport. Bronze by Guillermo Hayden Wright, and three brothers from Mexico; Eustaquio de Escandón y Barron, Pablo de Escandón y Barron and Manuel de Escandón y Barron, Marquez de Villavieja



Competitions were held on the River Seine. The coxed fours descended into farce when officials changed the qualifying criteria for the final several times. The first final was held without any of the original qualifiers, who had withdrawn as a protest against the decision to run six boats on a course laid out for only four. The officials then decided to run another "final" for the boycotting crews. Both events are considered official Olympic competitions. In a number of events crews saw the advantage of having ultra-lightweight coxswain and recruited local boys for the period of the Games. Most of these remain a mystery but some could have been under ten years old

Scoreboard with result of France-Germany rugby game

Rugby union


Three teams competed in the Rugby tournament. A French representative team defeated a team from the German city of Frankfurt and Moseley Wanderers from England. The Moseley team had played a full game of rugby in England the day before they made the journey to Paris. They arrived in the morning, played the match in the afternoon and were back in their home country by the next morning. The proposed game between the British and German sides was cancelled and both are credited as silver medallists. The Franco-Haitian centre Constantin Henriquez de Zubiera become the first black gold medallist. Three months earlier he had competed in the tug of war.

The Olympic regatta



The 1900 sailing regatta differs from every other Olympic regatta in a number of ways. In most classes there were two distinct "finals", boats were assigned time handicaps according to their weight within each class and cash prizes were handed out to the winner of each race. The IOC currently recognizes the winner of the first race in each class as Olympic champion except in the case of the 10-20 ton class, which was decided on aggregate time over three races. Races were held at both Meulan and Le Havre and medals shared amongst five nations. France and Great Britain were the most successful of the countries involved. A number of people named as members of medal-winning crews by the IOC have been proved not to have competed; others have their participation seriously questioned by historical research.



Switzerland's Konrad Stäheli was the outstanding marksman of the Games, taking a trio of titles and leading his country to the top of the shooting medal table. The medals were shared between six different nations. There is a debate as to whether the live pigeon shooting event was a full Olympic event, Belgian Leon Lunden shot twenty-one birds on his way to the championship. Up to thirty unofficial shooting events were also held.

Swimming race in the river Seine



The muddied waters of the Seine hosted the swimming events in 1900. Run with the current, the races produced very fast times by the standards of the day. John Arthur Jarvis of Great Britain, Frederick Lane of Australia and the German Ernst Hoppenberg each won two titles. Lane received a 50-pound bronze statue of a horse as a prize. A couple of unusual events were held. The obstacle race required both swimming underneath and climbing over rows of boats whilst Charles de Venville stayed submerged for over a minute to win the underwater swimming event.

Charlotte Cooper, the first female Olympic champion



A high quality men's tournament saw three past or future Wimbledon champions reach the semi-finals. Lawrence Doherty reached the final when older brother Reggie stepped aside and let his sibling advance to the final. The two refused to play other in what they considered a minor tournament. On the 11th of July a landmark was reached in the history of the Olympic Games. Charlotte Cooper, already three times Wimbledon champion, took both singles and mixed doubles championships to become the first female Olympic champion.

Tug of war

A combined Swedish/Danish team beats France for Gold in the tug of war

A combined Sweden/Denmark team, made up of three competitors from each country, defeated the French team to win the title. They were left as the only participating teams after the United States were unable to take part as three of their team were involved in the final of the hammer. Edgar Aaybe was a journalist covering the Games for the Danish newspaper Politiken and was asked to join the team when another puller was taken ill. Constantin Henriquez de Zubiera was the first black medallist in the history of the Olympics.

Water polo


Osborne Swimming Club, representing Great Britain were unchallenged in the tournament, scoring 29 goals and conceding only 3 in their 3 matches. In the final, they limited the number of shots on goal to avoid humiliating their opponents. Thomas William Burgess of the bronze medal-winning Libellule de Paris team, represented Great Britain in the swimming events.

Olympic status of sports and events


The 1900 games were not governed by a specific Olympic organizing committee, but instead held as an appendage to the 1900 World's Fair. An enormous amount of events were held, though many fall short of the standards later required for Olympic championship status. Decisions as to which Olympic events are termed "official" and which are have "unofficial" or "demonstration" status are usually left to the Olympic organizing committees and/or the IOC. In the absence of any overall authority capable of making an official distinction of this kind, no decision as to the official status of any event was made at the time of the Games. A document from 1912 exists, listing results from the 1900 Games, but the reliability of this paper is questioned by Olympic historians. This document forms the basis of the results of the Paris games in the IOC database.[8]

Unofficial sports


Like all official Olympic events, these were held as part of the 1900 World's Fair, but the IOC does not regard them as fully part of the Olympic Games.

In addition to these 71 schools and 92 military events were also held across a range of sports.

Participating nations

Participants at the 1900 Olympic Games. Green shading indicates participation in the previous Games, while blue indicates first-time participants.

The following 24 nations sent competitors to the 1900 Olympic Games, according to the IOC.



Some sources also list athletes from the following nations as having competed at these Games.

Medal count


Gold, silver, and bronze medals were retroactively awarded by the International Olympic Committee to reflect later practice of awarding such medals to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place competitors, respectively. Early Olympic Games, such as the 1900 Summer Olympics, had no set schedule of awards.

These are the top ten nations that won medals at the 1900 Games.

Gold, silver and bronze medals for the Paris Games, from the Olympic Museum collection.
 순위  국가 금메달 은메달 동메달 합계
1   프랑스 (host nation) 26 41 34 101
2   미국 19 14 14 47
3   영국 15 6 9 30
4   혼성 6 3 3 12
5   스위스 6 2 1 9
6   벨기에 5 5 5 15
7   독일 4 2 2 8
8   이탈리아 2 2 0 4
9   오스트레일리아 2 0 3 5
10   덴마크 1 3 2 6

See also


틀:IOC seealso

  1. Journal of Olympic History, Special Issue - December 2008, The Official Publication of the International Society of Olympic Historians, p. 8, by Karl Lennartz, Tony Bijkerk and Volker Kluge
  2. Journal of Olympic History, Special Issue - December 2008, The Official Publication of the International Society of Olympic Historians, p. 13, by Karl Lennartz, Tony Bijkerk and Volker Kluge
  3. Journal of Olympic History, Special Issue - December 2008, The Official Publication of the International Society of Olympic Historians, p. 32, by Karl Lennartz, Tony Bijkerk and Volker Kluge
  4. Journal of Olympic History, Special Issue - December 2008, The Official Publication of the International Society of Olympic Historians, p. 33, by Karl Lennartz, Tony Bijkerk and Volker Kluge
  5. Journal of Olympic History, Special Issue - December 2008, The Official Publication of the International Society of Olympic Historians, p. 52, by Karl Lennartz, Tony Bijkerk and Volker Kluge
  6. Journal of Olympic History, Special Issue - December 2008, The Official Publication of the International Society of Olympic Historians, p. 77, by Karl Lennartz, Tony Bijkerk and Volker Kluge
  7. Cropper, Corry: Playing at monarchy: sport as a metaphor in nineteenth-century France 2010년 3월 1일구글 북스를 통해 확인함.
  8. "Olympic or not?" - article by Herman de Wael - Journal of Olympic History - January 2003
  9. Adolphe Klingelhoeffer was the son of a Brazilian diplomat. Although he was born and raised in Paris, he had Brazilian citizenship in 1900 and maintained this citizenship until at least the 1940s per French athletics historian Alain Bouille. As this was discovered in late 2008, his participation is usually attributed to France. [1]. Accessed 2009-07-22. Archived 2009-07-24.
  10. The winner of the marathonMichel Théato—was a Luxembourger. However, this was discovered only decades later, and, so, his participation and victory are usually attributed to France.



바깥 고리

Summer Olympic Games

II Olympiad (1900)
St. Louis

틀:Olympic Games 틀:EventsAt1900SummerOlympics 틀:1900 Summer Olympic venues 1900년 하계 올림픽