
국가안전부(중국어 간체자: 国家安全部, 정체자: 國家安全部, 병음: Guójiā Ānquán Bù, 약칭 중국어 간체자: 国安部, 병음: Guóānbù)는 중화인민공화국의 정보기관, 국내사찰 기관이다. 이 조직은 중국정부의 해외조직 중 가장 큰 규모이고 가장 활발한 조직이다. 그러나 국내 방첩 및 정치사찰활동도 병행하고 있다. 중국형법에서는 국가안전부가 일반 경찰과 마찬가지로 국내인사의 체포 및 구금을 할수 있다고 규정하고 있다. 대체로 서방의 정보기관은 이러한 기능이 없지만 권위주의 국가나 독재국가의 정보기관은 이런 기능이 있다. 해외정보기능과 국내사찰기능, 그리고 수사권을 함께 가지고 있다는 점에서 한국의 국가정보원의 전신인 국가안전기획부와 기능과 명칭이 비슷하다.

국가안전부의 본부청사는 베이징둥청 구에 있다.


후베이 성 국가안전부 지부 청사

현재의 국가안전부의 전신은 중국공산당이 집권하기 전에 설립한 중앙사회부(中央社会部)였다. 중앙사회부는 1937년부터 1945년까지의 중일전쟁 기간동안 중국공산당의 본거지인 옌안산시 성에서 공작을 담당하였다.

중앙사회부는 중국공산당에게 언론보도를 기초로 국제정세를 분석해 전달했다. 또한 옌안 해방구에서 방첩활동을 펼쳐, 국민당과 일본군의 첩자들을 색출하여 처형했다. 이 작업은 캉셩이 지휘하였는데, 이들중 다수가 무고한 사람이거나 혹은 단순히 비판자였음이 후에 밝혀지기도 하였다.

또한 신분을 위장한 공산당원들이 대거 국민당에 잠입하였고, 이들이 1946년-1949년의 내전기간동안 국민당에서 빼낸 군사정보를 인민해방군에게 제공하여 승리하는데 기여했다. 중화인민공화국이 성립된 이후에는 중앙사회부는 폐지되었고 요원들은 신설된 "중국공산당 중앙혁명군사위원회 공안부"로 전속되었다. 이것은 다시 정무원의 "공안부"로 이름을 바꾸었다.

After an extended transition during which segments of the former CDSA came within the purview of the People’s Liberation Army, it was fully re-established as an organ directly under the communist party Central Committee in 1955, now with the new name Central Investigation Department (CID).[1] The MSS was established in 1983 as the result of the merger of the CID and the counter-intelligence elements of the Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China. One of its longest-serving chiefs was Jia Chunwang, a native of Beijing and a 1964 graduate of Tsinghua University, who is reportedly an admirer of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. He served as Minister of State Security from 1985 until March 1998, when the MSS underwent an overhaul and Xu Yongyue was appointed the new head of the organization. Jia was then appointed to the Minister of Public Security post, after a decade of distinguished service as head of the MSS.

Chinese intelligence agents, probably under the control of the MSS, have achieved success in penetrating the US intelligence community in the past. In the 1980s, Larry Wu-Tai Chin (Jin Wudai), a translator for the CIA's Foreign Broadcast Information Service, was arrested and charged with espionage in the service of the PRC. He had been recruited in 1944 while stationed in China as a US Army officer and went undetected for four decades. More recently, in 2003, Chinese-American Federal Bureau of Investigation source and Republican Party fundraiser Katrina Leung was arrested and accused of being a double agent for both the FBI and the Chinese government, although she was acquitted of charges of copying classified information, and convicted only of tax charges and of lying to the FBI.

In March 2009 former MSS operative Li Fengzhi told the Washington Times in an interview that the MSS was engaged in counterintelligence, the collection of secrets and technology from other countries, and repressing internal dissent within China. The internal repression, according to Li, includes efforts against nonofficial Christian churches and the outlawed Falun Gong religious group, plus censoring the Internet to prevent China's population from knowing what is going on outside the country. Li emphasized that MSS's most important mission is, "to control the Chinese people to maintain the rule of the Communist Party."[2]



According to Liu Fuzhi, Secretary-General of the Commission for Politics and Law under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Minister of Public Security, the mission of the MSS is to ensure "the security of the state through effective measures against enemy agents, spies, and counter-revolutionary activities designed to sabotage or overthrow China's socialist system." [3]One of the primary missions of the MSS is undoubtedly to gather foreign intelligence from targets in various countries overseas. Many MSS agents are said to have operated in the Greater China region (Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan) and to have integrated themselves into the world's numerous overseas Chinese communities. At one point, nearly 120 agents who had been operating under non-official cover in the U.S., Canada, Western and Northern Europe, and Japan as businessmen, bankers, scholars, and journalists were recalled to China, a fact that demonstrates the broad geographical scope of MSS agent coverage.[출처 필요]

Agency Heads


The following is a list of the known heads of this agency. They are known as Minister of State Security, reporting directly to the State Council [4]



The MSS is divided into several bureaus:

And other offices:

  • General Office
  • Political Department
  • Party Committee

See also



  1. Yang shangkun riji (Yang Shangkun's Diaries) (Beijing: Zhongyang wenxian chubanshe, 2001), pp. p. 185
  2. Gertz, Bill, "Chinese Spy Who Defected Tells All", Washington Times, March 19, 2009, p. 1.
  3. John Pike, Federation of American Scientists, Intelligence Resource Program, Ministry of State Security
  4. http://chinavitae.com/connect.php?cat=STA&inst_id=310.245000000


틀:China national security 틀:Domestic national intelligence agencies 틀:External national intelligence agencies 틀:State Council of the People's Republic of China