
États confédérés du Rhin (fr)
표어iMbumba yaManyama(단결은 힘)
국가주여, 아프리카를 구원하소서
정치체제공화정, 사실상 남아공의 괴뢰국, 반투스탄

카이저 마탄지마
반투 홀로미사
면적45,000 km2
공용어코사어(공용어), 영어(국민어)
통화남아공 랜드


The Confederation of the Rhine (독일어: Rheinbund; 프랑스어: États confédérés du Rhin, officially "Confederated States of the Rhine", but in practice Confédération du Rhin) was a confederation of client states of the First French Empire. It was formed initially from 16 German states by Napoleon after he defeated Austria's Francis II and Russia's Alexander I in the Battle of Austerlitz. The Treaty of Pressburg, in effect, led to the creation of the Confederation of the Rhine. It lasted from 1806 to 1813.

The members of the confederation were German princes (Fürsten) from the Holy Roman Empire. They were later joined by 19 others, all together ruling a total of over 15 million subjects providing a significant strategic advantage to the French Empire on its eastern front.



On 12 July 1806, on signing the Treaty of the Confederation of the Rhine (독일어: Rheinbundakte), 16 states in present-day Germany joined together in a confederation (the treaty called it the états confédérés du Rhin, with a precursor in the League of the Rhine). Napoleon was its "protector". On 1 August, the members of the confederation formally seceded from the Holy Roman Empire, and on 6 August, following an ultimatum by Napoleon, Francis II declared the Holy Roman Empire dissolved. Francis's Habsburg dynasty would rule the remainder of the empire as Austria.

According to the treaty, the confederation was to be run by common constitutional bodies, but the individual states (in particular the larger ones) wanted unlimited sovereignty.

Instead of a monarchical head of state, as the Holy Roman Emperor had been, its highest office was held by Karl Theodor von Dalberg, the former Arch Chancellor, who now bore the title of a Prince-Primate of the confederation. As such, he was President of the College of Kings and presided over the Diet of the Confederation, designed to be a parliament-like body though it never actually assembled. The President of the Council of the Princes was the Prince of Nassau-Usingen.

The Confederation was above all a military alliance: the members had to maintain substantial armies for mutual defense and supply France with large numbers of military personnel. In return for their cooperation some state rulers were given higher statuses: Baden, Hesse, Cleves, and Berg were made into grand duchies, and Württemberg and Bavaria became kingdoms. States were also made larger by incorporating the many smaller "Kleinstaaten", or small former imperial member states. As events played out, however, the members of the confederation found themselves more subordinated to Napoleon than they had been to the Habsburgs.

After Prussia lost to France in 1806, Napoleon cajoled most of the secondary states of Germany into the Rheinbund. Eventually, an additional 23 German states joined the Confederation. It was at its largest in 1808, when it included 36 states-- four kingdoms, five grand duchies, 13 duchies, seventeen principalities, and the Free Hansa towns of Hamburg, Lübeck, and Bremen. Only Austria, Prussia, Danish Holstein, and Swedish Pomerania stayed outside, not counting the west bank of the Rhine and Principality of Erfurt, which were annexed by the French empire.

In 1810 large parts of northwest Germany were quickly annexed to France in order to better monitor the trade embargo with Great Britain, the Continental System.

The Confederation of the Rhine collapsed in 1813, with the aftermath of Napoleon's failed campaign against the Russian Empire. Many of its members changed sides after the Battle of Leipzig, when it became apparent Napoleon would lose the War of the Sixth Coalition.

Member monarchies


The following table shows the members of the confederation, with their date of joining, as well as the number of troops provided, listed in parentheses.[1] 틀:History of Germany

Member states of the Confederation of the Rhine, 1806.
Member states of the Confederation of the Rhine, 1808.
Member states of the Confederation of the Rhine, 1812.

The College of Kings

Flag Member monarchy Year joined Notes
  Grand Duchy of Baden 틀:Dts 오류: 'Jul'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다 Co-founder; former margraviate (8,000)
  Kingdom of Bavaria 틀:Dts 오류: 'Jul'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다 Co-founder; former duchy (30,000)
  Grand Duchy of Berg 틀:Dts 오류: 'Jul'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다 Co-founder; absorbed Cleves, both formerly Duchies (5,000)
  Grand Duchy of Hesse-Darmstadt 틀:Dts 오류: 'Jul'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다 Co-founder; former landgraviate (4,000)
  Principality of Regensburg 틀:Dts 오류: 'Jul'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다 Co-founder; formerly Prince-Archbishopric and Electorate; after 1810 the   Grand Duchy of Frankfurt
  Kingdom of Saxony 틀:Dts 오류: 'Dec'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다 Former duchy (20,000)
  Kingdom of Westphalia 틀:Dts 오류: 'Nov'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다 Napoleonic creation (25,000)
  Kingdom of Württemberg 틀:Dts 오류: 'Jul'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다 Co-founder; former duchy (12,000)
  Grand Duchy of Würzburg 틀:Dts 오류: 'Sep'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다 Napoleonic creation (2,000)

The College of Princes

Flag Member monarchy Year joined Notes
  Duchy of Anhalt-Bernburg 틀:Dts 오류: 'apr'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다 (700)
  Duchy of Anhalt-Dessau 틀:Dts 오류: 'apr'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다 (700)
  Duchy of Anhalt-Köthen 틀:Dts 오류: 'apr'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다 (700)
  Duchy of Arenberg 틀:Dts 오류: 'jul'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다 Co-founder; mediatized 13 December 1810 (4000)
  Principality of Hohenzollern-Hechingen 틀:Dts 오류: 'jul'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다 Co-founder (4000)
  Principality of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen 틀:Dts 오류: 'jul'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다 Co-founder (4000)
  Principality of Isenburg-Birstein 틀:Dts 오류: 'jul'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다 Co-founder (4000)
  Principality of Leyen 틀:Dts 오류: 'jul'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다 Co-founder; former countship or graviate (4000)
  Principality of Liechtenstein 틀:Dts 오류: 'jul'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다 Co-founder (4000)
  Principality of Lippe-Detmold 틀:Dts 오류: 'apr'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다 (650)
  Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin 틀:Dts 오류: 'mar'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다 (1900)
  Duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz 틀:Dts 오류: 'feb'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다 (400)
  Duchy of Nassau (Usingen and Weilburg) 틀:Dts 오류: 'jul'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다* Union of   Nassau-Usingen and   Nassau-Weilburg, both co-founders (4000 each)
  Duchy of Oldenburg 틀:Dts 오류: 'oct'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다 annexed by France 13 December 1810 (800)
  Principality of Reuss-Ebersdorf 틀:Dts 오류: 'apr'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다 (400)
  Principality of Reuss-Greiz 틀:Dts 오류: 'apr'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다 (400)
  Principality of Reuss-Lobenstein 틀:Dts 오류: 'apr'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다 (400)
  Principality of Reuss-Schleiz 틀:Dts 오류: 'apr'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다 (400)
  Principality of Salm (Salm-Salm and Salm-Kyrburg) 틀:Dts 오류: 'jul'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다 Co-founder; annexed by France 13 December 1810 (4000)
  Duchy of Saxe-Coburg 틀:Dts 오류: 'dec'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다 (Saxon duchies total 2000)
  Duchy of Saxe-Gotha 틀:Dts 오류: 'dec'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다
  Duchy of Saxe-Hildburghausen 틀:Dts 오류: 'dec'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다
  Duchy of Saxe-Meiningen 틀:Dts 오류: 'dec'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다
  Duchy of Saxe-Weimar 틀:Dts 오류: 'dec'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다
  Principality of Schaumburg-Lippe 틀:Dts 오류: 'apr'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다 (650)
  Principality of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt 틀:Dts 오류: 'apr'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다 (650)
  Principality of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen 틀:Dts 오류: 'apr'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다 (650)
  Principality of Waldeck 틀:Dts 오류: 'apr'는 유효한 월이 아닙니다 (400)



The allies opposing Napoleon dissolved the Confederation of the Rhine 4 November 1813. After its demise, the only attempt at political coordination in Germany until the creation on 8 June 1815 of the German Confederation was a body called the Central Administration Council (독일어: Zentralverwaltungsrat); its President was Heinrich Friedrich Karl Reichsfreiherr vom und zum Stein (1757 – 1831). It was dissolved on 20 June 1815.

On 30 May 1814 the Treaty of Paris declared the German states independent.

In 1815, the Congress of Vienna redrew the continent's political map. In fact, most surviving members had only minor border changes, and the resulting German Confederation consisted more or less of the same members as the Confederation of the Rhine, with the important addition of the two German great powers of Austria and Prussia.

See also




틀:Client states of the Great French War 틀:States of the Confederation of the Rhine