위키백과:오늘의 그림/2016년 6월/영어

오늘의 그림 데이터 목록

  • 1일 = East and north wing of the cloister at Zwettl Abbey, Lower Austria
  • 2일 = A reconstruction of the appearance of Mosasaurus, painted by Heinrich Harder (1858-1935), art professor at the Prussian Academy of Arts in Berlin, for Gustav A. Ritter's book Die Wunder der Urwelt ("Wonders of the Prehistoric World"), published in 1912
  • 3일 = View of the old town of Ágreda, province of Soria Castile and León, Spain. Ágreda was a significant town in the Middle Age as strategic border location between the kingdoms of Castile, Aragon and Navarre. The town has a very diverse monumental heritage as it was an important center of the arts and handcrafts where Christians, Jews and Arab-descendants lived in peace. Ágreda is also known as "The Town of the Three Cultures".
  • 4일 = Green hairstreak butterfly (Callophrys rubi), Aston Upthorpe, Oxfordshire to celebrate Butterfly Education and Awareness Day
  • 5일 = Strawberry Field in the hamlet Dernekamp, Kirchspiel, Dülmen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
  • 6일 = Poet's daffodil (Narcissus poeticus)
  • 7일 = Lake Spechtensee near Wörschachwald, Styria - viewing towards northeast with Hochtausing mountain in the Totes Gebirge
  • 8일 = Las Lajas Sanctuary is a basilica church located in the southern Department of Nariño, municipality of Ipiales, Colombia. The place has been a popular pilgrimage location since the apparition of the Virgin Mary in 1754. The first shrine was built by 1750 and was replaced by a bigger one in 1802, including a bridge over the canyon of the Guáitara River. The present temple, in Gothic Revival style, was built between 1916 and 1949.
  • 9일 = Indigenous people peeling maize while overlooking Quito from El Panecillo, Ecuador.
  • 10일 = The lighthouse of Chipiona, province of Cádiz, Andalusia, inaugurated in 1869 to help ships enter the estuary of the Guadalquivir, the only great navigable river in Spain. At 62 미터 (203 ft), it is the tallest lighthouse in Spain and one of the tallest in the world.
  • 11일 = Game reserve in autumn at sunrise, Dülmen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
  • 12일 = View of the Tio Ximo ("Uncle Ximo") beach in Benidorm, province of Alicante, Spain. The beach is isolated from the crowded beaches in Benidorm and is 70 미터 (230 ft) long and 6 미터 (20 ft) wide. The sand is fine and of golden colour and the water transparent and quiet.
  • 13일 = Beach chairs in the morning sun at the beach of Juliusruh, Rügen.
  • 14일 = Night view of the cement plant in the Yura District, Peru.
  • 15일 = Beach chairs in Sellin, Rügen, Germany.
  • 16일 = Interior of Petrovsky Passage (built in 1906) in Moscow, Russia
  • 17일 = Superior view of the interior of the main nave of the church and Monastery of St. Francis, Quito, Ecuador. The Roman Catholic temple, completed in the 17th century, is the largest architectural ensemble among the historical structures of colonial Latin America. Construction took 150 years: as a result, the church features a mixture of different architecture styles.
  • 18일 = General view of the salineras (salt evaporation ponds) in Maras, Peru. The salt is obtained in Maras since the Inca Empire times and the site is currently composed of around 3.000 ponds of 5 제곱미터 (54 ft2) each. As the location is surrounded by salty mountains, subterrean water deposits the salty water in the ponds and the water evaporates due to the exposure to the sun. After aprox. 1 month the level of salt reaches 10 센티미터 (3.9 in) and is removed in sacks.
  • 19일 = Galápagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki) in Punta Pitt, San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos Islands, Ecuador.
  • 20일 = Porta Macedonia is a triumphal arch located in Pella Square, Skopje, Macedonia. Construction started in 2011 and finished in January 2012. The 21 m (69 ft)-high arch is work of Valentina Stefanovska, the sculptor responsible for other monuments from the Skopje 2014 project.
  • 21일 = View of the main nave of the church of the monastery of San Martiño Pinario, Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain. The church, finished in 1652, was the work of Mateo López, González de Araújo, Bartolomé Fernández Lechuga, and José de Peña y Toro. The jewel of the church is the elaborate altarpiece, designed by Fernando de Casas Novoa in the Baroque style.
  • 22일 = Galapagos lava lizard (Microlophus albemarlensis) in Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador.
  • 23일 = View of the Tower of Hercules and the surrounding park at sunrise. The park is located near the center of A Coruña, Galicia, north-western coast of Spain. The 55 m (180 ft)-high tower is 1900 years old and is the oldest Roman lighthouse in use today. It is also the second-tallest lighthouse in Spain, after the Faro de Chipiona. The lighthouse was renovated in 1791 and has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2009.
  • 24일 = The tunnel of Cotefablo is a public traffic tunnel located between Broto and Biescas, in Aragon, not far from the Pyrenees, Spain. The tunnel is 683 m long and was constructed in 1935. It was the scene of a tragic accident during the 1989 Vuelta a España, causing the well-known German cyclist, Reimund Dietzen, to retire from the sport at age 30.
  • 25일 = Lögberg (icelandic for Law Rock), Þingvellir National Park, Southern Region, Iceland. The Lögberg was the place where Lawspeakers (lögsögumaður) presided over the Althing, the national parliament, from 930 until 1262 (when Iceland pledged allegiance to Norway). Speeches and announcements were made from the spot and anyone attending could make their argument from the Lögberg.
  • 26일 = Church of San Salvador in Torla, province of Huesca, Aragón, Spain. The church, of late Gothic style but with a Renaissance portal, dates from the 16th century. In the background are the mountains of Ordesa y Monte Perdido National Park.
  • 27일 = Biblioteca Vasconcelos (Vasconcelos Library) is a library located in the north of Mexico City, Mexico. It opened in 2006 and by 2015 had 600,000 publications and books. The library plans to host up to 2 million items. The building, with an area of approximately 38,000 m2 (410,000 ft2), had 1.7 million visitors in 2014 and can accommodate up to 5,000 people.
  • 28일 = A red rock crab (Grapsus grapsus), Cerro Brujo, San Cristobal Island, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador.
  • 29일 = Front view of the city Hall of A Coruña, also called Municipal Palace, during the blue hour, Galicia, Spain. The modernist building, in the María Pita Square in the center of the city, was built between 1908 and 1912 to a design of Pedro Ramiro Mariño. It was inaugurated in 1927 by king Alfonso XIII. The facade is 64 미터 (210 ft) wide and has 43 windows. Four statues on the third floor represent the provinces of Galicia: A Coruña; Lugo; Orense; Pontevedra. Above them is the coat of arms of the city, flanked by two women symbolizing Peace, Industry, Work and Wisdom. The clock in the central tower has four large bells made of bronze and tin.
  • 30일 = Brazilian salmon pink tarantula (also called bird-eater), male, (Lasiodora parahybana).
  • 31일 =