밤 케이크(Barm cake)는 잉글랜드 북서부의 부드럽고 둥글며 납작한 롤빵이다.[1][2][3][4]

밤 케이크
버터블랙 푸딩이 들어간 밤 케이크
지역이나 주랭커셔주
주 재료효모

칩이 들어간 밤 케이크는 영국 북서부의 대부분의 피시 앤 칩스 가게에서 판매되며 종종 칩 밤이라고 불린다. 북서부, 특히 그레이터 맨체스터에서 인기 있는 또 다른 음식은 패스티 밤이다.[5][6]  위건에서는 향긋한 파이가 밤 케이크에 담겨서 나오는데, 이 케이크는 "위건 케밥"으로 알려져 있다.[7]


  1. John Ayto (2012년 10월 18일). 《The Diner's Dictionary: Word Origins of Food and Drink》. Oxford University Press. 21쪽. ISBN 978-0-19-964024-9. 
  2. Angus Stevenson (2010년 8월 19일). 《Oxford Dictionary of English》. Oxford University Press. 133쪽. ISBN 978-0-19-957112-3. 
  3. Allied Chambers (1998). 《The Chambers Dictionary》. Allied Publishers. 129쪽. ISBN 978-81-86062-25-8. 
  4. Downes, John (2011년 7월 28일). “BBC Food blog: The ale-barm method: Worthy of revival or just barmy bread?”. 《BBC Online》. 2019년 6월 14일에 확인함. ...the original method of making yeast bread in Britain was a by-product of ale-making. When traditional ale is made, a yeasty froth appears on top of the fermenting liquid, the wort. This used to be scooped off, washed and added to bread dough in order to leaven it. Bread made this way is sweeter tasting than sourdough, and the leavening yeast used to be called 'barm'. Its unpredictability created the word 'barmy'. In the 19th century, the process was refined and industrialized, manufacturing it on a large scale with what is known today as 'baker's yeast', and used worldwide as the primary method of leavening bread. The barm method appears to be an ancient method developed by Gaelic peoples, and was quite different from that used in Europe, which is to leaven bread with a sourdough or leaven (the French call a similar product 'levain'). When the Romans first conquered Gaul, modern day France, they were astonished by the light sweet bread made by the Celtic inhabitants. Barm bread survived with the Celtic peoples in Britain, Scotland and Ireland, but was not common in Europe, being condemned during the Enlightenment as 'unwholesome'. In England, noblemen's bread, manchet, was always made with the barm method, whereas the commoners' bread, maslin, was a sourdough. Barm bread survived until World War Two, and even later in the North of England, largely as barm cakes. Curiously, the old method of making a sponge, or thick batter of flour and water with the barm was still used with the new industrially produced yeast, and was re-introduced to Europe from Vienna where the first yeast factories were established. This became popular in France as a 'poolish', the favoured method of making crusty bread such as a baguette. 
  5. “GH Sheldon, Family Bakers, White Barm Cake, Brown Barm Cake”. 2007년 10월 11일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 
  6. “Delicacy is town’s favourite snack”. 《The Bolton News》. 
  7. What is a pie barm? In Wigan, it’s a way of life, The Guardian

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