About 토론:위안부


Hello. Wikipedia is not a discussion forum. If you want to edit article, please propose your opinion with enough source. Regards, Sotiale (토론) 2012년 8월 24일 (금) 15:51 (KST)답변

토론:위안부에 남기신 글에 대한 답변


위키백과는 토론장이 아닙니다. 아무런 출처 없이 진실이 어떠네 하는 문서와 전혀 하등의 상관이 없는 토론을 하고 싶으시면 다른 커뮤니티를 권해드립니다. 여긴 문서를 위한 토론장이지, 표제어에 대한 토론장이 아니라는 것을 다시 한 번 주지시켜드립니다. 글이 삭제되는 이유는, 귀하께서 문서를 위한 토론이 아닌 글을 남기셨기 때문입니다. --Sotiale (토론) 2012년 8월 24일 (금) 16:03 (KST)답변

I only wish correction of a mistake.


You make me laugh.

It is South Koreans that is writing the false report without sauce.

It is free common sense that I have said.

Comfort women are mere prostitutes and are not the objects of commandeering. -- (토론) 2012년 8월 24일 (금) 16:08 (KST)답변

Please suggest related source. I don't know you enough understand Wikipedia, Wikipedia place emphasis on source. Wikipedia is not a discussion forum and need neutral viewpoint. Again, If you want to edit and propose something, suggest related source. --Sotiale (토론) 2012년 8월 24일 (금) 16:13 (KST)답변
私の日本語能力は青臭いから貴下が理解してください。 Wikipediaは討論の場ではないです。 だから文書内容を修正するとか他のものを提案する時には係わる出処を提示しなければなりません。 貴下の主張は日本内でばかり共感台を形成するだけ他の国家では共感台を形成しないこともあります。ここは韓国語 Wikipediaで, 同時に全世界の Wikipediaです。 参照をお願い致します。 ありがとうございます。 --Sotiale (토론) 2012년 8월 24일 (금) 16:30 (KST)답변

What have you said?

The place for discussion is exactly prepared for the upper left at Wikipedia.

You deleted description at the place of the discussion.

And if it is a neutral viewpoint that you are writing, do you believe seriously?

Though a description full of lies which was full of the Korean race supreme principle.

Comfort women were employed by not commandeering but collection of the Japanese army.

That is, they prostituted themselves with their spontaneous intention. -- (토론) 2012년 8월 24일 (금) 16:59 (KST)답변

I think that you don't understand focus. As you know, page contains many source. It includes USA congress document and another things. Like this, if you hope to do something, propose correct source. Without it, Your opinion is just arbitrary insistence. --Sotiale (토론) 2012년 8월 24일 (금) 17:09 (KST)답변


If it becomes, take out first proof that the Japanese army commandeered comfort women.

Such a proof cannot be taken out to me.

It is because there was no such fact.-- (토론) 2012년 8월 24일 (금) 17:43 (KST)답변

Wikipedia is not a free online forum which simply discusses about specific themes. Every articles in Korean Wikipedia must be written with reliable sources in order to maintain neutrality and to ensure no original research. 위키백과:확인 가능#증거 제시의 의무(Wikipedia:Verifiability#Proof) is stronly related to 위키백과:출처 밝히기(Wikipedia:Citing sources) Sotiale insists above that 위안부 already contains many external sources, and reliable sources can be regarded as a proof. Also note that Wikipedia does not produce a fact itself. --ted (토론) 2012년 8월 24일 (금) 17:56 (KST)답변

By the way, you seem to be a polite human being.

I would like to ask you.

How do you recognize this problem?

By my opinion,

1.Comfort women are prostitutes.

2.Comfort women were employed with money.

3.It is the Korean themselves who comfort women were deceived and was made the prostitute.

4.Comfort women are telling the lie.

5.The South Korean government are telling the South Korean people the lie. -- (토론) 2012년 8월 24일 (금) 17:54 (KST)답변

It's just your arbitrary insistence without any source. I don't care until then You propose reliable source and suggestion. --Sotiale (토론) 2012년 8월 24일 (금) 18:08 (KST)답변
Whether recognizing those problems or not is not significant to develop an article here in Wikipedia. If you want to ask this kind of questions to someone, online forums are your friends. --ted (토론) 2012년 8월 24일 (금) 18:13 (KST)답변

You may think that my opinion is the common opinion of the whole Japanese including the Japanese government.

I also want you to speak as the whole South Korean's opinion.

Let's talk without source or proof at first.-- (토론) 2012년 8월 24일 (금) 18:15 (KST)답변

It will be unavoidable if you do not throw away an administrator's position.

I am sorry.

With you, discussion is impossible. -- (토론) 2012년 8월 24일 (금) 18:34 (KST)답변

Like I and others said above, please visit appropriate online forums that can deal with your opinion, not Korean Wikipedia to talk about such political matter. Please follow guidelines and policies of Korean Wikipedia. Also read carefully what others are saying. --ted (토론) 2012년 8월 24일 (금) 18:35 (KST)답변
Why do you think that "discussion is impossible with me"? Administrative privilege is just an additional right, so called a flag. This does not represent anything that prevents your discussion. You are distracting your point. --ted (토론) 2012년 8월 24일 (금) 18:41 (KST)답변