진주만 공격: 두 판 사이의 차이

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편집 요약 없음
430번째 줄:
* [[Robert Stinnett]], ''[http://www.pearlharbor41.com/ Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor]'' (Free Press, 1999) A study of the Freedom of Information Act documents that led Congress to direct clearance of Kimmel and Short. ISBN 0-7432-0129-9
* [[Edward L. Beach, Jr.]], ''Scapegoats: A Defense of Kimmel and Short at Pearl Harbor'' ISBN 1-55750-059-2
* Andrew Krepinevich, {{PDFlink|[http://www.csbaonline.org/4Publications/Archive/R.20020225.Lighting_the_Path_/R.20020225.Lighting_the_Path_.pdf]|186 KB}} ''(Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments)'' contains a passage regarding the Yarnell attack, as well as reference citations.
* Roberta Wohlstetter, ''Pearl Harbor: Warning and Decision'', (Stanford University Press: 1962). Regarded by many as the most important work in the attempt to understand the intelligence failure at Pearl Harbor. Her introduction and analysis of the concept of "noise" persists in understanding intelligence failures.
* John Hughes-Wilson, ''Military Intelligence Blunders and Cover-Ups''. Robinson, 1999 (revised 2004). Contains a brief but insightful chapter on the particular intelligence failures, and broader overview of what causes them.