기포드 강연
기포드 강연(Gifford Lectures)은 유명한 연회 시리즈의 강의로 아담 기포드 경(Adam Lord Gifford)에 의해 설립되었다. 신학, 종교, 철학, 과학에 이르는 영역의 주제를 가지고 해당 분야의 세계적인 학자들에 의해 발표되고 책으로 출판된다. 이 강의는 스코틀랜드 대학인 세인트앤드루스 대학교, 글래스고 대학교, 애버딘 대학교, 에든버러 대학교에서 진행된다.
역대 강연자들
편집애버딘 대학교 발표자
편집- 1896–98 James Ward Naturalism and Agnosticism
- 1898–00 Josiah Royce The World and the Individual
- 1901-02 윌리엄 제임스 The Varieties of Religious Experience
- 1904-06 James Adam The Religious Teachers of Greece
- 1907-1908 Hans Driesch The Science and Philosophy of the Organism
- 1911–13 앤드루 세스 프링글패티슨 The Idea of God in the light of Recent Philosophy
- 1914–15 윌리엄 리치 솔리 Moral Values and the Idea of God
- 1927-28 알프레드 노스 화이트헤드Alfred North Whitehead Process and Reality
- 1930–32 에티엔 질송 The Spirit of Medieval Philosophy
- 1936–38 카를 바르트 The Knowledge of God and the Service of God according to the Teaching of the Reformation
- 1939–40 Arthur Darby Nock Hellenistic Religion - The Two Phases
- 1949–50 가브리엘 마르셀 The Mystery of Being ISBN 1-890318-85-X, Faith and Reality ISBN 1-890318-86-8
- 1951–52 마이클 폴라니 Personal Knowledge: Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy, ISBN 0-226-67288-3
- 1953–54 폴 틸리히 Systematic Theology (3 vols.): ISBN 0-226-80337-6, ISBN 0-226-80338-4, ISBN 0-226-80339-2
- 1963, 1965 앨리스터 하디 The Living Stream, The Divine Flame
- 1965–1967 레몽 아롱 La Conscience historique dans la pensée et dans l'action
- 1973 한나 아렌트 Life of the Mind
- 1982–84 리처드 스윈번 The Evolution of the Soul, ISBN 0-19-823698-0
- 1984–85 프리먼 다이슨 Infinite In All Directions, ISBN 0-06-072889-2
- 1989–91 이언 바버 Religion in an Age of Science, ISBN 0-06-060383-6
- 1992–93 야로슬라프 펠리칸 Christianity and Classical Culture: The Metamorphosis of Natural Theology in the Christian Encounter With Hellenism, ISBN 0-300-06255-9
- 1994–95 존 W. 로저슨 Faith and Criticism in the Work of William Robertson Smith, 1846-1894
- 1994–95 M. A. 스튜어트 New Light and Enlightenment
- 1994–95 피터 존스 Science and Religion before and after Hume
- 1994–95 제임스 H. 번스 The Order of Nature
- 1994–95 알렉산더 브로디 The Shadow of Scotus
- 1997–98 러셀 스태너드 The God Experiment
- 2000–01 John S. Habgood The Concept of Nature
- 2003–04 John Haldane Mind, Soul and Deity
- 2003 Eleonore Stump Wandering in the Darkness
- 2007 스티븐 패티슨 Seeing Things: Deepening Relations with Visual Artefacts, ISBN 978-0-334-04149-8
- 2009 앨리스터 맥그래스 A Fine-Tuned Universe: The Quest for God in Science and Theology, ISBN 978-0-664-23310-5
- 2012 새라 코클리 Sacrifice Regained: Evolution, Cooperation and God
- 2014 데이비드 N. 리빙스턴 Dealing with Darwin: Place, Politics and Rhetoric in Religious Engagements with Evolution
에든버러 대학교 발표자
편집- 1891 조지 스토크스 Natural Theology
- 1896-98 C. P. Tiele Elements of the Science of Religion Volume 1, ISBN-10: 1020372524; Elements of the Science of Religion Volume 2, ISBN-10: 1314007513
- 1900–02 윌리엄 제임스 The Varieties of Religious Experience, ISBN 0-679-64011-8 (several editions in print)
- 1909–10 윌리엄 웨이드 파울러 The Religious Experience of the Roman People, ISBN 0-8154-0372-0
- 1911–12 버나드 보전켓 The Principle of Individuality and Value, ISBN 0-527-10036-6
- 1913–14 앙리 베르그송 The Problem of Personality
- 1915–16 윌리엄 미첼 램지 Asianic Elements in Greek Civilization, ISBN 0-89005-173-9
- 1919–21 조지 스타우트 Mind and Matter pub. 1931
- 1921–23 앤드루 세스 프링글패티슨 Studies in the Philosophy of Religion, ISBN 0-404-60474-9
- 1923–25 제임스 조지 프레이저 The Worship of Nature ISBN 1-56459-532-3
- 1926–27 아서 에딩턴 The Nature of the Physical World, ISBN 0-472-06015-5
- 1927–28 앨프리드 노스 화이트헤드 Process and Reality: An Essay in Cosmology, ISBN 0-02-934570-7
- 1928–29 존 듀이 The Quest for Certainty: A Study of the Relation of Knowledge and Action, ISBN 1-4179-0845-9
- 1934–35 알베르트 슈바이처 The Problem of Natural Theology and Natural Ethics (unpublished)
- 1937–38 찰스 셰링턴 Man on His Nature, ISBN 0-521-06436-8
- 1938–40 라인홀드 니버 The Nature and Destiny of Man: A Christian Interpretation , (2 vol set): ISBN 0-664-25709-7
- 1947–49 크리스토퍼 도슨 part 1:Religion and Culture ISBN 0-404-60498-6 part 2: Religion and the Rise of Western Culture (1950) ISBN 0-385-42110-9
- 1949–50 닐스 보어 Causality and Complementarity: Epistemological Lessons of Studies in Atomic Physics, ISBN 1-881987-14-0
- 1952–53 아널드 J. 토인비 An Historian's Approach to Religion, ISBN 0-19-215260-2
- 1954–55 루돌프 불트만 History and Eschatology: The Presence of Eternity, ISBN 0-8371-8123-2
- 1961–62 John Baillie The Sense of the Presence of God Archived 2017년 10월 26일 - 웨이백 머신
- 1973–74 오언 채드윅 The Secularisation of the European Mind in the 19th Century, ISBN 0-521-39829-0
- 1974–76 Stanley Jaki The Road of Science and the Ways to God, ISBN 0-226-39145-0
- 1978–79 존 에클스 경 The Human Mystery, The Human Psyche, ISBN 0-387-09954-9
- 1979-80 Ninian Smart "The Varieties of Religious Identity", published as Beyond Ideology: Religion and the Future of Western Civilisation, ISBN 0-06-067402-4
- 1980–81 Seyyed Hossein Nasr Knowledge and the Sacred, ISBN 0-7914-0177-4
- 1981–82 아이리스 머독 Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals, ISBN 0-14-017232-7
- 1983-84 David Daiches God and the Poets, ISBN 0-19-812825-8
- 1984–85 위르겐 몰트만 God in Creation: A New Theology of Creation and the Spirit of God, ISBN 0-8006-2823-3
- 1985-86 Paul Ricoeur "Oneself as another", ISBN 0-226-71329-6
- 1986–87 존 힉 An Interpretation of Religion, (2nd ed.): ISBN 0-300-10668-8
- 1987–88 Alasdair MacIntyre Three Rival Versions of Moral Enquiry: ISBN 0-7156-2337-0
- 1988–89 Raimon Panikkar Trinity and Theism: ISBN 978-1-57075-855-3
- 1989–90 메리 더글러스 Claims on God: published (much revised) as In the Wilderness: ISBN 1-85075-444-6
- 1993–94 존 폴킹혼 Science and Christian Belief: Theological Reflections of a Bottom-up Thinker, ISBN 0-281-04714-6
- 1995–96 G. A. Cohen If you're an Egalitarian, how come you're so Rich?, published by Harvard University Press under the same title: ISBN 0-674-00693-3
- 1996–97 Richard Sorabji Emotions and How to Cope with Them, published as Emotion and Peace of Mind: From Stoic Agitation to Christian Temptation, ISBN 0-19-825005-3
- 1997–98 Holmes Rolston III Genes, Genesis and God, ISBN 0-521-64674-X
- 1998–99 Charles Taylor, Living in a Secular Age, published as A Secular Age: ISBN 0-674-02676-4
- 1999–2000 데이비드 트레이시 This side of God
- 2000–01 Onora O'Neill Autonomy and Trust in Bioethics
- 2001–02 Mohammed Arkoun Inaugurating a Critique of Islamic Reason
- 2002–03 마이클 이그나티에프 The Lesser Evil: Political Ethics in an Age of Terror, ISBN 0-691-11751-9
- 2003–04 J. Wentzel van Huyssteen Alone in the World? Human Uniqueness in Science and Theology, ISBN 0-8028-3246-6
- 2004–05 Dame Margaret Anstee, Stephen Toulmin, and Noam Chomsky, delivering a series of lectures dedicated to Edward Said who was scheduled to give the 2004–05 series before his death in 2003.
- 2005–06 Jean Bethke Elshtain Sovereign God, Sovereign State, Sovereign Self
- 2006–07 사이먼 콘웨이 모리스 Darwin 's Compass: How Evolution Discovers the Song of Creation and Jonathan Riley-Smith The Crusades and Christianity
- 2007–08 Alexander Nehamas "Because it was he, because it was I": Friendship and Its Place in Life
- 2008 Robert M. Veatch, Hipprocratic, Religious and Secular Medical Ethics: The Point of Conflict
- 2008–09 다이애나 엑 The Age of Pluralism [April–May 2009]
- 2009–10 Michael Gazzaniga Mental Life [October 2009]
- 2009–10 테리 이글턴 The God Debate [March 2010]
- 2010–11 Peter Harrison Science, Religion and the Modern World, published as The Territories of Science and Religion ISBN 978-0226184487, Gordon Brown The Future of Jobs and Justice
- 2011–12 Diarmaid MacCulloch Holme's Dog: Silence in the History of the Church. In 2012 the Gifford Lectures also supported a one-off joint lecture between the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the University of Edinburgh School of Informatics, Jim Al-Khalili Alan Turing: Legacy of a Code Breaker
- 2013 브뤼노 라투르 "Once Out of Nature" - Natural Religion as a Pleonasm
- 2012-13 스티븐 핑커, The Better Angels of Our Nature: A History of Violence and Humanity[1]
- 2013-14 Baroness Onora O'Neill From Toleration to Freedom of Expression
- 2013-14 Lord 로완 윌리암스 of Oystermouth Making representations: religious faith and the habits of language
- 2013-14 Justice Catherine O'Regan "What is Caesar's?" Adjudicating faith in modern constitutional democracies
- 2014-15 Professor Jeremy Waldron One Another's Equals: The Basis of Human Equality
- 2016-17 Professor 제프리 스타우트 Religion Unbound: Ideals and Powers from Cicero to King
- 2017-18 Agustín Fuentes Why We Believe: Evolution, Making Meaning, and the Development of Human Natures
글래스고 대학교 발표자
편집- 1888–92 프리드리히 막스 뮐러 1888: Natural Religion vol. 1 & 2; 1890: Physical Religion; 1891: Anthropological Religion: 1892: Theosophy or Psychological Religion
- 1892–96 John Caird The Fundamental Ideas of Christianity Vol.1&2
- 1896–98 Alexander Balmain Bruce The Moral Order of the World, The Providential Order of the World
- 1910-12 John Watson The Interpretation of Religious Experience
- 1914 아서 밸푸어 Theism and Humanism ISBN 1-58742-005-8
- 1916–18 새뮤얼 알렉산더 Space, Time, and Deity, volume one: ISBN 0-7661-8701-2, volume two: ISBN 0-7661-8702-0
- 1922 아서 밸푸어 Theism and Thought
- 1927–28 J. B. S. 홀데인 The Sciences and Philosophy, ISBN 0-404-60479-X
- 1932–34 윌리엄 템플 Nature, Man and God
- 1952–54 존 맥머리 The Form of the Personal vol 1: The Self as Agent ISBN 1-57392-337-0 vol 2: Persons in Relation ISBN 1-57392-625-6
- 1959 카를 프리드리히 폰 바이츠제커 The Relevance of Science
- 1965 허버트 버터필드 Historical Writing and Christian Beliefs and Human Beliefs and the Development of Historical Writing[2]
- 1970 리처드 윌리엄 서던 The Rise and Fall of the Medieval System of Religious Thought
- 1974-76 Basil Mitchell Morality, Religious and Secular
- 1985 칼 세이건 The Search for Who We Are, published in 2006 as The Varieties of Scientific Experience: A Personal View of the Search for God, ISBN 1-59420-107-2
- 1986 도널드 M. 매케이 Behind the Eye[3]
- 1988 Don Cupitt Nature and Culture
- 1988 리처드 도킨스 Worlds in Microcosm
- 1992 Mary Warnock Imagination and Understanding, published as Imagination and Time, ISBN 0-631-19019-8
- 1993–94 키스 워드 Religion and Revelation ISBN 978-0-19-826375-3
- 1995–96 Geoffrey Cantor and John Hedley Brooke Reconstructing Nature
- 1997–98 R J 샘 베리 Gods, Genes, Greens and Everything
- 1999–00 랠프 매키어니 Characters in Search of Their Author
- 2001 Brian Hebblethwaite Archived 2017년 11월 7일 - 웨이백 머신, George Lakoff, Lynne Baker, Michael Ruse & Philip Johnson-Laird The Nature and Limits of Human Understanding
- 2003–04 사이먼 블랙번 Reason's Empire
- 2005 존 E. 헤어
- 2007–08 David Fergusson Religion and Its Recent Critics published as Faith and Its Critics: A Conversation, ISBN 978-0-19-956938-0
- 2008–09 찰스 테일러 The Necessity of Secularist Regimes [May 2009]
- 2009–10 잔니 바티모 The End of Reality
- 2012 Vilayanur Ramachandran Body and Mind: Insights from Neuroscience
- 2014 장뤼크 마리옹 Givenness and Revelation
- 2015 Perry Schmidt-leukel Interreligious Theology: The Future Shape of Theology
- 2016 숀 M. 캐럴 The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself
세인트 앤드루스 대학교
편집- 1902–04 리처드 홀데인 The Pathway to Reality, ISBN 0-404-60459-5
- 1917–18 윌리엄 R. 잉 The Philosophy of Plotinus, ISBN 1-59244-284-6
- 1919–20 Lewis Richard Farnell Greek Hero Cults and Ideas of Immortality
- 1921–22 C. 로이드 모건 Emergent Evolution (1923) ISBN 0-404-60468-4, and Life, Mind, and Spirit (1925)
- 1926-28 앨프리드 에드워드 테일러 "The faith of a moralist, The Theological Implications of Morality; Natural Theology and the Positive Religions" (1930)
- 1936–37 Werner Jaeger The Theology of the Early Greek Philosophers (1936)
- 1955–56 베르너 하이젠베르크 Physics and Philosophy: The Revolution in Modern Science, ISBN 1-57392-694-9
- 1962–64 Henry Chadwick Authority in the Early Church
- 1964–66 존 핀들리 The Discipline of the Cave (1966), and The Transcendence of the Cave (1967) ISBN 978-0-04-111002-9
- 1967–69 Robert Charles Zaehner Concordant Discord. The Interdependence of Faiths. Oxford: Clarendon Press 1970.
- 1972–73 앨프리드 에이어 The Central Questions of Philosophy, ISBN 0-03-013116-2
- 1975–77 Reijer Hooykaas Fact, Faith and Fiction in the Development of Science
- 1977–78 데이비드 스태퍼드클라크 Myth, Magic and Denial
- 1980–81 Gregory Vlastos Socrates: Ironist and Moral Philosopher
- 1982–83 도널드 제프리 찰턴 New Images of the Natural, 1750-1800
- 1983–84 존 매쿼리 In Search of Deity
- 1984–85 아돌프 그륀바움 Psychoanalytic Theory and Science
- 1986–87 앤터니 플루 The Logic of Mortality
- 1988–89 발터 부르케르트 Tracks of Biology and the Creation of Sense
- 1990–91 힐러리 퍼트넘 Renewing Philosophy
- 1992–93 Arthur Peacocke Nature, God and Humanity:
- 1992–93 Roger Penrose The Question of Physical Reality
- 1995 니컬러스 월터스토프 Thomas Reid and the Story of Epistemology
- 1996–97 Michael Dummett Thought and Reality
- 1999 Robert Merrihew Adams God and Being
- 1999 메릴린 매코드 애덤스 The Coherence of Christology
- 2001–02 스탠리 하우어워스 With the Grain of the Universe: The Church's Witness and Natural Theology, ISBN 1-58743-016-9
- 2002–03 Peter van Inwagen The Problem of Evil, ISBN 978-0-19-954397-7
- 2004–05 앨빈 플랜팅가 Science and Religion: Conflict or Concord
- 2007 마틴 리스 21st Century Science: Cosmic Perspective and Terrestrial Challenges
- 2010 Roger Scruton The Face of God
편집- ↑ “2012-13 Gifford Lecture”. 《Professor Steven Pinker: "The Better Angels of Our Nature: A History of Violence and Humanity"》. University of Edinburgh College of Humanities and Social Science website. 2013년 8월 4일에 확인함.
- ↑ “보관된 사본”. 2017년 6월 13일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2017년 11월 4일에 확인함.
- ↑ Gifford Lectures website entry; retrieved: 2013-08-04 보관됨 2013-09-23 - 웨이백 머신