
This article is about the beverage; Cola may also refer to the accounting term Cost-of-living adjustment or the Cola plant.
콜라와 그 위에 얼음레몬이 있는 유리잔

콜라는 흔하게 캐러멜로 색을 내고 카페인이 들어간 달콤한 탄산 음료로,.[1] 콜라라는 이름은 초기에 카페인을 넣기 위해 콜라나무 씨앗을 쓴 데에서 비롯된 이름이다

탄산음료의 풍미는 혼합물인 귤속에서 왔다. 주로 맛을 내는 것은 오렌지, 라임레몬, 그리고 향미료 같은 계피, 호두 그리고 바닐라 등이다. 콜라 넛은 일찍부터 카페인과 같이 탄산음료로 재료로 사용해 왔다.

콜라는 설탕과 제품과 시장에 따라서 달아질지 모르므로 높은 과당 옥수수 시럽, 스테비아 등의 인공 감미료를 넣는다. 카페인-프리 콜라는 역시 많이 팔린다.

Originally invented by the 코카콜라 주식회사 it has become popular worldwide. Today, 코카콜라 and 펩시 have become the two major global brands leading to the drink often been seen as a symbol of the west.

냉전 동안엔 it was perceived in many countries as symbols of the American power and culture. As a result, communist and anti-American countries created their own national versions of the cola drinks, such as the Czech and Slovak Kofola or Polish Polo-Cockta.



The flavour of individual colas are usually kept a secret, with the Coca-Cola recipe stored in a closely guarded safe. The main ingredients in a cola's flavour base generally comes from a mixture of citrus flavorings such as orange, lime and lemon and spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla. The name comes from the kola nuts that were originally used in early soft drinks as the source of caffeine.

Cola drinks may be sweetened with sugar, high fructose corn syrup, stevia or an artificial sweetener depending on product and market. Caffeine-free cola drinks are also available.



대부분의 성공과 진실한 세계적인 브랜드인 콜라 회사는 코카콜라펩시콜라이다. 여기에는 너무 많은 각자 국가들의 작은 지역 생산자들이 있다. 그러나 어느 국가들과 대륙에는 have varients produced on a mass scale for large populations. Many generic manufacturers of cola around the world now exist.


  • 영국, 남아프리카와 서유럽의 국가들은 버진 콜라가 1900년대에 인기있었지만, 가용성에서 약해졌다.
  • German brand Afri-Cola had a higher caffeine content (about 250 mg/L) until the product was relaunched with a new formulation in 1999, and has it again since a second relaunch with the original formulation in April 2006.
  • 체코와 슬로바키아의 코폴라코카콜라펩시콜라 그 뒤에 그들의 시장안에서 제 3번째로 많이 팔리는 청량 음료이다.
  • 쿠바 콜라는 스웨덴이 출생지인 콜라이다.

아시아와 중동



  • 인카 콜라는 많은 국가들로 인해 다른 브랜드인 코카콜라 주식회사로 인해 팔렸고, 그것은 약간의 남아메리카 국가들의 중요한 콜라이다.
  • 역시 오픈콜라 콜라 There is also an open source recipe for a cola drink, OpenCola.
  • 투콜라와 트로피콜라는 쿠바의 콜라 브랜드이다(역시 이탈리아에서 널리 팔렸다).
  • 로얄 크라운 콜라는 미국과 멕시코에서 넓게 팔렸다.

화학 반응


Being carbonated, colas are acidic (carbonic acid is formed when carbon dioxide dissolves in water), and so can react violently with basic chemicals, such as baking soda. Many colas also contain phosphoric acid and/or citric acid, which further increases the acidity.[2]

The Mentos eruption is an experiment that became popular at the start of the 21st century. Mentos candies and crystalline powders such as sugar and salt when added to cola (usually diet coke), cause fizzing by providing many micronucleation points for the carbon dioxide to leave solution.

Another experiment involved adding Dry ice, providing additional carbon dioxide and can force some of the carbon dioxide present in the drink out of solution, creating an explosion, destroying the bottle. Thus, making, as some call it, a "Dry Ice Bomb".

In either case, mixing these substances with cola (or any other carbonated drink) causes the drink to bubble, creating foam and greatly increasing the pressure in the bottle, resulting in either the bottle or the cap giving way.[3]



The word cola may have been introduced into the mainstream by the major producer Coca-Cola, as they saw their trademark slipping into common use, like other genericized trademarks. They successfully defended the exclusive use of their name and its diminutive form "Coke" by suggesting the alternative of "cola drink" as a generic name for similar types of carbonated soft drinks. The word cola as part of the Coca-Cola trademark may have originated from the kola nuts that were originally used as the source of caffeine, or from when the original recipe contained cocain.

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