사용자:FriedC/그리스 신화의 등장인물 목록

틀:Ancient Greek religion This is a list of Greek mythological figures.



올림포스 신

고대 그리스 이름 한국어 이름 설명
Ἀφροδίτη (Aphroditē) 아프로디테 미와 사랑, 욕망을 주관하는 여신. 헤파이스토스와 결혼하였으나 많은 애인을 두었으며 아레스가 유명하다. 벌거벗은 아름다운 여성으로 묘사된다. 장미, 가리비 껍데기, 도금양 화환 등이 상징이며, 상징 동물은 비둘기다.
Ἀπόλλων (Apóllōn) 아폴론 태양과 음악, 의술, 역병, 예언, 시를 주관하는 신. 광명과 진실, 태양과 연관되어 있다. 아르테미스와 쌍둥이 남매 지간이자, 헤르메스의 이복 형, 제우스레토의 아들이다. 긴 머리의 수염이 없는 잘생긴 청년이 월계관과 활, 화살통, 레이븐, 리라와 같은 다양한 물건을 든 모습으로 묘사된다. 아폴론을 상징하는 동물로는 노루, 백조, 매미, 매, 레이븐, 까마귀, 여우, 생쥐, 뱀 등이 있다.
Ἄρης (Árēs) 아레스 전쟁과 학살, 폭력을 주관하는 신. 제우스헤라의 아들로, 갑옷을 입은 하얀 수염의 늙은 전사로 묘사되거나 벌거벗은 채 투구와 창으로 무장한 수염이 없는 청년으로 묘사된다. 황금 갑옷과 끝이 청동으로 된 창을 가지고 있다. 상징 동물로는 독수리, 독사, 악어, 개, 멧돼지가 있다.
Ἄρτεμις (Ártemis) 아르테미스 사냥과 야생, 동물, 소녀, 분만과 역병을 주관하는 처녀 신. 전승 후기에는 달과 연관되어졌다. 제우스레토의 딸로, 아폴론과 쌍둥이 남매 지간이다. 회화에서는 짧은 무릎 길이 키톤을 입고 활과 화살통을 든 젊은 여성으로 묘사된다. 활과 함께 창과 짐승 가죽, 사슴과 여러 야생 동물이 상징이다. 상징 동물은 노루와 곰, 멧돼지다.
Ἀθηνᾶ (Athēnâ) 아테나 지혜와 전쟁, 전술, 영웅의 노력, 수공예, 이성을 주관하는 여신. 대부분의 전승에 따르면 제우스의 머리에서 완전히 성장하여 무장한 채 태어났다고 한다. 깃 장식이 있는 투구를 쓰고 방패와 창으로 무장한 모습으로 묘사된다. 상징은 올리브 나무이다. 보통 상징 동물인 부엉이와 함께 있는 모습이다.
Δημήτηρ (Dēmētēr) 데메테르 농업과 원예, 곡물, 수확을 주관하는 여신. 크로노스레아의 딸이며, 동생인 제우스와 결합하여 페르세포네를 낳았다. 늙은 여성으로 묘사되며, 횃불이나 을 묶어 놓은 단을 들거나 밀로 된 관을 쓴 모습으로 묘사되기도 한다. 상징은 코르누코피아 (풍요의 뿔), 밀 이삭, 날개 달린 뱀과 연꽃 지팡이다. 상징 동물로는 돼지와 뱀이 있다.
Διόνυσος (Diónysos) 디오니소스 포도주와 축제, 광기, 혼돈, 취기, 마약, 광희를 주관하는 신. 수염이 달린 늙은 모습이나 예쁘고 여성스러운 긴 머리의 청년으로 묘사된다. 끝에 솔방울이 달린 티르서스 지팡이, 술 잔, 포도 덩굴, 담쟁이로 만든 관을 가지고 있다. 상징 동물은 돌고래, 뱀, 호랑이, 당나귀다. 나중에는 올림포스 신에 들었는데 일부 전승에서는 헤스티아를 대신한 것이라고 전한다.
ᾍδης (Hádēs) 하데스 저승의 왕으로, 죽음과 땅 속에 숨겨진 풍요를 주관하는 신. 페르세포네를 배우자로 두고 있으며, 하데스의 열쇠와 암흑 투구, 머리 셋 달린 개 케르베로스를 가지고 있다. 상징 동물은 비명 올빼미다. 크로노스레아의 아들이자 제우스의 형이지만, 지하 신이기 때문에 올림포스 신에는 들지 않는 경우가 많은 유일한 신이다. 고전 시대에는 신비 가르침과 아테네 문학에서 플루토라는 이름이 많이 쓰이게 되었다. 올림포스 왕좌는 없었으나 크로노스의 세 아들 중 한 명으로 잘 알려져 있다.
Ἥφαιστος (Hḗphaistos) 헤파이스토스 불, 금속 세공, 석공, 조각술, 화산 활동을 주관하는 절름발이 신. 헤라처녀 생식으로 낳은 아들로, 신들의 대장장이이자 아프로디테의 남편이다. 보통 망치와 집게를 들고 당나귀를 타고 있는 수염 달린 남자로 묘사된다. 망치와 집게, 모루가 상징이다. 상징 동물로는 당나귀, 경비견, 두루미가 있다.
Ἥρα (Hḗra) 헤라 신들의 여왕이자 결혼, 여성, 분만, 상속, 왕, 제국을 주관하는 여신. 제우스의 아내이자 크로노스와 레아의 딸이다. 왕관과 베일을 쓰고 연꽃이 달린 지팡이를 든 아름다운 여성의 모습으로 묘사된다. 상징 동물로는 암소, 사자, 공작, 뻐꾸기가 있다.
Ἑρμῆς (Hērmēs) 헤르메스 여행과 전령, 거래, 도둑질, 사기, 언어, 저술, 외교, 체육, 함정, 축산을 주관하는 신. 신들의 전령이자 죽은 영혼을 하데스의 왕국으로 인도하는 저승 사자이며, 제우스마이아의 아들이다. 잘생기고 탄탄한 체구의 수염이 없는 청년으로 묘사되며, 수염이 달린 늙은 남성으로 묘사되기도 한다. 전령의 지팡이나 카드세우스를 들고, 날개 달린 샌들을 신고, 여행자의 모자를 쓰고 있다. 상징 동물로는 거북, 숫양, 매가 있다.
Ἑστία (Hestía) 헤스티아 난로와 가정, 요리를 줒관하는 처녀 신. 크로노스레아의 딸이자 제우스의 누나이다. 얌전하게 베일을 쓴 여성으로 묘사되며, 난로와 솥이 상징이다. 일부 전승에서는 올림포스 12신에서 자신의 자리를 포기하고 디오니소스에게 양보하였다고 전한다. 또 다른 전승에서는 아프로디테에게 양보하였다고 한다.
Ποσειδῶν (Poseidōn) 포세이돈 바다, 강, 홍수, 가뭄, 지진을 주관하는 신이자 말의 창조자. "땅을 요동시키는 자"로도 알려져 있다. 크로노스레아의 아들로, 제우스하데스의 형제이다. 고전 회화에서는 검은 수염이 달린 억센 체구의 늙은 남성이 트라이던트를 든 모습으로 묘사된다. 말과 돌고래가 상징 동물이다.
Ζεύς (Zeus) 제우스 신들의 왕이자 올림포스 산의 지배자로, 하늘, 날씨, 천둥, 번개, 법, 질서, 운명을 주관하는 신. 크로노스레아의 막내 아들로, 크로노스가 자신의 남매들을 토해내게 한 뒤 왕좌에서 끌어내렸으며, 누나인 헤라의 남편이 되었다. 회화에서는 억센 체구에 검은 수염을 가진 제왕같은 늙은 남성의 모습으로 묘사된다. 보통 왕의 홀과 번개를 가지고 있으며, 상징 동물에는 독수리와 황소가 있다.
Ancient Greek name English name Description
Αἰθήρ (Aithḗr) 아이테르 창공과 빛의 신.
Ἀνάγκη (Anánkē) 아난케 필연과 강박, 필요의 여신.
Ἔρεβος (Érebos) 에레보스 암흑과 그림자의 신.
Γαῖα (Gaîa) 가이아 대지 (어머니 땅)를 의인화한 신으로, 티탄의 어머니.
Ἡμέρα (Hēméra) 헤메라 낮의 여신.
Χάος (Cháos) 카오스 아무 것도 존재하지 않는 공허.
Χρόνος (Chrónos) 크로노스 시간의 신. 제우스의 아버지 티탄 크로노스와 혼동할 수 있다.
Nῆσοι (Nē̂soi) 네소이 섬의 여신.
Νύξ (Nýx) 닉스 밤의 여신.
Οὐρανός (Ouranós) 우라노스 천공 (아버지 하늘)을 의인화한 신으로, 티탄의 아버지.
Οὔρεα (Oúrea) 우로스 산의 신.
Φάνης (Phánēs) 파네스 오르페우스교의 출산의 신.
Πόντος (Póntos) 폰토스 바다의 신, 물고기와 해양 생물의 아버지.
Τάρταρος (Tártaros) 타르타로스 지하 세계의 가장 어둡고 깊은 지역.
Θάλασσα (Thálassa) 탈라사 바다의 영혼, 폰토스의 배우자.
Greek name English name Description
12 티탄
Ὑπερίων (Hyperíōn) 히페리온 빛의 티탄. 테이아와 함께 헬리오스 (태양), 셀레네 (달), 에오스 (새벽)을 낳았다.
Ἰαπετός (Iapetós) 이아페토스 필멸의 티탄, 프로메테우스, 에피메테우스, 메노이티오스, 아틀라스의 아버지.
Κοῖος (Koîos) 코이오스 지성의 티탄, 별자리가 도는 하늘의 중심 축.
Κρεῖος (Kreîos) 크리오스 열두 티탄 중에서 가장 역할이 적은 티탄으로, 아스트라이오스, 팔라스, 페르세스의 아버지이다.
Κρόνος (Crónos) 크로노스 티탄의 지도자로, 아버지 우라노스를 쫓아냈으나 나중에 자신도 아들 제우스에게 쫓겨난다. 시간의 신 크로노스와 혼동할 수 있다.
Mνημοσύνη (Mnēmosýnē) 므네모시네 기억과 회상의 티탄, 아홉 무사이의 어머니.
Ὠκεανός (Ōceanós) 오케아노스 대지를 둘러싼 오케아노스 강과 지상의 모든 샘의 티탄.
Φοίβη (Phoíbē) 포이베 "빛나는" 지성과 예언의 티탄, 코이오스의 배우자.
Ῥέα (Rhéa) 레아 (신화) 다산과 모성, 세대의 티탄. 동생 크로노스의 배우자이자 제우스, 하데스, 포세이돈, 헤라, 데메테르, 헤스티아의 어머니.
Τηθύς (Tēthýs) 테티스 오케아노스의 배우자, 강, 시내, 샘, 구름의 어머니.
Θεία (Theía) 테이아 시각과 맑고 푸른 하늘의 광명의 티탄. 히페리온의 배우자이자 헬리오스, 셀레네, 에오스의 어머니.
Θέμις (Thémis) 테미스 질서와 정의의 티탄.
다른 티탄
Ἀστερία (Astería) 아스테리아 밤의 신탁과 별똥별의 티탄.
Ἀστραῖος (Astraîos) 아스트라이오스 모든 별들의 아버지.
Ἄτλας (Átlas) 아틀라스 어깨에 하늘을 짊어진 티탄, 이아페토스의 아들.
Αὔρα (Aúra) 아우라 바람과 새벽의 신선하고 시원한 공기의 티탄.
Διώνη (Diṓnē) 디오네 도도나 신탁의 티탄.
Ἠώς (Ēṓs) 에오스 새벽의 티탄.
Ἐπιμηθεύς (Epimētheús) 에피메테우스 뒤늦은 생각의 티탄, 용서의 아버지.
Εὐρυβία (Eurybía) 에우리비아 바다를 통제하는 티탄, 크리오스의 배우자.
Εὐρυνόμη (Eurynómē) 에우리노메 목초지의 티탄, 카리테스의 어머니.
Ἥλιος (Hḗlios) 헬리오스 태양의 티탄이자 맹세의 수호자.
Κλυμένη (Clyménē) 클리메네 또는 아시아 명성과 명망, 악명의 티탄, 이아페토스의 아내.
Λήλαντος (Lēlantos) 레란토스 공기와 사냥꾼의 추적 기술의 티탄. 레토의 남성형.
Λητώ (Lētṓ) 레토 모성의 티탄이자 아르테미스와 아폴론의 어머니.
Μενοίτιος (Menoítios) 메노이티오스 격렬한 노여움, 무모한 행동, 인간 필멸의 티탄. 제우스에게 죽었다.
Μῆτις (Mē̂tis) 메티스 조언, 충고, 계획, 교활, 간사, 지혜의 티탄이자 아테나의 어머니.
Ὀφίων (Ophíōn) 오피온 연장자 티탄, 일부 신화에서는 크로노스가 쫓아낼 때까지 배우자 에우리노메와 함께 대지를 지배하였다고 전한다.
Πάλλας (Pállas) 팔라스 전략의 티탄. 티타노마키아에서 아테나에게 죽었다.
Πέρσης (Pérsēs) 페르세스 파괴와 평화의 티탄.
Προμηθεύς (Promētheús) 프로메테우스 신중과 교활한 조언의 티탄이자 인류의 창조자.
Σελήνη (Selḗnē) 셀레네 달의 티탄.
Στύξ (Stýx) 스틱스 저승의 강 스틱스와 증오의 의인화.
  • 헤카톤케이레스 (Ἑκατόγχειρες), or Centimanes (Latin), 백 개의 손을 가진 거친 폭풍과 허리케인의 신. 우나로스와 가이아의 세 아들로, 각자의 개별적인 특징을 가지고 있다.[1]
    • 브리아레오스 (Βριάρεως) 또는 아이가이온, 강건한 자.
    • 코토스 (Κόττος), 격노한 자.
    • 기에스 (Γύγης), 큰 다리를 가진 자.
  • 아그리오스 (Ἄγριος), 사람을 먹는 반인반웅의 트라키아 거인.
  • 알키오네우스 (Ἀλκυονεύς), 트라키아 거인들의 왕. 헤라클레스에게 죽는다.
  • 알로아다이 (Ἀλῳάδαι), 천상을 기습한 쌍둥이 거인
    • 오토스 (Ότος)
    • 에피알테스 (Εφιάλτης)
  • 안타이오스 (Ἀνταῖος), 손님과 격투를 하여 모두 죽인 리비아 거인. 헤라클레스에게 죽는다.
  • 아르고스 파노프테스 (Ἄργος Πανόπτης), 이오를 감시하는 일을 맡은 백 개의 눈을 가진 거인.
  • 키클로페스 (선대), 외눈박이 거인 삼형제. 제우스에게 천둥 번개를 만들어 준다.
    • 아르게스 (Ἄργης)
    • 브론테스 (Βρόντης)
    • 스테로페스 (Στερόπης)
  • 키클로페스 (후대), 시칠리아의 섬에서 양을 치는 한 개의 눈을 가진 식인 거인족.
    • 폴리페모스 (Πολύφημος), 오디세우스와 그의 부하들을 붙잡은 키클롭스. 오디세우스에게 시력을 잃고 굴복한다.
  • 엔켈라도스 (Ἐγκέλαδος), 신들과의 전쟁을 일으킨 트라키아 거인 중 한 명.
  • 게게니스 (Γηγενέες), 미시아의 곰 산에서 아르고나우타이와 싸운 여섯 팔을 가진 거인족.
  • 게리온 (Γηρυών), 에리테이아의 붉은 섬에서 사는 세 개의 몸과 네 개의 날개를 가진 거인.
  • 라이스트리고니아 (Λαιστρυγόνες), 오디세우스가 여행 중에 만나게 되는 식인 거인족.
  • 오리온 (Ὠρίων), 사냥꾼 거인으로, 제우스가 밤하늘로 올려 오리온자리가 된다.
  • 포르피리온 (Πορφυρίων), 기간테스의 왕으로, 헤라를 취하려고 하자 헤라클레스의 화살과 제우스의 번개를 맞고 패배한다.
  • 탈로스(영어판) (Τάλως), 헤파이스토스가 만든 청동 거인으로, 제우스가 연인 에우로파에게 개인 경호원으로 선물한다.
  • 티티오스 (Τίτυος), 레토를 범하려고 하자 그녀의 자식인 아폴론과 아르테미스에게 죽는다.
  • 티폰 (Τυφῶν), 극악무도한 불사의 거인으로, 패배 당한 뒤 타르타로스의 구덩이에 갇힌다.

Personified concepts

  • Achlys (Ἀχλύς), 죽음의 안개의 정령, 슬픔과 불행, 독의 의인화
  • Adephagia (Ἀδηφαγία), 포만과 식욕의 정령
  • Adikia (Ἀδικία), 불의와 죄악의 정령
  • Aergia (Ἀεργία), 게으름과 나태, 태만의 정령
  • Agathodaemon (Ἀγαθοδαίμων), 포도밭과 곡식밭의 정령, 행운과 건강, 지혜를 관장한다.
  • Agon (Ἀγών), 올림픽 경기 장소, 독의 의인화
  • Adephagia (Ἀδηφαγία), 포만과 식욕의 정령
  • Adikia (Ἀδικία), 불의와 죄악의 정령
  • Aergia (Ἀεργία), 게으름과 나태, 태만의 정령
  • Agathodaemon (Ἀγαθοδαίμων), 포도밭과 곡식밭의 정령, 행운과 건강, 지혜를 관장한다.
  • Agon (Ἀγών), 올림픽 경기 장소 올림피아에 제단이 있던 대회의 정령
  • Aidos (Αἰδώς), 겸손과 경의, 존경의 정령
  • Aisa (Αἴσα), 운명의 의인화
  • Alala (Ἀλαλά), 전장의 함성의 의인화
  • Alastor (Ἀλάστωρ), spirit of blood feuds and vengeance
  • Aletheia (Ἀλήθεια), spirit of truth, truthfulness and sincerity
  • The Algea (Ἄλγεα), spirits of pain and suffering
    • Achos (Ἄχος) "trouble, distress"
    • Ania (Ἀνία) "ache, anguish"
    • Lupe (Λύπη) "pain, grief, sadness"
  • Alke (Ἀλκή), spirit of prowess and courage (one of the Machai)
  • Amechania (Ἀμηχανία), spirit of helplessness and want of means
  • The Amphilogiai (Ἀμφιλογίαι), spirits of disputes, debate, and contention
  • Anaideia (Ἀναίδεια), spirit of ruthlessness, shamelessness, and unforgivingness
  • The Androktasiai (Ἀνδροκτασίαι), spirits of battlefield slaughter
  • Angelia (Ἀγγελία), spirit of messages, tidings and proclamations
  • Apate (Ἀπάτη), spirit of deceit, guile, fraud and deception
  • Apheleia (Ἀφέλεια), spirit of simplicity
  • The Arae (Ἀραί), spirits of curses
  • Arete (Ἀρετή), spirit of virtue, excellence, goodness, and valour
  • Atë (Ἄτη), spirit of delusion, infatuation, blind folly, recklessness, and ruin
  • Bia (Βία "Violence"), the personification of force and raw energy
  • Caerus (Καιρός), spirit of opportunity
  • Corus (Κόρος), spirit of surfeit
  • Deimos (Δεῖμος), spirit of fear, dread, and terror
  • Dikaiosyne (Δικαιοσύνη), spirit of justice and righteousness
  • Dike (Δίκη), spirit of justice, fair judgement, and the rights established by custom and law
  • Dolos (Δόλος), spirit of trickery, cunning deception, craftiness, treachery, and guile
  • Dysnomia (Δυσνομία), spirit of lawlessness and poor civil constitution
  • Dyssebeia (Δυσσέβεια), spirit of impiety
  • Eirene (Εἰρήνη), goddess of peace
  • Eiresione (Ειρεσιώνη), personification of the olive branch
  • Ekecheiria (Ἐκεχειρία), spirit of truce, armistice, and the cessation of all hostilities; honoured at the Olympic Games
  • Eleos (Ἔλεος), spirit of mercy, pity, and compassion
  • Elpis (Ἐλπίς), spirit of hope and expectation
  • Epiphron (Ἐπίφρων), spirit of prudence, shrewdness, thoughtfulness, carefulness, and sagacity
  • Eris (Ἔρις), spirit of strife, discord, contention, and rivalry
  • The Erotes (ἔρωτες)
    • Anteros (Ἀντέρως), god of requited love
    • Eros (Ἔρως), god of love and sexual intercourse
    • Hedylogos (Ἡδύλογος), god of sweet talk and flattery
    • Hermaphroditus (Ἑρμαφρόδιτος), god of unions, androgyny, marriage, sexuality and fertility
    • Himeros (Ἵμερος), god of sexual desire
    • Hymen (Ὑμήν) or Hymenaeus (Ὑμεναιος), god of marriage ceremonies, inspiring feasts and song
    • Pothos (Πόθος), god of sexual longing, yearning, and desire
  • Eucleia (Εὔκλεια), spirit of good repute and glory
  • Eulabeia (Εὐλάβεια), spirit of discretion, caution, and circumspection
  • Eunomia (Εὐνομία), goddess of good order and lawful conduct
  • Eupheme (Εὐφήμη), spirit of words of good omen, acclamation, praise, applause, and shouts of triumph
  • Eupraxia (Eὐπραξία), spirit of well-being
  • Eusebeia (Eὐσέβεια), spirit of piety, loyalty, duty, and filial respect
  • Euthenia (Εὐθενία), spirit of prosperity, abundance, and plenty
  • Gelos (Γέλως), spirit of laughter
  • Geras (Γῆρας), spirit of old age
  • Harmonia (Ἁρμονία), goddess of harmony and concord
  • Hedone (Ἡδονή), spirit of pleasure, enjoyment, and delight
  • Heimarmene (Εἵμαρμένη), personification of share destined by fate
  • Homados (Ὅμαδος), spirit of the din of battle
  • Homonoia (Ὁμόνοια), spirit of concord, unanimity, and oneness of mind
  • Horkos (Ὅρκος), spirit of oaths
  • Horme (Ὁρμή), spirit of impulse or effort (to do a thing), eagerness, setting oneself in motion, and starting an action
  • Hybris (Ὕβρις), spirit of outrageous behaviour
  • Hypnos (Ὕπνος), god of sleep
Hermes watches Hypnos and Thanatos carry the dead Sarpedon from the battlefield at Troy (Euphronios krater)
  • The Hysminai (Ὑσμῖναι), spirits of fighting and combat
  • Ioke (Ἰωκή), spirit of pursuit in battle
  • Kakia (Kακία), spirit of vice and moral badness
  • The Keres (Κῆρες), spirit of violent or cruel death
  • Koalemos (Κοάλεμος), spirit of stupidity and foolishness
  • Kratos (Κράτος), spirit of strength, might, power, and sovereign rule
  • Kydoimos (Κυδοιμός), spirit of the din of battle, confusion, uproar, and hubbub
  • Lethe (Λήθη), spirit of forgetfulness and oblivion, and of the river of the same name
  • Limos (Λιμός), spirit of hunger and starvation
  • The Litae (Λιταί), spirits of prayer
  • Lyssa (Λύσσα), spirit of rage, fury and rabies in animals
  • The Machai (Μάχαι), spirits of fighting and combat
  • Mania (Μανία), spirit or spirits of madness, insanity, and frenzy
  • The Moirai, or "Fates" (Μοίραι)
    • Clotho (Κλωθώ), the spinner of the life thread
    • Lachesis (Λάχεσις), the measurer of the life thread
    • Atropos (Άτροπος), the severer of the life thread
  • Momus (Μῶμος), spirit of mockery, blame, censure and stinging criticism
  • Moros (Μόρος), spirit of doom
  • The Neikea (τὰ Νείκη), spirits of quarrels, feuds and grievances
  • Nemesis (Νέμεσις), goddess of revenge, balance, righteous indignation, and retribution
  • Nike (Νίκη), goddess of victory
  • Nomos (Νόμος), spirit of law
  • Oizys (Ὀϊζύς), spirit of woe and misery
  • The Oneiroi (Ὄνειροι), Dreams
  • Palioxis (Παλίωξις), spirit of backrush, flight and retreat from battle
  • Peitharchia (Πειθαρχία), spirit of discipline
  • Peitho (Πειθώ), spirit of persuasion and seduction
  • Penia (Πενία), spirit of poverty and need
  • Penthus (Πένθος), spirit of grief, mourning, and lamentation
  • Pepromene (Πεπρωμένη), personification of the destined share, similar to Heimarmene
  • Pheme (Φήμη), spirit of rumour, report, and gossip
  • Philophrosyne (Φιλοφροσύνη), spirit of friendliness, kindness, and welcome
  • Philotes (Φιλότης), spirit of friendship, affection, and sexual intercourse
  • Phobos (Φόβος), spirit of panic fear, flight, and battlefield rout
  • The Phonoi (Φόνοι), spirits of murder, killing, and slaughter
  • Phrike (Φρίκη), spirit of horror and trembling fear
  • Phthonus (Φθόνος), spirit of envy and jealousy
  • Pistis (Πίστις), spirit of trust, honesty, and good faith
  • Poine (Ποίνη), spirit of retribution, vengeance, recompense, punishment, and penalty for the crime of murder and manslaughter
  • Polemos (Πόλεμος), personification of war
  • Ponos (Πόνος), spirit of hard labour and toil
  • Poros (Πόρος), spirit of expediency, the means of accomplishing or providing, contrivance and device
  • Praxidike (Πραξιδίκη), spirit of exacting justice
  • Proioxis (Προίωξις), spirit of onrush and battlefield pursuit
  • Prophasis (Πρόφασις), spirit of excuses and pleas
  • Ptocheia (Πτωχεία), spirit of beggary
  • Roma, a female deity who personified the city of Rome
  • Soter (Σωτήρ), male spirit of safety, preservation, and deliverance from harm
  • Soteria (Σωτηρία), female personification of safety, preservation, and deliverance from harm
  • Sophrosyne (Σωφροσύνη), spirit of moderation, self-control, temperance, restraint, and discretion
  • Thanatos (Θάνατος), spirit of death and mortality
  • Thrasos (Θράσος), spirit of boldness
  • Tyche (Τύχη), goddess of fortune, chance, providence, and fate
  • Zelos ( Ζῆλος), spirit of eager rivalry, emulation, envy, jealousy, and zeal
  • Amphiaraus (Ἀμφιάραος), a seer, and one of the Seven against Thebes who became an oracular spirit of the Underworld after his death
  • Angelos (Ἄγγελος), a daughter of Zeus and Hera who became an underworld goddess
  • Askalaphos (Ἀσκάλαφος), the son of Acheron and Orphne who tended the Underworld orchards before being transformed into a screech owl by Demeter
  • Charon (Χάρων), ferryman of Hades
  • Cronus (Κρόνος), deposed king of the Titans; after his release from Tartarus he was appointed king of the Island of the Blessed
  • Erebos (Ἔρεβος), the primeval god of darkness, his mists encircled the underworld and filled the hollows of the earth
  • The Erinyes (Ἐρινύες), the Furies, goddesses of retribution, known as "The Kindly Ones"
    • Alecto (Ἀληκτώ), the unceasing one
    • Tisiphone (Τισιφόνη), avenger of murder
    • Megaera (Μέγαιρα), the jealous one
  • Hades (¨Αδης) God of underworld and all things beneath the earth
  • Hecate (Ἑκάτη), goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts, and necromancy
  • Judges of the Dead
    • Aiakos (Αἰακός), former mortal king of Aegina, guardian of the keys of Hades and judge of the men of Europe
    • Minos (Μίνως), former mortal king of Crete and judge of the final vote
    • Rhadamanthys (Ῥαδάμανθυς), former mortal lawmaker and judge of the men of Asia
  • Keuthonymos (Κευθόνυμος), an Underworld spirit and father of Menoetes
  • Lampades (Λαμπάδες), torch-bearing Underworld nymphs
    • Gorgyra (Γοργύρα)
    • Orphne (Ορφνη), a Lampad nymph of Hades, mother of Askalaphos
  • Macaria (Μακαρία), daughter of Hades and goddess of blessed death (not to be confused with the daughter of Heracles)
  • Melinoe (Μελινόη), daughter of Persephone and Zeus who presided over the propitiations offered to the ghosts of the dead
  • Menoetes (Μενοίτης), an Underworld spirit who herded the cattle of Hades
  • Nyx (Νύξ), the primeval goddess of night
  • Persephone (Περσεφόνη), queen of the underworld, wife of Hades and goddess of spring growth
  • Rivers of the Underworld
    • Acheron (Αχέρων), the river of woe
    • Alpheus (Ἀλφειός), the white river
    • Eridanos (Ἠριδανός), the river of amber
    • Kokytos (Kωκυτός), the river of wailing
    • Lethe (Λήθη), the river of forgetfulness (its counterpart was the waters of Mnemosyne)
    • Phlegethon (Φλεγέθων), the river of fire
    • Styx (Στύξ), the river of hatred and oaths
  • Tartarus (Τάρταρος), the primeval god of the dark, stormy pit of Hades
  • Thanatos (Θάνατος), god of death
  • Zagreus (Ζαγρεύς), an underworld god, possibly a son of Zeus and Persephone
  • Aegaeon (Αιγαίων), god of violent sea storms and ally of the Titans
  • Amphitrite (Αμφιτρίτη), sea goddess and consort of Poseidon
  • Benthesikyme (Βενθεσικύμη), daughter of Poseidon, who resided in Ethiopia
  • Brizo (Βριζώ), patron goddess of sailors, who sent prophetic dreams
  • Ceto (Κῆτώ), goddess of the dangers of the ocean and of sea monsters
  • Cymopoleia (Κυμοπόλεια), a daughter of Poseidon married to the Giant Briareus
  • Eidothea (Ειδοθέα), prophetic sea nymph and daughter of Proteus
  • Glaucus (Γλαῦκος), the fisherman's sea god and oracle
  • Leucothea (Λευκοθέα), a sea goddess who aided sailors in distress
  • Nereides (Νηρηίδες), sea nymphs
    • Arethusa (Αρετούσα), a daughter of Nereus who was transformed into a fountain
    • Dynamene (Δυναμένη), associated with the might and power of great ocean swells
    • Galene (Γαλήνη), goddess of calm seas
    • Psamathe (Πσαμάθη), goddess of sand beaches
    • Thetis (Θέτις), leader of the Nereids who presided over the spawning of marine life in the sea
  • Nereus (Νηρέας), the old man of the sea, and the god of the sea's rich bounty of fish
  • Nerites (Νερίτης), a sea spirit who was transformed into a shell-fish by Aphrodite
  • Oceanides (Ωκεανίδες), sea nymphs, and patronesses of bodies of fresh water
    Some notable Oceanides include:
    • Idyia (Ίδυια), wife of the Colchian king Aeetes, mother of Medea
    • Metis, Zeus' first wife, whom Zeus impregnated with Athena and then swallowed.
    • Styx, goddess of the river Styx
    For a more complete list, see List of Oceanids
  • Oceanus (Ὠκεανός), god of the Earth-encircling river Oceanus (the ocean), the fountain of all the Earth's fresh water
  • Potamoi (Ποταμοί), Gods of rivers and streams of the earth
    Some notable river gods include:
    • Achelous, the god of the Achelous River, the largest river in Greece, who gave his daughter in marriage to Alcmaeon.
    • Alpheus, who fell in love with the nymph Arethusa.
    • Inachus, the first king of Argos and progenitor of Argive line through his son grandson Argus.
    • Nilus, Egyptian river god and the father of numerous daughters that mingled with the descendants of Inachus.
    • Peneus, river god of Thessaly flowing from the foot of Pindus. He was the father of Daphne and Stilbe.
    • Scamander, who fought on the side of the Trojans during the Trojan War.
  • Palaemon (Παλαίμων), a young sea god who aided sailors in distress
  • Phorcys (Φόρκυς), god of the hidden dangers of the deep
  • Pontos (Πόντος), primeval god of the sea, father of the fish and other sea creatures
  • Proteus (Πρωτεύς), a shape-shifting, prophetic old sea god, and the herdsman of Poseidon's seals
  • Poseidon (Ποσειδῶν), king of the sea and lord of the sea gods; also god of rivers, flood and drought, earthquakes, and horses
  • Sangarius (Σαγγάριος), a river-god
  • The Telchines (Τελχινες), sea spirits native to the island of Rhodes; the gods killed them when they turned to evil magic
    • Actaeus (Ακταίος)
    • Argyron (Αργυρών)
    • Atabyrius (Αταβύριος)
    • Chalcon (Χαλκών)
    • Chryson (Χρυσών)
    • Damon (Δαμων) or Demonax (Δημώναξ)
    • Damnameneus (Δαμναμενεύς)
    • Dexithea (Δεξιθέα), mother of Euxanthios by Minos
    • Lycos (Λύκος) or Lyktos (Λύκτος)
    • Lysagora (Λυσαγόρα)?
    • Makelo (Μακελώ)
    • Megalesius (Μεγαλήσιος)
    • Mylas (Μύλας)
    • Nikon (Νίκων)
    • Ormenos (Ορμενος)
    • Simon (Σίμων)
    • Skelmis (Σκελμις)
  • Tethys (Τηθύς), goddess of the sources of fresh water, and the mother of the rivers, springs, streams, fountains, and clouds
  • Thalassa (Θάλασσα), primeval goddess of the sea and consort of Pontos
  • Thaumas (Θαῦμας), god of the wonders of the sea
  • Thoosa (Θόοσα), goddess of swift currents
  • Triteia (Τριτεια), daughter of Triton and companion of Ares
  • Triton (Τρίτων), fish-tailed son and herald of Poseidon
  • Tritones (Τρίτωνες), fish-tailed spirits in Poseidon's retinue
Poseidon and Amphitrite framed by erotes and riding in a chariot drawn by hippocamps; below them are fishermen at work, with nymphs and creatures of the sea in the waters (color-enhanced Roman-era mosaic)

Sky deities

  • Aeolus (Aiolos) (Αίολος), god of the winds.
  • Aether (Αιθήρ), primeval god of the upper air
  • Alectrona (Αλεκτρονα), solar goddess of the morning or waking up
  • Anemoi, (Άνεμοι), gods of the winds
    • Aparctias (Απαρκτίας), another name for the north wind (not identified with Boreas)
    • Apheliotes (Αφηλιώτης), god of the east wind (when Eurus is considered southeast)
    • Argestes (Αργέστης), another name for the west or northwest wind
    • Boreas (Βορέας), god of the north wind and of winter
    • Caicias (Καικίας), god of the northeast wind
    • Circios (Κίρκιος) or Thraskias (Θρασκίας), god of the north-northwest wind
    • Euronotus (Ευρονότος), god of the southeast wind
    • Eurus (Εύρος), god of the unlucky east or southeast wind
    • Lips (Λίψ), god of the southwest wind
    • Notus (Νότος) god of the south wind
    • Skeiron (Σκείρων), god of the northwest wind
    • Zephyrus (Ζέφυρος), god of the west wind
  • Arke (Άρκη), messenger of the Titans and twin sister of Iris
  • Astraios (Ἀστραῖος), god of stars and planets, and the art of astrology
  • The Astra Planeti (Αστρα Πλανετοι), gods of the five wandering stars or planets
  • Aurai (Αὖραι), nymphs of the cooling breeze
    • Aura (Αὖρα), goddess of the breeze and the fresh, cool air of early morning
  • Chione (Χιόνη), goddess of snow and daughter of Boreas
  • Eos (Ἠώς), goddess of the dawn
  • Ersa (Ἕρση), goddess of the morning dew
  • Helios (Ἥλιος), god of the sun and guardian of oaths
  • Hemera (Ημέρα), primeval goddess of the day
  • Hera (Ήρα), queen of the gods
  • The Hesperides, (´Εσπερίδες), nymphs of the evening and sunset
  • Iris (Ίρις), goddess of the rainbow and divine messenger
  • Men (Μήν), a lunar deity worshiped in the western interior parts of Anatolia.
  • Nephele (Νεφέλη), cloud nymph
  • Nyx, (Νύξ), goddess of night
  • Pandia (Πανδία), daughter of Selene and Zeus
  • The Pleiades (Πλειάδες), goddesses of the star cluster Pleiades and were associated with rain
  • Sabazios (Σαβάζιος), the nomadic horseman and sky father god of the Phrygians and Thracians
  • Selene (Σελήνη), goddess of the moon
  • Uranus (Ουρανός), primeval god of the heavens
  • Zeus (Ζεύς), King of Heaven and god of the sky, clouds, thunder, and lightning

Rustic deities

  • Aetna (Αἴτνη), goddess of the volcanic Mount Etna in Sicily
  • Amphictyonis (Αμφικτυονίς), goddess of wine and friendship between nations, a local form of Demeter
  • Anthousai (Ανθούσαι), flower nymphs
  • Aristaeus (Ἀρισταῖος), god of bee-keeping, cheese-making, herding, olive-growing, and hunting
  • Attis (Άττις), vegetation god and consort of Cybele
  • Britomartis (Βριτόμαρτις), Cretan goddess of hunting and nets used for fishing, fowling and the hunting of small game
  • Cabeiri (Κάβειροι), gods or spirits who presided over the Mysteries of the islands of Lemnos and Samothrace
    • Aitnaios (Αιτναιος)
    • Alkon (Αλκων)
    • Eurymedon (Ευρυμεδών)
    • Onnes (Όννης)
    • Tonnes (Τόννης)
  • Chloris (Χλωρίς), minor flower nymph and wife of Zephyrus
  • Comus (Κόμος), god of revelry, merrymaking, and festivity
  • Corymbus (Κόρυμβος), god of the fruit of the ivy
  • The Curetes (Κουρέτες), guardians of infant Zeus on Mount Ida, barely distinguished from the Dactyls and the Corybantes
  • Cybele (Κυβέλη), a Phrygian mountain goddess
  • The Dactyls (Δάκτυλοι) "fingers", minor deities originally representing fingers of a hand
    • Acmon (Ακμών)
    • Damnameneus (Δαμναμενεύς)
    • Delas (Δήλας)
    • Epimedes (Επιμήδης)
    • Heracles (not to be confused with the hero Heracles)
    • Iasios (Ιάσιος)
    • Kelmis (Κελμις)
    • Skythes (Σκύθης)
    • companions of Cybele
      • Titias (Τιτίας)
      • Cyllenus (Κύλληνος)
  • Dionysus (Διόνυσος), god of wine, drunken orgies, and wild vegetation
  • Dryades (Δρυάδες), tree and forest nymphs
  • Gaia (Γαία), primeval goddess of the earth
  • Epimeliades (Επιμελίδες), nymphs of highland pastures and protectors of sheep flocks
  • Hamadryades (Αμαδρυάδες), oak tree dryades
  • Hecaterus (Ηεκατερος), minor god of the hekateris — a rustic dance of quickly moving hands — and perhaps of the skill of hands in general
  • Hermes (Ερμής), god of herds and flocks, of roads and boundary stones, and the god of thieves.
  • Korybantes (Κορύβαντες), the crested dancers who worshipped Cybele
    • Damneus (Δαμνεύς) "the one who tames(?)"
    • Idaios (Ιδαίος) "of Mount Ida"
    • Kyrbas (Κύρβας), whose name is probably a variant of Korybas, singular for "Korybantes"
    • Okythoos (Ωκύθοος) "the one running swiftly"
    • Prymneus (Πρυμνεύς) "of lower areas(?)"
    • Pyrrhichos (Πυρῥιχος), god of the rustic dance
  • Ma, a local goddess at Comana in Cappadocia
  • Maenades (μαινάδες), crazed nymphs in the retinue of Dionysus
    • Methe (Μέθη), nymph of drunkenness
  • Meliae (Μελίαι), nymphs of honey and the ash tree
  • Naiades (Ναιάδες), fresh water nymphs
  • The Nymphai Hyperboreioi (Νύμφαι Υπερβόρειοι), who presided over aspects of archery
    • Hekaerge (Εκαέργη), represented distancing
    • Loxo (Λοξώ), represented trajectory
    • Oupis (Ουπις), represented aim
  • Oreades (Ὀρεάδες), mountain nymphs
    • Adrasteia (Αδράστεια), a nursemaid of the infant Zeus
    • Echo (Ηχώ), a nymph cursed never to speak except to repeat the words of others
  • The Ourea (Ούρος), primeval gods of mountains
  • The Palici (Παλικοί), a pair of rustic gods who presided over the geysers and thermal springs in Sicily
  • Pan (Πάν), god of shepherds, pastures, and fertility
  • Potamoi (Ποταμοί), river gods
For a more complete list, see Potamoi#List of potamoi
  • Priapus (Πρίαπος), god of garden fertility
  • Satyrs (Σάτυροι) / Satyress, rustic fertility spirits
    • Krotos (Κρότος), a great hunter and musician who kept the company of the Muses on Mount Helicon
  • Silenus (Σειληνός), an old rustic god of the dance of the wine-press
  • Telete (Τελέτη), goddess of initiation into the Bacchic orgies
  • Zagreus (Ζαγρεύς), in the Orphic mysteries, the first incarnation of Dionysus

Agricultural deities

  • Adonis (Άδωνις), a life-death-rebirth deity
  • Aphaea (Αφαία), minor goddess of agriculture and fertility
  • Cyamites (Κυαμίτης), demi-god of the bean
  • Demeter (Δημήτηρ), goddess of fertility, agriculture, grain, and harvest
  • Despoina (Δέσποινη), daughter of Poseidon and Demeter, goddess of mysteries in Arcadia
  • Dionysus (Διόνυσος), god of viticulture and wine
  • Eunostus (Εύνοστος), goddess of the flour mill
  • Persephone (Περσεφόνη), queen of the underworld, wife of Hades and goddess of spring growth
  • Philomelus (Φιλόμελος), agricultural demi-god inventor of the wagon and the plough
  • Plutus (Πλοῦτος), god of wealth, including agricultural wealth, son of Demeter
  • Triptolemus (Τριπτόλεμος), god of farming and agriculture, he brought agriculture to Greece

Health deities

  • Apollo (Ἀπόλλων), god of disease and healing
  • Asclepius (Ασκληπιός), god of medicine
  • Aceso (Ἀκεσώ), goddess of the healing of wounds and the curing of illnesses
  • Aegle (Αἴγλη), goddess of radiant good health
  • Chiron (Χείρων). god of healing (up for debate if it is a god)
  • Epione (Ἠπιόνη), goddess of the soothing of pain
  • Hygieia (Ὑγεία), goddess of cleanliness and good health
  • Iaso (Ἰασώ), goddess of cures, remedies, and modes of healing
  • Paean (Παιάν), physician of the gods
  • Panacea (Πανάκεια), goddess of healing
  • Telesphorus (Τελεσφόρος), demi-god of convalescence, who "brought to fulfillment" recuperation from illness or injury

Sleep deities

  • Empusa (Ἔμπουσα), goddess of shape-shifting
  • Epiales (Ἐφιάλτης), goddess of nightmares
  • Hypnos (Ὕπνος) god of sleep
  • Pasithea (Πασιθέα) goddess of relaxing meditation and hallucinations
  • Oneiroi (Ὀνείρων) god of dreams
  • Morpheus (μορφή) god of dreaming

Other deities

  • Acratopotes (Ἀκρατοπότης), god of unmixed wine
  • Agdistis (Ἄγδιστις), Phrygian hermaphroditic deity
  • Alexiares and Anicetus (Αλεξιαρης and Ανικητος), twin sons of Heracles who presided over the defence of fortified towns and citadels
  • Aphroditus (Ἀφρόδιτος), Cyprian hermaphroditic Aphrodite
  • Astraea (Αστραία), virgin goddess of justice
  • Auxesia (Αυξησία) and Damia (Δαμία), two local fertility goddesses
  • Charites (Χάριτες), goddesses of charm, beauty, nature, human creativity, and fertility
    • Aglaea (Αγλαΐα), goddess of beauty, adornment, splendor and glory
    • Euphrosyne (Εὐφροσύνη), goddess of good cheer, joy, mirth, and merriment
    • Thalia (Θάλεια), goddess of festive celebrations and rich and luxurious banquets
    • Hegemone (Ηγεμόνη) "mastery"
    • Antheia (Άνθεια), goddess of flowers and flowery wreaths
    • Pasithea (Πασιθέα), goddess of rest and relaxation
    • Cleta (Κλήτα) "the glorious"
    • Phaenna (Φαέννα) "the shining"
    • Eudaimonia (Ευδαιμονία) "happiness"
    • Euthymia (Ευθυμία) "good mood"
    • Calleis (Καλλείς) "beauty"
    • Paidia (Παιδία) "play, amusement"
    • Pandaisia (Πανδαισία) "banquet for everyone"
    • Pannychis (Παννυχίς) "all-night (festivity)"
  • Ceraon (Κεραων), demi-god of the meal, specifically the mixing of wine
  • Chrysus (Χρύσος), spirit of gold
  • Circe (Κίρκη), goddess-witch of Aeaea
  • Daemones Ceramici (Δαίμονες Κεραμικοί), five malevolent spirits who plagued the craftsman potter
    • Syntribos (Σύντριβος), the shatterer
    • Smaragos (Σμάραγος), the smasher
    • Asbetos (Ασβετος), the charrer
    • Sabaktes (Σαβάκτης), the destroyer
    • Omodamos (Ωμόδαμος), crudebake
  • Deipneus (Δειπνεύς), demi-god of the preparation of meals, specifically the making of bread
  • Eileithyia (Εἰλείθυια), goddess of childbirth
  • Enyalius (Ενυάλιος), minor god of war
  • Enyo (Ἐνυώ), goddess of destructive war
  • Epidotes (Ἐπιδώτης), a divinity who was worshipped at Lacedaemon[2]
  • Glycon (Γλύκων), a snake god
  • Harpocrates (Ἁρποκράτης), god of silence
  • Hebe (Ήβη), goddess of youth and cup-bearer to the Olympians
  • Hermaphroditus (Ἑρμάφρόδιτός), god of hermaphrodites and effeminate men
  • The Horae (Ώρες), The Hours, the goddesses of natural order
    • Eunomia (Ευνομία), spirit of good order, and springtime goddess of green pastures
    • Dike (Δίκη), spirit of justice, may have represented springtime growth
    • Eirene (Ειρήνη), spirit of peace and goddess of the springtime
    • The goddesses of springtime growth
      • Thallo (Θαλλώ), goddess of spring buds and shoots, identified with Eirene
      • Auxo (Αυξώ), goddess of spring growth
      • Karpo (Καρπώ), goddess of the fruits of the earth
    • The goddesses of welfare
      • Pherousa (Φέρουσα) "the bringer"
      • Euporie (Ευπορίη) "abundance"
      • Orthosie (Ορθοσίη) "prosperity"
    • The goddesses of the natural portions of time and the times of day
      • Auge (Αυγή), first light of the morning
      • Anatole (Ανατολή) or Anatolia (Ανατολία), sunrise
      • Mousika or Musica (Μουσική), the morning hour of music and study
      • Gymnastika, Gymnastica (Γυμναστίκή) or Gymnasia (Γυμνασία), the morning hour of gymnastics/exercise
      • Nymphe (Νυμφή), the morning hour of ablutions (bathing, washing)
      • Mesembria (Μεσημβρία), noon
      • Sponde (Σπονδή), libations poured after lunch
      • Elete, prayer, the first of the afternoon work hours
      • Akte, Acte (Ακτή) or Cypris (Κυπρίς), eating and pleasure, the second of the afternoon work hours
      • Hesperis (Έσπερίς), evening
      • Dysis (Δύσις), sunset
      • Arktos (Άρκτος), night sky, constellation
    • The goddesses of seasons of the year
      • Eiar (Είαρ), spring
      • Theros (Θέρος), summer
      • Pthinoporon (Φθινόπωρον), autumn
      • Cheimon (Χειμών), winter
  • Hymenaios (Ὑμέναιος), god of marriage and marriage feasts
  • Ichnaea (Ιχναία), goddess of tracking
  • Iynx (Ιύνξ), goddess of the love charm
  • Matton (Μάττων), demi-god of the meal, specifically the kneading of dough
  • Mene, goddess of the months
  • Muses (Μούσαι), goddesses of music, song and dance, and the source of inspiration to poets
    • Titan Muses, daughters of Uranus and Gaia
      • Aoide (Ἀοιδή), muse of song
      • Arche (Αρχή), muse of origins
      • Melete (Μελέτη), muse of meditation and practice
      • Mneme (Μνήμη), muse of memory
      • Thelxinoe (Θελξινόη), muse "charmer of minds"
    • Olympian Muses, daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne
      • Calliope (Καλλιόπη), muse of epic poetry
      • Clio (Κλειώ), muse of history
      • Euterpe (Ευτέρπη), muse of musical poetry
      • Erato (Ερατώ), muse of lyric poetry
      • Melpomene (Μελπομένη), muse of tragedy
      • Polyhymnia (Πολυμνία) or (Πολύμνια), muse of sacred poetry
      • Terpsichore (Τερψιχόρη), muse of dance and choral poetry
      • Thalia (Θάλεια), muse of comedy and bucolic poetry
      • Urania (Ουρανία), muse of astronomy
    • Muses worshiped at Delphi, daughters of Apollo
      • Cephisso (Κεφισσώ)
      • Apollonis (Απολλωνίς)
      • Borysthenis (Βορυσθενίς)
      • Hypate (Υπάτη) "the upper (chord of the lyre)"
      • Mese (Μέση) "the middle (chord of the lyre)"
      • Nete (Νήτη) "the lowest (chord of the lyre)"
    • Muses worshiped at Sicyon
  • Palaestra (Παλαίστρα), goddess of wrestling
  • Rhapso (Ραψώ), minor goddess or nymph whose name apparently refers to sewing



Deified mortals

  • Achilles (Ἀχιλλεύς), 트로이아 전쟁의 영웅
  • Aiakos (Αἰακός), 아이기나의 왕, 죽은 뒤 저승에서 망자의 판사로 임명
  • Aeolus (Αἴολος), 테살리아의 왕, 제우스가 불멸한 존재인 모든 바람의 왕으로 만듦
  • Alabandus (Ἀλάβανδος), 알라반다 마을을 세운 자
  • Amphiaraus (Ἀμφιάραος), 테바이를 공격한 일곱 장수 전쟁의 영웅으로 죽은 뒤 저승에서 신탁의 정령이 된 자
  • Ariadne (Αριάδνη), a Cretan princess who became the immortal wife of Dionysus
  • Aristaeus (Ἀρισταῖος), a Thessalian hero, his inventions saw him immortalised as the god of bee-keeping, cheese-making, herding, olive-growing, and hunting
  • Asclepius (Ἀσκληπιός), a Thessalian physician who was struck down by Zeus, to be later recovered by his father Apollo
  • Attis (Ἄττις), a consort of Cybele, granted immortality as one of her attendants
  • Bolina (Βολίνα), a mortal woman transformed into an immortal nymph by Apollo
  • The Dioscuri (Διόσκουροι), divine twins
  • Endymion (Ἐνδυμίων), lover of Selene, granted eternal sleep so as never to age or die
  • Ganymede (Γανυμήδης), a handsome Trojan prince, abducted by Zeus and made cup-bearer of the gods
  • Glaucus (Γλαῦκος), the fisherman's sea god, made immortal after eating a magical herb
  • Hemithea (Ἡμιθέα) and Parthenos (Παρθένος), princesses of the Island of Naxos who leapt into the sea to escape their father's wrath; Apollo transformed them into demi-goddesses
  • Heracles (Ἡρακλῆς), ascended hero
Athena pouring a drink for Heracles, who wears the skin of the Nemean Lion
  • Ino (Ἰνώ), a Theban princess who became the sea goddess Leucothea
  • Lampsace (Λαμψάκη), a semi-historical Bebrycian princess honored as goddess for her assistance to the Greeks
  • The Leucippides (Λευκιππίδες), wives of the Dioscuri
    • Phoebe (Φοίβη), wife of Pollux
    • Hilaera (Ἱλάειρα), wife of Castor
  • Minos (Μίνως), a king of Crete, appointed as a Judge of the Dead in the Underworld after his death
  • Orithyia (Ὠρείθυια), an Athenian princess abducted by Boreas and made the goddess of cold, gusty mountain winds
  • Palaemon (Παλαίμων), a Theban prince, made into a sea god along with his mother, Ino
  • Philoctetes (고대 그리스어: Φιλοκτήτης), was the son of King Poeas of Meliboea in Thessaly. He was a famous archer, fought at the Trojan War.
  • Phylonoe (Φυλονόη), daughter of Tyndareus and Leda, made immortal by Artemis
  • Psyche (Ψυχή), goddess of the soul
  • Semele (Σεμελη), mortal mother of Dionysus, who later was made the goddess Thyone (Θυωνη)
  • Tenes (Τέννης), was a hero of the island of Tenedos


  • Abderus, aided Heracles during his eighth labour and was killed by the Mares of Diomedes
  • Achilles (Αχιλλεύς or Αχιλλέας), hero of the Trojan War and a central character in Homer's Iliad
  • Aeneas (Αινείας), a hero of the Trojan War and progenitor of the Roman people
  • Ajax the Great (Αίας ο Μέγας), a hero of the Trojan War and king of Salamis
  • Ajax the Lesser (Αίας ο Μικρός), a hero of the Trojan War and leader of the Locrian army
  • Amphitryon (Αμφιτρύων), Theban general who rescued Thebes from the Teumessian fox; his wife was Alcmene, mother of Heracles
  • Antilochus (Ἀντίλοχος), Son of Nestor sacrificed himself to save his father in the Trojan War along with other deeds of valor
  • Bellerophon (Βελλεροφῶν), hero who slew the Chimera
  • Bouzyges, a hero credited with inventing agricultural practices such as yoking oxen to a plough
  • Castor, the mortal Dioscuri twin; after Castor's death, his immortal brother Pollux shared his divinity with him in order that they might remain together
  • Chrysippus (Χρύσιππος), a divine hero of Elis
  • Daedalus (Δαίδαλος), creator of the labyrinth and great inventor, until King Minos trapped him in his own creation.
  • Diomedes (Διομήδης), a king of Argos and hero of the Trojan War
  • Eleusis (Ἐλευσῖνι or Ἐλευσῖνα), eponymous hero of the town of Eleusis
  • Eunostus, a Boeotian hero
  • Ganymede (Γανυμήδης), Trojan hero and lover of Zeus, who was given immortality and appointed cup-bearer to the gods
  • Hector (Ἕκτωρ), hero of the Trojan War and champion of the Trojan people
  • Icarus (Ἴκαρος), the son of the master craftsman Daedalus
  • Iolaus (Ἰόλαος), nephew of Heracles who aided his uncle in one of his Labors
  • Jason (Ἰάσων), leader of the Argonauts
  • Meleager (Μελέαγρος), a hero who sailed with the Argonauts and killed the Calydonian boar
  • Odysseus (Ὀδυσσεύς or Ὀδυσεύς), a hero and king of Ithaca whose adventures are the subject of Homer's Odyssey; he also played a key role during the Trojan War
  • Orpheus (Ὀρφεύς), a legendary musician and poet who attempted to retrieve his dead wife from the Underworld
  • Pandion (Πανδίων), the eponymous hero of the Attic tribe Pandionis, usually assumed to be one of the legendary Athenian kings Pandion I or Pandion II.
  • Perseus (Περσεύς), son of Zeus and the founder-king of Mycenae and slayer of the Gorgon Medusa
  • Theseus (Θησεύς), son of Poseidon and a king of Athens and slayer of the Minotaur

Notable women

  • Alcestis (Άλκηστις), daughter of Pelias and wife of Admetus, who was known for her devotion to her husband
  • Amymone, the one daughter of Danaus who refused to murder her husband, thus escaping her sisters' punishment
  • Andromache (Ανδρομάχη), wife of Hector
  • Andromeda (Ανδρομέδα), wife of Perseus, who was placed among the constellations after her death
  • Antigone (Αντιγόνη), daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta
  • Arachne (Αράχνη), a skilled weaver, transformed by Athena into a spider for her blasphemy
  • Ariadne (Αριάδνη), daughter of Minos, king of Crete, who aided Theseus in overcoming the Minotaur and became the wife of Dionysus
  • Atalanta (Αταλάντη), fleet-footed heroine who participated in the Calydonian boar hunt and the quest for the Golden Fleece
  • Briseis, a princess of Lyrnessus, taken by Achilles as a war prize
  • Caeneus, formerly Caenis, a woman who was transformed into a man and became a mighty warrior
  • Cassandra, a princess of Troy cursed to see the future but never to be believed
  • Cassiopeia (Κασσιόπεια), queen of Æthiopia and mother of Andromeda
  • Clytemnestra, sister of Helen and unfaithful wife of Agamemnon
  • Danaë, the mother of Perseus by Zeus
  • Deianeira, the third wife and unwitting killer of Heracles
  • Electra, daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra, she aided her brother Orestes in plotting revenge against their mother for the murder of their father
  • Europa, a Phoenician woman, abducted by Zeus
  • Hecuba (Ἑκάβη), wife of Priam, king of Troy, and mother of nineteen of his children
  • Helen, daughter of Zeus and Leda, whose abduction brought about the Trojan War
  • Hermione (Ἑρμιόνη), daughter of Menelaus and Helen; wife of Neoptolemus, and later Orestes
  • Iphigenia, daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra; Agamemnon sacrificed her to Artemis in order to appease the goddess
  • Ismene, sister of Antigone
  • Jocasta, mother and wife of Oedipus
  • Medea, a sorceress and wife of Jason, who killed her own children to punish Jason for his infidelity
  • Medusa, a mortal woman transformed into a hideous gorgon by Athena
  • Niobe, a daughter of Tantalus who declared herself to be superior to Leto, causing Artemis and Apollo to kill her fourteen children
  • Pandora, the first woman
  • Penelope, loyal wife of Odysseus
  • Phaedra, daughter of Minos and wife of Theseus
  • Polyxena, the youngest daughter of Priam, sacrificed to the ghost of Achilles
  • Semele, mortal mother of Dionysus
  • Thrace, the daughter of Oceanus and Parthenope, and sister of Europa


  • Amphilochus (Ἀμφίλοχος), a seer and brother of Alcmaeon who died in the war of the Seven against Thebes
  • Anius, son of Apollo who prophesied that the Trojan War would be won in its tenth year
  • Asbolus, a seer Centaur
  • Bakis
  • Branchus, a seer and son of Apollo
  • Calchas, an Argive seer who aided the Greeks during the Trojan War
  • Carnus, an Acarnanian seer and lover of Apollo
  • Carya, a seer and lover of Dionysus
  • Cassandra, a princess of Troy cursed to see the future but never to be believed
  • Ennomus, a Mysian seer, killed by Achilles during the Trojan War
  • Halitherses, an Ithacan seer who warned Penelope's suitors of Odysseus' return
  • Helenus, seer and twin brother of Cassandra, who later became king of Epirus
  • Iamus, a son of Apollo possessing the gift of prophecy, he founded the Iamidai
  • Idmon, a seer who sailed with the Argonauts
  • Manto, seer and daughter of Tiresias
  • Melampus, a legendary soothsayer and healer, and king of Argos
  • Mopsus, the name of two legendary seers
  • Polyeidos, a Corinthian seer who saved the life of Glaucus
  • Pythia, the oracle of Delphi
  • Telemus, a seer who foresaw that the Cyclops Polyphemus would be blinded by Odysseus
  • Theoclymenus, an Argive seer
  • Tiresias, blind prophet of Thebes


Achilles and Penthesileia (Lucanian red-figure bell-krater, late 5th century BC)
  • Aegea, a queen of the Amazons
  • Aella (Ἄελλα), an Amazon who was killed by Heracles
  • Alcibie (Ἀλκιβίη), an Amazonian warrior, killed by Diomedes at Troy
  • Antandre (Ἀντάνδρη), an Amazonian warrior, killed by Achilles at Troy
  • Antiope (Ἀντιόπη), a daughter of Ares and sister of Hippolyta
  • Areto (Ἀρετώ), an Amazon
  • Asteria (Ἀστερία), an Amazon who was killed by Heracles
  • Bremusa (Βρέμουσα), an Amazonian warrior, killed by Idomeneus at Troy
  • Celaeno (Κελαινώ), an Amazonian warrior, killed by Heracles
  • Eurypyle (Εὐρυπύλη), an Amazon leader who invaded Ninus and Babylonia
  • Hippolyta (Ἱππολύτη), a queen of Amazons and daughter of Ares
  • Hippothoe (Ἱπποθόη), an Amazonian warrior, killed by Achilles at Troy
  • Iphito (Ἰφιτώ), an Amazon who served under Hippolyta
  • Lampedo (Λαμπεδώ), an Amazon queen who ruled with her sister Marpesia
  • Marpesia (Μαρπεσία), an Amazon queen who ruled with her sister Lampedo
  • Melanippe (Μελανίππη), a daughter of Ares and sister of Hippolyta and Antiope
  • Molpadia (Μολπαδία), an Amazon who killed Antiope
  • Myrina (Μύρινα), a queen of the Amazons
  • Orithyia (Ὠρείθυια), an Amazon queen
  • Otrera (Ὀτρήρα), an Amazon queen, consort of Ares and mother of Hippolyta
  • Pantariste (Πανταρίστη), an Amazon who fought with Hippolyta against Heracles
  • Penthesilea (Πενθεσίλεια), an Amazon queen who fought in the Trojan War on the side of Troy
  • Thalestris (Θάληστρις), a queen of the Amazons

Inmates of Tartarus

  • The Danaides, forty-nine daughters of Danaus who murdered their husbands and were condemned to an eternity of carrying water in leaky jugs
  • Ixion, a king of the Lapiths who attempted to rape Hera and was bound to a flaming wheel in Tartarus
  • Sisyphus, a king of Thessaly who attempted to cheat death and was sentenced to an eternity of rolling a boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll back down
  • Tantalus, a king of Anatolia who butchered his son Pelops and served him as a meal to the gods; he was punished with the torment of starvation, food and drink eternally dangling just out of reach

Minor figures

See List of minor Greek mythological figures

See also



  1. New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology
  2.   Leonhard Schmitz (1870). 〈Epidotes〉. Smith, William. 《Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology》. 

틀:Greek religion 틀:List of mythological figures by region