위키백과:미번역 문서/국제 관계

영어 위키백과의 국제 관계 프로젝트에서 중요하다고 평가한 문서 중 한국어 위키백과에 없거나 토막글 상태인 문서 목록입니다.

  1. en:Afghan conflict (30+) → 아프가니스탄 분쟁 (1978년~현재)  
  2. en:Amendments to the United Nations Charter (3)
  3. en:Arctic cooperation and politics (4)
  4. en:Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy (2)
  5. en:Bilateral treaty (11)
  6. en:Capitalist peace (6)
  7. en:Cold war (term) (11)
  8. en:Colonialism (120+) → 식민주의  
  9. en:Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations (4)
  10. en:Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (15) → 식민지 독립부여선언  
  11. en:Democratic peace theory (30+) → 민주평화론  
  12. en:Demographics of the world (7)
  13. en:Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (8)
  14. en:Department of Foreign Affairs (Ireland) (5)
  15. en:Department of International Relations and Cooperation (5)
  16. en:Diplomacy (130+) → 외교  
  17. en:Ethnic conflict (40+) → 민족 분쟁  
  18. en:European Court of Justice (30+)
  19. en:Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (19)
  20. en:Federal Foreign Office (28) → 외무청 (독일)  
  21. en:Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs (7)
  22. en:First wave of European colonization (6)
  23. en:Foreign policy of the Barack Obama administration (5)
  24. en:Foreign policy of the Bill Clinton administration (2)
  25. en:Foreign policy of the George H. W. Bush administration (2)
  26. en:Foreign policy of the George W. Bush administration (3)
  27. en:Foreign policy of the Jimmy Carter administration (2)
  28. en:Foreign policy of the John F. Kennedy administration (2)
  29. en:Foreign policy of the Ronald Reagan administration (4)
  30. en:Foreign policy of Vladimir Putin (5)
  31. en:Foreign policy of Xi Jinping (2)
  32. en:Foreign relations of the European Union (16)
  33. en:General Court (European Union) (29)
  34. en:Gholhak Garden (3)
  35. en:Global Affairs Canada (9)
  36. en:History of United Nations peacekeeping (3)
  37. en:Idealism in international relations (18) → 이상주의  
  38. en:Import (70+) → 수입 (무역)  
  39. en:India as a potential superpower (7)
  40. en:India–Russia relations (23)
  41. en:India–United States relations (19)
  42. en:Intangible cultural heritage (50+) → 무형문화유산  
  43. en:International political economy (21) → 국제정치경제학  
  44. en:International relations theory (24) → 국제관계론  
  45. en:International security (20) → 국제안보  
  46. en:Irish nationalism (26) → 아일랜드 국민주의  
  47. en:Israel–Palestine relations (7)
  48. en:Mexico–United States relations (13)
  49. en:Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs (France) (18)
  50. en:Ministry for Foreign Affairs (Finland) (17) → 핀란드 외무부  
  51. en:Ministry for Foreign Affairs (Sweden) (17)
  52. en:Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Algeria) (4)
  53. en:Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (New Zealand) (6)
  54. en:Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Armenia) (11)
  55. en:Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Brazil) (11)
  56. en:Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Chile) (5)
  57. en:Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Denmark) (10)
  58. en:Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Ethiopia) (5)
  59. en:Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and International Business (Barbados) (2)
  60. en:Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship (8)
  61. en:Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Norway) (10)
  62. en:Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Peru) (5)
  63. en:Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Poland) (14)
  64. en:Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Russia) (30+) → 러시아 외무부  
  65. en:Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Singapore) (9)
  66. en:Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Spain) (5)
  67. en:Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Sudan) (3)
  68. en:Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (Croatia) (10)
  69. en:Ministry of National Economy (Kazakhstan) (10)
  70. en:Multilateral treaty (14)
  71. en:National interest (40+) → 국가이성  
  72. en:Negotiation (40+) → 협상  
  73. en:Nuclear Posture Review (5) → 핵 태세 검토 보고서  
  74. en:Palestinian refugees (22)
  75. en:Postcolonial international relations (3)
  76. en:Realpolitik (40+) → 현실정치  
  77. en:Resident Coordinator (3)
  78. en:Russia–Saudi Arabia relations (7)
  79. en:Russia–Syria relations (14)
  80. en:Russia–United States relations (24)
  81. en:Samson Option (15)
  82. en:Secretariat of Foreign Affairs (Mexico) (8)
  83. en:Social Theory of International Politics (2)
  84. en:Somali slave trade (4)
  85. en:Sources of international law (11)
  86. en:Territorial integrity (24)
  87. en:Transnationalism (17)
  88. en:Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (30+) → 핵무기금지조약  
  89. en:United Nations list of non-self-governing territories (24)
  90. en:United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (14)
  91. en:United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (26) → 유엔우주업무사무소  
  92. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1887 (10)
  93. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 311 (11)
  94. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 612 (11)
  95. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 620 (10)
  96. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 667 (11)
  97. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 745 (11)
  98. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 771 (11)
  99. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 808 (12)
  100. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 819 (10)
  101. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 83 (17) → 유엔 안전 보장 이사회 결의 제83호  
  102. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 930 (9)
  103. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 984 (10)
  104. en:United Nations Sustainable Development Group (21) → 유엔 개발 그룹  
  105. en:United Nations System (28) → 유엔 체계  
  106. en:United States foreign policy in the Middle East (4)
  107. en:War of aggression (30+) → 침략 전쟁  
  1. en:1990 Chemical Weapons Accord (6)
  2. en:2006–2007 economic sanctions against the Palestinian National Authority (4)
  3. en:2013 Dominican Republic–Haiti diplomatic crisis (3)
  4. en:2013 Lahad Datu standoff (13)
  5. en:2014 Wales summit (10)
  6. en:2018 Russia–United States summit (13)
  7. en:2019 UN Climate Action Summit (13)
  8. en:2019 United Nations Climate Change Conference (18)
  9. en:2021 Russia–United States summit (14)
  10. en:6th Summit of the Americas (3)
  11. en:Absolute gain (international relations) (6)
  12. en:Advisory opinion on Kosovo's declaration of independence (9)
  13. en:Afghanistan–India relations (13)
  14. en:Afghanistan–Mexico relations (5)
  15. en:Aftermath of the Afghanistan War (2001–2021) (2)
  16. en:Anti-American sentiment in Russia (2)
  17. en:Anti-American sentiment in Spain (2)
  18. en:Anti-corruption (8)
  19. en:Anti-terrorism legislation (5)
  20. en:APEC China 2001 (2)
  21. en:Apollo 11 lunar sample display (4)
  22. en:Apollo 17 lunar sample display (3)
  23. en:Arab League–European Union relations (5)
  24. en:Argentina–Ireland relations (6)
  25. en:Armenia–Iraq relations (5)
  26. en:Armenia–Turkey relations (17)
  27. en:ASEAN–China Free Trade Area (13)
  28. en:Asia–France relations (3)
  29. en:Assembly of the African Union (7)
  30. en:Asylum in the United States (3)
  31. en:Atrocity crime (4)
  32. en:Australia–Brunei relations (3)
  33. en:Austria–Germany relations (13)
  34. en:Bahrain–European Union relations (4)
  35. en:Bahrain–Thailand relations (2)
  36. en:Bangladesh–Laos relations (6)
  37. en:Bangladesh–Myanmar relations (9)
  38. en:Belarus–Lithuania relations (10)
  39. en:Belgium–Democratic Republic of the Congo relations (9)
  40. en:Bengali nationalism (8)
  41. en:Boxer Indemnity Scholarship (5)
  42. en:Brazil–Portugal relations (11)
  43. en:Brunei–Cambodia relations (2)
  44. en:Brunei–Canada relations (3)
  45. en:Brunei–China relations (6)
  46. en:Brunei–France relations (4)
  47. en:Brunei–Germany relations (8)
  48. en:Brunei–India relations (5)
  49. en:Brunei–Indonesia relations (5)
  50. en:Brunei–Japan relations (8)
  51. en:Brunei–Laos relations (3)
  52. en:Brunei–Myanmar relations (7)
  53. en:Brunei–New Zealand relations (2)
  54. en:Brunei–Pakistan relations (4)
  55. en:Brunei–Philippines relations (2)
  56. en:Brunei–Qatar relations (4)
  57. en:Brunei–Russia relations (4)
  58. en:Brunei–Singapore relations (4)
  59. en:Brunei–South Korea relations (2)
  60. en:Brunei–Thailand relations (5)
  61. en:Brunei–United Kingdom relations (3)
  62. en:Brunei–Vietnam relations (5)
  63. en:Cambodia–China relations (8)
  64. en:Canada–Israel relations (7)
  65. en:Canada–Saudi Arabia relations (8)
  66. en:Casus belli (60+) → 전쟁 명분  
  67. en:Chad–Sudan relations (6)
  68. en:Chapter III of the United Nations Charter (4)
  69. en:Chapter II of the United Nations Charter (6)
  70. en:Chapter I of the United Nations Charter (7)
  71. en:Chapter IV of the United Nations Charter (4)
  72. en:Chapter IX of the United Nations Charter (3)
  73. en:Chapter VIII of the United Nations Charter (3)
  74. en:Chapter VI of the United Nations Charter (6)
  75. en:Chapter V of the United Nations Charter (4)
  76. en:Chapter XIII of the United Nations Charter (3)
  77. en:Chapter XII of the United Nations Charter (4)
  78. en:Chapter XI of the United Nations Charter (3)
  79. en:Chapter XIV of the United Nations Charter (3)
  80. en:Chapter X of the United Nations Charter (3)
  81. en:Chapter XVIII of the United Nations Charter (3)
  82. en:Chapter XVII of the United Nations Charter (5)
  83. en:Chapter XVI of the United Nations Charter (3)
  84. en:Chapter XV of the United Nations Charter (6)
  85. en:Chargé d'affaires (30+) → 임시대리대사  
  86. en:Checkbook diplomacy (8)
  87. en:Chemical weapon proliferation (2)
  88. en:Chester Crocker (7)
  89. en:Chilean expansionism (2)
  90. en:China–European Union relations (10)
  91. en:China–Iran relations (9)
  92. en:China–Kenya relations (8)
  93. en:China–Laos relations (10)
  94. en:China–Pakistan relations (21)
  95. en:China–Philippines relations (11)
  96. en:China–Singapore relations (6)
  97. en:China–South Africa relations (7)
  98. en:Chinese foreign aid (2)
  99. en:Chinese imperialism (5)
  100. en:Chukwuedu Nwokolo (3)
  101. en:Civilizing mission (12)
  102. en:Clare Boothe Luce (20)
  103. en:Climate security (9)
  104. en:Coalition (40+) → 제휴  
  105. en:Commercial diplomacy (4)
  106. en:Common Foreign and Security Policy (30+) → 공동 외교 안보 정책  
  107. en:Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (10)
  108. en:Conciliation (12)
  109. en:Conference of the parties (13)
  110. en:Conflict resolution (25)
  111. en:Consulate-General of China, Auckland (2)
  112. en:Consulate General of the United States, Karachi (2)
  113. en:Contents of the United States diplomatic cables leak (3)
  114. en:Contents of the United States diplomatic cables leak (Asia and Oceania) (2)
  115. en:Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources of the High Seas (5)
  116. en:Convention on Psychotropic Substances (18)
  117. en:Copenhagen School (international relations) (8)
  118. en:Cosmopolitan democracy (8)
  119. en:COVID-19 misinformation by governments (3)
  120. en:Crimes against humanity under communist regimes (7)
  121. en:Critical international relations theory (5)
  122. en:Criticism of the United Nations (5)
  123. en:Criticism of the World Trade Organization (6)
  124. en:Criticism of United States foreign policy (5)
  125. en:Cuba–Iraq relations (4)
  126. en:Cuba–Russia relations (12)
  127. en:Cultural diplomacy (22)
  128. en:Cultural relations (3)
  129. en:Custom of the sea (5)
  130. en:Danzig crisis (5)
  131. en:Declaration on the Protection of Women and Children in Emergency and Armed Conflict (6)
  132. en:Defamation of religion and the United Nations (3)
  133. en:Definition of terrorism (9)
  134. en:Delivering as One (2)
  135. en:Democratic Republic of the Congo–Rwanda relations (2)
  136. en:Denmark–Germany relations (10)
  137. en:Denmark–Ireland relations (3)
  138. en:Denmark–Israel relations (4)
  139. en:Detention of Juan Requesens (2)  
  140. en:Diplomatic correspondence (8)
  141. en:Diplomatic immunity (40+) → 외교특권  
  142. en:Diplomatic impact of the Israel–Hamas war (5)
  143. en:Diplomatic law (12)
  144. en:Diplomatic service (4)
  145. en:Director-General of the World Trade Organization (12)
  146. en:Disinformation (50+) → 역정보  
  147. en:Dissolution of the union between Norway and Sweden (14)
  148. en:Divide and rule (50+) → 분할통치  
  149. en:Durand Line (40+) → 듀랜드 라인  
  150. en:East Asian foreign policy of the Barack Obama administration (3)
  151. en:East Asia–United States relations (2)
  152. en:East Bengali refugees (3)
  153. en:East Timor–Brunei relations (2)
  154. en:Economic diplomacy (14)
  155. en:Economic, Social and Cultural Council (4)
  156. en:Economics of climate change mitigation (3)
  157. en:Egypt–Israel peace treaty (30+) → 이집트–이스라엘 평화 조약  
  158. en:Egypt–Israel relations (12)
  159. en:Egypt–North Korea relations (8)
  160. en:Egypt–Philippines relations (3)
  161. en:Egypt–Russia relations (7)
  162. en:Egypt–Sudan relations (7)
  163. en:Egypt–United Kingdom relations (6)
  164. en:Embassy of India, Kabul (3)
  165. en:Embassy of Turkey, New Delhi (2)
  166. en:Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists (10)
  167. en:Emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly (8)
  168. en:English school of international relations theory (18) → 영국 학파  
  169. en:Eritrea–Sudan border (9)
  170. en:Estonia–Russia relations (10)
  171. en:European balance of power (11)
  172. en:European External Action Service (30+)
  173. en:European Union and the United Nations (8)
  174. en:Eurosphere (11)
  175. en:Exclusive economic zone of North Korea (3)
  176. en:Expansionism (30+) → 팽창주의  
  177. en:Extraordinary rendition (12)
  178. en:Feminism in international relations (10)
  179. en:First Congo War (30+) → 제1차 콩고 전쟁  
  180. en:First Nagorno-Karabakh War (60+) → 제1차 나고르노카라바흐 전쟁  
  181. en:Flight of Nagorno-Karabakh Armenians (13)
  182. en:Food for Peace (3)
  183. en:Foreign electoral intervention (5)
  184. en:Foreign policy (70+) → 외교 정책  
  185. en:Foreign policy of Japan (3)
  186. en:Foreign policy of the Narendra Modi government (3)
  187. en:Foreign relations of Belgium (6)
  188. en:Foreign relations of Canada (7)
  189. en:Foreign relations of Costa Rica (3)
  190. en:Foreign relations of Ethiopia (5)
  191. en:Foreign relations of India (22)
  192. en:Foreign relations of Israel (25)
  193. en:Foreign relations of Jordan (8)
  194. en:Foreign relations of Mauritius (4)
  195. en:Foreign relations of Morocco (4)
  196. en:Foreign relations of Nigeria (5)
  197. en:Foreign relations of Qatar (8)
  198. en:Foreign relations of Saudi Arabia (8)
  199. en:Foreign relations of Somaliland (7)
  200. en:Foreign relations of South Africa (8)
  201. en:Foreign relations of Syria (7)
  202. en:Foreign relations of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (4)
  203. en:Foreign relations of the Holy See (13)
  204. en:Foreign Secretary (India) (3)
  205. en:Fragile state (6)
  206. en:France–Africa relations (3)
  207. en:France–Germany relations (21)
  208. en:France–Haiti relations (8)
  209. en:France–India relations (10)
  210. en:France–Iraq relations (6)
  211. en:Freedom of navigation (6)
  212. en:Freedom of the seas (10)
  213. en:Fukuda Doctrine (7)
  214. en:Functionalism (international relations) (7)
  215. en:Genoa Economic and Financial Conference (1922) (23)
  216. en:Genocides in history (World War I through World War II) (2)
  217. en:Georgia–Russia relations (12)
  218. en:German declaration of war against the United States (13)
  219. en:German nationalism in Austria (13)  
  220. en:Germany–Iran relations (8)
  221. en:Germany–Iraq relations (6)
  222. en:Germany–Israel relations (16)
  223. en:Germany–Japan relations (20)  
  224. en:Germany–Russia relations (24)
  225. en:Germany–United Kingdom relations (11)
  226. en:Global Development Network (2)
  227. en:Global politics (8)
  228. en:Government and intergovernmental reactions to the Russian invasion of Ukraine (3)
  229. en:Great Lakes refugee crisis (7)
  230. en:Greece–Iraq relations (4)
  231. en:Greek colonisation (30+) → 그리스의 식민지  
  232. en:Green theory (5)
  233. en:Group of Friends in Defense of the Charter of the United Nations (5)
  234. en:Gunboat diplomacy (23) → 포함외교  
  235. en:Gustavo Envela-Makongo Sr. (2)
  236. en:Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (25)
  237. en:Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907 (30+)
  238. en:Haiti Independence Debt (6)
  239. en:Hardeep Singh Nijjar (22)
  240. en:Head of mission (8)
  241. en:High Commission of Malaysia, New Delhi (3)
  242. en:History of colonialism (12)
  243. en:History of the Arab–Israeli conflict (7)
  244. en:History of the foreign relations of the United Kingdom (2)
  245. en:History of United States foreign policy (6)
  246. en:Hong Kong–United Kingdom relations (4)
  247. en:Illegal immigration to India (6)
  248. en:Immigration to Bhutan (2)
  249. en:Immigration to Sweden (10)
  250. en:Immigration to Switzerland (3)
  251. en:Indalecio Liévano (8)
  252. en:Independence of Brazil (26)
  253. en:India–European Union relations (5)
  254. en:India–Israel relations (15)
  255. en:India–Japan relations (19)
  256. en:India–Laos relations (7)
  257. en:Indian Ocean Rim Association (12)
  258. en:Indonesia–Laos relations (4)
  259. en:Indonesia–Malaysia relations (9)
  260. en:Indonesia–Netherlands relations (8)
  261. en:Information Technology Agreement (9)
  262. en:Inner German border (26) → 양독 국경  
  263. en:International auxiliary language (50+) → 국제어  
  264. en:International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (29) → 국제 투자 분쟁 해결 센터  
  265. en:International commercial law (4) → 국제상법  
  266. en:International court (25)
  267. en:International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (30+)
  268. en:International environmental agreement (9)
  269. en:International labour law (5)
  270. en:International law and the Arab–Israeli conflict (3)
  271. en:International Law Commission (23) → 국제법 위원회  
  272. en:International legal system (2)
  273. en:International recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia (25)
  274. en:International recognition of Bangladesh (3)
  275. en:International relations (1814–1919) (14) → 국제 관계 (1814년-1919년)  
  276. en:International response to the Rwandan genocide (2)
  277. en:International sanctions against Iraq (12)
  278. en:International trade law (7)
  279. en:Interventionism (politics) (18) → 간섭주의  
  280. en:Iran–Iraq relations (12)
  281. en:Iran–Israel relations (21)
  282. en:Iran–Jordan relations (5)
  283. en:Iran–Palestine relations (10)
  284. en:Iran–Romania relations (6)
  285. en:Iran–Russia relations (15)
  286. en:Iran–Saudi Arabia relations (24)
  287. en:Iran–Syria relations (12)
  288. en:Iran–United Arab Emirates relations (6)
  289. en:Iran–United States relations (26)
  290. en:Iran–United States relations after 1979 (3)
  291. en:Iraq–Italy relations (5)
  292. en:Iraq–Jordan relations (5)
  293. en:Iraq–Kuwait relations (8)
  294. en:Iraq–Lebanon relations (3)
  295. en:Iraq–Palestine relations (6)
  296. en:Iraq–Saudi Arabia relations (8)
  297. en:Iraq–Sweden relations (5)
  298. en:Iraq–Syria relations (9)
  299. en:Iraq–Turkey relations (10)
  300. en:Iraq–United States relations (12)
  301. en:Ireland–Mexico relations (5)
  302. en:Ireland–Russia relations (7)
  303. en:Israeli–Palestinian peace process (12)
  304. en:Israel–Jordan relations (9)
  305. en:Israel lobby in the United States (15)
  306. en:Israel–Russia relations (15)
  307. en:Israel–Syria relations (13)
  308. en:Israel–United States relations (23)
  309. en:Istanbul World Political Forum (3)
  310. en:Italy–United States relations (9)
  311. en:Japan–China Joint Communiqué (8) → 중일공동성명  
  312. en:Japanese foreign policy on Southeast Asia (2)
  313. en:Japan–Laos relations (6)
  314. en:Japan–United States relations (21)
  315. en:Jeremiah S. Black (23)
  316. en:John M. Clayton (24)
  317. en:Joint Inspection Unit (3)
  318. en:Joint Statement of the Leaders of the Five Nuclear-Weapon States on Preventing Nuclear War and Avoiding Arms Races (6)
  319. en:Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (30+) → 유엔 에이즈 합동 계획  
  320. en:José Paranhos, Viscount of Rio Branco (15)  
  321. en:Kosovo–Serbia land swap (3)
  322. en:Kosovo–Serbia relations (17)
  323. en:Kouroukan Fouga (12)
  324. en:Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (13)
  325. en:Laos–Philippines relations (4)
  326. en:Laos–Russia relations (7)
  327. en:Laos–Thailand relations (9)
  328. en:Laos–Vietnam relations (8)
  329. en:Law of 20 May 1802 (2)
  330. en:Legality of the Iraq War (5)
  331. en:Lei Áurea (19)
  332. en:Letter of credence (30+) → 신임장  
  333. en:Liberal internationalism (14)
  334. en:Liberal international order (10)
  335. en:Libya–Russia relations (8)
  336. en:Lunar basalt 70017 (3)
  337. en:Madrid Principles (12)
  338. en:Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Israel (4)
  339. en:Marxist international relations theory (11) → 마르크스주의 국제 관계 이론  
  340. en:Maxim Litvinov (40+) → 막심 리트비노프  
  341. en:Medical diplomacy (3)
  342. en:Medical neutrality (4)
  343. en:Member state (9)
  344. en:Member states of the Organization of American States (4)
  345. en:Military occupation (50+) → 점령  
  346. en:Military Staff Committee (15)  
  347. en:Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (9)
  348. en:Ming–Tibet relations (11)  
  349. en:Minister of Foreign Affairs (New Zealand) (4)
  350. en:Ministry of External Affairs (India) (19)
  351. en:Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (Cambodia) (4)
  352. en:Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship (Costa Rica) (2)
  353. en:Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Bahrain) (4)
  354. en:Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Bangladesh) (3)
  355. en:Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Belarus) (11)
  356. en:Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Colombia) (7)
  357. en:Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Cuba) (8)
  358. en:Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Czech Republic) (8)
  359. en:Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Eritrea) (2)
  360. en:Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Greece) (13)
  361. en:Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Israel) (23) → 이스라엘 외무부  
  362. en:Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Laos) (3)
  363. en:Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Latvia) (7)
  364. en:Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Pakistan) (9)
  365. en:Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Portugal) (10)
  366. en:Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Qatar) (6)
  367. en:Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (Slovakia) (4)
  368. en:Modern immigration to the United Kingdom (3)
  369. en:Moldova–Romania relations (11)
  370. en:Multistakeholder governance (7)
  371. en:Myanmar–United States relations (7)
  372. en:Nationality law (11) → 국적법  
  373. en:National memory (2)
  374. en:Natural gas in Russia (11)
  375. en:Negotiation theory (5)
  376. en:Neoclassical realism (10)
  377. en:Netherlands–Russia relations (6)
  378. en:New Development Bank (30+) → 신개발은행  
  379. en:Non-state actor (15) → 비국가 행위자  
  380. en:Nuclear-weapon-free zone (20) → 비핵무기지대  
  381. en:Open border (9)
  382. en:Operation Secure Tomorrow (4)
  383. en:Opération Turquoise (9)
  384. en:Origins of the Cold War (8)
  385. en:Oslo I Accord (9)
  386. en:Pact (2)
  387. en:Pakistan and state-sponsored terrorism (5)
  388. en:Palestine–European Union relations (6)
  389. en:Pan-Americanism (25) → 범아메리카주의  
  390. en:Pastor Micha Ondó Bile (7)
  391. en:Paul Bremer (30+) → 폴 브레머  
  392. en:Peace conference (4)
  393. en:Permanent Court of International Justice (30+) → 상설국제법원  
  394. en:Permanent representative (12)
  395. en:Permanent representative to the United Nations (10)
  396. en:Peter Wittig (7)
  397. en:Petroleum politics (6)
  398. en:Philippines–United States relations (10)
  399. en:Polarity (international relations) (22) → 극 (국제 관계)  
  400. en:Political history of the world (7)
  401. en:Political security (3)
  402. en:Portugal–Spain relations (12)
  403. en:Post–Kyoto Protocol negotiations on greenhouse gas emissions (4)
  404. en:Powering Past Coal Alliance (4)
  405. en:Preamble to the United Nations Charter (9)
  406. en:Precautionary principle (30+) → 사전예방원칙  
  407. en:Preemptive war (11)
  408. en:Presidential Statement (4)
  409. en:Preventive diplomacy (7)
  410. en:Preventive war (24) → 예방전쟁  
  411. en:Prisoners of war in World War I (3)
  412. en:Proslavery thought (3)
  413. en:Qatar–Saudi Arabia diplomatic conflict (9)
  414. en:Qatar–United Arab Emirates relations (9)
  415. en:Qatar–United States relations (11)
  416. en:Reactions to the September 11 attacks (3)
  417. en:Refugee Nation (14)
  418. en:Refugees in India (5)
  419. en:Regionalism (international relations) (8)
  420. en:Relative gain (international relations) (5)
  421. en:Relocation of Marine Corps Air Station Futenma (4) → 후텐마 기지 이전 문제  
  422. en:Responses to the Venezuelan presidential crisis (3)
  423. en:Robert Keohane (22) → 로버트 코헤인  
  424. en:Rogue state (29)
  425. en:Russia–NATO relations (25)
  426. en:Russian emigration during the Russian invasion of Ukraine (11)
  427. en:Russian imperialism (12)
  428. en:Russian involvement in regime change (5)
  429. en:Russian occupation of Kherson Oblast (21) → 러시아의 헤르손주 점령  
  430. en:Russia–Serbia relations (14)
  431. en:Russia–Turkey relations (21)
  432. en:Russia–Ukraine gas disputes (20)
  433. en:Russia–Vietnam relations (9)
  434. en:Saudi Arabia–Turkey relations (14)
  435. en:Saudi Arabia–United Arab Emirates relations (4)
  436. en:Saudi Arabia–United States relations (14)
  437. en:Saudi Arabia–Yemen relations (6)
  438. en:Science diplomacy (4)
  439. en:Secession in the United States (9)
  440. en:Secessionist movements of Canada (3)
  441. en:Second inauguration of Nicolás Maduro (3)
  442. en:Securitization (international relations) (14)
  443. en:Security studies (12)
  444. en:Separatism in the United Kingdom (2)
  445. en:September 11 attacks advance-knowledge conspiracy theories (3)
  446. en:Seventieth session of the United Nations General Assembly (2)
  447. en:Seventy-first session of the United Nations General Assembly (3)
  448. en:Seventy-second session of the United Nations General Assembly (2)
  449. en:Sex trafficking (15)
  450. en:Shia–Sunni relations (13)
  451. en:Shuttle diplomacy (17)
  452. en:Siddhartha Shankar Ray (10)
  453. en:Sino-Pacific relations (3)
  454. en:Sixty-eighth session of the United Nations General Assembly (2)
  455. en:Sixty-ninth session of the United Nations General Assembly (3)
  456. en:Sixty-seventh session of the United Nations General Assembly (3)
  457. en:Sixty-sixth session of the United Nations General Assembly (3)
  458. en:Slavery in Haiti (5)  
  459. en:Slavery in the British and French Caribbean (5)
  460. en:Solomon Islands–Turkey relations (3)
  461. en:Southeast Asian haze (9)
  462. en:Soviet Union and the United Nations (6)
  463. en:Soviet Union–Turkey relations (2)
  464. en:Soviet Union–United States relations (20)
  465. en:Spa Conference of 1920 (15)
  466. en:Spain–Venezuela relations (6)
  467. en:Spanish question (United Nations) (5)
  468. en:State-sponsored terrorism (12)
  469. en:Status of Jerusalem (17)
  470. en:Strategic studies (11)
  471. en:Syria–European Union relations (7)
  472. en:Syrian peace process (10)
  473. en:Syria–United Arab Emirates relations (7)
  474. en:Szymon Askenazy (13)
  475. en:Taipei Trade and Economic Representative Office in Ulaanbaatar (3) → 주울란바토르 타이베이 무역경제대표처  
  476. en:Tajik passport (11)
  477. en:Taliban insurgency (15)
  478. en:Targeted killing (17)
  479. en:Territorial principle (11) → 속지주의  
  480. en:The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (11) → 벤저민 프랭클린 자서전  
  481. en:The Geographical Pivot of History (6)
  482. en:Three Worlds Theory (17)
  483. en:Track II diplomacy (9)
  484. en:Trade agreement (19) → 무역협정  
  485. en:Trade bloc (28) → 무역 블록  
  486. en:Trade justice (2)
  487. en:Trade war (30+)
  488. en:Transatlantic relations (5)
  489. en:Transnational crime (5)
  490. en:Transnistria conflict (15)
  491. en:Treaty of Jeddah (2023) (2)
  492. en:Trump peace plan (24)
  493. en:Turkey and the United Nations (2)
  494. en:Turkey–United Arab Emirates relations (6)
  495. en:Ukraine–Commonwealth of Independent States relations (5)
  496. en:Ukraine–European Union relations (20)
  497. en:Ulaanbaatar Trade and Economic Representative Office (4)
  498. en:UN child sexual abuse scandal in Haiti (3)
  499. en:UNDP Goodwill Ambassador (2)
  500. en:Unequal treaty (30+) → 불평등 조약  
  501. en:UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador (18)
  502. en:UNIDO Goodwill Ambassador (3)
  503. en:United Arab Emirates–United States relations (9)
  504. en:United Nations Climate Change Conference (29)
  505. en:United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (19)
  506. en:United Nations Department for Safety and Security (5)
  507. en:United Nations Department of Peace Operations (16)
  508. en:United Nations General Assembly resolution 67/19 (18)
  509. en:United Nations General Assembly Resolution ES-10/19 (11)
  510. en:United Nations General Assembly Resolution ES-11/4 (10)
  511. en:United Nations General Assembly Sixth Committee (5)
  512. en:United Nations Mission for Justice Support in Haiti (9)
  513. en:United Nations Mission in Haiti (12)
  514. en:United Nations Parliamentary Assembly (22) → 유엔 의회  
  515. en:United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (26)
  516. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1007 (10)
  517. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1019 (10)
  518. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1034 (10)
  519. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1044 (10)
  520. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1048 (10)
  521. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1063 (9)
  522. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1080 (9)
  523. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1085 (10)
  524. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1086 (9)
  525. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1123 (8)
  526. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1141 (8)
  527. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1212 (8)
  528. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1261 (9)
  529. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1265 (9)
  530. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1269 (8)
  531. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1277 (8)
  532. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1308 (9)
  533. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1318 (8)
  534. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1327 (8)
  535. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1353 (8)
  536. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1366 (8)
  537. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1368 (15) → 유엔 안전 보장 이사회 결의 제1368호  
  538. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373 (13)
  539. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1377 (9)
  540. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1379 (8)
  541. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1397 (12)
  542. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1422 (9)
  543. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1456 (8)
  544. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1460 (9)
  545. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1502 (9)
  546. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1529 (9)
  547. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1539 (8)
  548. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1542 (8)
  549. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1566 (11)
  550. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1576 (8)
  551. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1593 (10)
  552. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1595 (8)
  553. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1612 (8)
  554. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1625 (8)
  555. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1631 (9)
  556. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1645 (9)
  557. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1658 (9)
  558. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1659 (9)
  559. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1674 (11)
  560. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1696 (13)
  561. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 (23)
  562. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1702 (9)
  563. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1737 (16)
  564. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1809 (7)
  565. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1820 (10)
  566. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 186 (16)
  567. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1882 (7)
  568. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1888 (9)
  569. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1894 (7)
  570. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1907 (8)
  571. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1908 (7)
  572. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1918 (9)
  573. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1927 (8)
  574. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1944 (7)
  575. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1998 (8)
  576. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 2012 (7)
  577. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 2102 (6)
  578. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 2106 (5)
  579. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 2117 (5)
  580. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 2118 (8)
  581. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 2167 (5)
  582. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 2199 (7)
  583. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231 (8)
  584. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 2249 (6)
  585. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 2250 (5)
  586. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 239 (14)
  587. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 285 (14)
  588. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 286 (12)
  589. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 308 (12)
  590. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 330 (10)
  591. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 338 (21)
  592. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 339 (14)
  593. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 340 (12)
  594. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 341 (11)
  595. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 350 (14)
  596. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 353 (15)
  597. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 384 (13)
  598. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 417 (11)
  599. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 418 (13)
  600. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 425 (18)
  601. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 435 (11)
  602. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 462 (13)
  603. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 47 (18)
  604. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 487 (12)
  605. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 502 (14)
  606. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 566 (9)
  607. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 582 (10)
  608. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 598 (13)
  609. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 643 (9)
  610. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 652 (14)
  611. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 661 (16)
  612. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 664 (11)
  613. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 668 (11)
  614. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 670 (11)
  615. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 67 (17)
  616. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 673 (11)
  617. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 674 (12)
  618. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 677 (10)
  619. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 678 (15)
  620. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 686 (11)
  621. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 687 (13)
  622. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 69 (18)
  623. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 693 (10)
  624. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 700 (9)
  625. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 713 (15)
  626. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 724 (12)
  627. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 733 (11)
  628. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 743 (12)
  629. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 748 (11)
  630. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 751 (10)
  631. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 770 (11)
  632. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 787 (9)
  633. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 788 (9)
  634. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 794 (12)
  635. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 798 (10)
  636. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 812 (9)
  637. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 825 (14) → 유엔 안전 보장 이사회 결의 제825호  
  638. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 827 (13)
  639. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 836 (11)
  640. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 84 (16) → 유엔 안전 보장 이사회 결의 제84호  
  641. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 841 (9)
  642. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 861 (10)
  643. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 862 (10)
  644. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 867 (9)
  645. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 868 (11)
  646. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 87 (15)
  647. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 873 (9)
  648. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 875 (10)
  649. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 894 (9)
  650. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 905 (9)
  651. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 913 (11)
  652. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 919 (9)
  653. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 933 (9)
  654. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 940 (10)
  655. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 941 (10)
  656. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 944 (9)
  657. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 948 (10)
  658. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 955 (12)
  659. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 960 (10)
  660. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 964 (9)
  661. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 975 (10)
  662. en:United Nations Security Council Resolution 986 (12)
  663. en:United Nations Security Council resolutions concerning the nuclear program of Iran (3)
  664. en:United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti (19) → 유엔 아이티 안정화 미션  
  665. en:United Nations Transition Assistance Group (12)
  666. en:United States and the United Nations (4)
  667. en:United States Mission to the United Nations (5)
  668. en:United States presidential doctrines (3)
  669. en:United States recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel (11)
  670. en:United States sanctions (6)
  671. en:United States–Zimbabwe relations (5)
  672. en:Universal jurisdiction (25) → 보편관할권  
  673. en:Use of force in international law (6)
  674. en:Vassal state (26) → 봉신국  
  675. en:Venezuelan crisis of 1895 (10)  
  676. en:Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer (24) → 오존층 보호에 관한 빈 협약  
  677. en:Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (23)
  678. en:Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties Between States and International Organizations or Between International Organizations (10)
  679. en:Vietnamese nationalism (5)
  680. en:Violence against Christians in India (9)
  681. en:Virginia Gamba (UN official) (7)
  682. en:Visa policy of Tajikistan (7)
  683. en:Western imperialism in Asia (11)
  684. en:World Bank Group (40+) → 세계은행 그룹  
  685. en:World Conference against Racism 2001 (8)
  686. en:World constitution (2)
  687. en:World Constitutional Convention (2)
  688. en:World Constitution and Parliament Association (4)
  689. en:World Health Assembly (14) → 세계보건총회  
  690. en:Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy (2)